SP 122.13330.2012
СП 122.13330.2012
Railway and highway tunnels
Тоннели железнодорожные и автодорожные
Status: Effective
The code applies to the design, construction and commissioning of new railways and railways on the common 1520 mm gauge network and road tunnels on all types of public roads, including urban transport tunnels and short rail and road tunnels.
Cвод правил распространяется на проектирование, строительство и приемку в эксплуатацию новых и реконструкцию существующих железнодорожных тоннелей на железных дорогах общей сети колеи 1520 мм и автодорожных тоннелей на автомобильных дорогах общего пользования всех категорий, в том числе городских транспортных тоннелей и коротких железнодорожных и автодорожных тоннелей.
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Approved: Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation,
SKU: RUSS21093
The Product is Contained in the Following Classifiers:
Construction (Max) »
Regulations »
Documents System of normative documents in construction »
3. Normative documents on urban planning, buildings and constructions »
K.32 Transport facilities »
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III Occupational safety requirements for production equipment and processes »
2 Safety requirements for certain types of work »
2.1 Operation of industrial buildings and structures »
ISO classifier »
93.060 Tunnel construction »
National standards »
93.060 Tunnel construction »
ISO classifier »
93.080 Road construction »
93.080.10 Road construction »
ISO classifier »
93.100 Railway construction »
The Document is Replaced With:
SP 122.13330.2023: Railroad and road tunnels
As a Replacement Of:
SP 122.13330.2011: Railways and highway tunnels
The Document References:
Code 74-FZ: Water Code of the Russian Federation
Federal Law 174-FZ: Ecological Conformity Assessment
Federal Law 184-FZ: About technical regulation
GN Maximum allowable concentrations (MACs) of chemicals in the water of water objects used for drinking and domestic recreation purposes
GN Tentative allowable levels (TALs) of chemical substances in water objects of domestic, culinary and cultural, welfare water usage
GN Maximum allowable concentrations (MACs) of pollutants in the air of residential areas
GN Tentative safe exposure levels (TSELs) of pollutants in the air of residential areas
GN Maximum allowable concentrations (MACs) of harmful substances in occupational air
GOST 10060.0-95: Methods for the determination of frost-resistance. General requirements
GOST 10060-2012: Concretes. Methods for the determination of frost-resistance
GOST 12.1.004-91: Fire safety. General requirements
GOST 12.1.012-2004: Occupational safety stаndards system. Vibration safety. General requirements
GOST 1412-85: Flakish graphite cast iron
GOST Hydrosphere. General requirements for surface water protection against pollution
GOST 23616-79: System of ensuring of geometrical accuracy of parameters in construction. Control of accuracy
GOST 24451-80: Highway tunnels. Construction and equipment clearance diagrams
GOST 26633-2012: Heavy-weight and sand concretes. Specifications
GOST 26633-91: Heavy-weight and sand concretes. Specifications
GOST 27483-87: Fire hazard testing. Test methods. Glow-wire test and guidance
GOST 27484-87: Fire hazard testing. Test methods. Needle-flame test
GOST 27751-2014: Reliability for constructions and foundations. General principles
GOST 31189-2015: Dry building binder mixes. Classification
GOST 31357-2007: Dry bulding cement binder mixes. General specifications
GOST 31416-2009: Chrysotile cement pipes and couplings. Specifications
GOST 7293-85: Cast iron with globular graphite for foundry
GOST 9.402-2004: Unified system of corrosion and ageing protection. Paint coatings. Metal surface preparation for painting
GOST 9128-2009: Asphaltic concrete mixtures for roads and aerodromes and asphaltic concrete. Specifications
GOST 9128-2013: Asphaltic concrete and polymer asphaltic concrete mixtures, asphaltic concrete and polymer asphaltic concrete for roads and aerodromes. Specifications
GOST 9238-2013: Construction and rolling stock clearance diagrams
GOST 9238-83: Construction and rolling stock clearance diagrams for the USSR railways of 1520 (1524) mm gauge.
GOST ISO 8041-2006: Vibration. Human response to vibration. Measuring instrumentation
GOST R 22.1.12-2005: Safety in emergencies. Structured system for monitoring and control of building. Construction engineering equipment. General requirements
GOST R 51256-2011: Traffic control devices. Road marking. Classification. Technical requirements
GOST R 51256-99: Traffic control devices. Road markings. Types and basic parameters. General technical requirements
GOST R 53607-2009: Global navigation satellite system. Etudes and technologies of geodetic and cadastral works execution. Determination of relative coordinates by pseudo-range measurements. Basic principles
GOST R 54257-2010: Reliability of the constructions and foundations. Basic principles and requirements
GOST R 56703-2015: Dry building in-depth waterproofing capillary mixes based on cement binder. Specifications
MGSN 5.02-99: Design of Urban Bridge Structures
NPB 237-97: Building constructions methods of fire-resistance testing of cable penetrations and enclosed cable inputs. Building construction. Methods of fire-resistance testing of cable penetrations and enclosed cable inputs
NPB 248-97*: Cables and wires are electric. Fire hazard indicators. Test methods
NRB 99: Radiation Safety Standards
OND-86: Methodology for calculating atmospheric concentrations of harmful substances contained in enterprise emissions
Order 333: Methodology for the development of standards for permissible discharges of substances and microorganisms into water bodies for water users
PB 03-428-02: Safety Requirements for Construction of Underground Structures
RD 07-283-99: Instructions for the design of mining allotments for the use of subsoil for purposes not related to mining
RD 07-603-03: Instruction on performance of mining survey works
Resolution 87: The list of names of communication services included in the license for the implementation of activities in the field of rendering communication services
Resolution 87: Regulations on the composition of sections of design documentation and requirements for their content
SanPiN Water diposal at inhabitted points. Sanitary protection of water bodies. Hygienic requirements to surface waters protection
SanPiN Hygienic requirements to quality assurance of atmospheric air in inhabited areas
SanPiN 2.2.1/ Sanitary-protective zones and sanitary classification of enterprises, constructions and other objects
SanPiN Norms of radiation safety
SN 2.2.4/ Noise exposure in work environment, residential premises, premises of public buildings and in dwellings zones
SN 2.2.4/ Industrial vibration. Vibration in premises of residential and public buildings
SN 2.2.4/ Infrasound on work sites, in residential and public premises, and in housing estate territory
SN 484-76: Guidelines for Surveying in Abandoned Mining Quarries to Be Converted Into Industrial Use
SNiP 32-04-97: Railway and highway tunnels
SP 11-102-97: Engineering environmental site investigations for construction
SP 11-104-97: Collection of rules for engineering surveys for construction. Engineering-geodetic surveys for construction
SP 11-105-97: Engineering and geological survey for construction
SP 11-107-98: Procedure of Development and Composition of the “Engineering and Technical Measures of Civil Defense. Measures for Prevention of Emergencies” Section of Construction Projects
SP 113.13330.2012: Parkings
SP 116.13330.2012: Engineering protection of territories, buildings and structures from dangerous geological processes. Basic principles.
SP 119.13330.2012: Railways of 1520 mm
SP 12.13130.2009: Determination of categories of rooms, buildings and external installations for explosion and fire hazards
SP 120.13330.2012: Subway systems
SP 122.13330.2023: Railroad and road tunnels
SP 124.13330.2012: Heating networks
SP 131.13330.2012: Building climatology
SP 131.13330.2018: Construction Climatology
SP 14.13330.2011: Construction in seismic regions.
SP 14.13330.2014: Construction in seismic regions SNIP II-7-81 (revision SP 14.13330.2011)
SP 16.13330.2011: Steel structures
SP Basic sanitary rules for radiation safety
SP 20.13330.2011: Loads and impacts
SP 21.13330.2012: Buildings and structures on undermined territories and slumping soils
SP 22.13330.2011: Buildings and structures foundations
SP 248.1325800.2016: Underground structures. Design rules
SP 249.1325800.2016: Design and construction of underground utilities by closed and cut-and-cover methods
SP 25.13330.2012: Soil bases and foundations on permafrost soils
SP 28.13330.2012: Corrosion protection of buildings structures. Updated living edition of SNiP 2.03.11-85
SP 297.1325800.2017: Fiber reinforced concrete structures and precast products with non-steel fibers. Design rules
SP 3.13130.2009: Systems of fire protection. System of annunciation and management of human evacuation at fire. Requirements of fire safety
SP 31.13330.2012: Water supply. Pipelines and portable water treatment plants
SP 32.13330.2012: Sewerage. Pipelines and wastewater treatment plants
SP 32-105-2004: Subways
SP 33-101-2003: Determination of design hydrological performance
SP 34.13330.2012: Automobile roads. Updated living edition of SNIP 2.05.02-85
SP 35.13330.2011: Bridges and pipes. Updated living edition of SNiP 2.05.03-84
SP 360.1325800.2017: Steel fiber reinforced concrete structures. Design rules
SP 381.1325800.2018: Retaining structures. Design rules
SP 441.1325800.2019: Protection of buildings against vibration generated by rail. Design rules
SP 45.13330.2012: Earth structures, bases and foundations
SP 47.13330.2012: Engineering survey for construction. Basic principles
SP 47.13330.2016: Engineering survey for construction. Basic principles
SP 48.13330.2011: Organization of construction
SP 48.13330.2019: Organization of construction. SNiP 12-01-2004
SP 484.1311500.2020: Fire protection systems. Fire alarm systems and automation of fire protection systems. Norms and rules of design
SP 5.13130.2009: Fire protection systems. Automated fire alarm and fire extinguishing installations. Design norms and regulations
SP 51.13330.2011: Noise protection and rooms acoustics.
SP 52.13330.2011: Natural and artificial lighting
SP 52-101-2003: Concrete and reinforced concrete structures without prestressing
SP 52-102-2004: Pre-stressed concrete structures
SP 60.13330.2012: Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC). Updated living edition of SNiP 41-01-2003
SP 63.13330.2012: Concrete and reinforced concrete structures. General provisions.
SP 68.13330.2011: Acceptance of completed construction projects. Main provisions
SP 69.13330.2016: Underground excavations
SP 85.13330.2016: Overhead contact lines of electrified transport
TSN 32-302-2003: Pedestrian Crossings off of Roads. Small Retail Sales and Service Facilities in Pedestrian Crossings. City of Moscow
TsP/4425: Instructions for the application of the dimensions of the approximation of buildings GOST 9238-83
VSN 126-90: Anchored Cast-In-Place Concrete Tunnel Lining for Transportation Tunnels and Subways. Design and Execution Standards
VSN 130-92: Execution and Acceptance Requirements for Sealing Joints and Openings in Precast Tunnel Lining Installed Using Tunnel Boring Methods
VSN 132-92: Execution and Acceptance Requirements for Injection Grouting Behind Tunnel Liner
VSN 190-78: Guidelines for Geological Survey for the Design and Construction of Subways and Mountain Tunnels for Railways and Roads
VSN 193-81: Guidelines for development of programs of works execution on erection of construction structures
VSN 56-97: Design and Basic Principles for Technology for Production of Fiber Reinforced Concrete Structures
The Document is Referenced By:
GOST 33888-2016: Telecommunications railway. Cable lines laying within the railway right of way. Requirements and methods of control
GOST R 56521-2015: Road transport tunnels. Safety requirements
GOST R 56703-2015: Dry building in-depth waterproofing capillary mixes based on cement binder. Specifications
GOST R 57076-2016: Field test centers for the railway rolling stock and the infrastructure elements. Technical requirements
GOST R 57208-2016: Tunnels and subways. Rules of inspection and elimination of defects and damages under operation
GOST R 58137-2018: Automobile roads of general use. Guidelines for risk assessment during the life cycle
GOST R 58947-2020: Automobile roads for general use. Ecodukes. Requirements for placement and arrangement
GOST R 59203-2021: Automobile roads for general use. Tunnels. Requirements for the design of the ventilation system
GOST R 59865-2022: Public roads. Geodesic networks for design and construction. General requirements
Letter 3760/f: On technical errors (typos) in the rulebooks
MRR 4.3.02-18: City streets and roads, transport hubs, transport tunnels
MRR 4.3-16: City highways, transportation hubs, transport tunnels
ODM 218.2.051-2015: Recommendations for the design and design of anti-tailing structures on highways
ODM 218.2.059-2015: Recommendations for use on bridges, viaducts and tunnels of pedestrian decking (pavements) made of composite materials
ODM 218.3.003-2010: Guide to Diagnostics of Road and Highway Tunnels
ODM 218.3.061-2015: Recommendations on the use of composite structures and materials with flammability parameters "NG" for transport infrastructure facilities
ODM 218.3.094-2017: Recommendations on engineering and geological surveys and design of engineering protection structures on road sections with the development of slope processes
ODM 218.3.095-2017: Corrosion protection of concrete and reinforced concrete structures of transport facilities
ODM 218.3.110-2019: Rules for the development of road maintenance projects
ODM 218.4.022-2015: Recommendations for conducting geotechnical monitoring of road tunnels under construction and operation
ODM 218.6.034-2019: Recommendations for designing motorway backups on approaches to large cities
ODM 218.8.011-2018: Guidelines for determining the characteristics and selection of noise protection structures of roads
Order 1042/pr: On approval of methodological recommendations for the development of norms and rules for the improvement of territories of municipalities
Order 1247: On Amending the Order of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology of April 2, 2020 N 687 "On Approval of the list of documents in the field of standardization, as a result of the application of which on a voluntary basis ensures compliance with the requirements of the Federal Law of December 30, 2009 N 384-FZ "Technical Regulations on the Safety of Buildings and Structures".
Order 1653: On amending the order of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology of April 2, 2020 N 687
Order 50/pr: The plan for the development and approval of codes of practice and updating of previously approved building codes and regulations, codes for 2020
Order 50/pr: On the approval of changes in the estimated norms
Order 909/pr: On approval of the Plan for development and approval of sets of rules and actualization of previously approved sets of rules for 2022.
Order 911/pr: On approval of Amendment No. 2 to SP 122.13330.2012 "SNiP 32-04-97 Railway and road tunnels"
PNST 328-2018: Roads are public. Geodetic networks for design and construction. Technical requirements
POT RZhD-4100612-TsP-TsDRP-022-2013: Rules for labor protection, environmental, industrial and fire safety during maintenance and repair of infrastructure facilities of the railway complex of JSC Russian Railways
Resolution 815: On the approval of the list of national standards and sets of rules (parts of such standards and sets of rules), as a result of which, on a mandatory basis, compliance with the requirements of the Federal Law "Technical Regulations on the Safety of Buildings and Structures" July 2020 N 985
Resolution 985: The list of national standards and sets of rules (parts of such standards and sets of rules), as a result of which, on a mandatory basis, compliance with the requirements of the Federal Law "Technical Regulations on the Safety of Buildings and Structures"
RMD 32-24-2015 Sankt-Peterburg: Design of artificial structures at transport facilities in St. Petersburg
SP 119.13330.2012: Railways of 1520 mm
SP 119.13330.2017: Railways with 1520 mm track
SP 122.13330.2023: Railroad and road tunnels
SP 14.13330.2018: Seismic building design code
SP 227.1326000.2014: Intersection of railway lines with transport lines and engineering networks
SP 229.1325800.2014: Reinforced concrete structures of underground and utility systems. Protection against corrosion
SP 237.1326000.2015: Rail transport infrastructure. General requirements
SP 244.1326000.2015: Cable line of railway transport infrastructure
SP 248.1325800.2016: Underground structures. Design rules
SP 250.1325800.2016: Building and structures. Protection against groundwater
SP 259.1325800.2016: Bridges in dense urban aveas Design rules
SP 266.1325800.2016: Composite steel and concrete structures. Design rules
SP 268.1325800.2016: Transport structures in seismic zones. Specifications for earthquake-resistant design
SP 270.1325800.2016: Transport facilities in seismic area. Rules for evaluation of highway and railway structures seismic damages in far and inaccessible zones
SP 298.1325800.2017: Ventilation systems of highway tunnels. Design rules
SP 338.1325800.2018: High-speed railways noise protection. Design and construction regulations
SP 34.13330.2012: Automobile roads. Updated living edition of SNIP 2.05.02-85
SP 350.1326000.2018: Norms for technological design of sea ports
SP 37.13330.2012: Industrial transport
SP 381.1325800.2018: Retaining structures. Design rules
SP 441.1325800.2019: Protection of buildings against vibration generated by rail. Design rules
SP 453.1325800.2019: Artificial high-speed railway lines. Design and construction rules
SP 461.1325800.2019: Biotransitions at transport infrastructure facilities. Design rules
SP 461.1325800.2019: Biotransitions at transport infrastructure facilities. Design rules
SP 465.1325800.2019: Buildings and constructions. Subway vibration protection. Design rules
SP 473.1325800.2019: Buildings, structures and complexes are underground. Urban planning rules
SP 63.13330.2012: Concrete and reinforced concrete structures. General provisions.
SP 84.13330.2016: Tramways
SP 86.13330.2012: Main pipelines
SP 86.13330.2014: Main (Trunk) pipelines
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