SP 98.13330.2012
СП 98.13330.2012
Tram and trolleybus lines
Трамвайные и троллейбусные линии
Status: Partially effective. subject to the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 26, 2014 No. 1521
The set of rules applies to the design of newly constructed and reconstructed transport facilities located in populated areas: tram lines (with a rail track width in straight sections of 1,524 mm) conventional, high-speed, freight and service, as well as located in the depot and repair shops (factories) ; trolley lines; buildings and facilities for the storage, repair and maintenance of rolling stock of electric transport.
Свод правил распространяется на проектирование вновь строящихся и реконструируемых транспортных сооружений, располагаемых в населенных пунктах: трамвайных линий (с шириной рельсовой колеи на прямых участках 1524 мм) обычных, скоростных, грузовых и служебных, а также располагаемых на территории депо и ремонтных мастерских (заводов); троллейбусных линий; зданий и сооружений для хранения, ремонта и обслуживания подвижного состава электрического транспорта.
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Approved: Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation,
SKU: RUSS21144
The Product is Contained in the Following Classifiers:
Construction (Max) »
Regulations »
Documents System of normative documents in construction »
3. Normative documents on urban planning, buildings and constructions »
K.32 Transport facilities »
PromExpert »
III Occupational safety requirements for production equipment and processes »
2 Safety requirements for certain types of work »
2.1 Operation of industrial buildings and structures »
ISO classifier »
29.280 Electrical Traction Equipment »
ISO classifier »
93.100 Railway construction »
National standards »
93.100 Railway construction »
The Document is Replaced With:
SP 98.13330.2018: Tram and trolley lines
As a Replacement Of:
SP 98.13330.2011: Tram and trolleybus lines
The Document References:
Federal Law 184-FZ: About technical regulation
GOST 10629-88: Prestressed reinforced concrete sleepers for 1520 mm gauge railways. Specifications
GOST 12.1.036-81: Noise. Admissible levels of noise in houses and public buildings
GOST 12.1.038-82: Occupational safety standards system. Electric safety. Maximum permissible values of pick-up voltages and currents
GOST 14202-69: Pipe-lines of industrial plants. Identification coloring, safety signs and marking screens
GOST 21174-75: Prestressed reinforced concrete sleepers for the wide-gauge tramways
GOST 21797-76: Two-turn spring washers for railway track. Technical specifications
GOST 22133-86: Paint and varnish coatings of metal-cutting, press-forging, foundry and wood-working equipment
GOST 23476-79: Tramway and trolleybus overhead trolley wire supporting devices. General specifications
GOST 23961-80: Construction, equipment and rolling stock clearance diagrams for USSR Metro
GOST 2584-86: Copper and copper alloys trolley wires
GOST 2585-81: Direct current automatic high-speed
GOST 28041-89: Crossings, section insulators, and frogs for contact systems of trams and trolleybuses
GOST 3062-80: One lay rope type ЛК-О construction 1x7 (1+6). Dimensions
GOST 3064-80: One lay rope type ТК construction 1x37 (1+6+12+18). Dimensions
GOST 4775-91: Bare, bimetallic, steel-copper wires
GOST 67-78: Cross-over of communication lines and radiofication with ground electrotransport contact networks. Technical requirements
GOST 7392-2002: Crushed stone of solid rocks for railway ballast. Specifications
GOST 7394-85: Gravel and sandy-gravel ballast for railway track. Specifications
GOST 78-2004: Wooden sleepers for full gauge railways. Specifications
GOST 8267-93: Crushed stone and gravel of solid rocks for construction works. Specifications
GOST 839-80: Uninsulated cables for aerial power
GOST 8736-93: Sand for construction works. Specifications
GOST 9.602-2005: Unified system of corrosion and ageing protection. Underground constructions. General requirements for corrosion protection
SN 174-75: Instruction for industrial power supply design
SN 181-70: Design Guidelines for Color Finishing of the Interiors of Production Buildings of Industrial Facilities
SN 357-77: Design Guidelines for Industrial Electrical Equipment for Power and Illumination
SNiP 2.03.13-88: Floors
SNiP 2.04.03-85: Sewage. External systems and structures
SNiP 2.05.09-90: Tram and trolleybus lines
SNiP 2.09.03-85: Structures for industrial installations
SNiP 23-03-2003: Noise protection
SNiP 31-03-2001: Production buildings
SNiP 32-01-95: Railroads with 1520-mm Track. Construction Norms and Regulations
SNiP 41-01-2003: Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC)
SNiP 52-01-2003: Concrete and ferroconcrete structures. Principal rules
SP 119.13330.2012: Railways of 1520 mm
SP 16.13330.2011: Steel structures
SP 18.13330.2011: Master plans for industrial enterprises
SP 29.13330.2011: Floors
SP 30.13330.2012: Domestic water supply and sewerage of buildings.
SP 31.13330.2012: Water supply. Pipelines and portable water treatment plants
SP 32.13330.2012: Sewerage. Pipelines and wastewater treatment plants
SP 32-105-2004: Subways
SP 35.13330.2011: Bridges and pipes. Updated living edition of SNiP 2.05.03-84
SP 42.13330.2011: Urban development. Urban and rural planning and development
SP 43.13330.2012: Structures for industrial installations
SP 44.13330.2011: Administrative and residential buildings
SP 51.13330.2011: Noise protection and rooms acoustics.
SP 52.13330.2011: Natural and artificial lighting
SP 56.13330.2011: Industrial buildings
SP 60.13330.2012: Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC). Updated living edition of SNiP 41-01-2003
SP 63.13330.2012: Concrete and reinforced concrete structures. General provisions.
The Document is Referenced By:
MRR 3.2.49-14: Method for determining the cost of designing tram tracks, carried out with the involvement of the budget of the city of Moscow
MRR 4.10-17: Traction substations for tram and trolleybus vehicles
MRR 4.5-16: Tramways
ODM 218.2.101-2019: Guidelines for the design of plan elements, longitudinal and transverse profiles of roads
RMD 32-24-2015 Sankt-Peterburg: Design of artificial structures at transport facilities in St. Petersburg
SP 259.1325800.2016: Bridges in dense urban aveas Design rules
SP 323.1325800.2017: Residential areas. Urban and road lighting design
SP 35.13330.2011: Bridges and pipes. Updated living edition of SNiP 2.05.03-84
SP 42.13330.2016: Urban development. Urban and rural planning and development
SP 46.13330.2012: Bridges and pipes
SP 52.13330.2016: Daylighting and artificial lighting
SP 84.13330.2016: Tramways
SP 85.13330.2016: Overhead contact lines of electrified transport
SP 98.13330.2018: Tram and trolley lines
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