SP 45.13330.2017
СП 45.13330.2017
Earthworks, grounds and footings
Земляные сооружения, основания и фундаменты
Status: Effective
This set of rules applies to the production and acceptance: excavation, construction of foundations and foundations in the construction of new buildings, reconstruction of buildings and structures (hereinafter, instead of the term "buildings and structure
Настоящий свод правил распространяется на производство и приемку: земляных работ, устройство оснований и фундаментов при строительстве новых, реконструкции зданий и сооружений (далее вместо термина "здания и сооружения" используется термин "сооружения", в
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Approved: Ministry of construction and housing and communal services of the Russian Federation,
SKU: RUSS220762
The Product is Contained in the Following Classifiers:
Construction (Max) »
Regulations »
Documents System of normative documents in construction »
5. Regulatory documents for building structures and products »
k.50 Foundations and foundations of buildings and structures »
PromExpert »
III Occupational safety requirements for production equipment and processes »
2 Safety requirements for certain types of work »
2.1 Operation of industrial buildings and structures »
ISO classifier »
93.020 Earthworks. Excavation. Foundation construction. Underground work »
National standards »
93.020 Earthworks. Excavation. Foundation construction. Underground work »
ISO classifier »
93.020 Earthworks. Excavation. Foundation construction. Underground work »
93.020.30 Earthworks. Blasting work »
ISO classifier »
93.020 Earthworks. Excavation. Foundation construction. Underground work »
93.020.45 Foundations »
As a Replacement Of:
SP 45.13330.2012: Earth structures, bases and foundations
The Document References:
Code 74-FZ: Water Code of the Russian Federation
GOST 10180-2012: Concretes. Methods for strength determination using reference specimens
GOST 10181-2014: Concrete mixtures. Methods of testing
GOST 10922-2012: Welded reinforcing products and inserts, welded, lap and mechanical joints for reinforced concrete structures. General specifications
GOST 12071-2014: Soils. Sampling, packing, transportation and keeping of samples
GOST 12248-2010: Soils. Laboratory methods for determining the strength and strain characteristics
GOST 12536-2014: Soils. Methods of laboratory granulometric (grain-size) and microaggregate distribution
GOST 12730.5-84: Concretes. Methods for determination of water tightness
GOST 14098-2014: Welded joints of reinforcement and inserts for reinforced concrete structures. Types, constructions and dimensions
GOST 16504-81: The state system of testing products. Product test and quality inspection. General terms and definitions
GOST 18105-86: Concretes. Rules for the strength control
GOST 18321-73: Statistical quality control. Item random sampling methods
GOST 19912-2012: Soils. Field test methods: cone penetration test and dynamic probing
GOST 20276-2012: Soils. Field methods for determining the strength and strain characteristics
GOST 22733-2002: Soils. Laboratory method for determination of maximum density.
GOST 22733-2016: Soils. Laboratory method for determination of maximum density
GOST 23061-2012: Soils. Methods for radioisotope measurement of density and humidity
GOST 23061-90: Soils. Methods for radioisotope measurement of density and humidity
GOST 23732-2011: Water for concretes and cement mortars Technical specifications.
GOST 23858-79: Welded joints butt and T-formed of reinforcement steel bars. Ultrasonic methods of quality inspection. Acceptability requirements
GOST 25100-2011: Soils. Classification
GOST 25584-90: Soils. Laboratory methods for determination of filtration factor
GOST 30416-2012: Soils. Laboratory testing. General requirements
GOST 31108-2003: General structural Portland clinker cements. Specifications
GOST 32804-2014: Geosynthetic materials for foundations, piers and excavation. General specifications
GOST 5180-84: Soils. Laboratory methods for determination
GOST 5686-94: Sоils. Fiеld tеst mеthоds bу рilеs
GOST 5781-82: Hot-rolled steel for reinforcement of ferroconcrete structures. Specifications
Resolution 1038: Regulations on the Ministry of Construction, Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation
SNiP 3.04.01-87: Insulation and finishing coatings
SNiP 3.05.05-84: Processing equipment and process pipelines
SNiP 3.07.02-87: Hydraulic engineering marine and river transport facilities
SP 16.13330.2011: Steel structures
SP 22.13330.2011: Buildings and structures foundations
SP 24.13330.2011: Pile foundations
SP 34.13330.2012: Automobile roads. Updated living edition of SNIP 2.05.02-85
SP 39.13330.2012: Rock fill dams
SP 45.13330.2012: Earth structures, bases and foundations
SP 47.13330.2012: Engineering survey for construction. Basic principles
SP 47.13330.2016: Engineering survey for construction. Basic principles
SP 48.13330.2011: Organization of construction
SP 63.13330.2012: Concrete and reinforced concrete structures. General provisions.
SP 70.13330.2012: Bearing and enclosing structures. Updated living edition of SNiP 3.03.01-87
SP 71.13330.2011: Insulating and finishing coatings
SP 86.13330.2012: Main pipelines
VSN 43-71: Instructions for quality control of the construction of alluvial earthworks
The Document is Referenced By:
Amendment 4: Amendment to SP 43.13330.2012 SNiP 2.09.03-85 Structures of industrial enterprises
Amendment 5: Amendment to SP 20.13330.2016 SNiP 2.01.07-85* Loads and impacts
Amendment 5: Amendment to SP 22.13330.2016 SNiP 2.02.01-83* Foundations of Buildings and Structures
Amendment 5: Amendment to SP 16.13330.2017 "SNiP II-23-81* Steel Structures"
GOST 34823-2022: Trunk pipeline transport of oil and petroleum products. Organization and performance of construction and installation works on the territory of permafrost soils spreading
GOST 34826-2022: Trunk pipeline transport of oil and petroleum products. Linear part. Organization and production of construction and installation works
GOST R 51872-2019: Geodetic Executive Documentation. Execution Rules
GOST R 53201-2023: Composite polymer pipes and fittings with threaded joints for pressure and non-pressure pipelines. Technical conditions
GOST R 55472-2019: Gas distribution systems. Gas distribution networks of natural gas. Part 0. General
GOST R 55473-2019: Gas distribution systems. Gas distribution networks of natural gas. Part 1. Polyethylene gas pipelines
GOST R 57818-2017: Design standards of buildings and constructions for gas processing industry
GOST R 57955-2017: Buildings and facilities for oil and gas producing industries. Design standards
GOST R 58180-2018: Gas distribution systems. Requirements for gas distribution networks. Part 5. The gas pipelines with the load-bearing framework coated with a sleeve with polymerizing coating
GOST R 58181-2018: Gas distribution systems. Requirements to gas distribution networks. Part 7. Polyethylene gas pipelines laid inside the existing pipeline
GOST R 58778-2019: Gas distribution systems. Gas distribution networks and gas consumption. Category 1a high pressure gas pipelines
GOST R 59538-2021: Injection solutions for cement-based soil consolidation. Technical conditions
GOST R 59626-2022: Public roads Special auxiliary structures and devices for bridge construction. Design rules. General requirements
GOST R 59980-2022: Public roads. Ice-preventive structures. General requirements
GOST R 70108-2022: Executive documentation. Formation and maintenance in electronic form.
GOST R 70308-2022: Injection mortars for the consolidation of soils based on fine binders. Technical specifications
GOST R 70311-2022: Public roads. Bridge structures. Rules for construction and strengthening of approach embankment cones
GOST R 70312-2022: Public roads. Bridge structures. Rules for design of interfaces with approach embankments
GOST R 70406-2022: Outdoor engineering networks. Installation and testing of external hot pipelines made of flexible nonmetallic pipes. Rules and control of work performance
GOST R 70519-2022: Tailings ponds of hydrometallurgical plants of uranium mining enterprises. Design standards
GOST R 70696-2023: Injection mortars for cement-based soil consolidation. Test methods
GOST R 70825-2023: External engineering networks. Installation of underground water pipelines and pressure sewerage pipelines made of high-strength cast iron with spheroidal graphite. Rules and control of work performance
GOST R 71546-2024: Gas distribution systems gas distribution networks. Part 8. Gas pipelines sanitized with fiberglass fiber-reinforced sleeve
ODM 218.2.090-2017: Guidelines for the use of tubular welded grooves in the construction of roads
ODM 218.2.092-2018: Recommendations for the use of sheet piles made of polymer materials in road construction
ODM 218.3.094-2017: Recommendations on engineering and geological surveys and design of engineering protection structures on road sections with the development of slope processes
ODM Typical technical solutions for embankments on pile foundations with a flexible grillage made of geosynthetic materials
ODM 218.6.031-2018: Guidelines for improving the reliability of protective and fortifications in emergency situations and natural hazards
ODM 218.8.012-2019: Guidelines (guidance) on the predictive assessment of environmental impact during the construction and operation of public roads
Order 1042/pr: On approval of methodological recommendations for the development of norms and rules for the improvement of territories of municipalities
Order 1112: On Amending Order No. 687 of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology of April 2, 2020
Order 1247: On Amending the Order of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology of April 2, 2020 N 687 "On Approval of the list of documents in the field of standardization, as a result of the application of which on a voluntary basis ensures compliance with the requirements of the Federal Law of December 30, 2009 N 384-FZ "Technical Regulations on the Safety of Buildings and Structures".
Order 1653: On amending the order of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology of April 2, 2020 N 687
Order 99/pr: On the approval of the Plan for the development and approval of codes of practice and updating of previously approved building codes and regulations, codes of practice for 2021.
PNST 657-2022: Oil and gas industry. Surveying support of prospecting, exploration, construction and development of hydrocarbon fields
PNST 804-2022: Piles. Seismoacoustic method of length and continuity control
Resolution 985: The list of national standards and sets of rules (parts of such standards and sets of rules), as a result of which, on a mandatory basis, compliance with the requirements of the Federal Law "Technical Regulations on the Safety of Buildings and Structures"
SP 122.13330.2023: Railroad and road tunnels
SP 129.13330.2019: External networks and water supply and sewerage facilities
SP 23.13330.2011: Foundation of hydraulic structures
SP 248.1325800.2023: Underground structures. Design rules
SP 29.13330.2011: Floors
SP 291.1325800.2017: Armed grouted structures. Rules of architectural design
SP 303.1325800.2017: One-story industrial buildings. Operating rules
SP 31.13330.2021: Water supply. External networks and structures SNiP 2.04.02-84*
SP 315.1325800.2017: Thermal networks laid in a ground. Design rules
SP 324.1325800.2017: Multi-storey industrial buildings. Operating rales
SP 325.1325800.2017: Buildings and construction. Rules for the production of demolition and recycling
SP 341.1325800.2017: Underground engineering communications. Lining of by a method of the horizontal directional drilling
SP 343.1325800.2017: Constructions of the industrial enterprises. The rules of operation
SP 354.1325800.2017: Foundations of bridge supports in areas of permafrost soils. Design and construction rules
SP 361.1325800.2017: Buildings and constructions. Protective measures in the zone of influence of construction of underground objects
SP 365.1325800.2017: Vertical cylindrical steel tanks for storage of oil products. Rules of work's production and acceptance under installation
SP 365.1325800.2018: Vertical cylindrical steel tanks for storage of oil products. Rules of work’s production and acceptance under installation
SP 378.1325800.2017: Offshore pipelines. Design and construction rules
SP 381.1325800.2018: Retaining structures. Design rules
SP 389.1326000.2018: Technical operation of seaport infrastructure facilities
SP 393.1325800.2018: Pipelines trunk and field for oil and gas. Organization of construction production
SP 399.1325800.2018: External water supply and sewage systems made of polymer materials. Rules for design and installation
SP 403.1325800.2018: Industrial territories. Rules for the design of landscaping
SP 407.1325800.2018: Excavation. Rules for the performance of work by hydromechanization
SP 410.1325800.2018: Pipelines trunk and field for oil and gas. Permafrost construction and work control
SP 412.1325800.2018: The construction of foundations of high-rise buildings and structures. Work Rules
SP 422.1325800.2018: Pipelines trunk and field for oil and gas. Construction of underwater crossings and work control
SP 43.13330.2012: Structures for industrial installations
SP 436.1325800.2018: Engineering protection of territories, buildings and structures from landslides and landslides. Design rules
SP 445.1325800.2023: Culverts and drainage systems in permafrost areas. Design rules
SP 446.1325800.2019: Engineering and geological surveys for construction. General rules for the production of work
SP 46.13330.2012: Bridges and pipes
SP 471.1325800.2019: Building Information Modeling. Quality control of construction works
SP 472.1325800.2019: Armor-based systems of bridges and retaining walls on highways. Design rules
SP 473.1325800.2019: Buildings, structures and complexes are underground. Urban planning rules
SP 48.13330.2019: Organization of construction. SNiP 12-01-2004
SP 507.1325800.2021: Buildings and premises of weapons, ammunition and special means for the needs of the penal system. Design Rules
SP 509.1325800.2021: Prisons. Design rules
SP 536.1325800.2024: Field pipelines of non-metallic pipes. Design and construction rules
SP 71.13330.2017: Insulation and finish coatings
SP 74.13330.2023: Heat networks.
SP 81.13330.2017: The reclamation systems and construction
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