
GOST R 52776-2007

ГОСТ Р 52776-2007

Rotating electrical machines. Rating and performance

Машины электрические вращающиеся. Номинальные данные и характеристики

Status: Not effective - Canceled. Information about the registration of 402-st dated 05/25/2015 (the official website of Rosstandart); IUS 12-2015

The standard applies to rotating electric machines of direct and alternating current without limiting power, voltage and frequency. The standard does not apply to electrical machines intended for use in onboard systems of mobile means of land, water and air transport, for which special standards must be developed.

Стандарт распространяется на вращающиеся электрические машины постоянного и переменного тока без ограничения мощности, напряжения и частоты. Стандарт не распространяется на электрические машины, предназначенные для применения в бортовых системах подвижных средств наземного, водного и воздушного транспорта, на которые должны быть разработаны специальные стандарты.

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Format: Electronic (pdf/doc)

Approved: Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology, 10/31/2007

SKU: RUSS20869

Price: $519.00


The Product is Contained in the Following Classifiers:

Construction (Max) » Standards » Other state standards used in construction » 29 Electrical Engineering »

Evidence base (TR CU, Technical Regulation of the Customs Union) » 001/2011 TR TS. On safety of railway rolling stock » Regulations and standards (to TR CU 001/2011) »

Evidence base (TR CU, Technical Regulation of the Customs Union) » 003/2011 TR TS. On safety of railway infrastructure » Regulations and standards (for TR CU 003/2011) »

PromExpert » SECTION I. TECHNICAL REGULATION » V Testing and control » 4 Testing and control of products » 4.15 Testing and control of products of electronic, optical and electrical industry » 4.15.1 Electric machines, electrical equipment and materials »

ISO classifier » 29 ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING » 29.160 Electric rotating machines » 29.160.01 Machines rotating in general »

National standards » 29 ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING » 29.160 Electric rotating machines » 29.160.01 Machines rotating in general »

National Standards for KGS (State Standards Classification) » Latest edition » E Power and electrical equipment » E6 Electric machines, transformers and converters » E60 Classification, nomenclature and general rules »

The Document References:

Federal Law 184-FZ: About technical regulation

GOST 10159-79: Rotating electrical commutator machines. Test methods

GOST 10169-77: 3-phase synchronous machines. Test methods

GOST 11828-86: Rotating electrical machines. General test methods

GOST 11929-87: Rotating electrical machinery. General test methods. Noise levels determinations

GOST 12.1.003-83: Noise. General safety requirements

GOST 12.1.004-91: Fire safety. General requirements

GOST Occupation safety standards system Electrical equipment. General safety requirements

GOST Occupation safety standards system. Rotating electric machines. Safety requirements

GOST 12139-84: Electric rotary machines. Ranges of rated output, voltages and frequencies

GOST 12969-67: Plates for machines and devices. Technical requirements

GOST 12971-67: Rectangular plates for machines and devices. Dimensions

GOST 14254-96: Degrees of protection provided by enclosures (IP Code)

GOST 14777-76: Man-made noise. Terms and definitions

GOST 14965-80: Three-phase synchronous generators of power over 100 kw

GOST 15.309-98: System of product development and launching into manufacture. Test and acceptance of produced goods. Principal positions

GOST 15150-69: Machines, instruments and other industrial products. Modifications for different climatic regions. Categories, operating, storage and transportation conditions as to environment climatic aspects influence

GOST 15543.1-89: Electrical articles. General requirements for environmental climatic aspects stability

GOST 16264.0-85: Low-power electric motors

GOST 16372-93: Rotating electric machines. Limiting values of noise levels

GOST 16504-81: The state system of testing products. Product test and quality inspection. General terms and definitions

GOST 16962.1-89: Electrical articles. Test methods as to environments climatic factors resistance

GOST 16962.2-90: Electrotechnical product

GOST 17494-87: Rotating electrical machines. Classification of degrees of protection provided by enclosures for rotating machines

GOST 17516.1-90: Electrical articles. General requirement for environment mechanical stability

GOST 18620-86: Electrotechnical articles

GOST 20.39.312-85: Integrated system of general technical requirements. Electrotechnical equipments and components. Dependability requirements

GOST 20459-87: Rotating electrical machines. Means of cooling. Symbols.

GOST 20832-75: Standard system of vibration. Electric rotating machines of mass up to 0,5 kg. Vibration limit

GOST 21130-75: Electrical articles. Grounding terminals and grounding signs

GOST 21558-2000: Excitation system for turbo generators, hydrogenerators and synchronous condensers. General specifications

GOST 23216-78: Electrotechnical products. Storage, transportation, temporary corrosion protection and packing. General requirements and test methods

GOST 24683-81: Electrotechnical products. Methods of controlling resistance to attack by special media

GOST 2479-79: Rotating electrical machines. Symbols for types of construction and mounting arrangements.

GOST 25364-97: Land-based steam turbine-generator sets. Evaluation of machine vibration by measurement on non-rotating parts and general requirements for the measurement of vibration

GOST 25941-83: Rotating electrical machines. Methods for determining losses and efficiency

GOST 26772-85: Rotating electrical machines. Terminal markings and direction of rotation

GOST 27222-91: Rotating electrical machines. Measurement of the winding resistance of an a.c. machine without switching-off network

GOST 27471-87: Electrical rotating machinery. Terms and definitions

GOST 27710-88: Electrical insulating materials. General requirements for thermal endurance test method

GOST 28327-89: Rotating electrical machines. Starting performances of single-speed three-phase cage induction motors for voltages to 660 V inclusive

GOST 28927-91: Synchronous machines using hydrogen as a coolant

GOST 29322-92: Standard voltages

GOST 30372-95: Electromagnetic compatibility of electronic equipment. Terms and definitions

GOST 533-2000: Rotating electrical machinery. Turbo-generators. General specifications

GOST 5616-89: Water-wheel electrical generators and motor-generators

GOST 609-84: Electrical rotating machines. Synchronous compensators

GOST 7217-87: Rotating electrical machines. Asynchronus motors. Test methods

GOST 8865-93: Electrical insulation system. Thermal evalution and classification

GOST 9630-80: Three-phase asynchronous motors. General specifications.

GOST R 1.0-2004: Standardization in the Russian Federation. Basic provisions

GOST R 1.5-2004: Standardization in the Russian Federation. National standards of the Russian Federation. Rules of structure, drafting, presentation and indication

GOST R 50034-92: Electromagnetic compatibility. Asynchronous motors of voltage about 1000 V. Limits and test methods on immunity to electromagnetic disturbance

GOST R 50397-92: Electromagnetic compatibility for electronic equipment. Terms and definitions

GOST R 50460-92: Mark of conformity for obligatory certification form, dimensions dnd technical requirements

GOST R 51137-98: Asynchronous controlled variable electric drives for energetic objects. General specifications

GOST R 51317.4.14-2000: Electromagnetic compatibility of technical equipment. Immunity to power voltage fluctuations. Requirements and test methods

GOST R 51317.4.28-2000: Electromagnetic compatibility of technical equipment. Immunity to variation of power frequency. Requirements and test methods

GOST R 51318.11-2006: Electromagnetic compatibility of technical equipment. Industrial, scientific, medical and domestic (ISMD) high-frequency equipment. Radio disturbance. Limits and methods of measurement

GOST R 51318.11-99: Electromagnetic compatibility of technical equipment. Radio disturbance from industrial, scientific, medical and domestic (ISMD) radio-frequency equipment. Limits and test methods

GOST R 51318.14.1-2006: Electromagnetic compatibility of technical equipment. Household appliances, electric tools and similar apparatus. Radio disturbance. Limits and methods of measurements

GOST R 51318.14.1-99: Electromagnetic compatibility of technical equipment. Radio disturbance from household appliances, electric tools and similar apparatus. Limits and test methods

GOST R 51320-99: Electromagnetic compatibility of technical equipment. Man-made radio disturbance. Test methods for technical equipment which are man-made radio disturbance sources

GOST R 51330.0-99: Explosionproof electrical apparatus. Part 0. General requirements

GOST R IEC 60204-1-2007: Safety of machinery. Electrical equipment of machines and mechanisms. Part 1. General requirements

GOST R IEC 60204-1-99: Safety of machinery. Electrical equipment of machines. Part 1. General requirements

The Document is Referenced By:

GOST 2582-2013: Rotating electrical traction machines for rail and road vehicles. General technical specifications.

GOST 30852.14-2002: Electrical apparatus for explosive gas atmospheres. Part 15. Type of protection n

GOST 31605-2012: Asynchronous electrical mashines of power from 1 to 400 kW inclusive. Motors. Efficiency and power factors

GOST 31606-2012: Rotating electrical machines. Asynchronous motors of power from 0,12 to 400 kW inclusive. General technical requirements

GOST R 50030.4.1-2012: Low-voltage switchgear and control gear. Part 4. Contactors and motor-starters. Section 1. Electromechanical contactors and motor-starters

GOST R 50030.4.2-2012: Low-voltage switchgear and control gear. Part 4. Contactors and motor-starters. Section 2. AC semiconductor motor controllers and starters

GOST R 52161.1-2004: Safety of household and similar electrical appliances. Part 1. General requirements

GOST R 53148-2008: Rotating electrical machines. Noise limits

GOST R 53471-2009: Synchronous three-phase generators of power above 100 kW. General specifications

GOST R 53674-2009: Pipeline valves. Nomenclature of characteristics. Check-lists for design and order

GOST R 53737-2009: Petroleum and natural gas industries. Reciprocating compressors. General technical requirements

GOST R 53986-2010: Reciprocating internal combustion engine driven alternating current generating sets. Part 3. Alternating current generators

GOST R 53988-2010: Reciprocating internal combustion engine driven alternating current generating sets. Part 4. Control gear and switchgear

GOST R 54344-2011: Fire equipment. Mobile manipulation vehicle systems for eliminating of emergencies and fire extinguishing. Classification. General technical requirements. Test methods

GOST R 54413-2011: Rotating electrical machines. Part 30. Efficiency classes of single-speed, three-phase, cage-induction motors (IE-code)

GOST R 54418.2-2014: Renewable power engineering. Wind power engineering. Wind turbines. Part 2. Design requirements for small wind turbines

GOST R 54418.22-2014: Renewable power engineering. Wind power engineering. Wind turbine. Part 22. Conformity testing and certification

GOST R 54466-2011: Rotating electrical machines. Asynchronous explosion-proof motors of power from 0,25 to 400 kW inclusive. General technical requirements and test methods

GOST R 54802-2011: Petroleum and natural gas industries. Packaged reciprocating gas compressor. Technical requirements

GOST R 55136-2012: Rotating electrical machines. Part 25. Guidance for the design and performance of a.c. motors specifically designed for converter supply

GOST R 55260.2.1-2012: Hydro power plants. Part 2-1. Hydrotreaters. Procurement specification

GOST R 55364-2012: Electric locomotives. General technical requirements

GOST R 56830-2015: Petroleum and natural gas industries. Electrical submersible pump units. General technical requirements

GOST R IEC 60034-12-2009: Rotating electrical machines. Part 12. Starting performance of single-speed three-phase cage induction motors

GOST R IEC 60034-14-2008: Electric rotating machines. Part 14. Mechanical vibration of certain types of machines with a rotation axis height of 56 mm or more. Measurements, assessment and limits of vibration

GOST R IEC 60034-19-2012: Rotating electrical machines. Part 19. Specific test methods for d.c. machines on conventional and rectifier-fed supplies

GOST R IEC 60034-2-1-2009: Rotating electrical machines. Part 2-1. Standard methods for determining losses and efficiency from tests (excluding machines for traction vehicles)

GOST R IEC 60034-4-2012: Rotating electrical machines. Part 4. Methods for determining synchronous machine quantities from tests

GOST R IEC 60079-0-2011: Explosive atmospheres. Part 0. Equipment. General requirements

GOST R IEC 60079-15-2010: Explosive atmospheres. Part 15. Equipment protection by type of protection «n»

GOST R IEC 60079-31-2010: Explosive atmospheres. Part 31. Equipment dust ignition protection by enclosure «t»

GOST R IEC 61800-1-2012: Adjustable speed electrical power drive systems. Part 1. General requirements. Rating specifications for low voltage adjustable speed d.c. power drive systems

GOST R IEC 61800-2-2012: Adjustable speed electrical power drive systems. Part 2. General requirements. Rating specifications for low voltage adjustable frequency a.c. power drive systems

GOST R IEC 61800-4-2012: Adjustable speed electrical power drive systems. Part 4. General requirements. Rating specifications for a.c power drive systems above 1000 V a.c. and exceeding 35 kV

GOST R IEC/TS 60034-17-2009: Rotating electrical machines. Part 17. Application guide for cage induction motors when fed from converters

GOST R ISO 1680-2012: Acoustics. Test code for the measurement of airborne noise emitted by rotating electrical machines

GOST R ISO 22734-1-2013: Hydrogen generators using water electrolysis process. Part 1. Industrial and commercial applications

GOST R ISO 22734-2-2014: Hydrogen generators using water electrolysis process. Part 2. Residential applications

Letter 1681/05-SM: About the application of the standards

Order 1317: The list of documents in the field of standardization, as a result of which, on a voluntary basis, compliance with the requirements of the Federal Law of July 22, 2008 No. 123-FZ "Technical Regulations on Fire Safety Requirements" is ensured

Order 832: The list of documents in the field of standardization, as a result of which, on a voluntary basis, compliance with the requirements of the Federal Law of July 22, 2008 No. 123-FZ "Technical Regulations on Fire Safety Requirements" is ensured

PNST 165-2016: Electric generating sets for nuclear plants with internal combustion engines. General specifications. Рlacement requirements

RD EO Provisions on acceptance and testing form conformity assessment for nuclear plants.

ST TsKBA 065-2008: Pipe fittings. The nomenclature of indicators. Questionnaires for design and order

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