GOST 26271-84
ГОСТ 26271-84
Flux-cored wire welding carbon and low-alloy steels. General specifications
Проволока порошковая для дуговой сварки углеродистых и низколегированных сталей. Общие технические условия
Status: Effective - Introduced for the first time. The limitation of effectiveness has been lifted: Decree of the State Standard No. 1395 of 08/27/91
Flux-cored wire welding carbon and low-alloy steels. General specifications
Сварка порошковой проволокой углеродистых и низколегированных сталей. Основные Характеристики
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Approved: Gosstandart of the USSR,
SKU: RUSS21399
The Product is Contained in the Following Classifiers:
Construction (Max) »
Standards »
Other state standards used in construction »
25 Mechanical Engineering »
Welding regulations »
Welding work »
Welding regulations »
Defects »
Welding regulations »
Welding work »
Surfacing »
Standards for pipe fittings (TPA) »
10. Production »
10.3 Welding »
PromExpert »
V Testing and control »
4 Testing and control of products »
4.12 Testing and control of products of metallurgical industry »
4.12.6 Metal products »
ISO classifier »
25.160 Welding, brazing and hard soldering »
25.160.20 Welding consumables »
National standards »
25.160 Welding, brazing and hard soldering »
25.160.20 Welding consumables »
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Latest edition »
V Metals and metal products »
V0 General rules and regulations on metallurgy »
V05 Welding and cutting of metals. Soldering, riveting »
National Standards for OKSTU »
Flux cored wire (welding) »
The Document References:
GOST 10354-82: Polyethylene film Specifications
GOST 12.1.004-91: Fire safety. General requirements
GOST 12.1.005-88: General sanitary requirements for working zone air
GOST 12.1.007-76: Noxious substances. Classification and general safety requirements
GOST 12.1.016-79: Work area air
GOST 12.1.019-79: Occupational safety standards system. Electric safety. General requirements and nomenclature of kinds of protection
GOST 12.2.032-78: Operators location in a silting position. General ergonomic requirements
GOST 12.2.033-78: Operators location in a standing position General ergonomic requirements
GOST 12.3.003-86: Occupational safety standards system Electric welding works. Safety requirements
GOST 12.4.034-85: Occupational safety standards system. Means for individual protection of breathing organs. Classification and marking
GOST 12.4.035-78: Protective face shields
GOST 12.4.123-83: Occupational safety standard system. Means of collective protection against infra-red radiation. General technical requirements
GOST 14192-77: Marking of cargoes
GOST 15102-75: Universal metallic closed container of nominal gross mass 5,0 tn. Specifications
GOST 15150-69: Machines, instruments and other industrial products. Modifications for different climatic regions. Categories, operating, storage and transportation conditions as to environment climatic aspects influence
GOST 15846-79: Products for transportation to the areas of the far north and remote regions
GOST Regulations for establishing permissible emissions of noxious pollutants from industrial enterprises
GOST 20435-75: Universal metallic closed container of nominal gross mass 3,0 tn. Specifications
GOST 21650-76: Means of fastening tared and break bulk cargoes in the loads units. General requirements
GOST 22225-76: Containers multipurpose gross weight 0,625 and 1,25 t. Specifications
GOST 22269-76: Man-machine system Operator workplace layout of workplace elements General ergonomic requirements
GOST 22536.0-87: Carbon steel and unalloyed cast iron. General requirements for methods of analysis
GOST 22536.1-88: Carbon steel and unalloyed cast iron. Methods for determination of general carbon and graphite
GOST 22536.2-87: Carbon steel and unalloyed cast iron. Methods for the determination of sulfur
GOST 22536.3-88: Carbon steel and unalloyed cast iron. Methods for determination of phosphorus
GOST 22613-77: Man-machine system. Rotary switches and commutators. General ergonomic requirements
GOST 22614-77: «Man-machine» system. Key-actuated and push-button switches and commutators. General ergonomic requirements
GOST 24597-81: Unitized tared and piece goods cargoes. Main parameters and dimensions
GOST 25445-82: Drums, reels and cores for welding wire. Basic dimensions
GOST 25706-83: Magnifiers
GOST 26663-85: Transport packets. Formation by packaging means. General technical requirements
GOST 380-88: Common quality carbon steel. Grades
GOST 3956-76: Silica gel technical. Technical conditions
GOST 6996-66: Welded joints. Methods of mechanical properties determination
GOST 7122-81: Weld seams and all-weld metal. Methods of sample selection for determination of chemical composition
GOST 7512-82: Nondestructive testing. Welded joints. Radiography method
GOST 9078-84: Flat pallets
GOST 9466-75: Covered metal electrodes for manual arc welding of steels and deposition. Classification and general specifications
GOST 9557-87: Flat wooden pallets with dimensions 800ґ1200 mm
The Document is Referenced By:
GOST 27579-88: Rectangular formed-welded section roof trusses. Specifications
GOST 29166-91: Mechanical attractions. Steel structures. Principal rules of the design
GOST 30430-96: Arc welding of structural cast irons. Requirements for technological process
GOST 31846-2012: Special Rolling Stock. Requirements for Bearing Structure Strength and for Dynamic Properties
GOST 33796-2016: Railway multiple units. Durability and dynamics requirements
GOST 34939-2023: Locomotives. Requirements for strength and dynamic qualities
GOST R 53192-2008: Welded steel structures of freight cars. Technical requirements
GOST R 53337-2009: Special rolling stock. Requirements for bearing structure stength and for dynamic properties
GOST R 55495-2013: Railway multiple units. Durability and dynamics requirements
GOST R 55513-2013: Locomotives. Requirements for strength and dynamic properties
GOST R 55989-2014: Trunk gas pipelines. Design standard for pressure over 10 MPa. Principal requirements
GOST R 58934-2020: Plants for the manufacture of reinforced concrete volume blocks of sanitary cabins and elevator shafts. Specifications
GOST R 58935-2020: Forms for the manufacture of reinforced concrete vibrohydropressed pressure pipes. Specifications
GOST R 59136-2020: Main pipeline transportation of oil and oil products. Welding materials. General specifications
Manual: Manual for impulse and low consumption fire extinguishing systems
PB 03-75-94: Rules for arrangement and safe operation of steam and hot water piping
PB 10-115-96: Regulations of design and safe operation of pressure vessels
PNAE G-10-031-92: Basic provisions for localizing safety system elements welding on nuclear stations
PNAE G-10-032-92: Requirements for welding seal element control of nuclear plant confining safety systems
RD 153-34.1-003-01: Welding, heat treatment and control of copper pipe systems and pipelines at power equipment installation and repair.
RD 22-16-2005*: Guiding regulatory material. Hoisting machines. Selection of materials for the manufacture, repair and reconstruction of welded steel structures
RD 34.10.124-94: Instructions for the preparation and storage of welding materials
RD 34.15.027-93: Welding, Heat Treatment, and Testing of Boiler Tube Systems and Piping During Installation and Repair of Electric Supply Station Equipment (RTM-1s-93)
RD 34.15.132-96: Welding and Quality Control of Welded Joints in Metal Structures of Buildings During Construction of Industrial Facilities
Resolution: Rules for the design and safe operation of steam and hot water boilers
SNiP 3.03.01-87: Bearing and enclosing structures
SP 16.13330.2011: Steel structures
SP 294.1325800.2017: The construction of steel. Design rules
SP 53-102-2004: General rules for steel structure design
SP 70.13330.2012: Bearing and enclosing structures. Updated living edition of SNiP 3.03.01-87
TR 94.03.2-99: Standard Procedure for Operational Quality Control of Construction, Installation, and Military Construction Work During Construction of Buildings and Structures. 03.2: Construction of Super-Structures Made from Precast Reinforced Concrete Elements
VSN 006-89: Construction Of Main And Field Pipelines Welding
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