
GOST 2227-65

ГОСТ 2227-65

Sacks, paper, non-impregnated

Мешки бумажные непропитанные

Status: Not effective - Superseded. IUS 4-1975

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Format: Electronic (pdf/doc)
SKU: RUSS238543

English keywords: container; paper bags;

National keywords: мешки бумажные; тара;

Price: imgalt

The Product is Contained in the Following Classifiers:

National Standards for KGS (State Standards Classification) » Latest edition » D Vehicles and packaging » D7 Wooden, paper, cardboard containers » D75 Paper Bags »

The Document is Replaced With:

GOST 2226-75: Paper bags. Specifications

As a Replacement Of:

GOST 2227-51: Sacks, paper, non-impregnated

The Document is Referenced By:

GOST 10007-62: Polytetrafluoroethylene

GOST 10178-62: Portland cement slag, pozzolanic Portland cement and their varieties

GOST 10386-72: Concentrated combined fodders designed for rabbits and nutrias

GOST 10561-63: Cryolite artificial technical

GOST 10747-70: Mixed feed. For fur-bearing animals

GOST 10970-64: Milk cow dry fat-free. Technical requirements

GOST 11052-74: Gypsum-alumina expanding cement

GOST 127-64: Commercial sulfur

GOST 13299-71: Concentrated combined fodder designed for suckling-pigs

GOST 13451-68: Feldspar and quartz-feldspar raw materials for the glass industry

GOST 13681-77: Bristle scalded. Specification

GOST 13857-68: Seeds of winged forest and shrub. Sowing characteristics

GOST 13996-77: Facade ceramic tiles and carpets of them. Specifications

GOST 1510-60: Petroleum products. Packing and marking

GOST 16108-70: Concentrated datolite

GOST 19279-73: Polymer-cement paints

GOST 21055-75: Full-ration mixed feeding stufes for meat and bacon feeding of pigs

GOST 3024-74: Pyrethrum powder

GOST 3508-55: Bitumen of petroleum, special. Specification

GOST 39-66: Neozone D (phenyl-2-naphthalamine technical)

GOST 4422-73: Milled feldspar for electrode coverings

GOST 4495-65: Cow whole milk powder

GOST 5635-73: Glass products for automotive, motorcycle and bicycle lighting and light-signaling equipment

GOST 6194-69: Sodium nitrous acid (sodium nitrite), technical

GOST 6318-68: Sodium sulfate

GOST 6912-64: Alumina. Technical requirements

GOST 8295-57: Graphite P

GOST 9087-69: Welding fluxes

GOST 9265-72: Concentrated mixed fodder for working horses

GOST 9440-60: Polystyrene, emulsion and block

GOST 9593-74: 1-Phenyl-3-methyl-5-pyrazolone technical. Specifications

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