
GOST R 51317.4.3-2006

ГОСТ Р 51317.4.3-2006

Electromagnetic compatibility of technical equipment. Radio-frequency electromagnetic field immunity. Requirements and test methods.

Совместимость технических средств электромагнитная. Устойчивость к радиочастотному электромагнитному полю. Требования и методы испытаний.

Status: Not effective - Canceled. Registration information 402-st dated 07/22/2013 (official site of Rosstandart)

The standard applies to electrical, electronic and electronic products and equipment (hereinafter referred to as “technical means”) and establishes requirements and test methods of technical means (TS) for resistance to a radio-frequency electromagnetic field. The purpose of the standard is to establish general methods for assessing the quality of functioning of a vehicle when exposed to radio frequency electromagnetic fields. The standard addresses issues of immunity tests in connection with the tasks of protecting the vehicle from the effects of radio frequency fields generated by any sources. Particular attention is paid to the stability of the vehicle in terms of the emission of interference from digital radio telephones and other radio frequency emitting devices at frequencies from 800 MHz to 6 GHz.

Стандарт распространяется на электротехнические, электронные и радиоэлектронные изделия и оборудование (далее - технические средства) и устанавливает требования и методы испытаний технических средств (ТС) на устойчивость к радиочастотному электромагнитному полю. Целью стандарта является установление общих методов оценки качества функционирования ТС при воздействии на них радиочастотных электромагнитных полей. Cтандарт рассматривает вопросы испытаний на помехоустойчивость в связи с задачами защиты ТС от воздействия радиочастотных полей, создаваемых любыми источниками. Особое внимание уделяется устойчивости ТС в условиях эмиссии помех от цифровых радиотелефонов и других радиочастотных излучающих устройств на частотах от 800 МГц до 6 ГГц.

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Format: Electronic (pdf/doc)

Approved: Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology, 12/27/2006

SKU: RUSS21225

Price: $700.00


The Product is Contained in the Following Classifiers:

ISO classifier » 33 TELECOMMUNICATIONS. AUDIO AND VIDEO EQUIPMENT » 33.100 Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMS) »

National standards » 33 TELECOMMUNICATIONS. AUDIO AND VIDEO EQUIPMENT » 33.100 Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMS) »

ISO classifier » 33 TELECOMMUNICATIONS. AUDIO AND VIDEO EQUIPMENT » 33.100 Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMS) » 33.100.01 Electromagnetic compatibility in general »

National standards » 33 TELECOMMUNICATIONS. AUDIO AND VIDEO EQUIPMENT » 33.100 Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMS) » 33.100.01 Electromagnetic compatibility in general »

National Standards for KGS (State Standards Classification) » Latest edition » E Electronic engineering, electronics and communications » E0 General rules and regulations for electronic engineering, electronics and communications » E02 Design and calculation norms »

The Document References:

Federal Law 184-FZ: About technical regulation

GOST 30372-95: Electromagnetic compatibility of electronic equipment. Terms and definitions

GOST R 1.0-2004: Standardization in the Russian Federation. Basic provisions

GOST R 1.5-2004: Standardization in the Russian Federation. National standards of the Russian Federation. Rules of structure, drafting, presentation and indication

GOST R 50397-92: Electromagnetic compatibility for electronic equipment. Terms and definitions

GOST R 51317.4.6-99: Electomagnetic compatibility of technical equipment. Immunity to conducted disturbance induced by radio-frequency fields. Requirements and test methods

The Document is Referenced By:

GOST 30324.1.2-2012: Medical electrical equipment. Part 1-2. General requirements for safety. Electromagnetic compatibility. Requirements and test methods

GOST 31379-2009: Global navigation satellite systems. Personal receiver. Technical requirements

GOST 31817.1.1-2012: Alarm systems. Part 1. General requirements. Section 1. General

GOST 31818.11-2012: Electricity metering equipment (а.с). Particular General requirements. Tests and test conditions. Part 11. Meters for electric energy

GOST R 50030.1-2007: Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear. Part 1. General rules

GOST R 50030.2-2010: Low-voltage switchgear and control gear. Part 2. Circuit-breakers

GOST R 50030.2-99: Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear. Part 2. Circuit-breakers

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GOST R 50030.4.2-2012: Low-voltage switchgear and control gear. Part 4. Contactors and motor-starters. Section 2. AC semiconductor motor controllers and starters

GOST R 50030.6.1-2010: Low-voltage switchgear and control gear. Part 6. Multiple function equipment. Section 1. Transfer switching equipment

GOST R 50030.6.2-2000: Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear. Part 6. Multiple function equipment. Section 2. Control and protective switching devices (or equipment)

GOST R 50030.6.2-2011: Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear. Part 6-2. Multiple function equipment. Control and protective switching devices (or equipment) (CPS).

GOST R 50789-2012: Electromagnetic compatibility of technical equipment. Alarm and anticreeping systems of vehicles. Requirements and test methods

GOST R 51317.1.2-2007: Electromagnetic compatibility of technical еquipment. Methodology for the achievement of the functional safety of technical equipment with regard to electromagnetic disturbance

GOST R 51317.6.1-2006: Electromagnetic compatibility of technical equipment. Immunity of technical equipment intended for use in residential, commercial and light-industrial environments. Requiremеnts and test methods

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GOST R 51317.6.5-2006: Electromagnetic compatibility of technical equipment. Immunity of technical equipment intended for use in power stations and substations. Requirements and test methods

GOST R 51318.14.2-2006: Electromagnetic compatibility of technical equipment. Household appliances, electric tools and similar apparatus. Immunity to electromagnetic disturbance. Requirements and test methods

GOST R 51318.16.1.3-2007: Electromagnetic compatibility of technical equipment. Specification for radio disturbance and immunity measuring apparatus and methods. Part 1-3. Radio disturbance and immunity measuring apparatus. Disturbance power measuring apparatus

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GOST R 51318.16.2.4-2010: Electromagnetic compatibility of technical equipment. Specification for radio disturbance and immunity measuring apparatus and methods. Part 2-4. Methods of measurement of disturbances and immunity. Immunity parameters measurement

GOST R 51318.20-2012: Electromagnetic compatibility of technical equipment. Sound and television broadcast receivers and associated equipment. Immunity characteristics. Limits and methods of measurement

GOST R 51318.20-2012 (SISPR 20:2006): Electromagnetic compatibility of technical means. Receivers of sound and television broadcasting and related equipment. Immunity characteristics. Standards and Methods of Measurement (Reissue)

GOST R 51321.1-2007: Low-voltage switchgear and control gear assemblies. Part 1. Type-tested and partially type-tested assemblies. General technical requirements and test methods

GOST R 51324.2.1-2012: Switches for household and similar fixed electrical installations. Part 2-1. Particular requirements. Electronic switches

GOST R 51324.2.1-99: Switches for household and similar fixed electrical installations. Part 2-1. Particular requirements for electronic switches and test methods

GOST R 51522.1-2011: Electromagnetic compatibility of technical equipment. Electrical equipment for measurement, control and laboratory use. Part 1. General requirements and test methods

GOST R 51522.2.2-2011: Electromagnetic compatibility of technical equipment. Electrical equipment for measurement, control and laboratory use. Part 2-2. Particular requirements for portable test, measuring and monitoring equipment used in low-voltage distribution systems. Test configurations, operational conditions and performance criteria

GOST R 51522.2.4-2011: Electromagnetic compatibility of technical equipment. Electrical equipment for measurement, control and laboratory use. Part 2-4. Particular requirements for insulation monitoring devices and insulation fault location equipment. Test configurations, operational conditions and performance criteria

GOST R 51524-2012: Electromagnetic compatibility of technical equipment. Adjustable speed electrical power drive systems. Part 3. EMC requirements and specific test methods

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GOST R 52161.1-2004: Safety of household and similar electrical appliances. Part 1. General requirements

GOST R 52219-2012: Automatic control systems for gas burners and gas burning appliances. General technical requirements and test methods

GOST R 52320-2005: Electricity metering equipment (а.с). General requirements. Tests and test conditions. Part 11. Meters for electric energy

GOST R 52350.29.1-2010: Explosive atmospheres. Part 29-1. Gas detectors. General technical requirements and test methods for the detectors for flammable gases

GOST R 52350.29.4-2011: Explosive atmospheres. Part 29-4. Gas detectors. General technical requirements and test methods of open path detectors for flammable gases

GOST R 52454-2005: Global navigation satellite system and global position system. Personal receiver. Technical requirements

GOST R 52459.11-2009: Electromagnetic compatibility of technical equipment. Radio communication equipment. Part 11. Specific requirements for terrestrial sound broadcasting service transmitters

GOST R 52459.1-2009: Electromagnetic compatibility of technical equipment. Radio communication equipment. Part 1. General technical requirements and test methods

GOST R 52459.14-2009: Electromagnetic compatibility of technical equipment. Radio communication equipment. Part 14. Specific requirements for analogue and digital terrestrial TV broadcasting service transmitters

GOST R 52505-2005: Electromagnetic compatibility of technical equipment. Lifts, escalators and moving walks. Immunity

GOST R 52691-2006: Electromagnetic compatibility of technical equipment. Maritime navigation and radiocommunication equipment and systems. Requirements and test methods

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GOST R 53111-2008: Stability of functioning of the public communications network. Requirements and check methods

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GOST R 53325-2009: Fire techniques. Means of fire automatics. The general technical requirements. Test methods

GOST R 53326-2009: Fire equipment. Self-contained open-circuit compressed air breathing apparatus. General technical requirements. Test methods

GOST R 53362-2009: Electromagnetic compatibility of technical equipment. Uninterruptible power systems. Requirements and test methods

GOST R 53390-2009: Electromagnetic compatibility of technical equipment. Low-voltage power supplies, d.c. output. Requirements and test methods

GOST R 53529-2009: Trunking radio stations and repeaters of TETRA standard. Basic parameters. Technical requirements

GOST R 53705-2009: Complex security systems. Stationary metal detectors for apartments. General technical requirements. Test methods

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GOST R 54102-2010: Electromagnetic compatibility of technical equipment. Safety of household and similar electrical appliances when subjected to electromagnetic disturbances. Requirements and test methods

GOST R 54115-2010: Global navigation satellite system. General-purpose rolling stock receiver. Technical requirements

GOST R 54344-2011: Fire equipment. Mobile manipulation vehicle systems for eliminating of emergencies and fire extinguishing. Classification. General technical requirements. Test methods

GOST R 54485-2011: Electromagnetic compatibility of technical equipment. Signalling on low-voltage electrical installations in the frequency range 3 kHz to 148,5 kHz. Part 2-1. Main communications equipment and systems operating in the range of frequencies 95 kHz to 148,5 kHz intended for use in residential, commercial and light industrial environments. Immunity requirements and test methods

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GOST R 54957-2012: Railway telecommunications. General safety requirements

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GOST R 54959-2012: Railway communication. Train radio communication. Technical specifications and methods of control

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GOST R 55209-2012: Safety and control devices for gas burners and gas burning appliances. General requirements

GOST R 55266-2012: Electromagnetic compatibility of technical equipment. Telecommunication network equipment. Requirements and test methods

GOST R 55682.11-2013: Water-tube boilers and auxiliary installations. Part 11. Requirements for limiting devices of the boiler and accessories

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GOST R 55882.1-2013: Electric equipment for rolling stock. Part 1. General service conditions and general rules

GOST R 55895-2013: Fire equipment. Robotics control systems for eliminating of emergencies and fire extinguishing. General technical requirements. Test methods

GOST R 58006-2017: Counter of the number of opening for safes, value repository, wrapping doors. Technical requirements and test methods

GOST R 58092.5.1-2018: Electric energy storage (ESS) systems. Safety considerations for grid-integrated EES systems. General requirements

GOST R 58176-2018: Electric industry. Energy construction. Organisation of commissioning of thermal power plants. General requirements

GOST R 8.714-2010: State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Octave-band and fractional-octave-band filters. Technical requirements and test methods

GOST R 8.726-2010: State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Load cells. Metrological and technical requirements. Tests

GOST R 8.823-2013: State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Meters for hot water. General metrological and technical requirements

GOST R EN 1434-4-2011: Heat meters. Part 4. Pattern approval tests

GOST R IEC 60730-1-2002: Automatic electrical controls for household and similar use. General requirements and test methods

GOST R IEC 60942-2009: Sound calibrators. Specifications and test requirements

GOST R IEC 60945-2007: Maritime navigation and radiocommunication equipment and systems. General requirements. Methods of testing and required test results

GOST R IEC 61038-2001: Electricity metering. Tariff and load control. Particular requirements for time switches

GOST R IEC 61207-1-2009: Gas analysers. Expression of performance. Part 1. General

GOST R IEC 61439-1-2012: Low-voltage switchgear and control gear assemblies. Part 1. General rules

GOST R IEC 61559-1-2012: Radiation protection instrumentation in nuclear facilities. Centralized systems for continuous monitoring of radiation. Part 1. General requirements

GOST R IEC 61587-3-2013: Mechanical structures for electronic equipment. Tests for IEC 60917 and IEC 60297. Part 3. Electromagnetic shielding performance tests for cabinets, racks and subracks

GOST R IEC 62274-2013: Medical electrical equipment. Safety of radiotherapy record and verify systems

GOST R ISO 10535-2010: Hoists for the transfer of disabled persons. Requirements and test methods

GOST R ISO 22523-2007: External limb prostheses and external orthoses. Requirements and test methods

NB ZhT TsSh 125-2003: Sensor inductively wired arrow protection GAC. Safety standards

ST RK 2431-2013: Multiple unit passenger trains composed of locomotive-hauled cars with systems of pneumatic suspension and body tilt. General specification

ST RK GOST R 52505-2008: Electromagnetic compatibility of technical equipment. Lifts, escalators and passenger conveyors interference resistance. Specification and testing methods

ST SSFZhT TsE 136-2002: Telemechanics equipment traction substations. Typical certification test methods

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