GOST 7746-2015
ГОСТ 7746-2015
Current transformers. General specifications
Трансформаторы тока. Общие технические условия
Status: Effective - Supersedes. IUS 12-2016
The standard applies to electromagnetic current transformers (hereinafter referred to as transformers) of rated voltage from 0.66 to 750 kV inclusive, intended for transmitting the measurement information signal to measurement, protection, automation, alarm and control devices in AC electrical circuits with a frequency of 50 or 60 Hz, developed after 01.01.2016. Additional requirements for certain types of transformers in connection with the specifics of their design or purpose (for example, for cascade transformers, transformers, Designed for operation with normalized accuracy in transient conditions, transformers for installation in complete switchgear (KRU), phase-wired current-carrying conductors, combined) should be installed in standards, technical conditions, contracts or contracts for transformers of specific types. The standard does not apply to laboratory transformers, zero-sequence, summing, blocking, saturating.
Стандарт распространяется на электромагнитные трансформаторы тока (далее - трансформаторы) на номинальное напряжение от 0,66 до 750 кВ включительно, предназначенные для передачи сигнала измерительной информации приборам измерения, защиты, автоматики, сигнализации и управления в электрических цепях переменного тока частотой 50 или 60 Гц, разработанные после 01.01.2016 г. Дополнительные требования к отдельным видам трансформаторов в связи со спецификой их конструкции или назначения (например, для каскадных трансформаторов, трансформаторов, предназначенных для работы с нормированной точностью в переходных режимах, трансформаторов для установки в комплектных распределительных устройствах (КРУ), пофазно экранированных токопроводах, комбинированных) следует устанавливать в стандартах, технических условиях, договорах или контрактах на трансформаторы конкретных типов. Стандарт не распространяется на трансформаторы лабораторные, нулевой последовательности, суммирующие, блокирующие, насыщающиеся.
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Approved: Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology,
SKU: RUSS254938
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As a Replacement Of:
GOST 7746-2001: Current transformers. General specifications
The Document References:
GOST 1.0-92: State System for Standardization of Russian Federation. Basic principles
GOST 1.2-2009: Interstate system for standardization. Interstate standards, rules and recommendations on interstate standardization. Rules for development, taking over, application, renovation and cancellation
GOST 10434-82: Electric contact connections. Classification. General technical requirements
GOST Occupation safety standards system Electrical equipment. General safety requirements
GOST Occupational safety standard system. Electrotechnical devices for voltage more than 1 000 v
GOST 12.3.019-80: Occupational safety standards system. Electrical tests and measurements. General safety requirements
GOST 14192-96: Cargo marking
GOST 14254-2015: Degrees of protection provided by enclosures (IP Code)
GOST 14254-96: Degrees of protection provided by enclosures (IP Code)
GOST 15.001-88: System of product development and launching into manufacture. Products of industrial and technical designation
GOST 15.309-98: System of product development and launching into manufacture. Test and acceptance of produced goods. Principal positions
GOST 15150-69: Machines, instruments and other industrial products. Modifications for different climatic regions. Categories, operating, storage and transportation conditions as to environment climatic aspects influence
GOST 1516.2-97: Electrical equipment and installations for a.c. voltage 3 kV and higher. General methods of dielectric tests
GOST 1516.3-96: Electrical equipment for a.c. voltages from 1 to 750 kV. Requirements for dielectric strength of insulation
GOST 15543.1-89: Electrical articles. General requirements for environmental climatic aspects stability
GOST 15963-79: Electrical articles for tropical application. General technical requirements and methods of testing
GOST 16504-81: The state system of testing products. Product test and quality inspection. General terms and definitions
GOST 16962.1-89: Electrical articles. Test methods as to environments climatic factors resistance
GOST 16962.2-90: Electrotechnical product
GOST 17516.1-90: Electrical articles. General requirement for environment mechanical stability
GOST 18425-73: Complete, filled transport packages. Vertical impact test by dropping
GOST 18685-73: Current and voltage transformers. Terms and definitions
GOST 19880-74: Electrotechnics. Common concepts. Terms and definitions
GOST 2.601-2013: Unified system for design documentation. Exploitative documents
GOST 20074-83: Electrical equipment and installations. Method measurements of partial discharge characteristics
GOST 21130-75: Electrical articles. Grounding terminals and grounding signs
GOST 21242-75: Flat or pin contact terminals of electrical equipment. Main dimensions
GOST 23216-78: Electrotechnical products. Storage, transportation, temporary corrosion protection and packing. General requirements and test methods
GOST 27.003-2016: Reliability in technology. Composition and general rules for setting reliability requirements
GOST 27.003-90: Reliability in engineering. Make-up and general rules for assigning reliability requirements
GOST 2933-83: Low-voltage electrical apparatus. Methods of tests
GOST 32144-2013: Electric energy. Electromagnetic compatibility of technical equipment. Power quality limits in the public power supply systems
GOST 3484.1-88: Power transformers. Electromagnetic test methods
GOST 3484.5-88: Power transformers. Tank tests for leakages
GOST 403-73: Electrical apparatus for voltages up to 1000 V. Temperature rise limits of devices parts
GOST 6581-75: Liquid electrical insulating materials. Electric test methods
GOST 7746-2001: Current transformers. General specifications
GOST 8.217-2003: State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Current transformers. Verification procedure
GOST 8024-90: Alternating current apparatus and devices for voltages above 1000 V. Temperature rise at continuous duty. Norms and test methods
GOST 8865-93: Electrical insulation system. Thermal evalution and classification
GOST 9920-89: A.c. electrical installations for voltage from 3 to 750 kV. Creepage distance of external insulation
GOST R 15.201-2000: System of product development and launching into manufacture. Products of industrial and technical designation. Procedure of product development and launching into manufacture
GOST R 15.301-2016: System of product development and launching into manufacture. Products of industrial and technical designation. Procedure of product development and launching into manufacture
GOST R 52002-2003: Electrotechnics. Terms and definitions of basic concepts
GOST R 55191-2012: High voltage test techniques. Partial discharge measurements
RMG 29-2013: State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Metrology. Basic terms and definitions
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MI 3000-2018: Recommendation. State system for ensuring uniformity of measurements. Systems automated information-measuring commercial accounting of electric energy. Method of verification
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MP JePR-205-2019: System automated information measuring commercial accounting of electricity (AIIS KUE) "Limanskaya SES"
MP JePR-205-2019: System automated information measuring commercial accounting of electricity (AIIS KUE) "Limanskaya SES"
MP JePR-216-2019: Automated information and measuring system for commercial metering of electricity (AIIS KUE) of JSC "NESK" for GTE "Gelendzhik" second stage. Verification method
MP JePR-217-2019: Automated information and measuring system for commercial metering of electricity (AIIS KUE) Construction Innovations LLC, second stage. Verification method
MP JePR-222-2019: Automated information and measuring system for commercial electricity metering (AIIS KUE) of NPP LLC at the facility of LISCo Broiler LLC (GTD No. 5). Verification method
MP JePR-223-2019: Automated information and measuring system for commercial metering of electricity (AIIS KUE) of Stolitsa LLC. Verification method
MP JePR-224-2019: Automated information and measuring system for commercial metering of electricity (AIIS KUE) of CJSC "Nizhnevartovskaya GRES". Verification method
MP JePR-226-2020: Automated information and measuring system for commercial metering of electricity (AIIS KUE) RUSENERGOSBYT SIBERIA LLC. Verification method
MP JePR-227-2020: System automated information and measuring commercial accounting of electricity (AIIS KUE) UNEG PP 220kV Amga
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MP JePR-230-2020: System automated information and measuring commercial accounting of electricity (AIIS KUE) of PJSC "TNS energo Yaroslavl"
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MP JePR-232-2020: Automated information-measuring system for commercial accounting of electricity (AIIS KUE) of LLC "MSC Energo" in terms of electricity supply of LLC "Mine Gramoteinsky"
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MP KCSM-177-2019: System automated information measuring commercial accounting of electricity LLC "Terbunsky potter". Verification Method
MP KCSM-186-2019: Channels measuring systems of automated information-measuring commercial metering of electricity AIIS KUE UNEG Substation 330 kV "Gubkin". Verification method
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RD EO Provisions on acceptance and testing form conformity assessment for nuclear plants.
Resolution 2425: On approval of the single list of products subject to mandatory certification and the single list of products subject to declaration of conformity, amending the decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 31, 2020 N 2467 and repealing certain acts of the Government of the Russian Federation
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