
GOST 5761-2005

ГОСТ 5761-2005

Valves for nominal pressure at most PN 250. General specifications

Клапаны на номинальное давление не более PN 250. Общие технические условия

Status: Effective

The standard applies to valves of common industrial purpose for a nominal pressure of no more than PN 250 and a working medium temperature from 173 K (–100 ° C) to 723 K (450 ° C), intended for operation on liquid and gaseous media: - shut-off nominal diameters from DN 6 to DN 600 manual and controlled by electric, pneumatic and hydraulic actuators, as well as driven with remote control; - regulating nominal diameters from DN 6 to DN300 manual, and also manual with remote control. The standard does not apply to special valves that regulate multistage, diaphragm, hose, cryogenic, non-metallic and for vacuum below 0.133 Pa (10–3 mm Hg). The standard can be used for certification in accordance with the national certification system.

Стандарт распространяется на клапаны общепромышленного назначения на номинальное давление не более PN 250 и температуру рабочей среды от 173 К (–100 °C) до 723 К (450 °C), предназначенные для работы на жидких и газообразных средах: - запорные номинальных диаметров от DN 6 до DN 600 ручные и с управлением электро-, пневмо- и гидроприводом, а также приводом с дистанционным управлением; - регулирующие номинальных диаметров от DN 6до DN300 ручные, а также ручные с дистанционным управлением. Стандарт не распространяется на клапаны специальные, регулирующие многоступенчатые, диафрагмовые, шланговые, криогенные, неметаллические и для вакуума ниже 0,133 Па (10–3 мм рт. ст.). Стандарт может быть использован для сертификации в соответствии с национальной системой сертификации.

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Format: Electronic (pdf/doc)

Approved: Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology, 5/15/2008

SKU: RUSS20949

Price: $275.00


The Product is Contained in the Following Classifiers:

Evidence base (TR CU, Technical Regulation of the Customs Union) » 010/2011 TR CU. On safety of machinery and equipment » Regulations and standards (to ТР ТС ТС 010/2011) »

Evidence base (TR CU, Technical Regulation of the Customs Union) » 032/2013 TR CU. On safety of overpressure equipment » Regulations and standards (to 032/2013 TR CU) »

Standards for pipe fittings (TPA) » 11. Piping valves (TPA) tests » 11.2 Basic test procedures »

Standards for pipe fittings (TPA) » 2. Standards for general specifications » 2.1 Stop valves » 2.1.2 Valves »

PromExpert » SECTION I. TECHNICAL REGULATION » V Testing and control » 4 Testing and control of products » 4.13 Testing and control of products of engineering industry » 4.13.1 Machinery, equipment and components for general engineering applications » Components and assembly units for general engineering applications »



ISO classifier » 23 HYDRAULIC AND PNEUMATIC SYSTEMS AND GENERAL PURPOSE COMPONENTS » 23.060 Pipe fittings » 23.060.01 Pipe fittings in general »

National standards » 23 HYDRAULIC AND PNEUMATIC SYSTEMS AND GENERAL PURPOSE COMPONENTS » 23.060 Pipeline valves » 23.060.01 Pipe fittings in general »

National Standards for KGS (State Standards Classification) » Latest edition » G Machines, equipment and tools » G1 General parts and units of machines » G18 Fittings and pipeline connections »

As a Replacement Of:

GOST 5761-74: Valves for nominal pressure

The Document References:

GOST 1.0-92: State System for Standardization of Russian Federation. Basic principles

GOST 1.2-97: Interstate system for standardization. Interstate standards, rules and recommendations on interstate standardization. Procedure for development, taking over application, renovation and cancellation

GOST 10198-91: Wooden boxes for weights of mass over 200 up to 20000 kg. General specifications

GOST 10549-80: Screw thread runout. Washout threads, total thread runouts, undercuts and chamfers

GOST 12.1.007-76: Noxious substances. Classification and general safety requirements

GOST 12.2.063-81: Occupational safety standards system. Industrial pipeline valves. General safety requirements

GOST 12815-80: Flanges for valves, fittings and pipelines for Pnom from 0,1 to 20 MPa (from 1 to 200 kgf/sq sm). Types. Connecting dimensions and dimensions of sealing surfaces

GOST 12816-80: Flanges for valves, fittings and pipelines for Pnom from 0,1 to 20 MPa (from 1 to 200 kgf/sq sm). General technical requirements

GOST 12817-80: Cast grey iron flanges for Pnom from 0,1 to 1,6 MPa (from 1 to 16 kgf/sq sm). Design and dimensions

GOST 12818-80: Cast malleable iron flanges for Pnom from 1,6 to 4,0 MPa (from 16 to 40 kgf/cm2). Design and dimensions

GOST 12819-80: Cast steel flanges for Pnom from 1,6 to 20,0 MPa (from 16 to 200 kgf/sq sm). Design and dimensions

GOST 12820-80: Steel plane welded flanges for Pnom from 0,1 to 2,5 MPa (from 1 to 25 kgf/cm2). Design and dimensions

GOST 12821-80: Steel butt-welded flanges for Pnom from 0,1 to 20,0 MPa (from 1 to 200 kgf/cm2). Design and dimensions

GOST 12893-83: Single-seated, double-seated and cage control valves.

GOST 14192-96: Cargo marking

GOST 15.001-88: System of product development and launching into manufacture. Products of industrial and technical designation

GOST 15150-69: Machines, instruments and other industrial products. Modifications for different climatic regions. Categories, operating, storage and transportation conditions as to environment climatic aspects influence

GOST 16037-80: Welded joints in steel pipelines. Main types, design elements and dimensions

GOST 16093-2004: Basic norms of interchangeability. Metric screw thread. Tolerances. Clearance fits

GOST 16504-81: The state system of testing products. Product test and quality inspection. General terms and definitions

GOST 16587-71: Safety valves, control valves and pressure regulators. Face-to-face lengths

GOST 17433-80: Industrial purity. Compressed air. Grades of contamination

GOST 18322-78: Equipment maintenance and repair system. Terms and definitions

GOST 2.601-2006: Unified system for design documentation. Exploitative documents

GOST 2.602-95: Unified system for design documentation. Repair documents

GOST 20736-75: Quality control. Sampling inspection by variables for normal distribution of inspected parameters

GOST 21752-76: Man-machine system Control hand wheels and steering wheels General ergonomic requirements

GOST 23170-78: Packing for products of engineering industry. General requirements.

GOST 24054-80: Engineering and instrument production items. Leak detection methods. General requirements

GOST 24297-87: Input inspection of products. General provisions.

GOST 24642-81: Basic norms of interchangeability. Tolerances of form and position. Basic terms and definitions

GOST 24643-81: Basic norms of interchangeability. Tolerances of form and position of surfaces. Numerical values

GOST 24705-2004: Вasic norms of interchangeability. Metric screw thread. Basic dimensions

GOST 24856-81: Industrial pipeline fittings. Terms and definitions

GOST 25069-81: Basic norms of interchangeability. Unindicted tolerances of form and surface location

GOST 25136-82: Pipe-line connections. Leak tightness test methods

GOST 25670-83: Basic norms of interchangeability. Limit deviations of dimensions without tolerance indication

GOST 26304-84: Industrial pipeline valves supplied

GOST 26349-84: Tube connections and fittings. Nominal pressures. Series

GOST 26663-85: Transport packets. Formation by packaging means. General technical requirements

GOST 27.002-89: Industrial product dependability. General principles. Terms and definitions

GOST 27.003-90: Reliability in engineering. Make-up and general rules for assigning reliability requirements

GOST 2789-73: Surface roughness. Parameters and characteristics

GOST 2822-78: Threaded ends of marine valves and fittings. Types, main characteristics and dimensions and technical requirements

GOST 28338-89: Nominal bores (nominal sizes)

GOST 2874-82: Drinking water. Hygienic requirements and quality control

GOST 2991-85: Wooden uncollapsible cases for weights up to 500 kg. General specifications

GOST 30893.1-2002: Basic norms of interchangeability. General tolerances. Limit deviations for linear and angular dimensions without tolerance indications

GOST 30893.2-2002: Basic norms of interchangeability. General tolerances. Tolerances of form and position for features without individual tolerance indications

GOST 3242-79: Welded joints

GOST 3326-86: Stop valves, check lift and swing valves. Overall dimensions

GOST 356-80: Valves and details for piping. Pressures conditional, test and operational. Lines.

GOST 4666-75: Valves. Marking and distinctive painting

GOST 5761-74: Valves for nominal pressure

GOST 5890-78: Pipe connection with screwed ends. Specifications

GOST 6527-68: Female ends with pipe cylindrical thread. Dimensions

GOST 7505-89: Steel stamping forgings. Tolerances, allowances and forging laps

GOST 8.002-86: State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. State supervision and department control of measuring instruments. Basic regulations

GOST 8032-84: Preferred numbers and series of preferred numbers

GOST 8479-70: Structural carbon and alloy steel forgings

GOST 8908-81: Basic norms of interchangeability. Standard angles and angle tolerances

GOST 9.014-78: Unified system of corrosion and ageing protection. Temporary corrosion protection of products. General requirements

GOST 9.302-88: Unified system of corrosion and ageing protection. Metal and non-metal inorganic coatings. Control methods

GOST 9012-59: Metals. Method of Brinell hardness measurement

GOST 9013-59: Metals. Method of measuring Rockwell hardness

GOST 9142-90: Boxes of corrugated board. General specifications

GOST 9150-2002: Basic norms of interchangeability. Metric screw threads. Profile

GOST 9399-81: Threaded steel flanges for Pn 20-100 MPa (200-1000 kgf/sq sm). Specifications.

GOST 9544-2005: Pipeline gate valves. Classes and rates of gates sealibility

GOST R 15.201-2000: System of product development and launching into manufacture. Products of industrial and technical designation. Procedure of product development and launching into manufacture

GOST R 50779.74-99: Statistical methods. Sampling procedures and charts for inspection by variables for percent nonconforming

GOST R 51232-98: Drinking water. General requirements for organization and quality control methods

GOST R 52720-2007: Pipeline valves. Terms and definitions

GOST R 52760-2007: Pipeline valves. Requirements for the marking and distinctive painting

PR 50.2.002-94: Procedure for Government Metrological Inspection of the Manufacturing, Condition, and Application of Measuring Devices Certified Using Measurement Procedures, Standards, and Compliance with Metrological Standards and Codes

The Document is Referenced By:

Decision 96: On the list of international and regional (interstate) standards, and in their absence - national (state) standards, the application of which on a voluntary basis to ensure compliance with the requirements of technical regulations of the Customs Union "On safety of equipment operating under excess pressure" (TR TS 032/2013), and the list of international and regional (interstate) standards, and in their absence - national (state) standards, containing rules and methods of research (tests) and

GOST 12.2.063-2015: Pipeline valves. General safety requirements

GOST 28726.1-2017: Natural gas. Determination of mercury. Part 1. Sampling of mercury by chemisorption on iodine

GOST 31901-2013: Pipeline valves for nuclear stations. General specifications

GOST 33257-2015: Pipeline valves. Methods of control and testing

GOST 34294-2017: Cryogenic pipeline valves. General specifications

GOST 34777-2021: Refrigerating systems and heat pumps. Valves. Requirements, tests and marking

GOST R 42.4.01-2014: Civil defence. Civil defence constructions. Test methods

GOST R 53402-2009: Pipeline valves. Methods of control and testing

GOST R 53672-2009: Pipeline valves. General safety requirements

GOST R 55018-2012: Pipeline valves for objects of energetics. General specifications

GOST R 57217-2016: Medical multi-place hyperbaric chambers with operating pressure 1, 0 MPa. General technical requirements

ST TsKBA 007-2004: Pipe fittings. Organizing and conducting an industrial safety review of pipeline valves operated at hazardous production facilities

ST TsKBA 036-2007: Pipe fittings. Tables of figures and legend. Directory

ST TsKBA 036-2014: Pipe fittings. Tables of figures and symbols. Directory

ST TsKBA 081-2009: Pipe fittings. Passport Recovery Procedure

ST TsKBA 082-2009: Pipe fittings. Input control

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