GOST 5850-72
ГОСТ 5850-72
Status: Not effective - Canceled. IUS 8-1988
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As a Replacement Of:
GOST 5850-51: Phenolphthalein
The Document is Referenced By:
GOST 10219-77: Xenon. Specification
GOST 10364-63: Dark petroleum products. Determination of vanadium content by the colorimetric method
GOST 10376-77: Regenerated wool from wool and semi-wool old and new rags. Specification
GOST 10779-78: Polyvinyl alcohol. Specification
GOST 10858-77: Oil seeds crops. Industrial raw materials. Methods of determination of acid value
GOST 11257-65: Mineral oils. Determination of the stability of energy oils using the static method
GOST 1219.3-74: Lead-calcium bearing alloys. Method for determination of aluminium content
GOST 12357-84: Steels alloyed and highalloyed. Methods for the, determination of aluminium
GOST 12645.5-77: Indium. Methods for determination of arsenic
GOST 12844-74: Technical epichlorhydrine. Specifications
GOST 13020.6-85: Metallic chrome. Method for determination of total aluminium
GOST 13230.7-81: Ferrosilicon. Methods for the determination of aluminium
GOST 13496.12-75: Combined animal feeding stuffs. Method for determination of total oxidity
GOST 13637.5-77: Gallium. Method for the determination of tin
GOST 13739-78: Immersion oil for microscopy. Technical requirements. Methods of testing
GOST 14047.13-78: Lead concentrates. Determination of germanium. Photometric method
GOST 1500-78: Witrous vitriol. Specification
GOST 1571-82: Turpentine oil
GOST 15907-70: Varnishes ПФ-170 and ПФ-171. Specifications
GOST 16412.2-80: Iron powder. Methods for the determination of phosphorus
GOST 17001.8-86: Ferrosilicozirconium. Method for determination of aluminium
GOST 17177-87: Heat insulating construction materials and products. Methods of control
GOST 17338-81: Ion exchange resins. Method for determination of osmotic stability
GOST 17338-88: Jon-exchangers. Method for determination of osmotic stability
GOST 17362-71: Mineral oils. Method of determination of saponification number
GOST 17477-86: Tetrahydrofurfuril alcohol. Specifications
GOST 1908-82: Condenser paper. General specifications
GOST 19096-73: Dioctyl sebacate, thermostable. Specification
GOST 1953.4-79: Tin bronze. Methods for the determination of phosphorus
GOST 1953.9-79: Tin bronze. Methods for the determination of silicon
GOST 19814-74: Synthetic and regenerated acetic acid. Specifications
GOST 1994-76: Fruits of sweetbrier
GOST 20235.1-74: Meat of rabbits. Methods for chemical and microscopic analysis of meat freshness
GOST 20264.2-88: Enzyme preparations. Methods for determination of proteolytic activity
GOST 20291-80: Sodium polyphosphate technical. Technical conditions
GOST 20301-74: Ion-exchange resins. Anionites. Specifications
GOST 20730-75: Nutrient media.
GOST 2082.5-81: Molybdenum concentrates. Method for determination of arsenic content
GOST 20841.2-75: Silicon organic products. Methods for determination of silicon mass fraction
GOST 20909.6-75: Non-diluted sperm of bulls. Methods of biochemical tests
GOST 20916-75: Slabs heat-insulating of foam on the basis of resole phenol-formaldehyde resins
GOST 21205-83: Tartaric acid for use in foodstuffs. Specifications
GOST 21261-75: Petroleum products. Method for determination of specific heat of combustion
GOST 21600.18-83: Ferrochrome. Methods for the determination of total aluminium
GOST 22386-77: Synthetic fatty acids and alcohols. Method for determination of acid value
GOST 22567.6-87: Synthetic detergents. Method for determination of surface active agents mass percentage
GOST 22567.9-87: Synthetic detergents. Method for determination of sodium carbonate or sodium bicarbonate mass percentage
GOST 2263-71: Sodium hydroxide for industrial use
GOST 22673-77: Sodium trichloracetate technical. Specifications
GOST 23260.3-78: Marble. Method for the determination of calcium oxide and magnesium oxide, soluble in water
GOST 23268.17-78: Drinking medicinal, medicinal-table and natural-table mineral waters. Methods of determination of chloride-ions
GOST 23581.17-81: Iron ores, concentrates, agglomerates and pellets. Methods for the determination of aluminium oxide
GOST 23581.20-81: Iron ores, concentrates, agglomerates and pellets. Methods for the determination of sulphur
GOST 23581.5-79: Iron ores, concentrates, agglomerates and pellets. Methods of the determination of chromium content
GOST 23581.7-79: Iron ores, concentrates, agglomerates and pellets. Methods of the determination of zinc and lead content
GOST 23581.8-79: Iron ores, concentrates, agglomerates and pellets. Methods of the determination of arsenic content
GOST 23787.10-81: Solutions of bio-fireproof HMHA preparation. Technical requirements
GOST 23787.11-81: Solutions of bio-fireproof DMF preparation. Technical requirements
GOST 23787.9-84: Solutions of wood preservative ХМФ. Technical requirements, safety requirements and methods of analysis
GOST 23859.5-79: Bronze fire-resistance. Methods for the determination of iron
GOST 24024.2-80: Phosphorus and inorganic phosphorus compounds. Method of determination of matters non-soluble in water
GOST 24676-81: Pentanes. Method for determination of the hydrocarbon compounds
GOST 25210-82: Simple and complex Polyether for polyurethanes. Method for determination of the acid number
GOST 25261-82: Polyether and polyesters for polyurethanes. Method of hydroxyl value determination
GOST 25284.4-82: Zinc alloys. Methods for the determination of lead
GOST 25555.1-82: Fruit and vegetable products. Method for determination of volatile acidity
GOST 25702.15-83: Rare metallic concentrates. Methods for the determination of phosphorus pentoxide
GOST 26185-84: Seaweeds, sea-grasses and its processed products. Methods of physical and chemical analysis
GOST 26261-84: Soils. Methods for determining total phosphorus and total potassium
GOST 2628-75: Pyrethrum flower
GOST 26424-85: Soils. Method for determination of carbonate and bicarbonate ions in water extract
GOST 26564.3-85: Silicon carbide refractory materials and products. Methods for the determination of silicon dioxide
GOST 26624-85: 2-Ethylhexanol technical. Specifications
GOST 2706.4-74: Benzene hydrocarbons and allied products. Method of determination of carbon sulphide in benzene
GOST 27082-89: Canned and preserved fish and other sea products. Method for determination of total acidity
GOST 27207-87: Canned and preserved fish and other sea products. Method for determination of common salt
GOST 27395-87: Soils. Determination of mobile two-trivalent iron compounds after Verigina Arinushkina
GOST 27749.0-88: Carbamide. Method of nitrogen content determination
GOST 27821-88: Soils. Determination of base absorption sum by Kappen method
GOST 27894.1-88: Peat and products of its processing for agriculture. Method for determination of hydrolytic acidity
GOST 4530-76: Reagents. Calcium carbonate. Specifications
GOST 4-84: Carbon tetrachloride for industrial use. Specifications
GOST 5382-73: Cements. Chemical testing methods
GOST 5815-77: Reagents. Acetic anhydride. Specifications
GOST 5821-78: Reagents. Sulphanilic acid. Specifications
GOST 5869-77: Reagents. Phtalic anhydride. Specifications
GOST 5972-77: Tooth powder
GOST 6038-79: Reagents. D-glucose. Specifications
GOST 6073-75: Ethylated benzines. The methods for determination of the content of bromine and chlorine scavengers
GOST 6823-77: Crude glycerine. Specifications
GOST 6840-78: Cellulose. Method for determination of alpha-cellulose
GOST 7752-74: Combustible shales. Method for the accelerated determination of carbon dioxide content of the carbonates
GOST 8449-79: Motion-picture film. Safety requirements and methods for the determination of safety
GOST 8494-73: Wheaten rusks
GOST 8595-83: Industrial lithium hydroxide
GOST 8930-79: Hard coals. Methods for the determination of oxidation
GOST 9385-77: Ethyl benzene technical. Specifications
GOST 9419-78: Reagents. Stearic acid. Specifications
GOST R 55298-2012: Enzyme preparations. Methods for the determination of pectolytic activity
M 7: Methods for measuring the mass concentration of caustic alkaline aerosol in industrial emissions into the atmosphere by the photometric method
MU 1112-73: Guidelines for the determination of BMK and benlate by BMK in plant objects, wine, soil and water by thin layer chromatography
MU 1439-88: Guidelines for measuring the concentration of sonalen in the air of the working zone by gas chromatographic method
MU 1458-76: Guidelines for the photometric determination of ethylidene diacetate in the air
MU 1880-78: Guidelines for the determination of bazagran in water by gas-liquid chromatography
MU 1917-78: Guidelines for the determination of terbacil in vegetable products, wine, grape juice, soil, water by chromatographic methods
MU 1921-78: Guidelines for the determination of polyhedra of nuclear polyhedrosis virus of an unpaired silkworm in water, soil, on plant objects and in the air by the immunofluorescence method
MU 2128-80: Guidelines for the determination of residual quantities of the biological product Virin-EX on plant objects by the immunofluorescence method
MU 2351-81: Guidelines for the determination of bacitracin in the air of the working area using paper chromatography
MU 2352-81: Guidelines for the determination of granules of the virus of codling moth granulosis on plant objects by the immunofluorescence method
MU 2353-81: Guidelines for the determination of beta-exotoxin in bitoxibacillin preparations
MU 2363-81: Guidelines for the joint determination of prometrin, terbacil and treflan in a single sample of soil, essential oil and essential oil raw peppermint by gas chromatography
MU 2366-81: Guidelines for the determination of fademorph in cherry, cucumber, currant, apple, water by chromatographic methods
MU 2367-81: Guidelines for the determination of diquat in sunflower seeds by thin layer chromatography
MU 2418-81: Guidelines for the determination of diquat in water, milk by the photometric method (addition to МУ 1112-73)
MU 2421-81: Guidelines for measuring concentrations of bentazone in the air of the working area using thin layer chromatography
MU 2423-81: Guidelines for the determination of triforin in plant products (apples, cucumbers), soil, water by thin layer chromatography
MU 2427-81: Guidelines for the determination of lontrell in water, soil and plants by gas-liquid chromatography
MU 2472-81: Guidelines for the determination of magnesium chlorate in soil, water, plants (sunflower, onion) and air polarographic and chromatographic (TLC) methods
MU 25.1-001-86: Resistance of medical devices to aggressive biological fluids. Test methods
MU 2644-82: Guidelines for the determination of DYAK, GMK-Na, hydrel and dihydrel in water and plant material by a unified spectrophotometric method
MU 2780-83: Guidelines for the measurement of tomilon concentrations in the air of the working area by chromatographic methods
MU 2798-83: Guidelines for the determination of residual quantities of the biological product Virin-KSh on plant objects by the immunofluorescence method
MU 2799-83: Guidelines for the determination of residual quantities of the drug Virin-Diprion on plant objects by the immunofluorescence method
MU 2809-83: Guidelines for the measurement of mitak concentrations in the air of the working area by chromatographic methods
MU 2845-83: Guidelines for the measurement of hostaquik concentrations in the air of the working area by thin layer chromatography
MU 2847-83: Guidelines for the measurement of butylcaptax concentrations in the air of the working zone by chromatographic methods
MU 2848-83: Guidelines for the spectrophotometric measurement of the concentration of dihydrel in the air of the working area
MU 2850-83: Guidelines for measuring ofunac concentrations in the air of the working area by thin layer chromatography
MU 2852-83: Guidelines for measuring the concentration of trimorphamide in the air of the working zone by chromatographic methods
MU 2853-83: Guidelines for measuring the concentration of bioresmetrin in the air of the working area by thin layer chromatography
MU 2855-83: Guidelines for the photometric determination of DYAK in the air of the working area
MU 2856-83: Guidelines for chromatographic and chromatospectrophotometric measurement of the concentrations of benomyl and BMK in the air of the working area
MU 2857-83: Guidelines for measuring the concentration of actellic and primicide in the air of the working area by thin layer chromatography
MU 2857-83: Guidelines for measuring the concentration of actellic and primicide in the air of the working area by thin layer chromatography
MU 2858-83: Guidelines for measuring the concentration of synthetic pyrethroids (ambush, decis, ripcord, sumicidin) in the air of the working zone by chromatographic methods
MU 2859-83: Guidelines for measuring the concentration of the bronocot in the air of the working area by the photometric method
MU 2860-83: Guidelines for measuring the concentrations of diazinone, eptam, gamma-isomer of HCH, phenmedifam, lenacyl, phosphamide and pyrazone with their joint presence in the air of the working zone by chromatographic methods
MU 2863-83: Guidelines for measuring the concentration of rovral in the air of the working area by thin layer chromatography
MU 2867-83: Guidelines for measuring the concentration of zoocoumarin in the air of the working area by thin layer chromatography
MU 2869-83: Guidelines for measuring the concentrations of metazine, sulfazine and the components of the herbicidal mixture of caragard in the air of the working zone by gas chromatographic method
MU 2870-83: Guidelines for the measurement of concentrations of carbofuran in the air of the working area by thin layer chromatography
MU 2871-83: Guidelines for measuring the concentration of crowneton in the air of the working area by thin layer chromatography
MU 2990-84: Methodological guidelines for the definition of piclorama in water, soil, grain and plant material by gas chromatography
MU 3006-84: Guidelines for the measurement of dropp concentrations in the air of the working area by gas chromatographic method
MU 3024-84: Guidelines for a unified method of immunofluorescent detection of baculoviruses in the air of the working area
MU 3064-84: Guidelines for the determination of vitavax in grain and water by thin layer chromatography
MU 3152-84: Guidelines for the measurement of concentrations of illoxane in the air of the working zone by gas chromatographic method
MU 3154-84: Guidelines for measuring the concentration of anometrine-N in the air of the working zone by chromatographic methods
MU 315-84: Guidelines for measuring the concentrations of 2, -4 dichlorophenoxypropionic acid in the air of the working zone by gas chromatographic method
MU 3158-84: Guidelines for measuring the concentration of resting spores of entomofluoric fungi (mycoafidin, entomoftorin) by light microscopy in the air of a working area
MU 3189-85: Guidelines for measuring the concentrations of thiodane and its metabolite of thiodanesulfate in the air of the working zone by gas chromatographic method
MU 3192-85: Guidelines for measuring the concentration of thiocarbamic pesticides in the air of the working zone by thin layer chromatography
MU 3195-85: Guidelines for measuring the concentrations of reldan and the product of its hydrolysis of 3,5,6-trichloro-2-pyridinol in the air of the working zone by chromatographic methods
MU 3197-85: Guidelines for measuring concentrations of terbacil in the air of the working area by chromatographic methods
MU 3199-85: Guidelines for measuring the concentrations of 2M-4X, 2M-4XP and 2M-4XM in the air of the working zone using the gas chromatographic method
MU 3253-85: Temporary guidelines for the determination of tapegran in corn, soil and water by thin layer chromatography
MU 3882-85: Guidelines for measuring the concentration of dactal in the air of the working area by gas chromatographic method
MU 3969-84: Guidelines for the measurement of selectron concentrations in the air of the working area by gas chromatographic method
MU 3999a-85: Guidelines for the ionometric measurement of concentrations of hydrogen fluoride in the air of the working area
MU 4017-85: Guidelines for measuring the concentrations of dosanex, 3-chloro-4-methoxyaniline, 3-chloro-4-methoxynitrobenzene in the air of the working zone by chromatographic method
MU 4019-85: Methodical instructions for the chromatographic measurement of the concentration of fosalone and semi-products of its production of benzoxazolone and 3-hydroxymethyl-6-chlorobenzoxazolone in the air of the working area
MU 4122-86: Guidelines for the measurement of 2,4-D concentrations in the air of the working zone by gas chromatographic method
MU 4329-87: Guidelines for the determination of Resin in water, roots and beet tops by thin layer chromatography
MU 4345-87: Guidelines for the determination of bazagran in fish by thin layer chromatography
MU 4348-87: Methodological Guidelines for Determining Bazagran in Essential Oils by Gas-Liquid Chromatography
MU 4354-87: Methodical guidelines for determining strani 200 in water, soil, grain by thin layer chromatography
MU 4357-87: Guidelines for measuring the concentrations of baytan, bayleton, impact in the air of the working area by thin layer chromatography
MU 4360-87: Guidelines for the determination of nitrapirin and its metabolite 6-chloricolinic acid in water, soil and biological material by thin layer chromatography
MU 4362-87: Guidelines for the systematic analysis of biological media on the content of pesticides of various chemical nature
MU 4370-87: Guidelines for measuring the concentration of staran in the air of the working area by thin layer chromatography
MU 4372-87: Guidelines for measuring the concentration of a racer in the air of a working zone by thin layer chromatography
MU 4373-87: Guidelines for measuring the concentration of nabu in the air of the working area by thin layer chromatography
MU 4376-87: Guidelines for measuring the concentrations of foxime in the air of the working zone by gas chromatographic method
MU 4379-87: Guidelines for measuring the concentrations of glyphosate, glyphosine and glycine in the air of the working area by thin layer chromatography
MU 4633-88: Guidelines for measuring the concentration of camposan in the air of the working zone by gas chromatographic method
MU 4635-88: Guidelines for measuring the concentration of torc in the air of the working area by thin layer chromatography
MU 4637-88: Guidelines for measuring peak concentrations in the air of the working area by the extraction-photometric method
MU 4638-88: Guidelines for measuring the concentration of eisect in the air of the working area by gas chromatographic method
MU 4643-88: Guidelines for the measurement of toluene concentrations in the air of the working zone by gas chromatographic method
MU 4674-88: Guidelines for measuring neon concentrations in the air of a working zone by chromatographic methods
MU 4679-88: Guidelines for measuring stomp concentrations in the air of a working area using liquid chromatography
MU 4708-88: Methodical instructions for determining the definition of a pix in water and cottonseed by an extraction-photometric method
MU 4964-89: Guidelines for measuring concentrations of ridomil in the air of the working area by gas-liquid chromatography
MU 4965-89: Guidelines for measuring the concentration of sumi-alpha in the air of the working area by chromatographic methods
MU 4967-89: Guidelines for measuring the concentration of a blazer (aciflurofen) in the air of the working area by thin layer chromatography
MU 4970-89: Guidelines for chromatographic measurement of the concentrations of new synthetic pyrethroids (danitol, fastak, tsibolt, karate) in the air of the working area
MU 4971-89: Guidelines for measuring the concentration of triamelon in the air of the working area
MU 4972-89: Guidelines for measuring the concentration of prodiamine in the air of the working zone by thin layer chromatography
MU 4974-89: Guidelines for measuring the concentrations of nisoran in the air of the working area by thin layer chromatography
MU 4975-89: Guidelines for measuring the concentration of isophene and dinoseb in the air of the working area by thin layer chromatography
MU 4976-89: Guidelines for the chromatographic measurement of orthen concentrations in the air of the working area
MU 4977-89: Guidelines for measuring the concentration of triallate in the air of the working zone by gas-liquid chromatography
MU 4979-89: Guidelines for the chromatographic measurement of cimide concentrations in the air of the working area
MU 4980-89: Guidelines for measuring clay concentrations in the air of the working zone by gas-liquid and thin-layer chromatography
MU 4981-89: Guidelines for measuring the concentrations of stearic acid versamide (VSA) in the air of the working area by thin layer chromatography
MU 4983-89: Guidelines for the measurement of butrazine concentrations in the air of a working zone by gas-liquid chromatography methods
MU 4984-89: Guidelines for measuring the concentration of zollen in the air of the working area by thin layer chromatography
MU 4985-89: Guidelines for measuring the concentrations of GMF, TMDI, GMDI, CGI, ATG, ATG-F in the air of the working area by thin layer chromatography
MU 4986-89: Guidelines for measuring the concentration of pachton in the air of the working area by thin layer chromatography
MU 4988-89: Guidelines for measuring the concentration of morphonol in the air of the working area by thin layer chromatography
MU 4989-89: Guidelines for measuring the concentration of ethyl acetoacetic acid in the air of the working area by thin layer chromatography
MU 4990-89: Guidelines for measuring the concentrations of trifumin and its metabolites in the air of the working zone by thin layer chromatography
MU 4991-89: Guidelines for measuring the concentration of lasso in the air of the working zone by chromatographic method
MU 4992-89: Guidelines for measuring the concentrations of sym-triazines (ametrine, mesoranyl, semeron, hezaran, Zencor, igran) in the air of the working zone by thin-layer and gas-liquid chromatography
MU 4993-89: Guidelines for measuring the concentration of dimethyl phosphite in the air of the working zone by thin layer chromatography
MU 4994-89: Methodological guidelines for determining in one sample organophosphorus and organochlorine pesticides used on tomatoes by chromatographic methods
MU 5003-89: Guidelines for the determination of applaud in plant material (tomatoes, cucumbers, fruits and green mass), soil, water by gas-liquid chromatography
MU 5005-89: Guidelines for the determination of Apollo in water, soil, fruit crops by thin-layer and gas-liquid chromatography
MU 5021-89: Guidelines for the determination of a mixture of carbofuran with benomyl and TMTD (combi preparation) in sugar beet plants by thin layer chromatography
MU 5024-89: Guidelines for the determination of diquat in fish and water by thin layer chromatography
MU 5036-89: Guidelines for the determination of a mixture of metaphos, bayleton and tilt in wheat plants by thin layer chromatography
MU 5037-89: Guidelines for the determination of corbel in water, soil and wheat plants by thin layer chromatography
MU 5044-89: Guidelines for the determination of TMTD and its transformation products in water, grain crops and plant material by thin layer chromatography
MU 5045-89: Guidelines for measuring the concentration of glyphosine tetramethyl ether in the air of the working area by thin layer chromatography
MU 5047-89: Guidelines for the measurement of dextramine concentrations in the air of the working area by thin layer chromatography
MUK 4.1.1090-02: Determination of iodine in water
MUK 4.1.111-96: Procedural Guidelines for Photometric Measurement of Concentrations of Sodium Vinyl Oxyethyl Dithiocarbamate (Vinditate) in Workplace Air
MUK 4.1.2012-05: Guidelines for measuring the concentrations of AMIGO adjuvant (a mixture of ethoxylated phosphoric acid alkyl ester, polyethylene glycol (400) dioleate and methyl oleate (percentage ratio -30: 20: 50)) in the air of the working area by spectrophotometric
MUK 4.2.2428-08: Method for the determination of bacteria Cronobacter spp. (Enterobacter sakazakij) in foods for young children
OST 37.001.219-79: Fittings for rubber metal products. Technical requirements
PND F 16.1:2:2.2:3.37-2002: Quantitative chemical analysis of soil. Methods of measuring the gross sulfur content in soils, soils, bottom sediments and waste by the turbidimetric method
RD 153-34.2-21.544-2002: Guidelines for the chemical control of corrosion processes in water filtration through concrete and reinforced concrete hydraulic structures
RD 31.28.52-79: Methods of physico-chemical control of the working environments of ship equipment
RD 52.17.262-90: Guidelines. Methods of sampling, processing and concentration of samples of sea water, ice and snow cover during polar expeditions. Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute (AARI)
RST RSFSR 392-86: Pencil pencil. General technical conditions
SN 529-80: Process Guidelines for Production of Structures and Products of Dense Silicate Concrete
TU 6-02-862-74: MFSN-B stabilizer
TU 6-05-1384-70: Resin VIAM-F9
TU 6-14-325-69: Synthetic wood glue
TU 6-15-425-70: Casein glue
VMU 2855-83: Temporary guidelines for the photometric measurement of alar concentrations in the air of the working area
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