GOST 20010-74
ГОСТ 20010-74
Industrial rubber gloves
Перчатки резиновые технические
Status: Not effective - Superseded
Industrial rubber gloves
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SKU: RUSS236439
The Product is Contained in the Following Classifiers:
National Standards for KGS (State Standards Classification) »
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L Chemical products and rubber-asbestos products »
L6 Rubber and asbestos products »
L63 Rubber technical products »
The Document is Replaced With:
GOST 20010-93: Industrial rubber gloves
As a Replacement Of:
GOST 9502-60: Gloves, rubber, acid-resistant
The Document is Referenced By:
GOST 10018-79: Copper cyanide technical. Technical conditions
GOST 10667-90: Sheet organic glass. Specifications
GOST 12.4.101-80: Occupational safety standards system. Cotton and blended fabrics for protective clothing. Method for determining the permeability of liquid toxic substances
GOST 12.4.147-84: Occupational safety standards system. Artificial leather for hand protection means. Method for determination of acid and alkali permeability
GOST 12.4.170-86: Occupational safety standards system. Polymer coated materials for special clothes. Method for determination of organic solvents resistance
GOST 12099-75: Copolymer BA-15 vinyl chloride and vinyl acetate. Specifications
GOST 13610-79: Iron carbonyl for radiotechnical uses. Specifications
GOST 18671-73: Cobalt oxide. Technical conditions
GOST 19671-81: Tungsten wire for light sources. Specification
GOST 19671-91: Tungsten wire for light sources
GOST 23787.11-81: Solutions of bio-fireproof DMF preparation. Technical requirements
GOST 23787.1-84: Solutions of antiseptic compound XMK. Technical requirements, safety requirements and test methods
GOST 23787.4-79: Means of protection for wood. Solution of antiseptic drug HMHC. Technical requirements
GOST 23787.5-79: Solutions of bio-fireproof HHC preparation. Technical requirements
GOST 23787.7-79: Solutions of fire retarding preservative ПББ. Technical requirements, safety requirements and methods of analysis
GOST 23787.8-80: Solutions of wood preservative XM-11. Specifications, safety requirements and analysis methods
GOST 23787.9-84: Solutions of wood preservative ХМФ. Technical requirements, safety requirements and methods of analysis
GOST 26991-86: Optical connectors. Requirements for technological process
GOST 28617-90: Metallic and non-metallic inorganic coatings of bicycles, motor cycles, scooters, motor bicycles. General requirements and methods of control
GOST 8.342-79: State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Hole gauges graduated in 0,001 and 0,002mm. Methods and means of verification
GOST 9.402-80: Metal surface preparation for painting
GOST 9519.0-82: Lead-calcium bearing alloys. General requirements for methods of spectral analysis
GOST 9967-74: Technical dimethylamine. Specifications
GOST R 50291-92: 1,1,2,2,-tetrafluorodibromethane (Khladon 114B2). Specifications
GOST R 50301-92: Diphtorochloromethane (khladon 22). Specifications
MI 1813-87: Methodical instructions. State system for ensuring uniformity of measurements. Spring measuring heads. Verification Method
MI 1946-88: Methodical instructions. GSI Normalyzers. Models БВ-5045, БВ-5046, 22202. Verification procedure
MI 2195-92: Recommendation. State system for ensuring uniformity of measurements. Lever-gear measuring heads. Verification Method
OST 108.020.131-85: Steam, Gas and Hydraulic Turbines. General requirements for conservation.
OST 3-6307-87: Optical polycrystalline material П04. Specifications.
R 4.054.004-89: Details from alloys of ferrous and non-ferrous metals. Thermal and chemical-thermal treatment. Typical Processes
RD 31.52.04-90: Polymer adhesive compositions. Application in ship repair. Technological requirements
RD 34.03.605: Recommended Practice for Use of Personal Protective Equipment for Workers and Employees of Minenergo USSR and for Organization of Maintenance Thereof
RD 39-1-1225-84: Guidelines for the use of a polyurethane polymer-based plugging composition for isolating water inflows into oil wells
Recommendations: Aspiration smoke-sensitive alarms VESDA. Part 1. Scope
TU 6-02-616-88: T-111 Resin
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