
ODM 218.2.078-2016

ОДМ 218.2.078-2016

Guidelines for the selection of the structure for strengthening the slopes of the road bed of public roads

Методические рекомендации по выбору конструкции укрепления откосов земляного полотна автомобильных дорог общего пользования

Status: Valid - Does not have an official publication

The document establishes typical structures for strengthening the slopes of the subgrade, designed to ensure local stability of the surface zone of embankments slopes and grooves during the construction, reconstruction and repair of public roads. ODM contains design solutions related to specific conditions of use (soil, hydrological, climatic), includes data necessary for the design and construction work on their use, including requirements for materials for strengthening slopes, design methods for strengthening structures, features of production technology works The provisions of this ODM are intended for use by organizations that carry out work on the design, construction, reconstruction and repair of roads.

Документ устанавливает типовые конструкции укрепления откосов земляного полотна, предназначенные для обеспечения местной устойчивости поверхностной зоны откосов насыпей и выемок при строительстве, реконструкции и ремонте автомобильных дорог общего пользования. ОДМ содержит конструктивные решения, увязанные с конкретными условиями применения (грунтовыми, гидрологическими, климатическими), включает данные, необходимые для выполнения проектных и строительных работ по их применению, в том числе требования к материалам для укрепления откосов, методы проектирования конструкций укрепления, особенности технологии производства работ. Положения настоящего ОДМ предназначены для применения организациями, выполняющими работы по проектированию, строительству, реконструкции и ремонту автомобильных дорог.

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Format: Electronic (pdf/doc)

Approved: Federal Highway Agency, 10/5/2016

SKU: RUSS292129

Price: $2,903.00


The Product is Contained in the Following Classifiers:

Construction (Max) » Regulations » Sectoral and departmental regulatory and methodological documents » Design and construction of roads »

ISO classifier » 93 CIVIL CONSTRUCTION » 93.080 Road construction » 93.080.01 Road construction in general »

The Document References:

GOST 10060-2012: Concretes. Methods for the determination of frost-resistance

GOST 10180-2012: Concretes. Methods for strength determination using reference specimens

GOST 10181-2014: Concrete mixtures. Methods of testing

GOST 10564-75: Synthetic latex CKC-65 ГП. Specifications

GOST 10922-2012: Welded reinforcing products and inserts, welded, lap and mechanical joints for reinforced concrete structures. General specifications

GOST 10950-2013: Coniferous sawn timber. Antiseptic surface treatment

GOST 12038-84: Agricultural seeds. Methods for determination of germination

GOST 12248-2010: Soils. Laboratory methods for determining the strength and strain characteristics

GOST 12536-79: Soils. Methods of laboratory granulometric (grain-size) and microaggregate distribution

GOST 13015-2012: Concrete and reinforced concrete products for construction. General technical requirements. Rules for acceptance, marking, transportation and storage

GOST 14098-2014: Welded joints of reinforcement and inserts for reinforced concrete structures. Types, constructions and dimensions

GOST Nature protection. Soils. Nomenclature of sanitary conditions indices

GOST Nature protection. Soils. Nomenclature of suitability characteristics of disturbed rich soil layer to be backfilled

GOST Nature protection. Soils. Passport of soil

GOST 18105-2010: Concretes. Rules of control and norm of an assessment of quality.

GOST 20522-2012: Soils. Methods of statistical treatment of test results

GOST 22245-90: Viscous petroleum road bitumens. Specification.

GOST 23279-2012: Welded reinforcing meshes for reinforced concrete structures and products. General specifications.

GOST 24909-81: Seedling of ornamental deciduous trees. Specifications

GOST 25607-2009: Crushed stone-sandy mixtures for road and airfield surfacing and bases. Specifications

GOST 25769-83: Conifers seedlings for planting in towns. Specifications

GOST 26633-2012: Heavy-weight and sand concretes. Specifications

GOST 26712-94: Organic fertilizers. General requirements for methods of analysis

GOST 26869-86: Nursery stock of decorative shrubs. Specification

GOST 27751-2014: Reliability for constructions and foundations. General principles

GOST 28013-98: Mortars. General specifications

GOST 28055-89: Tree and shrub planting stock. Garden and architectural forms. Specifications

GOST 28570-90: Concretes. Methods of strength evaluation on cores drilled from structures

GOST 28622-2012: Soils. Laboratory method for determination of frost-heave degree

GOST 32703-2014: Automobile roads of general use. Crushed stone and gravel from rocks. Technical requirements

GOST 32826-2014: Automobile roads of general use. Slag ruble and sand. Technical requirements

GOST 32836-2014: Public roads. Survey of motorways. General requirements

GOST 32868-2014: Public roads. Requirements for engineering and geological surveys

GOST 32869-2014: Automobile roads of general use. Requirements for conducting topographic and geodetic surveys

GOST 33063-2014: Automobile roads of general use. Classification of terrain and ground types

GOST 380-2005: Common quality carbon steel. Grades

GOST 5180-84: Soils. Laboratory methods for determination

GOST 5781-82: Hot-rolled steel for reinforcement of ferroconcrete structures. Specifications

GOST 5802-86: Mortars. Test methods.

GOST 5960-72: Flexible PVC for insulation and protective jackets of wires and cables. Specifications

GOST 7473-2010: Fresh concrete. Specifications

GOST 8267-93: Crushed stone and gravel of solid rocks for construction works. Specifications

GOST 8736-2014: Sand for construction works. Specifications

GOST R 50276-92: Geotextiles. Determination of thickness at specified pressures

GOST R 50277-92: Geotextiles. Method for determination of surface density

GOST R 50575-93: Steel wire. Requirements for zinc coating and testing methods

GOST R 51285-99: Twisted wire meshes with hexagonal cells for gabion constructions. Specifications

GOST R 51520-99: Fertilizers. General specifications

GOST R 52128-2003: Bitumen road emulsions. Specifications

GOST R 52132-2003: Items of net for gabion constructions. Specifications

GOST R 52325-2005: Seeds of agricultural plants. Varietal and sowing characteristics. General specifications

GOST R 52608-2006: Geotextile materials. Methods of water permeability determination

GOST R 53238-2008: Geotextiles and geotextile related products. Metod for determination of the opening size characteristic

GOST R 55028-2012: Public roads and highways. Geosynthetic for road construction. Classification, terms and definitions

GOST R 55030-2012: Public roads and highways. Geosynthetic for road construction. Test method for tensile strength

GOST R 55031-2012: Public roads and highways. Geosynthetic for road construction. Test method for determination of stability to ultra-violet radiation

GOST R 55032-2012: Public roads and highways. Geosynthetic for road construction. Test method for determination of repeated freeze-thaw stability

GOST R 55033-2012: Public roads and highways. Geosynthetic for road construction. Test method for determination of flexibility at low temperature

GOST R 55035-2012: Public roads and highways. Geosynthetic for road construction. Test method for determining of resistance to aggressive media

Manual: Manual for impulse and low consumption fire extinguishing systems

Manual for SNiP 2.04.03-85: Design of plants with filter presses for dewatering sewage sludge

Manual for SNiP 2.04.03-85: Design of wastewater treatment plants

Manual for SNiP 2.05.03-84: Guide to SNiP 2.05.03-84 "Bridges and pipes" for the survey and design of railway and road bridge crossings through waterways (PMP-91)

Manual for SNiP 2.05.07-85: Manual on the design of railways and roads of industrial enterprises in permafrost areas (to SNiP 2.05.07-85)

Manual for SNiP 2.05.07-85: Hydraulic Vehicle Design Guide

Manual for SNiP 2.05.07-85: A guide to determining the integrated technical and economic indicators of the cost of construction for comparing options and choosing types of industrial transport

Manual for SNiP 2.05.07-85: Guide for the design of conveyor transport. Conveyor belts

Manual for SNiP 2.05.07-85: Design Guide for Industrial Rail Stations

Manual for SNiP 2.05.07-85: Guide for the design of subgrade and drainage of railways and roads of industrial enterprises

Manual for SNiP 2.05.07-85: Cable Car Design Toolkit

Manual for SNiP 3.07.02-87: Allowance for the production and acceptance of work during the construction of new, reconstruction and expansion of existing hydrotechnical sea and river transport facilities

ODM 218.011-98: Methodical recommendations for greening of highways

ODM 218.2.006-2010: Recommendations for the calculation of the stability of landslide-prone slopes (slopes) and the determination of landslide pressures on the engineering structures of roads

ODM 218.2.027-2012: Guidelines for the calculation and design of reinforced ground retaining walls on highways

ODM 218.2.049-2015: Recommendations for the design and construction of gabion structures on highways

ODM 218.2.051-2015: Recommendations for the design and design of anti-tailing structures on highways

ODM 218.3.031-2013: Guidelines for environmental protection in the construction, repair and maintenance of roads

ODM 218.3.032-2013: Guidelines for strengthening the structural elements of roads by spatial geogrids

ODM 218.3.038-2015: Recommendations for the design and construction of coastal road structures

ODM 218.5.003-2010: Recommendations for the use of geosynthetic materials in the construction and repair of roads

ODM 218.5.006-2010: Recommendations on testing methods for geosynthetic materials, depending on their field of application in the road sector

ODM 218.7.001-2009: Recommendations for the implementation of construction control on federal highways

P 56-90/VNIIG: Recommendations for the design of inverse filters of hydraulic structures

RD 11-02-2006: Requirements to the contents and as-built documentation for construction, reconstruction, major overhaul of capital construction facilities and the requirements applying to acts for the performed work, structures, utility network sections

RD 31.31.55-93: Instruction on designing the marine jetty and coast-protecting structures

RD 51-2.4-007-97: Protection of Soils against Water Erosion in Locations of Linear Sections of Pipelines

Recommendations: Aspiration smoke-sensitive alarms VESDA. Part 1. Scope

SNiP 12-04-2002: Safety in construction. Part 2. Construction works

SNiP III-10-75: Regulations for execution and acceptance of works. Site Improvement

SP 11-102-97: Engineering environmental site investigations for construction

SP 11-103-97: Code of practice. Engineering hydrometeorological survey for construction

SP 11-104-97: Collection of rules for engineering surveys for construction. Engineering-geodetic surveys for construction

SP 11-105-97: Engineering and geological survey for construction

SP 11-114-2004: Engineering surveys on the continental shelf for the construction offshore oil and gas installations

SP 116.13330.2012: Engineering protection of territories, buildings and structures from dangerous geological processes. Basic principles.

SP 126.13330.2012: Survey operations in construction

SP 14.13330.2014: Construction in seismic regions SNIP II-7-81 (revision SP 14.13330.2011)

SP 20.13330.2011: Loads and impacts

SP 22.13330.2011: Buildings and structures foundations

SP 23.13330.2011: Foundation of hydraulic structures

SP 28.13330.2012: Corrosion protection of buildings structures. Updated living edition of SNiP 2.03.11-85

SP 32-102-95: Structures of bridges and flooded embankments. Methods for calculating the local erosion. To replace VSN 62-69

SP 32-104-98: Design of earthwork for railways with 1520 mm track

SP 33-101-2003: Determination of design hydrological performance

SP 34.13330.2012: Automobile roads. Updated living edition of SNIP 2.05.02-85

SP 38.13330.2012: Loads and impacts on Hydraulic structures (from wave, ice and ships)

SP 39.13330.2012: Rock fill dams

SP 41.13330.2012: Concrete and reinforced concrete hydraulic structures

SP 45.13330.2012: Earth structures, bases and foundations

SP 46.13330.2012: Bridges and pipes

SP 47.13330.2012: Engineering survey for construction. Basic principles

SP 48.13330.2011: Organization of construction

SP 50-101-2004: Design and construction of soil bases and foundations for buildings and structures

SP 58.13330.2012: Hydraulic Structures. Basic statements

SP 63.13330.2012: Concrete and reinforced concrete structures. General provisions.

SP 78.13330.2012: Automobile roads

SP 82-101-98: Preparation and use of masonry mortars. To replace SN 290-74. Letter № AB-20-218 / 12 dated 06.17.98.

TsPI 22/32: Technical Instructions and Album of Standard Constructions and Technologies for the Protection of the Roadbed by the Gabion Structures from Erosion

TsPI 22/43: Technical Instructions for the Use of Gabions to Strengthen the Roadbed

TU 5859-002-59565714-2012: Concrete protective flexible universal slabs

Turkmenistan Guidelines for the development and application of standards: Guidelines for the development and application of standards for unavoidable losses and waste of materials in construction

VSN 115-75: Technical Guidelines for the Preparation and Application of Road Emulsions

VSN 181-74: Technical Guidelines for the Use of Prefabricated Mesh Structures for Roadbed Soil Stabilization

VSN 205-87: Design of Clay Soil Railway Roadbed Using Geotextile

VSN 206-87: Parameters of Wind Loads Applied to Slopes of River Transportation Structures

VSN 34-91/MT-st: Execution and Acceptance Requirements for New Construction, Rehabilitation, and Expansion of Existing Marine and River Hydraulic Transport Structures. Part I: Part II: Part III

VSN 5-81: Guidelines for In-Field Layout for the Construction, Rehabilitation, and Overhaul of Roads and Road Facilities

VSN 77-89: Roadbed Design and Construction Standards for Sand Deserts

VSN 84-89: Motor road survey, design, and construction in permafrost areas

VSN-APK Melioration. Guidance on protection of acres violated by water-erosion. Mesh structures of soil-saving installations

The Document is Referenced By:

GOST R 70311-2022: Public roads. Bridge structures. Rules for construction and strengthening of approach embankment cones

ITS 37-2017: Coal mining and preparation

ODM 218.3.093-2017: Methodical recommendations on the use of a polyurethane binder for strengthening slopes, recesses, bulk structures, cones of bridges and overpasses

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