
GOST 15.001-73

ГОСТ 15.001-73

Products development and launching into manufacture. General principles

Разработка и постановка продукции на производство. Основные положения

Status: Not effective - Superseded. IUS 1-1989

The standard establishes the procedure for developing, approving and approving technical specifications, testing prototypes (pilot lots), setting up production of new (modernized) products, as well as testing products of established serial production. The standard applies to products for industrial purposes. The standard does not apply to products developed on the orders of the USSR Ministry of Defense, single-unit products of small-scale production collected at the place of operation, and the simplest products.

Стандарт устанавливает порядок разработки, согласования и утверждения технических заданий, испытаний опытных образцов (опытных партий), постановки на производство новой (модернизированной) продукции, а также испытаний продукции установившегося серийного производства. Стандарт распространяется на продукцию производственно-технического назначения. Стандарт не распространяется на продукцию, разрабатываемую по заказам Министерства обороны СССР, изделия единичного я мелкосерийного производства, собираемые на месте эксплуатации, и простейшие изделия.

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Approved: USSR State Committee for Standards, 4/23/1973

SKU: RUSS230603

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The Product is Contained in the Following Classifiers:

PromExpert » SECTION I. TECHNICAL REGULATION » III Quality » 2 Product quality assurance » 2.1 Ensuring product quality at stage of technical preparation of production » 2.1.2 Technological preparation of production »

National Standards for KGS (State Standards Classification) » Latest edition » T General technical and organizational and methodological standards » T5 Documentation System » T52 Design Documentation System »

The Document is Replaced With:

GOST 15.001-88: System of product development and launching into manufacture. Products of industrial and technical designation

As a Replacement Of:

GOST 15.302-81: System of products development and launching into manufacture. The production of products previously used in other enterprises

The Document References:

GOST 15.010-86: System of products development and launching into manufacture. Simplest goods

GOST 16504-74: Product quality. Classification of products by quality and types of defects. Terms and definitions

GOST 2.103-68: Unified system for design documentation. Stages of designing

GOST 2.105-79: Unified system for design documentation. General requirements for textual documents

GOST 2.115-70: Specifications. The procedure for coordination, approval and state registration

GOST 2.116-71: Unified system for design documentation. Chart of technical level and quality of products

GOST 8.001-71: State system of ensuring the unity of measurements. Rules for conducting the state tests of measuring means

GOST 8.326-78: The State Measurement System. Metrological assurance of development, manufacturing and operation of unstandardized measuring instruments. General principles

GOST 9327-60: Paper and paper products. Trimmed sizes

The Document is Referenced By:

GOST 1.3-85: State system of standartization. Procedure for agreement, approval and state registration of specifications

GOST 10054-82: Water-resistant abrasive paper

GOST 11018-87: Wheel sets of diesel and electric locomotives for 1520 mm gauge railways. Specifications

GOST 12.1.004-85: Occupational safety standards system. Fire safety. General requirements

GOST 12.1.012-78: Occupational safety standards system. Vibration. General safety requirements

GOST 12.2.015-76: Occupational safety standards system. Machinery and equipment for glass industry. General safety requirements

GOST 12.2.016-81: Occupational safety standards system. Gas compressing equipment. General safety requirements

GOST 12.2.048-80: Occupational safety standards system. Saws and flat knives sharpening machines. Safety requirements

GOST 12.2.104-84: Mechanized logging equipment

GOST 13.2.001-80: Reprography. Copirography. Electrophotocopying reproduction machine. Types and main parameters

GOST 14.003-74: Unified system for technological preparation of production. The order of organization of scientific and technical developments in the field of technological preparation of production, acceptance and transfer to production

GOST 14.305-73: Unified system for technological preparation of production. Rules for selecting tooling

GOST 14.306-73: Unified system for technological preparation of production. Engineering control techniques selection rules

GOST 14.307-73: Unified system for technological preparation of production. Rules for selection of the means of technological equipment of testing processes

GOST 14.310-73: Unified system for technological preparation of production. Regulations for arrangement of development of technological equipment means

GOST 14925-79: Cis-isoprene synthetic rubber. Specifications

GOST 15.011-82: System of product development and launching it into manufacture. Procedure of patent researches

GOST 15.101-80: System of products development and launching into manufacture. Carrying out procedure of research works. General principles

GOST 15.304-80: System of products development and launching into manufacture. Author's supervision over the development and production of products. General principles

GOST 15.901-85: System of product development and launching it into manufacture. Building components

GOST 17041-77: Rulers for drawing instruments. Specifications

GOST 17315-71: Chipper knives. Technical conditions

GOST 17342-81: Knives for chipping machines

GOST 18961-80: Diamond needles for surface roughness measurements. Technical conditions

GOST 19822-88: Industrial container. Specifications

GOST 20073-81: General-purpose stationary air piston compressors. Acceptance rules and methods of tests

GOST 20260-74: General-purpose containers. Acceptance rules. Methods of tests

GOST 20353-74: Pleasure boats rowing and motor. Rules for the acceptance of prototypes

GOST 21.401-88: System of design document for construction. Production technology. Main requirements to working drawings.

GOST 21329-75: Edge filters at pressure up to 63 bar. Specifications

GOST 21469-82: Drawing tools and sets thereof. Specification

GOST 21550-76: Information filing cards. Specifications

GOST 21557-83: The bushings and rings for metallic bellows. General specifications

GOST 23080-78: Rotary snowploughs. Acceptance rules and test methods

GOST 23182-78: Grinding wheels for hand-held grinders

GOST 23461-84: Diamond broach files

GOST 23466-79: Fire aerial ladder. General specifications

GOST 23474-79: Cable apparatus. General technical requirements, acceptance rules and test methods

GOST 23501.12-81: Computer-aided design systems. Organization of creation and development

GOST 23501.1-79: Computer-aided design systems. Stages of development

GOST 23501.7-80: Computer-aided design systems. Pre-project research

GOST 23726-79: Metal cutting and woodcutting. Acceptance

GOST 23734-79: Industrial tractors. Test methods

GOST 23945.2-80: Product unification. The order of setting the requirements for unification and standardization in the terms of reference

GOST 23945.3-80: Product unification. Examination of projects for a given level of unification

GOST 23987-80: Canal excavators. Test methods

GOST 24.201-79: System of technical documentation for computer control systems. Requirements for the content of the document "Terms of Reference"

GOST 24.201-85: Unified system of standards of computer control systems. Terms of Reference for DCS

GOST 2456-82: Grinding bars

GOST 24857-81: Axial roof ventilators

GOST 24869-81: System of standards for industrial purity in machine-tool building and instrumentation industrial purity in machine-tool building and instrumentation

GOST 24899-81: Household electrical appliances and machines. Symbols of control parts of the body

GOST 25044-81: Technical diagnostics. Diagnosis of motor vehicles, tractors, agricultural, construction and road machinery. Basic principles

GOST 25051.1-82: System of the production state tests. Representation, processing, evaluation of accuracy and registration of test results. General requirements

GOST 25251-82: Electric gantry cranes. Testing methods

GOST 25593-83: Diamond pastes

GOST 25781-83: Steel moulds for reinforced concrete members. Specifications

GOST 25804.1-83: Atomic power station technological processes control system equipment. General

GOST 25804.5-83: Atomic power station technological processes control system equipment. General rules of conducting test specimens and serial items test and acceptance

GOST 25932-83: Portable radioisotope soil and concrete moisture and density gauges. General specifications

GOST 26.007-85: Measuring and automation devices. Acceptance rules

GOST 26004-83: Diamond wheels with internal cutting edge

GOST 26116-84: Well-logging apparatus.

GOST 26157-84: Taking lenses. General specifications

GOST 26197-84: Programs of unification and specialization of production of machine-building products. The order of creating

GOST 26199-84: Industrial unification. Work procedure

GOST 26339-84: Annular diamond drills

GOST 26964-86: Rules of state acceptance of products. General principles

GOST 27324-87: Returnable polymeric boxes. General specifications

GOST 27834-88: Tool joints for drill pipers. Specifications

GOST 6128-81: Metal cans for chemical products

GOST 6937-81: Conic crushers. Specification

GOST 7.32-81: System of standards on information, librarianship and publishing. The research report. General requirements and rules for typescript

GOST 7496-84: Beet harvesters

GOST 8.326-78: The State Measurement System. Metrological assurance of development, manufacturing and operation of unstandardized measuring instruments. General principles

GOST 8904-81: Hard wood-fibre boards with varnish and paint coatings. Specifications

GOST 9238-83: Construction and rolling stock clearance diagrams for the USSR railways of 1520 (1524) mm gauge.

MI 1753-87: Guidelines. State system for ensuring uniformity of measurements. Means of automated calibration. Additional instructions to the composition of the technical specifications and the order of development of prototypes

OST 108.001.02-81: Unification of products. Basic requirements for the development (selection) of the base product in power engineering

OST 108.001.08-77: Development and production of products for production. Power Engineering Products

OST 108.001.08-81: System development and production of products. Power engineering products. Main provisions

OST 16 0.800.365-76: Assembly wires. General specifications

OST 2 MT71-5-84: Grinding materials from electrocorundum. Technical specifications

OST 2 MT71-5-84: Grinding materials from electrocorundum. Technical specifications

OST 34-13-959-88: Card of the technical level and product quality. Procedure of compilation and maintaining of the level card

OST 34-38-453-79: Stationary steam boilers. Maintainability. General requirements.

PB 10-14-92: Codes for installation and safe operation of lifting cranes

R 50-54-15-87: CAD. Test procedures for program-methodologic complexes

RD 12.23.101-85: The procedure for organizing and conducting work on the development of technical specifications for non-coal products

RD 12.23.102-85: Mountain cars. Method for establishing values of noise and vibration characteristics

RD 31.45.05-83*: Crane hoisting devices. General technical requirements

RD 39-3-751-82: Methodology for industrial testing of prototypes and pilot batches of calibrators, centralizers and stabilizers

RD 50-101-88: Methodical instructions on the procedure for the development, implementation and monitoring of the implementation of programs for the metrological support of the sectors of the national economy, national economic complexes

RD 50-110-80: Instructions for state supervision of the implementation and compliance with standards, technical conditions, metrological support and quality of industrial products

RD 50-111-86: Guidelines. The order of coordination of draft standards and technical conditions with trade union bodies

RD 50-149-79: Guidelines for assessing the technical level and quality of industrial products

RD 50-158-82: Guidelines for the development of integrated product standardization programs. Main provisions

RD 50-163-79: Instruction on the procedure for coordinated development, approval and implementation of standards, technical conditions and prices for cultural goods and household goods

RD 50-185-80: State supervision over the implementation and compliance with standards, specifications, metrological assurance and product quality. The procedure for exercising control over the correctness of the state tests of the most important types of products for production, technical, and cultural purposes. Methodical instructions

RD 50-234-81: Model regulation on the head organization for state testing of the most important types of products for industrial, cultural, and domestic purposes.

RD 50-238-81: Guidelines. Interindustry unification of products of mechanical engineering and instrument making. Order of work

RD 50-246-81: Guidelines. State supervision over the implementation and compliance with standards, specifications, metrological assurance and product quality. Verification of the enterprise’s activities in standardization and product quality management

RD 50-285-81: System development and production of products. Guidelines for the development and implementation of system standards

RD 50-286-81: Guidelines. The system of state testing of products. Ensuring the unity of the test. Main provisions

RD 50-394-83: Guidelines. Vibration. General requirements for regulatory and technical documents. Valid Parameters

RD 50-410-83: Guidelines. The order of execution of artistic and design work in the development of design documentation. Main provisions

RD 50-585-85: Guidelines. System development and production of products. The procedure for putting products on serial repair production

RD 50-612-86: Regulations on the organization of the work of state acceptance

RD 50-79-83: Instructions on the procedure for coordinated development, approval and introduction of regulatory and technical documentation and wholesale prices for machinery, equipment and devices for industrial purposes

RDI 126-78: Instruction on the procedure for coordinated development, approval and introduction of standards, technical conditions and prices for products of primary industries of heavy industry

RDI 79-76: Instruction on the procedure for coordinated development, approval and introduction of technical specifications and prices for engineering products for industrial purposes

RDMU 111-78: Guidelines on the procedure for coordination of draft standards and technical conditions with trade union bodies

RST RSFSR 328-89: Metal stationery cabinets. General technical requirements

RST RSFSR 506-81: System development and production of products. Garage equipment. Main provisions

RST RSFSR 645-80: Product Development and Production Start-Up System. Equipment of Minbyt RSFSR

RST RSFSR 703-83: System development and production of products. Products of folk arts and crafts

RST RSFSR 729-85: Product Development and Production Start-Up System. Means for Mechanization of Maintenance and Minor Repair of Automobiles

RTM 108.002.03-77: The order of development, accounting and registration of design documentation for unified products of power equipment

RTM 108.002.03-80: Product unification. The order of development, accounting and registration of design documentation for unified products of power engineering

RTM 12.44.022-81: Mountain cars. Method for establishing values ​​of noise and vibration characteristics

RTM 24.002.28-73: The procedure for the examination of product designs

RTM 26-79-72*: Application of standards of a unified system of design documentation (ESKD)

TU 26-01-355-80: Electrolyzers. Type of SPP with component equipment

TU 26-01-949-85: The devices gummed with the mechanical mixing device of volume 1; 2; 3.2; 6.3; 10 and 16 m3

TU 26-01-957-85: Gummed capacitive devices

TU 6-10-741-79: PF-167 enamel of various colors

VSN 17-75: Instructions on the procedure for certification of products of enterprises of the USSR Industry and Industry Ministry

VSN 361-85: Installation of Process Equipment on Foundations

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