
GOST R 57817-2017

ГОСТ Р 57817-2017

Underground gas storage. Design standards

Подземные хранилища газа. Нормы проектирования

Status: Effective - Introduced for the first time. IUS 2-2018

This standard applies to project documentation for the construction and reconstruction of underground storage facilities for hydrocarbon gases in reservoirs, as well as to design documentation for a landfill for industrial wastewater generated during the operation of underground storage facilities of the specified type. The provisions of this standard do not apply to the design of underground gas storage facilities in rock salt deposits, mines, mines, as well as to the already agreed and approved project documentation. This standard is not intended to demonstrate compliance.

Настоящий стандарт распространяется на проектную документацию на строительство и реконструкцию подземных хранилищ углеводородных газов в пластах-коллекторах, а также на проектную документацию полигона захоронения промышленных стоков, образующихся при эксплуатации подземных хранилищ газа указанного типа. Положения настоящего стандарта не распространяются на проектирование подземных хранилищ газа в отложениях каменной соли, шахтах, горных выработках, а также на уже согласованную и утвержденную проектную документацию. Настоящий стандарт не предназначен для подтверждения соответствия требованиям

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Format: Electronic (pdf/doc)

Approved: Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology, 10/24/2017

SKU: RUSS288786

Price: $283.00


The Product is Contained in the Following Classifiers:

Construction (Max) » Standards » Other state standards used in construction » 91 Building materials and construction »

ISO classifier » 91 CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS AND CONSTRUCTION » 91.040 Construction » 91.040.01 Construction in general »

National standards » 91 CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS AND CONSTRUCTION » 91.040 Construction » 91.040.01 Construction in general »

The Document References:

Federal Law 7-FZ: Environmental Protection

GOST 12.1.003-2014: Occupational safety standards system. Noise. General safety requirements

GOST 12.1.010-76: Explosion safety. General requirements

GOST 12.2.003-91: Industrial equipment. General safety requirements

GOST 12.2.016-81: Occupational safety standards system. Gas compressing equipment. General safety requirements

GOST 12.2.049-80: Occupational safety standards system. Industrial equipment. General ergonomic requirements

GOST 12.2.064-81: Occupational safety standards system. Controls of industrial equipment. General safety requirements

GOST 12.2.085-2002: Vessels working under pressure. Safety valves. Safety requirements

GOST 12.3.002-2014: System of labor safety standards Production processes. General safety requirements.

GOST 13846-2003: Fountain and discharge fittings. Standard lay-outs, main parameters and general technical requirements to the design

GOST 14202-69: Pipe-lines of industrial plants. Identification coloring, safety signs and marking screens

GOST 14209-97: Loading guide for oil-immersed power transformers

GOST Nature protection. Hydrosphere. General rules for water pollution protection over well drilling and oil and gas extracting on land

GOST 21128-83: Power supply systems, nets, sources, converters and receivers of electric energy. Rated voltages to 1000 V

GOST 21204-97: Industrial gas burners. General technical requirements

GOST 24.104-85: Unified system of standards of computer control systems. Computer control systems. General requirements

GOST 27751-2014: Reliability for constructions and foundations. General principles

GOST 28249-93: Short-circuits in electrical installations. Calculation methods in a. c. electrical installations with voltage below 1 kV

GOST 28775-90: Gas pumping units driven with gas turbine. General specifications

GOST 30830-2002: Power transformers. Part 1. General

GOST 31446-2017: Steel casing and tubing pipes for the oil and gas industry. General technical conditions

GOST 633-80: Oil well tubing and tubing couplings

GOST 721-77: Power supply systems, networks, sources,converters and receivers of electric energy. Rated voltages above 1000 V

GOST 9.602-2016: Unified system of corrosion and ageing protection. Underground constructions. General requirements for corrosion protection

GOST IEC 60034-1-2014: Rotating electrical machines. Part 1. Nominal values of the parameters and operational performance

GOST ISO 13706-2011: Air-cooled apparatus. General technical requirements

GOST R 50571.1-2009: Low-voltage electrical installations. Part 1. Fundamental principles, assessment of general characteristics and definitions

GOST R 50571.2-94: Electrical installations of buildings. Part 3. General characteristics

GOST R 50571.3-2009: Low-voltage electrical installations. Part 4-41. Requirements for safety ensuring. Protection against electric shock

GOST R 50571.5.52-2011: Low-voltage electrical installations. Part 5-52. Selection and erection of electrical equipment. Wiring systems

GOST R 50571.5.54-2013: Low-voltage electrical installations. Part 5-54. Selection and erection of electrical equipment. Earthling arrangements, protective conductors and protective bonding conductors

GOST R 50783-95: Power generating sets and mobile electric power stations with internal combustion engines. General technical requirements

GOST R 51164-98: Steel pipe mains. General requirements for corrosion protection

GOST R 51364-99: Air cooling apparatus. General specifications

GOST R 51365-2009: Petroleum and natural gas industries. Drilling and production equipment. Wellhead and Christmas tree equipment. General specifications

GOST R 52203-2004: Tubing and coupling. Specifications

GOST R 53672-2009: Pipeline valves. General safety requirements

GOST R 53681-2009: Flare parts for general refinery and petrochemical service. General technical requirements

GOST R 53709-2009: Oil and gas wells. Geophysical researches and works in wells. General requirements

GOST R 54808-2011: Pipeline valves. Leakage rates of valves.

GOST R 55989-2014: Trunk gas pipelines. Design standard for pressure over 10 MPa. Principal requirements

GOST R EN 13779-2007: Ventilation for non-residential buildings. Performance requirements for ventilation and room-conditioning systems

GOST R IEC 62305-1-2010: Risk management. Protection against lightning. Part 1. General principles

OND-86: Methodology for calculating atmospheric concentrations of harmful substances contained in enterprise emissions

Order 101: Federal norms and rules in the field of industrial safety "Safety rules in the oil and gas industry"

Order 96: Federal norms and rules in the field of industrial safety "General rules of explosion safety for explosion and fire hazardous chemical, petrochemical and oil refining industries"

PB 03-576-03: Regulations of design and safe operation of pressure vessels

PB 03-581-03: Codes for installation and safe operation of stationary compressor , air ducts and gas ducts

PB 03-582-03: Design and Safety Operation Regulations for Reciprocating Compressor Operating with Explosive and Hazard Gases

RD 03-14-2005: Procedure for completing a declaration of industrial safety for hazardous production facilities (dos) with a list of required information

RD 102-005-88: Complete-block method of building ground objects. General requirements

Resolution 118: Regulations on preparation, coordination and approval of technical projects for development of mineral deposits and other project documentation for works related to the use of subsurface sites, by type of minerals and types of subsurface use

Resolution 87: Regulations on the composition of sections of design documentation and requirements for their content

Resolution 87: The list of names of communication services included in the license for the implementation of activities in the field of rendering communication services

Safety Guide: Recommendations on arrangement and safe operation of process pipelines

Safety Guide: Recommendations on technical diagnostics of welded vertical cylindrical tanks for oil and petroleum products

SanPiN Sanitary protection zones of water sources and water pipelines for drinking use

SN 2.2.4/ Industrial vibration. Vibration in premises of residential and public buildings

SN 550-82: Specification for plastic process pipeline design

SP 124.13330.2012: Heating networks

SP 132.13330.2011: Anti-terrorist protection of buildings and constructions. General requirements.

SP 18.13330.2011: Master plans for industrial enterprises

SP Hygienic regulations for organization of technological processes, production equipment and working instrument

SP 30.13330.2016: Domestic water supply and drainage systems in buildings

SP 31.13330.2012: Water supply. Pipelines and portable water treatment plants

SP 32.13330.2012: Sewerage. Pipelines and wastewater treatment plants

SP 36.13330.2012: Trunk pipelines

SP 41-104-2000: Design of independent heat supply sources

SP 6.13130.2013: Systems of fire protection. Electrical equipment. Requirements of fire safety

SP 60.13330.2016: Heating, ventilation and air conditioning

SP 61.13330.2012: Designing of thermal insulation of equipment and pipe lines

SP 89.13330.2016: Boiler installations

VSN 39-86: Instructions on the composition, procedure for the development, coordination and approval of design estimates for the construction of wells for oil and gas

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