SP 58.13330.2012
СП 58.13330.2012
Hydraulic Structures. Basic statements
Гидротехнические сооружения. Основные положения
Status: Effective
Hydraulic Structures. Basic statements
Гидравлические конструкции. Основные положения
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Approved: Ministry of Regional Development of Russia,
SKU: RUSS21130
The Product is Contained in the Following Classifiers:
Power industry »
21. Buildings. Facilities »
Construction (Max) »
Regulations »
Documents System of normative documents in construction »
3. Normative documents on urban planning, buildings and constructions »
к.33 Hydrotechnical and meliorative constructions »
PromExpert »
II Industrial safety requirements for operation of a hazardous production facility »
4 Safety requirements for hydraulic structures »
4.1 General requirements for ensuring safety of hydraulic structures »
ISO classifier »
93.160 Construction of hydraulic facilities »
National standards »
93.160 Construction of hydraulic facilities »
The Document is Replaced With:
SP 58.13330.2019: Waterworks. Key Points
As a Replacement Of:
SP 58.13330.2010: Hydraulic Structures. Basic statements
The Document References:
Code 167-FZ: Water Code of the Russian Federation
Code 190-FZ: Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation
Code 74-FZ: Water Code of the Russian Federation
Federal Law 117-FZ: Safety of Hydraulic Structures
Federal Law 184-FZ: About technical regulation
Federal Law 191-FZ: On the entry into force of the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation
Federal Law 416-FZ: About water supply and sanitation
GOST 19185-73: Hydraulic engineering. Basic concepts. Terms and definitions
GOST 26775-97: Clearances of navigable bridge spans in the inland waterways. Norms and technical requirements
GOST 31937-2011: Buildings and constructions. Rules of inspection and of the technical condition
GOST R 53778-2010: Buildings and constructions. Rules of inspection and monitoring of the technical condition. General requirements
SNiP 33-01-2003: Hydraulic engineering constructions. Basic principles of designing
SP 101.13330.2011: Retaining walls, navigation locks, fish passing and fish protection facilities
SP 101.13330.2012: Retaining walls, navigation locks, fish passing and fish protection facilities
SP 104.13330.2011: Engineering protection of territories from flooding
SP 14.13330.2011: Construction in seismic regions.
SP 20.13330.2011: Loads and impacts
SP 33-101-2003: Determination of design hydrological performance
SP 35.13330.2011: Bridges and pipes. Updated living edition of SNiP 2.05.03-84
The Document is Referenced By:
GOST R 22.2.09-2015: Safety in emergencies. Expert assessment of safety and accident risk levels for hydraulic structure. General principles
GOST R 55260.1.1-2013: Hydro power plants. Part 1-1. Hydraulic structures of hydropower stations. General safety requirements
GOST R 55260.1.2-2012: Hydro power plants. Part 1-2. Hydrotechnical power station. Safety requirements foundations
GOST R 55260.1.3-2012: Hydro power plants. Part 1-3. Hydroelectric power station hydraulic installations. Concrete construction and reinforced concrete construction. Safety requirements
GOST R 55260.1.4-2012: Hydro power plants. Part 1-4. Hydraulic engineering constructions of hydroelectric power stations. The general requirements to the organization and realization of monitoring
GOST R 55260.1.5-2012: Hydro power plants. Part 1-5. Hydrotechnical constructions of hydroelectric power station. Requirements for projection in seismic areas
GOST R 55260.1.6-2012: Hydroelectric power stations. Part 1-6. Hydroelectric power station hydraulic engineering constructions. Requirements on loadings and influences (wave, ice and from vessels)
GOST R 55260.3.1-2013: Hydro power plants. Part 3-1. Hydraulic turbines. Procurement specification
GOST R 55561-2013: Inland water transport. Dock and harbour hydraulic structure. Safety requirements
GOST R 55615.2-2013: Renewable power engineering. Tidal power plants. Part 2. Construction of tidal power plants. Safety requirements. Essentials
GOST R 55615.3-2013: Renewable power engineering. Tidal power plants. Part 3. Sea hydraulic structures. Requirements for loads and actions
GOST R 57109-2016: Inland water transport. Control of technical condition and safety assessment of hydraulic structures of inland water transport. Safety requirements
GOST R 57113-2016: Inland water transport. Cargo transfer complexes and passenger terminals of river ports. Harbour aquatorium and roads. Safety requirements
GOST R 57123-2016: Petroleum and natural gas industry. Offshore oil and gas field structures. Design under seismic conditions
GOST R 57148-2016: Petroleum and natural gas industry. Offshore oil and gas field structures. Design and operation under metocean conditions
GOST R 57792-2017: United power system and isolated power systems. Hydraulic and Pumped storage power stations. Hydro engineering structures. Operation manual. Main provisions
GOST R 57793-2017: United power system and isolated power systems. Hydraulic and pumped storage power stations. Hydraulic engineering structures. Monitoring and assessment of technical condition during operation. Main provisions
GOST R 58213-2018: Oil and gas industry. Arctic operations. Onshore Logistics Operations
GOST R 58719-2019: Unified energy system and isolated energy systems. Hydraulic power plants. Waterworks. Control and measuring systems and equipment. Terms of creation. Norms and requirements
GOST R 58740-2019: Inland water transport. Infrastructure facilities. Calculations of overall stability. Primary requirements
GOST R 58744.1-2019: Inland water transport. Infrastructure facilities. Embankments, retaining walls thin-walled (sheet pile). Basic requirements for calculation and design
GOST R 58745.1-2019: Inland water transport. Infrastructure facilities. Embankments, retaining walls semi-gravity and gravity. Basic requirements for calculation and design
GOST R 59307-2021: Oil and gas industry. Design and operation of subsea production systems. Part 16. Specifications for auxiliary equipment for flexible pipelines
GOST R 59433-2021: Automobile roads for general use. Protective structures against the effects of water. General technical requirements
Letter 25755-OG/08: On the application of some provisions of SP 58.13330.2012
Letter 3760/f: On technical errors (typos) in the rulebooks
Letter 48836-DV/08: On current codes of practice that prohibit the use of used pipes
Methodical manual: Refinement of initial seismicity and seismic micro-zoning of sections of transport facilities
Methodical manual: Hotel building design
Methodical manual: Classification methods of information modeling tasks
Methodical manual: Base data for the design of building structures on the tsunami-dangerous coasts of the Russian Federation
Methodical manual: Building Design for Refrigerators
MRR 3.2.55-13: The method of determining the cost of design work on the overhaul of reservoirs, carried out with the involvement of the budget of the city of Moscow
MRR 7.6-16: Reservoirs
ODM 218.2.049-2015: Recommendations for the design and construction of gabion structures on highways
ODM 218.2.052-2015: Design and construction of anti-mudflow facilities for the protection of roads
ODM 218.2.078-2016: Guidelines for the selection of the structure for strengthening the slopes of the road bed of public roads
ODM 218.2.101-2019: Guidelines for the design of plan elements, longitudinal and transverse profiles of roads
ODM 218.3.038-2015: Recommendations for the design and construction of coastal road structures
ODM 218.3.094-2017: Recommendations on engineering and geological surveys and design of engineering protection structures on road sections with the development of slope processes
Order 120: Methodology for determining the amount of harm that can be caused to the life, health of individuals, property of individuals and legal entities as a result of an accident of a hydraulic structure (with the exception of navigable and port hydraulic structures)
Order 120: On approval of the Administrative Regulations for the Federal Accreditation Service of Federal State Control over the Activities of Accredited Persons
PNST 493-2020: Inland waterway transport. Infrastructure facilities. Embankments, thin-walled retaining walls (sheet piling). Features of the calculation and design of various structures
Resolution 985: The list of national standards and sets of rules (parts of such standards and sets of rules), as a result of which, on a mandatory basis, compliance with the requirements of the Federal Law "Technical Regulations on the Safety of Buildings and Structures"
SP 100.13330.2016: The reclamation systems and construction
SP 101.13330.2012: Retaining walls, navigation locks, fish passing and fish protection facilities
SP 102.13330.2012: Hydraulic tunnels
SP 104.13330.2016: Ground protection from flooding and underflooding
SP 116.13330.2012: Engineering protection of territories, buildings and structures from dangerous geological processes. Basic principles.
SP 14.13330.2011: Construction in seismic regions.
SP 14.13330.2014: Construction in seismic regions SNIP II-7-81 (revision SP 14.13330.2011)
SP 14.13330.2018: Seismic building design code
SP 18.13330.2011: Master plans for industrial enterprises
SP 18.13330.2019: Production facilities. Planning organization of the land plot (Master plans of industrial enterprises) SNiP II-89-80 *
SP 19.13330.2019: Agricultural enterprises. Planning organization of the land
SP 23.13330.2011: Foundation of hydraulic structures
SP 23.13330.2018: Foundations of hydraulic structures
SP 237.1326000.2015: Rail transport infrastructure. General requirements
SP 238.1326000.2015: Railways
SP 24.13330.2011: Pile foundations
SP 261.1325800.2016: Industrial railroad. Rules of engineering and construction
SP 277.1325800.2016: Costal protection constructions. Design rules
SP 28.13330.2012: Corrosion protection of buildings structures. Updated living edition of SNiP 2.03.11-85
SP 28.13330.2017: Protection against corrosion of construction
SP 287.1325800.2016: Marine berthing facilities. Rules of design and construction
SP 290.1325800.2016: Water passageways hydraulic structures (discharge sluices, emptying and dewatering conduits). Rules of projecting
SP 292.1325800.2017: Buildings and structures on tsunami hazardous areas. Regulations of design
SP 296.1325800.2017: Buildings and structures. Accidental actions
SP 340.1325800.2017: Reinforced concrete and concrete structures of cooling towers. Design rules
SP 342.1325800.2017: Protection of railway track and structures from the adverse natural phenomena. Rules of engineering and construction
SP 348.1325800.2017: Industrial parks and industrial clusters. Design rules
SP 350.1326000.2018: Norms for technological design of sea ports
SP 357.1325800.2017: Concrete hydraulic structures. Rules of works and acceptance of works
SP 358.1325800.2017: Hydraulic structures. Rules of design and construction in seismic-prone regions
SP 369.1325800.2017: Fixed offshore platforms. Design principles
SP 38.13330.2012: Loads and impacts on Hydraulic structures (from wave, ice and ships)
SP 38.13330.2018: Loads and impacts on hydraulic structures (wave, ice and from ships)
SP 389.1326000.2018: Technical operation of seaport infrastructure facilities
SP 39.13330.2012: Rock fill dams
SP 398.1325800.2018: Quays. Urban Planning Rules
SP 40.13330.2012: Concrete and reinforced concrete dams
SP 407.1325800.2018: Excavation. Rules for the performance of work by hydromechanization
SP 41.13330.2012: Concrete and reinforced concrete hydraulic structures
SP 416.1325800.2018: Engineering protection of the shores of the tidal seas. Design rules
SP 42.13330.2016: Urban development. Urban and rural planning and development
SP 421.1325800.2018: Reclamation systems and facilities. Terms of Use
SP 425.1325800.2018: Engineering protection of territories from erosion processes. Design rules
SP 436.1325800.2018: Engineering protection of territories, buildings and structures from landslides and landslides. Design rules
SP 444.1326000.2019: Standards for designing sea channels, fairways and maneuvering areas
SP 463.1325800.2019: Buildings of river and sea stations. Design rules
SP 463.1325800.2019: Buildings of river and sea stations. Design rules
SP 81.13330.2017: The reclamation systems and construction
SP 90.13330.2012: Thermal power stations
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