
MUK 4.1.019-11

МУК 4.1.019-11

Measurement method of the mass fraction of 1, 1-dimethylhydrazine in soil samples by photometric method

Методика измерений массовой доли 1,1-диметилгидразина в пробах почвы фотометрическим методом

Status: Valid - Supersedes

Guidelines for control methods establish a photometric method of measuring the mass fraction of 1,1-dimethylhydrazine in the soil in the range (0.02 - 10.0) mg

Методические указания по методам контроля устанавливают фотометрическую методику измерений массовой доли 1,1-диметилгидразина в почве в диапазоне (0,02 - 10,0) мг/кг воздушно-сухой пробы. При содержании 1,1-диметилгидразина свыше 10 мг/кг до 50 мг/кг допускается разбавление почвенного экстракта. Методика предназначена для применения в лабораториях научно-исследовательских организаций и центров гигиены и эпидемиологии ФМБА России, осуществляющих оценку соответствия гигиеническому нормативу содержания 1,1-диметилгидразина в почве, а также может быть использована в производственных лабораториях предприятий, специализирующихся на проведении аналогичных исследований.

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Format: Electronic (pdf/doc)

Approved: Deputy Head of FMBA of Russia, Chief State Sanitary Doctor for Serviced Organizations and Serviced Territories, 3/24/2011

SKU: RUSS291588

Price: imgalt

The Product is Contained in the Following Classifiers:

PromExpert » SECTION V. ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION. NATURE USE » I Environmental-legal and economic-legal mechanisms for environmental protection » 1 Management infield of environmental protection and environmental management » 1.5 Environmental monitoring and control »

ISO classifier » 13 ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION, HUMAN PROTECTION AGAINST ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT. SECURITY » 13.080 The quality of soil. Soil science » 13.080.05 Study of soil in general »

The Document is Replaced With:

MUK 4.1.056-16: Methods for measuring the mass fraction of 1,1-dimethylhydrazine in soil samples using the photometric method

As a Replacement Of:

MUK 4.1.018-06: Measurement method for measuring the mass fraction of 1, 1-dimethylhydrazine in soil samples by photo-colorimetric method

The Document References:

Federal Law 52-FZ: Public Sanitary and Epidemiological Well-Being

GOST 1.5-2001: Interstate system for standardization. Interstate standards, rules and recommendations on interstate standardization. General requirements for structure, drafting, presentation, content and indication

GOST 12.0.003-74: Dangerous and harmful production effects. Classification

GOST 12.0.004-90: Organization of training for labor safety. General rules

GOST 12.1.004-91: Fire safety. General requirements

GOST 12.1.007-76: Noxious substances. Classification and general safety requirements

GOST 12.1.010-76: Explosion safety. General requirements

GOST 12.1.019-79: Occupational safety standards system. Electric safety. General requirements and nomenclature of kinds of protection

GOST 12.4.007-74: Occupational safety standards system. Personal protective means for respiratory system. Method for determination of breath air temperature

GOST 12.4.021-75: Ventilation systems. General requirements

GOST 14919-83: Household electric ranges, electric plates and electric frying ovens

GOST Nature protection. Soils. General requirements for sampling

GOST Nature protection. Soils. Methods for sampling and preparation of soils for chemical, bacteriological, helminthological analysis

GOST 17435-72: Drawing rulers. Specifications

GOST 1770-74: Laboratory volumetric glassware. Cylinders, beakers, measuring flasks, test tubes. General specifications

GOST 18300-87: Technical rectified ethyl alcohol. Specifications

GOST 20015-88: Chloroform. Specifications

GOST 24104-2001: Laboratory scales. General technical requirements

GOST 24363-80: Reagents. Potassium hydroxide. Specifications

GOST 25336-82: Laboratory glassware and equipment. Basic parameters and dimensions

GOST 29169-91: Laboratory glassware. One-mark pipettes

GOST 3118-77: Reagents. Hydrochloric acid. Specifications

GOST 4233-77: Reagents. Sodium chloride. Specifications

GOST 4328-77: Reagents. Sodium hydroxide. Specifications

GOST 61-75: Reagents. Acetic acid. Specifications

GOST 6709-72: Distilled water. Specifications

GOST 8.207-76: Direct measurements with multiple observations. Observation data processing methods

GOST 8.315-97: Standard samples for composition and properties of substances and materials

GOST 8.417-2002: State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Units of quantities

GOST R 1.5-2004: Standardization in the Russian Federation. National standards of the Russian Federation. Rules of structure, drafting, presentation and indication

GOST R 8.563-2009: State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Procedures of measurements

GOST R ISO 5725-1-2002: Accuracy (trueness and precision) of measurement methods and results. Part 1. General principles and definitions

GOST R ISO 5725-2-2002: Accuracy (trueness and precision) of measurement methods and results. Part 2. Basic method for the determination of repeatability and reproducibility of a standard measurement method

GOST R ISO 5725-3-2002: Accuracy (trueness and precision) of measurement methods and results. Part 3. Intermediate measures of the precision of a standard measurement method

GOST R ISO 5725-4-2002: Accuracy (trueness and precision) of measurement methods and results. Part 4. Basic methods for the determination of the trueness of a standard measurement method

GOST R ISO 5725-5-2002: Accuracy (trueness and precision) of measurement methods and results. Part 5. Alternative methods for the determination of the precision of a standard measurement method

GOST R ISO 5725-6-2002: Accuracy (trueness and precision) of measurement methods and results. Part 6. Use in practice of accuracy values

GOST R ISO/IEC 17025-2006: General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories

MUK 4.1.018-06: Measurement method for measuring the mass fraction of 1, 1-dimethylhydrazine in soil samples by photo-colorimetric method

R 1.1.002-96: Classification of normative and methodological documents of the system of state sanitary and epidemiological regulation

R 1.1.003-96: General Requirements for the Composition, Style, and Format of Standards of the National Sanitation and Disease Control Standardization System

RMG 60-2003: State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Attested mixtures. General requirements for development

RMG 76-2014: State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Internal control of quantitative chemical analysis result's accuracy

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