
VSN 62-91*

ВСН 62-91*

Designing living environments taking into account the needs of people with disabilities and low mobility

Проектирование среды жизнедеятельности с учетом потребностей инвалидов и маломобильных групп населения

Status: Partially effective. Canceled by resolution of the Gosstroy of Russia No. 73 dated 07/16/2001 (except for section 5 "Requirements for specialized buildings"

Instruction for determining design electric loads

Требования настоящего документа обязательны для всех министерств, ведомств, предприятий, учреждений и организаций, разрабатывающих и реализующих в строительстве проекты планировки и застройки населенных мест, а также проектные решения отдельных зданий, сооружений и их комплексов жилищно-гражданского и производственного назначения.

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Format: Electronic (pdf/doc)

Approved: State Committee for Architecture of the USSR Gosstroy, 10/4/1991

SKU: RUSS222019

Price: $472.15


The Product is Contained in the Following Classifiers:

Construction (Max) » Regulations » Documents System of normative documents in construction » 3. Normative documents on urban planning, buildings and constructions » k.35 Providing an accessible living environment for people with disabilities and other people with limited mobility »

ISO classifier » 91 CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS AND CONSTRUCTION » 91.040 Construction » 91.040.01 Construction in general »

The Document is Replaced With:

SNiP 35-01-2001: Buildings accessibility for disabled population

The Document is Referenced By:

GOST 28681.4-95: Tourist and excursion service. Classification for hotels

GOST R 50645-94: Tourist and excursion service. Classification for hotels

GOST R 51185-98: Tourist services. Means of accommodation. General requirements

GOST R 51773-2001: Retailing. Classification of enterprises

ID 1.2000: Extracts from building codes and regulations (SNiP) required for the development of project documentation for the construction of social infrastructure with the needs of persons with disabilities

Manual for MGSN 4.08-97: Mass types of fitness centers. Issue 1 General Provisions. Buildings close to housing. Fitness clubs of microdistricts. Children and youth sports schools

Manual for MGSN 4.08-97: Mass types of fitness centers. Issue 2. Fitness centers of municipal areas. Complexes of sports and recreational facilities

Manual for MGSN 4.08-97: Mass types of fitness centers. Issue 3. Specialized sports clubs

Manual for MGSN 4.09-97: Buildings of bodies of social protection of the population

Manual for MGSN 4.12-97: Medical institutions. Section II. Hospitals. Issue 3. Operation blocks. Department of Anesthesiology and Resuscitation. Department of hemodialysis and detoxification. Departments of industrial transfusiology. Hyperbaric Oxygen Departments

Manual for MGSN 4.12-97: Medical institutions. Section IV release 6. Specialized and auxiliary departments. Department of physiotherapy and physiotherapy. Cabinets of remote lithotripsy. Medical labor (production) workshops. Hospital pharmacies. Centralized sterilization departments. Disinfection departments. Laundries. Food blocks

Manual for MGSN 4.12-97: Medical institutions. Section V release 7. Outpatient facilities

Manual for MGSN 4.12-97: Medical institutions. Section III. Issue 5. Diagnostic departments. Departments (offices) of functional diagnostics. Endoscopic departments (cabinets). Departments (departments) of radiation diagnostics (radiological, computed and magnetic resonance imaging, radionuclide diagnostics)

Manual for MGSN 4.12-97: Medical institutions. Issue 1. General Provisions. Inpatient facilities: Key points. Reception Offices

Manual for MGSN 4.12-97: Medical institutions. Issue 2. Hospitals: Ward departments of hospitals. Obstetric hospitals. Day hospitals

Manual for MGSN 4.12-97: Medical institutions. Section III. Issue 4. Diagnostic departments: Clinical diagnostic laboratories. Pathological departments. Forensic Bureau (s)

Manual for MGSN 5.01-94*: Manual for MGSN 5.01-94 * "Parking of cars"

MDK 11-01.2002: Recommended Practice for Procedure for Burial and Cemetery Maintenance in the Russian Federation

MDS 11-3.99: Recommended Practice for Conformity Assessment of Feasibility Studies (Projects) for Construction of Nonindustrial Facilities

MDS 13-2.2000: Procedural Guidelines for Burial and Maintenance of Cemeteries in the Russian Federation

MDS 30-2.2008: Recommendations for upgrading the transport system of cities

MDS 31-10.2004: Recommendations on the planning and maintenance of buildings, structures and complexes for funeral purposes

MDS 31-13.2007: Design guidelines for the safety and comfort of industrial buildings

MDS 31-5.2000: Recommended Practice for the Design of Places of Worship

MDS 31-9.2003: Orthodox churches. Volume 2. Orthodox churches and complexes. Allowance for design and construction (to SP 31-103-99)

MDS 32-1.2000: Recommended Practice for the Design of Depots

MDS 35-1.2000: Recommended Practice for Integrated Accessible Design for Individuals with Disabilities and Mobility Impairments. Volume 1: "Basic Provisions

MDS 35-10.2000: Recommended Practice for Integrated Accessible Design for Individuals with Disabilities and Mobility Impairments. Volume 20: "Factory and Industrial Facilities, Buildings, and Structures for Employment of Individuals with Disabilities and Mobility Impair

MDS 35-11.2004: Development of environment for work activity of low-mobile groups of people at industrial enterprises

MDS 35-2.2000: Recommended Practice for Integrated Accessible Design for Individuals with Disabilities and Mobility Impairments. Volume 2: "Urban Development

MDS 35-3.2000: Recommended Practice for Integrated Accessible Design for Individuals with Disabilities and Mobility Impairments. Volume 3: "Residential Buildings and Complexes

MDS 35-4.2000: Recommended Practice for Integrated Accessible Design for Individuals with Disabilities and Mobility Impairments. Volume 7, Part 1: Design of New and Adaptation of Existing Buildings for Education, Training, and Rehabilitation of Children

MDS 35-5.2000: Recommended Practice for Integrated Accessible Design for Individuals with Disabilities and Mobility Impairments. Volume 10: Public Buildings and Structures. Medical Facilities: Clinics, Outpatient Clinics, and Pharmacies

MDS 35-6.2000: Recommendations for the design of the environment, buildings and structures, taking into account the needs of the disabled and other people with limited mobility. Issue 12. Public buildings and facilities. Athletic facilities

MDS 35-7.2000: Recommended Practice for Integrated Accessible Design for Individuals with Disabilities and Mobility Impairments. Volume 13: Public Buildings and Structures. Physical Education and Health Improvement Facilities

MDS 35-8.2000: Recommended Practice for Integrated Accessible Design for Individuals with Disabilities and Mobility Impairments. Volume 14: "Public Buildings and Structures. Motion Picture Theaters, Clubs, Libraries, and Museums

MDS 35-9.2000: Recommendations for the design of the environment, buildings and structures, taking into account the needs of people with disabilities and other people with limited mobility. Issue 19. Public buildings and structures. Buildings and facilities for transport purposes

MGSN 1.01-97: Part 1: Interim Urban Development Code of the City of Moscow

MGSN 1.01-98: Part 2: Interim Urban Development Code of the City of Moscow

MGSN 3.01-96: Residential Buildings

MosSanPiN Hygienic requirements to the design, equipment and maintenance of hotels of Moscow

RDS 35-201-99: Procedure of realization the requirements for access by the disabled persons to social insfrastructural objects

Recommendations: Aspiration smoke-sensitive alarms VESDA. Part 1. Scope

Resolution 82: Temporary norms and rules for the planning and development of the city of Moscow. Consolidated edition (not valid)

SNiP 35-01-2001: Buildings accessibility for disabled population

SP 12-95: Instructions for the design of objects of internal affairs bodies (police) of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

SP 30-102-99: Planning and construction of low-rise housing construction territories

SP 31-102-99: Requirements of accessibility of public buildings and facilities for the disabled and other low-mobility visitors

SP 31-103-99: Buildings, structures and complexes of orthodox churches

SP 35-101-2001: Designing of buildings and facilities, taking into account accessibility for people with limited mobility. General provisions

SP 35-103-2001: Public buildings and facilities accessible to visitors with limited mobility

SP 35-104-2001: Facilities and buildings with places of work for people with disabilities

SP 35-110-2004: Elements of geriatric service for living environment

SP 35-114-2003: Reconstruction and adaptation of buildings for social service agencies aimed at older people

SP 35-117-2006: Orphanages for children with disabilities

TSN 21-301-2001: Passenger Motor Vehicle Parking Facilities

TSN 21-301-96: Passenger Vehicle Parking Facilities

TSN 30-303-2000 MO: Planning and development of urban and rural settlements. Moscow region

TSN 30-304-2000: City of Moscow Planning and Development Code

TSN 30-305-2002: Urban planning. Reconstruction and development of non-central areas of St. Petersburg

TSN 30-311-2004: Urban planning. Planning and development of urban and rural settlements of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug

TSN 31-301-94: Hospices

TSN 31-302-95: Residential Facilities for Children With Disabilities and Mobility Impairments

TSN 31-303-95: Residential Facilities for Individuals with Disabilities and Mobility Impairments and Senior Citizens

TSN 31-305-96: Boarding Schools for Children with Disabilities and Mobility Impairments

TSN 31-310-98: Mass-Application Physical Education and Health Improvement Facilities

TSN 31-311-98: Buildings for Social Security Institutions

TSN 31-313-98: Medical Care Facilities

TSN 31-315-99: Relail trade enterprises

TSN 31-316-99: Local construction normatives. Hotels

TSN 31-317-99: Cultural and entertainment facilities

TSN 31-318-99: Buildings, Structures, and Building Complexes for Mortuary Purposes

TSN 31-319-99: Consumer services enterprises

Turkmenistan Guidelines for the development and application of standards: Guidelines for the development and application of standards for unavoidable losses and waste of materials in construction

VNP 001-01: Industry-Specific Design Standards. Buildings for Territorial Main Administrations, National Banks, and Clearing Centers of the Russian Federation Central Bank

VSN AV-PAS-94: Bus stations and passenger bus stations

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