SP 47.13330.2016
СП 47.13330.2016
Engineering survey for construction. Basic principles
Инженерные изыскания для строительства. Основные положения
Status: Effective
The set of rules establishes the basic provisions and requirements for the organization and procedure for carrying out engineering surveys in the study of natural conditions and factors of anthropogenic impact in order to rational and safe use of territories and land plots within them. The requirements of the set of rules apply to the performance of engineering surveys for the preparation of territorial planning documents, documentation on territorial planning, architectural and construction design, construction and reconstruction of capital construction projects of increased and normal levels of responsibility.
Свод правил устанавливает основные положения и требования к организации и порядке выполнения инженерных изысканий при изучении природных условий и факторов техногенного воздействия в целях рационального и безопасного использования территорий и земельных участков в их пределах. Требования свода правил распространяются на выполнение инженерных изысканий для подготовки документов территориального планирования, документации по планировке территории, архитектурно-строительного проектирования, строительства и реконструкции объектов капитального строительства повышенного и нормального уровня ответственности.
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Approved: Ministry of construction and housing and communal services of the Russian Federation,
SKU: RUSS220701
The Product is Contained in the Following Classifiers:
Construction (Max) »
Regulations »
Documents System of normative documents in construction »
1. Organizational and methodological regulatory documents »
k.11 Engineering surveys for construction and design »
PromExpert »
II Ensuring environmental safety »
1 Air Protection »
1.3 Requirements for protection of atmospheric air in carrying out activities »
1.3.2 Requirements for protection of atmospheric air during design, placement, construction, reconstruction and operation of facilities »
ISO classifier »
91.020 Urban planning. Planning and development of settlements »
ISO classifier »
91.040 Construction »
91.040.01 Construction in general »
National standards »
91.040 Construction »
91.040.01 Construction in general »
ISO classifier »
93.010 Civil engineering in general »
As a Replacement Of:
SP 47.13330.2012: Engineering survey for construction. Basic principles
The Document References:
Code 136-FZ: Land Code of the Russian Federation
Code 190-FZ: Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation
Code 200-FZ: Forest Code of the Russian Federation
Code 74-FZ: Water Code of the Russian Federation
Federal Law 149-FZ: About information, information technology and information protection
Federal Law 162-FZ: About standardization in the Russian Federation
Federal Law 184-FZ: About technical regulation
Federal Law 33-FZ: About Specially Protected Natural Areas
Federal Law 431-FZ: On geodesy, cartography and spatial data and on amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation
Federal Law 73-FZ: On objects of cultural heritage (historical and cultural monuments) of the peoples of the Russian Federation
Federal Law 7-FZ: Environmental Protection
GOST 20522-2012: Soils. Methods of statistical treatment of test results
GOST 21.301-2014: System of design documents for construction. General requirements for presentation of report documents on engineering investigation
GOST 22268-76: Geodetisy. Terms and definitions
GOST 24846-2012: Soils. Methods of measuring the strains of structures and building bases
GOST 25100-2011: Soils. Classification
GOST 9.602-2005: Unified system of corrosion and ageing protection. Underground constructions. General requirements for corrosion protection
Resolution 1038: Regulations on the Ministry of Construction, Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation
Resolution 145: Regulations on the organization and conduct of state expertise of project documentation and engineering survey results
Resolution 3314-1: On the order of enactment of the Regulations on the procedure for licensing the use of subsoil
Resolution 87: The list of names of communication services included in the license for the implementation of activities in the field of rendering communication services
Resolution 87: Regulations on the composition of sections of design documentation and requirements for their content
SNiP 11-02-96: Engineering surveying for construction. fundamentals
SP 131.13330.2018: Construction Climatology
SP 14.13330.2014: Construction in seismic regions SNIP II-7-81 (revision SP 14.13330.2011)
SP 22.13330.2011: Buildings and structures foundations
SP 317.1325800.2017: Engineering geodetic survey for construction. General regulations for execution of work
SP 446.1325800.2019: Engineering and geological surveys for construction. General rules for the production of work
SP 47.13330.2012: Engineering survey for construction. Basic principles
SP 482.1325800.2020: Engineering and hydrometeorological surveys for construction. General rules for the production of work
The Document is Referenced By:
Amendment 5: Amendment to SP 20.13330.2016 SNiP 2.01.07-85* Loads and impacts
Amendment 5: Amendment to SP 22.13330.2016 SNiP 2.02.01-83* Foundations of Buildings and Structures
Amendment 5: Amendment to SP 16.13330.2017 "SNiP II-23-81* Steel Structures"
Disposition 788r: Procedure for development, coordination and approval of design and working documentation for construction and reconstruction of Russian Railways facilities
GOST R 1.19-2023: Standardization in the Russian Federation. Code of Practice. Rules of construction, statement, design and marking
GOST R 21.301-2021: System of design documentation for construction. Rules for carrying out reporting technical documentation on engineering surveys
GOST R 55472-2019: Gas distribution systems. Gas distribution networks of natural gas. Part 0. General
GOST R 58137-2018: Automobile roads of general use. Guidelines for risk assessment during the life cycle
GOST R 58148-2018: Opencast diamond development in cryolithozone. Design requirements
GOST R 58283-2018: Oil and gas industry. Arctic operations. Accounting for ice loads in the design of offshore platforms
GOST R 58325-2018: Soils. Field description
GOST R 59996-2022: Petroleum and gas industry. Oil and gas field marine structures. Offshore soil studies
GOST R 59997-2022: Oil and gas industry. Offshore oil and gas field facilities. Installation of self-elevating floating drilling rigs with regard to the conditions of the installation sites
GOST R 70049-2022: Compliance assessment. Sustainability requirements for high-speed rail infrastructure
GOST R 70311-2022: Public roads. Bridge structures. Rules for construction and strengthening of approach embankment cones
GOST R 70312-2022: Public roads. Bridge structures. Rules for design of interfaces with approach embankments
GOST R 70346-2022: "Green" standards. Multifamily residential "green" buildings. Evaluation methodology and criteria for design, construction and operation
GOST R 70525-2022: Land reclamation. Cultural and technical works. General requirements.
GOST R 70577-2022: Checkpoints across the state border of the Russian Federation. General requirements
GOST R 70630-2023: Preservation of objects of cultural heritage. Technological processes of preparation of the section of scientific and design documentation. Preliminary works
GOST R 70690-2023: Public roads. Laser scanning. Requirements for laser scanning data at different stages of the life cycle of a highway
GOST R 70831-2023: Oil and gas industry. Oil and gas field offshore stationary structures. Design and construction rules
GOST R 71147-2023: Oil and gas industry. Arctic Operations. Design of ice management systems
GOST R 71177-2023: Managing large construction projects using integrated contracts
GOST R 71288-2024: Phototopography. Digital orthophotomaps. Quality requirements
Letter 01-01-17/20173-NB: On evaluation of the results of engineering surveys
Letter 01-01-17/20654-NB: On indicating the name of the object of capital construction in the design of reporting technical documentation on the results of engineering surveys
ND 2-090601-007: Recommendations for the design, construction and operation of offshore pipelines
ND 2-090601-008: Recommendations for the design, construction and operation of offshore pipelines
ODM 218.2.092-2018: Recommendations for the use of sheet piles made of polymer materials in road construction
ODM 218.2.099-2019: Guidelines on the features of environmental engineering surveys in the design of public roads
ODM 218.3.094-2017: Recommendations on engineering and geological surveys and design of engineering protection structures on road sections with the development of slope processes
ODM Typical technical solutions for embankments on pile foundations with a flexible grillage made of geosynthetic materials
ODM 218.3.103-2018: Recommendations for the use of screw piles on roads
ODM 218.3.120-2020: Methodical recommendations for the calculation of road embankments on soft base soils using geosynthetic materials
Order 1112: On Amending Order No. 687 of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology of April 2, 2020
Order 1247: On Amending the Order of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology of April 2, 2020 N 687 "On Approval of the list of documents in the field of standardization, as a result of the application of which on a voluntary basis ensures compliance with the requirements of the Federal Law of December 30, 2009 N 384-FZ "Technical Regulations on the Safety of Buildings and Structures".
Order 1653: On amending the order of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology of April 2, 2020 N 687
Order 50/pr: The plan for the development and approval of codes of practice and updating of previously approved building codes and regulations, codes for 2020
Order 50/pr: On the approval of changes in the estimated norms
Ordinance 404/r: On Amending the Instruction on the Crossing of Railroad Lines of JSCo "Russian Railways" by Utilities
PNST 657-2022: Oil and gas industry. Surveying support of prospecting, exploration, construction and development of hydrocarbon fields
PNST 761-2023: Security in emergency situations. Safe City. Terms and definitions
PNST 856-2023: Designing the laying of line and cable structures of transportation multichannel communication. General requirements
R 52.08.874-2018: Determination of hydrographic characteristics by cartographic method
Resolution 815: On the approval of the list of national standards and sets of rules (parts of such standards and sets of rules), as a result of which, on a mandatory basis, compliance with the requirements of the Federal Law "Technical Regulations on the Safety of Buildings and Structures" July 2020 N 985
Resolution 985: The list of national standards and sets of rules (parts of such standards and sets of rules), as a result of which, on a mandatory basis, compliance with the requirements of the Federal Law "Technical Regulations on the Safety of Buildings and Structures"
SP 100.13330.2016: The reclamation systems and construction
SP 104.13330.2016: Ground protection from flooding and underflooding
SP 116.13330.2012: Engineering protection of territories, buildings and structures from dangerous geological processes. Basic principles.
SP 119.13330.2017: Railways with 1520 mm track
SP 121.13330.2019: Airdromes
SP 122.13330.2012: Railway and highway tunnels
SP 122.13330.2023: Railroad and road tunnels
SP 21.13330.2012: Buildings and structures on undermined territories and slumping soils
SP 22.13330.2016: Soil bases of buildings and structures
SP 24.13330.2011: Pile foundations
SP 248.1325800.2023: Underground structures. Design rules
SP 249.1325800.2016: Design and construction of underground utilities by closed and cut-and-cover methods
SP 25.13330.2012: Soil bases and foundations on permafrost soils
SP 25.13330.2020: Bases and foundations on permafrost soil SNiP 2.02.04-88
SP 267.1325800.2016: High rise buildings and complexes. Design rules
SP 284.1325800.2016: Instructions for design, construction and redesign of field oil and gas pipelines
SP 291.1325800.2017: Armed grouted structures. Rules of architectural design
SP 292.1325800.2017: Buildings and structures on tsunami hazardous areas. Regulations of design
SP 305.1325800.2017: Buildings and structures. The rules of geotechnical monitoring under construction
SP 313.1325800.2017: Roads in eternal permafrost regions. Rules of design and construction
SP 317.1325800.2017: Engineering geodetic survey for construction. General regulations for execution of work
SP 321.1325800.2017: Residential and public buildings. Regulations for designing of protection against radon
SP 332.1325800.2017: Sport constructions. Rules of design
SP 333.1325800.2020: Building Information Modeling. Rules for the formation of an information model of objects at various stages of the life cycle
SP 338.1325800.2017: High-speed railways noise protection. Design and construction regulations
SP 338.1325800.2018: High-speed railways noise protection. Design and construction regulations
SP 340.1325800.2017: Reinforced concrete and concrete structures of cooling towers. Design rules
SP 341.1325800.2017: Underground engineering communications. Lining of by a method of the horizontal directional drilling
SP 342.1325800.2017: Protection of railway track and structures from the adverse natural phenomena. Rules of engineering and construction
SP 354.1325800.2017: Foundations of bridge supports in areas of permafrost soils. Design and construction rules
SP 36.13330.2012: Trunk pipelines
SP 361.1325800.2017: Buildings and constructions. Protective measures in the zone of influence of construction of underground objects
SP 369.1325800.2017: Fixed offshore platforms. Design principles
SP 37.13330.2012: Industrial transport
SP 375.1325800.2017: Industrial chimneys. Design rules
SP 375.1325800.2023: Industrial flue pipes. Design rules
SP 378.1325800.2017: Offshore pipelines. Design and construction rules
SP 38.13330.2018: Loads and impacts on hydraulic structures (wave, ice and from ships)
SP 381.1325800.2018: Retaining structures. Design rules
SP 389.1326000.2018: Technical operation of seaport infrastructure facilities
SP 393.1325800.2018: Pipelines trunk and field for oil and gas. Organization of construction production
SP 398.1325800.2018: Quays. Urban Planning Rules
SP 401.1325800.2018: Buildings and complexes are high-rise. Urban Planning Rules
SP 407.1325800.2018: Excavation. Rules for the performance of work by hydromechanization
SP 408.1325800.2018: Detailed seismic zoning and seismic micro-zoning for spatial planning
SP 410.1325800.2018: Pipelines trunk and field for oil and gas. Permafrost construction and work control
SP 416.1325800.2018: Engineering protection of the shores of the tidal seas. Design rules
SP 417.1325800.2018: Buildings of railway stations. Design rules
SP 417.1325800.2020: Railway station complexes. Design rules
SP 420.1325800.2018: Engineering surveys for construction in areas of landslide development. General requirements
SP 425.1325800.2018: Engineering protection of territories from erosion processes. Design rules
SP 428.1325800.2018: Engineering surveys for construction in avalanche hazardous areas. General requirements
SP 431.1325800.2019: Industrial automobile roads. Rules for design and construction in the Arctic zone
SP 436.1325800.2018: Engineering protection of territories, buildings and structures from landslides and landslides. Design rules
SP 438.1325800.2019: Engineering surveys in the planning of territories. General requirements
SP 445.1325800.2023: Culverts and drainage systems in permafrost areas. Design rules
SP 446.1325800.2019: Engineering and geological surveys for construction. General rules for the production of work
SP 447.1325800.2019: Railways in permafrost areas. Design Fundamentals
SP 448.1325800.2019: Engineering surveys for construction in areas of subsidence. General requirements
SP 449.1325800.2019: Engineering surveys for construction in the areas of distribution of swelling soils. General requirements
SP 449.1326000.2019: Engineering surveys for construction in areas of swelling soil distribution. General requirements
SP 45.13330.2017: Earthworks, grounds and footings
SP 453.1325800.2019: Artificial high-speed railway lines. Design and construction rules
SP 462.1325800.2019: Bus station buildings. Design rules
SP 462.1325800.2019: Bus station buildings. Design rules
SP 463.1325800.2019: Buildings of river and sea stations. Design rules
SP 463.1325800.2019: Buildings of river and sea stations. Design rules
SP 472.1325800.2019: Armor-based systems of bridges and retaining walls on highways. Design rules
SP 473.1325800.2019: Buildings, structures and complexes are underground. Urban planning rules
SP 474.1325800.2019: Metro Rules for the inspection and monitoring of building structures of underground structures
SP 478.1325800.2019: Air terminal buildings and complexes. Design rules
SP 479.1325800.2019: Engineering surveys for construction in areas where mudflow processes develop. General requirements
SP 48.13330.2019: Organization of construction. SNiP 12-01-2004
SP 482.1325800.2020: Engineering and hydrometeorological surveys for construction. General rules for the production of work
SP 483.1325800.2020: Field pipelines made of ductile cast iron with spheroidal graphite for oil and gas fields. Design, construction, operation rules
SP 487.1325800.2020: Hydroaerodromes. Design rules
SP 490.1325800.2020: Airfields. Work rules
SP 491.1325800.2020: Airfields. Technical condition survey rules
SP 498.1325800.2020: Foundations and foundations of buildings and structures on permafrost soils. Requirements for engineering preparation of the territory
SP 499.1325800.2021: Engineering protection of territories, buildings and structures from karst-suffusion processes. Design rules
SP 507.1325800.2021: Buildings and premises of weapons, ammunition and special means for the needs of the penal system. Design Rules
SP 511.1325800.2022: Landing sites. Design rules
SP 531.1325800.2024: Urban planning. Models of urban environment. General provisions
SP 536.1325800.2024: Field pipelines of non-metallic pipes. Design and construction rules
STO GGI 52.08.40-2017: Determination of the morphometric characteristics of land water bodies and their watersheds using the technology of geographical information systems using digital maps of the Russian Federation and satellite images
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