


Environment protection. Atmosphere. Methods for determination of velocity and flow rate of gas-and-dust streams from stationary sources of pollution

Охрана природы. Атмосфера. Методы определения скорости и расхода газопылевых потоков, отходящих от стационарных источников загрязнения

Status: Effective - Introduced for the first time. IUS 12-1990

The standard establishes methods for determining the speed and volumetric flow rate of gas and dust flows coming from stationary sources of pollution in gas ducts and ventilation systems with a speed of at least 4 m

Стандарт устанавливает методы определения скорости и объемного расхода газопылевых потоков, отходящих от стационарных источников загрязнения в газоходах и вентиляционных системах со скоростью не менее 4 м/с.

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Format: Electronic (pdf/doc)

Approved: State Committee for Nature Protection, 7/3/1990

SKU: RUSS20809

Price: $201.00


The Product is Contained in the Following Classifiers:

Construction (Max) » Standards » Other state standards used in construction » 13 Environmental protection, protection of people from environmental exposure. Security »

PromExpert » SECTION V. ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION. NATURE USE » II Ensuring environmental safety » 1 Air Protection » 1.2 Rationing infield of atmospheric air protection » 1.2.1 Rationing of air quality and harmful physical effects » Requirements for quality of atmospheric air of industrial facilities and industries »

PromExpert » SECTION III. LABOR PROTECTION AND SAFETY » II Industrial sanitation and occupational health » 3 Workspace air » 3.1 Hygienic regulation of microclimate parameters and content of harmful substances in air of working area »

ISO classifier » 13 ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION, HUMAN PROTECTION AGAINST ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT. SECURITY » 13.040 Air quality » 13.040.40 Emissions of stationary sources »

National standards » 13 ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION, HUMAN PROTECTION AGAINST ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT. SECURITY » 13.040 Air quality » 13.040.40 Emissions of stationary sources »

National Standards for KGS (State Standards Classification) » Latest edition » T General technical and organizational and methodological standards » T5 Documentation System » T58 System of standards infield of nature conservation and improvement of use of natural resources, labor safety, scientific organization of labor »

National Standards for OKSTU » SYSTEMS OF GENERAL TECHNICAL AND ORGANIZATIONAL-METHODOLOGICAL STANDARDS » System of standards in the field of nature protection and improvement of natural resources use »

The Document References:

GOST 12.1.019-79: Occupational safety standards system. Electric safety. General requirements and nomenclature of kinds of protection

GOST 12.2.032-78: Operators location in a silting position. General ergonomic requirements

GOST 12.2.033-78: Operators location in a standing position General ergonomic requirements

GOST 166-89: Vernier callipers. Specifications

GOST 18599-83: Polyethylene pressure pipes

GOST 28498-90: Liquid-in-glass thermometers

GOST 7502-98: Measuring metal tapes. Specifications

MI 1317-86: Guidelines. State system for ensuring uniformity of measurements. Results and characteristics of measurement error. Forms of representation. Methods of use when testing product samples and monitoring their parameters

The Document is Referenced By:

FR 1.31.2010.07605: Quantitative chemical analysis of atmospheric air and air emissions. Methods of measuring the mass concentration of acetic acid in industrial emissions into the atmosphere by the photometric method with ammonium vanadate

GOST Environment protection. Atmosphere. Methods of determination of pressure and temperature of gas-and-dust streams from stationary sources of pollution

GOST Environment protection. Atmosphere. Methods of determination of humidity of gas-and-dust streams from stationary sources of pollution

GOST 31824-2012: Fibrous mist eliminators. Types and main parameters. Safety requirements. Methods of testing

GOST 31826-2012: Gas cleaning and dust catching equipment. Bag filters. Wet dust catching equipment. Safety requirement. Methods of testing

GOST 31830-2012: Electrostatic precipitators. Safety requirement and methods of testing

GOST 31831-2012: Centrifugal dust collectors. Safety requirement and methods of testing

GOST 31834-2012: Adsorptive gas cleaners. Safety requirements and test methods

GOST 31837-2012: Abcorptive gas purifiers. Safety requirements and test methods

GOST 32673-2014: Regulations for establishing environmental standards and atmosphere emission control procedures for odorous substances

GOST 33007-2014: Scrubber and duster equipment. Methods for determination of dust load of gas streams. General technical requirements and control methods

GOST R 50820-95: Scrubber and duster equipment. Methods of determination of dust load of gas-and-dust streams

GOST R 50821-95: Fibrous mist eliminators. Their types and main parameters. Safety requirements. Methods of testing

GOST R 51125-98: Domestic air conditioning and pollution control equipment. Safety requirement and methods of testing

GOST R 51562-2000: Gas cleaning and dust catching equipment. Bag filters. Wet dust catching equipment. Safety requirement. Methods of testing

GOST R 51707-2001: Electrostatic precipitators. Safety requirement and methods of testing

GOST R 51708-2001: Centrifugal dust collectors. Safety requirement and methods of testing

GOST R 51878-2002: Adsorptive gas cleaners. Safety requirements and test methods

GOST R 52445-2005: Absorptive gas purifiers. Safety requirements and test methods

GOST R 56929-2016: Emissions of the polluting substances in the atmosphere. Research of fractional composition of dust by optical method at rationing quality of atmospheric air

GOST R 58578-2019: Rules for setting standards and controlling odor emissions into the atmosphere

GOST R ISO 11042-1-2001: Gas turbines. Methods of exhaust gas emission determinations

GOST R ISO 9096-2006: Stationary source emissions. Manual determination of mass concentration of particulate matter

ITS 22.1-2016: General principles of industrial environmental control and its metrological support

M 02-505-92-2002: The method of measuring the mass concentration of metals in the air of the working area and in industrial emissions by the atomic absorption method

M 7: Methods for measuring the mass concentration of caustic alkaline aerosol in industrial emissions into the atmosphere by the photometric method

M-01V/2011: Method for measuring the mass concentration of metals in emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere and in the air in the working zone of industrial enterprises

ME-01-2000: A method for measuring the mass concentration of water vapor in gas and dust streams, originating from sources of atmospheric pollution by the gravimetric method. St. Petersburg, 2000

MI 2785-2003: Recommendation. State system for ensuring uniformity of measurements. Full and static pressure receivers (pneumatic tubes). Method of verification

MI PrV-2015/1: Industrial emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere. Method for measuring the mass concentration of sulfur dioxide in gases organized by IZA (photometric method)

MI PrV-2015/3: Industrial emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere. Method for measuring the mass concentration of dust in gases organized by IZA

MI PrV-2015/4: Industrial emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere. Method for measuring the mass concentration of solid fluorides in gases organized by IZA (potentiometric method)

MI PrV-2016/1: Industrial emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere. Method for measuring the mass concentration of aluminum oxide in gases organized by IZA

MI PrV-2016/4: Industrial emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere. Method for measuring the mass concentration of hydrogen fluoride in gases organized by IZA (photometric method)

MI PrV-2016/5: Industrial emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere. Method for measuring the mass concentration of chlorine in gases organized by IZA (photometric method)

MI PrV-2017/1: Industrial emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere. Method for measuring the mass concentration of resinous substances in gases organized by IZA (gravimetric method)

M-MVI 173-06: Methods for measuring the mass concentration and determining the mass emission of pollutants in the exhaust gases of combustion plants using gas analyzers DAG-16, DAG-500, DAG-510

M-MVI 250-10: Methodology for measuring mass concentration and determining the mass emission of pollutants in the exhaust gases of fuel-burning plants using gas analyzers TESTO 350 XL

M-MVI 52-99: The method of measuring the mass concentration of polyaromatic hydrocarbons in the air of the working area and industrial emissions by high performance liquid chromatography

MU Organization of ventilation at radiation-hazardous enterprises (production facilities) of State Corporation 'Rosatom'

MVI 07-04: Methods for measuring the mass concentration of iron (Fe 3) in industrial emissions by the photometric method

MVI M-34-04: Methods for measuring the mass concentration of metals in the air of the working area and air emissions of industrial enterprises by the atomic absorption method with electrothermal atomization

PND F 12.1.2-99: Guidelines for sampling in determining the concentration of suspended particles (dust) in industrial emissions

PND F 13.1.31-02: Quantitative chemical analysis of atmospheric air and air emissions. Methods for measuring the mass concentration of chromium hexavalent in industrial emissions of electroplating, metallurgical and chemical production by the photometric method

PND F 13.1.33-2002: Quantitative chemical analysis of atmospheric air and air emissions. Methods of measuring the mass concentration of ammonia in industrial emissions into the atmosphere by the photometric method

PND F 13.1.34-2002: Quantitative chemical analysis of atmospheric air and air emissions. Methods of measuring mass concentrations of hydrogen sulfide and methyl mercaptan in industrial emissions of enterprises using potentiometric argenometric titration

PND F 13.1.41-2003: Quantitative chemical analysis of atmospheric air and air emissions. Methods of measuring the mass concentration of formaldehyde in samples of industrial emissions into the atmosphere by the photometric method with acetylacetone

PND F 13.1.47-04: Methods for measuring the mass fraction of manganese in dust samples of industrial emissions by the photometric method

PND F 13.1.48-04: Methods for measuring the mass fraction of nickel in dust samples of industrial emissions by the photometric method

PND F 13.1.49-05: Quantitative chemical analysis of atmospheric air and air emissions. Determination of dust content in industrial emissions. Determination of the mass fraction of chromium in the dust by photometric method

PND F 13.1.52-06: Quantitative chemical analysis of atmospheric air and air emissions. Methods of measuring the mass concentration of caustic alkali and carbonate aerosol (total) in gas emissions by the titrimetric method

PND F 13.1.54-2007: Quantitative chemical analysis of atmospheric air and air emissions. Methods of measuring the mass concentration of organic acids (C1 - C6) in industrial emissions into the atmosphere by gas chromatography

PND F 13.1.60-2007: Quantitative chemical analysis of atmospheric air and air emissions. Methods for measuring the mass concentrations of carbon disulfide in industrial emissions into the atmosphere by the photometric method

PND F 13.1.61-2007: Quantitative chemical analysis of atmospheric air and air emissions. Methods of measuring mass concentrations of phosphoric acid and phosphoric anhydride in industrial emissions into the atmosphere by the photometric method

PND F 13.1.66-09: Methods for measuring the mass concentration of elements (zinc, copper, nickel, manganese, lead, cadmium, chromium, iron, aluminum, titanium, cobalt, calcium, magnesium) in industrial emissions using inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry

PND F 13.1.69-09: Method for measuring the mass concentration of hydrofluoric acid salts in terms of fluoride ion in industrial emissions into the atmosphere by the photometric method

PND F 13.1:2:3.62-2007: Quantitative chemical analysis of atmospheric air and air emissions. Methods of measuring the mass concentration of acrolein in industrial emissions into the atmosphere, in the atmospheric air of populated areas, sanitary protection zone, air of the working area by photometric method

PND F 13.1:2:3.71-11: Methods of measuring mass concentrations of polluting components (metals) in the air of the working area, atmospheric air, industrial emissions into the atmosphere by inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry (E-232-2010)

RD 153-34.0-02.308-98: Method for Verification Tests of Ash Collection Units of Thermal Power Stations and Boiler Plants

RD 153-34.1-27.301-2001: Test methods for ash collecting plants of thermal power plants and boilers

ST RK ISO 11042-1-2008: Gas turbines. Part 1. Methods of exhaust gas emission determinations

VRD 39-1.13-059-2002: Guidelines to Measurement of Pollutant Concentration and Gas and Air Flow Velocities in Stationary Natural-Gas-Fired Engines

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