GOST 1516.2-97
ГОСТ 1516.2-97
Electrical equipment and installations for a.c. voltage 3 kV and higher. General methods of dielectric tests
Электрооборудование и электроустановки переменного тока на напряжение 3 кВ и выше. Общие методы испытаний электрической прочности изоляции
Status: Effective
The standard applies to electrical equipment and electrical installations of 50 Hz alternating current frequency and their parts of voltage classes 3 kV and above. The standard establishes general test methods for isolating electrical equipment with lightning and switching impulse voltages, short-term alternating voltages, direct voltages, conditions for conducting these tests and requirements for the test object, as well as recommendations for evaluating test results. The standard does not establish test methods: external insulation under conditions of contamination of its surface; insulation exposed to gases, vapors and chemical deposits that are harmful to the insulation; external insulation, due to the consideration of condensation of moisture on the electrical equipment placement category 2 according to GOST 15150; isolation for resistance to partial discharges; insulators flow of sparks.
Стандарт распространяется на электрооборудование и электроустановки переменного тока частоты 50 Гц и их части классов напряжения 3 кВ и выше. Стандарт устанавливает общие методы испытаний изоляции электрооборудования напряжением грозовых и коммутационных импульсов, кратковременным переменным напряжением, постоянным напряжением, условия проведения этих испытаний и требования к объекту испытания, а также рекомендации по оценке результатов испытаний. Стандарт не устанавливает методы испытаний: внешней изоляции в условиях загрязнения ее поверхности; изоляции, подвергающейся действию газов, испарений и химических отложений, вредных для изоляции; внешней изоляции, обусловленные учетом конденсации влаги на электрооборудовании категории размещения2 по ГОСТ 15150; изоляции на стойкость к воздействию частичных разрядов; изоляторов потоком искр.
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Approved: State Committee of the Russian Federation for Standardization and Metrology,
SKU: RUSS20900
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As a Replacement Of:
GOST 1516.2-76: Electrical equipment and installations for a. c. voltages 3 kV and higher. General test methods of electrical strength of insulation
The Document References:
GOST 10691.3-84: Black-and-white motion picture films. Method for determination of speed numbers
GOST 15150-69: Machines, instruments and other industrial products. Modifications for different climatic regions. Categories, operating, storage and transportation conditions as to environment climatic aspects influence
GOST 1516.1-76: Electrical equipment for ac voltages of 3 to 500 kv
GOST 17512-82: Electric equipment and installations for 3 kV and higher. Measuring methods during high - voltage tests
GOST 20074-83: Electrical equipment and installations. Method measurements of partial discharge characteristics
GOST 20690-75: Electrical equipment for a.c. voltage 750 kV. Requirements for electric strength of insulation
The Document is Referenced By:
GOST 10390-2015: Electrical equipment for voltages 3 kV and higher. Test methods of electric strength of external insulation in conditions of contamination
GOST 10390-86: Electrical equipment for voltages 3 kV and higher. Test methods of electric strength of external insulation in conditions of contamination
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GOST 1516.1-76: Electrical equipment for ac voltages of 3 to 500 kv
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GOST 17512-82: Electric equipment and installations for 3 kV and higher. Measuring methods during high - voltage tests
GOST 18397-86: Ac high-voltage circuit breakers standard voltage 6-220 kv for frequent switching operations
GOST 1983-2015: Voltage transformers. General specifications
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GOST 33435-2015: Control, monitoring and safety means of railway rolling stock. Safety requirements and control methods
GOST 34012-2016: Railway automatics and telemechanics equipment. General technical requirements
GOST 34062-2017: Railway traction substations, transformer substations and power supply linear devices. Safety requirements and control methods
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GOST 7746-2001: Current transformers. General specifications
GOST 7746-2015: Current transformers. General specifications
GOST 8.216-2011: State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurement. Potential transformers Checking methods.
GOST 8.216-88: State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Voltage transformers. Verification methods
GOST 8608-96: Porcelain pin support insulators for voltage above 1000 V. General specifications
GOST 95-77: Single-operator single-phase transformers for manual arc welding. General specifications
GOST IEC 60044-1-2013: Instrument transformers. Part 1. Current transformers
GOST R 51155-2017: Line accessories. Acceptance rules and test methods
GOST R 51203-98: Rod porcelain insulators for contact net of railways. General specifications
GOST R 51204-98: Rod polymeric insulators for contact net of railways. General specifications
GOST R 51728-2001: Stick insulators of polymeric material of tram and trolleybus contact nets to be used in polluted environmental conditions. General specifications
GOST R 52034-2003: Ceramic support insulators for voltage over 1000 V. General specifications
GOST R 52034-2008: Ceramic support insulators for voltage over 1000 V. General specifications
GOST R 52082-2003: Support polymeric outdoor insulators for voltage 6-220 kV. General specifications
GOST R 52287-2004: Electrical penetration in containment structures for nuclear power generating stations
GOST R 52565-2006: Alternating-current circuit-breakers for voltages from 3 to 750 kV. General specifications
GOST R 52725-2007: Surge arresters for a.c. electrical installations for voltage from 3 kV to 750kV. General specifications
GOST R 52726-2007: Alternating current disconnectors and earthling switches for voltage above 1 kV and operating mechanisms for them. General specifications
GOST R 53842-2010: Automobile engines. Spark plugs. Technical requirements and test methods
GOST R 54797-2011: Boxes high-voltage passenger cars for locomotive traction and multiple units. The general technical requirements
GOST R 54798-2011: Control, monitoring and safety means of railway rolling stock. Safety requirements and control methods
GOST R 54801-2011: Traction transformers and inductors on board railway rolling stock. Basic parameters and test methods
GOST R 54828-2011: Gas-insulated metal-enclosed switchgear for nominal voltages above 110 kV. General technical specification
GOST R 55167-2012: Surge arresters for power supply systems of electrified railways. General specifications
GOST R 55190-2012: Metal-enclosed switchgear for rated voltages up to and including 35 kV. General specifications
GOST R 55190-2022: Complete metal-enclosed switchgear (GIS) for rated voltage up to 35 kV. General specifications
GOST R 55192-2012: Electrical equipment and a. c. installations on up to 3 kV voltages and higher. Test methods of the electrical equipment insulation dielectric strength on the installation site
GOST R 55369-2012: Railway automatics and telemechanics equipment. General technical requirements
GOST R 55602-2013: Switching devices for railway traction network and power substations earthling. General specifications
GOST R 55606-2013: High-voltage plug couplers (electrical connectors) for quarry electrical equipment and power grids. General specifications
GOST R 55648-2013: Insulators for contact net of railways. General specifications
GOST R 55649-2013: Section insulation for catenary of railways. Specifications
GOST R 55883-2013: Disconnections for railways traction network and operating mechanisms for them. General specifications
GOST R 57378-2016: Earthing rod for railway overhead contact system. Specifications
GOST R 58176-2018: Electric industry. Energy construction. Organisation of commissioning of thermal power plants. General requirements
GOST R 58409-2019: Unpackaged complete distribution devices for voltage up to 35 kV for traction and transformer substations of the railway. General specifications
GOST R 59032.4-2020: Electricity transmission by direct current of high voltage. AC side harmonic filter specification and design guide. Part 4. Equipment
GOST R 59409-2021: Measuring transformers. Part 11. Additional requirements for low-power passive voltage transformers (converters)
GOST R 59726-2021: Complete transformer and mast transformer substations and complete distribution stations for electric power supply to non-traffic railway consumers. General specifications
GOST R 70399-2022: Bird protection devices at electric power industry facilities. General technical conditions
GOST R 8.817-2013: State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. State verification schedule for measuring instruments of standard lightning and switching impulse electrical voltage in the range from 1 to 1000 kV
GOST R 8.832-2013: State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. State verification system for measuring equipment of AC industrial voltage from 1 to 500 kV
NB ZhT TsE 032-2003: The certification system for the federal railway transport. Insulators for the contact network of railways. Safety standards
NB ZhT TsE 100-2002: Partitioning posts and points of parallel connection of alternating current. Safety standards
NB ZhT TsE 101-2002: Partitioning posts and parallel DC connection points. Safety standards
NB ZhT TsE 114-2003: Block-modular traction substations of direct and alternating current. Safety standards Safety standards
NB ZhT TsE 115-2003: One-unit traction substations of electrified railways. Safety standards
NB ZhT TsE 118-2003: Disconnectors for voltage up to 35 kV inclusive for traction substations and linear devices for traction power supply of railways. Safety standards
NB ZhT TsL 127-2003: High-voltage electric Hydronic heating system for passenger cars. Standards of safety
NB ZhT TsL 132-2003: Electric calorifers for heating systems of passenger cars and electric trains. Safety regulations.
NB ZhT TsL 133-2003: Electric furnaces for electric trains heating systems. Safety standards
SO 153-34.03.603-2003: Guidelines for Use and Testing of Protective Means Used in Electrical Installations
SO 34-38-20136-2005: General-purpose 630 kVA power oil transformers for voltage up to 35 kV. Specifications for capital repair
ST SSFZhT TsE 134-2002: 27.5 kV AC sectioning posts for electrified railways. Typical methods of certification tests.
ST SSFZhT TsE 135-2002: 3.3 kV AC sectioning posts for electrified railways. Typical methods of certification tests.
STO: Thermal power plants. Methods of assessing the condition of the main equipment
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