ODM 218.3.070-2016
ОДМ 218.3.070-2016
Guidelines on formulation of self-compacting concrete with prescribed waterproof properties for bored piles
Руководство по составлению самоуплотняющегося бетона с заданными водостойкими свойствами для буронабивных свай
Status: Effective - Introduced for the first time
The methodological document covers the process of developing a recipe for self-compacting concrete mixture designed for setting up bored piles of continuous cross section with and without broadenings, concreted in wells drilled in clay soils above groundwater level without attaching walls of wells, as well as in any soil below groundwater - with the fixing of the walls of the wells with clay mortar or inventory recoverable casing; bored piles with camouflage heel, arranged by drilling wells with the subsequent formation of the broadening of the explosion (including electrochemical) and filling the wells with concrete mix (SP 24.13330.2011)
Методический документ распространяется на процесс разработки рецептуры самоуплотняющейся бетонной смеси, предназначенной для устройства буронабивных свай сплошного сечения с уширениями и без них, бетонируемых в скважинах, пробуренных в глинистых грунтах выше уровня подземных вод без крепления стенок скважин, а также в любых грунтах ниже уровня подземных вод - с закреплением стенок скважин глинистым раствором или инвентарными извлекаемыми обсадными трубами; буронабивных свай с камуфлетной пятой, устраиваемых путем бурения скважин с последующим образованием уширения взрывом (в том числе электрохимическим) и заполнением скважин бетонной смесью (СП 24.13330.2011)
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Approved: Federal Highway Agency,
SKU: RUSS292154
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93.080 Road construction »
93.080.10 Road construction »
The Document References:
Federal Law 184-FZ: About technical regulation
GOST 10060-2012: Concretes. Methods for the determination of frost-resistance
GOST 10178-85: Portland cement and portland blastfurnace slag cement. Specifications
GOST 10180-2012: Concretes. Methods for strength determination using reference specimens
GOST 10181-2014: Concrete mixtures. Methods of testing
GOST 12730.5-84: Concretes. Methods for determination of water tightness
GOST 18105-2010: Concretes. Rules of control and norm of an assessment of quality.
GOST 22266-2013: Sulphate-resistant cements. Specifications
GOST 23732-2011: Water for concretes and cement mortars Technical specifications.
GOST 24211-2008: Admixtures for concretes and mortars. General specifications
GOST 24544-81: Concretes. Methods for determining shrinkage and creep deformations
GOST 25818-2017: Fly ash thermal power plants for concrete. Technical conditions
GOST 25818-91: Thermal plant fly-ashes for concretes. Specifications
GOST 26633-2015: Heavy-weight and sand concretes. Specifications
GOST 27006-86: Concretes. Rules for mix proportioning
GOST 27338-93: Concrete mixing plant
GOST 30459-2008: Admixtures for concretes and mortars. Determination and estimate of the efficiency
GOST 310.3-76: Cements. Methods of tests consistency, times of settining and of soundness
GOST 31108-2016: General structural Portland clinker cements. Specifications
GOST 31384-2008: Structural concrete protection against corrosion. General requirements
GOST 31384-2017: Protection of concrete and reinforced concrete structures against corrosion. General technical requirements
GOST 3476-74: Slags domain and electrothermophosphoric granulated for the production of cements
GOST 427-75: Measuring metal rules. Basic parameters and dimensions. Specifications
GOST 7473-2010: Fresh concrete. Specifications
GOST 8267-93: Crushed stone and gravel of solid rocks for construction works. Specifications
GOST 8269.0-97: Mauntainous rock road-metal and gravel, industrial waste products for construction works. Methods of physical and mechanical tests
GOST 8269.1-97: Mauntainous rock road-metal and gravel, industrial waste products for construction works Methods clicmical analysis
GOST 8735-88: Sand for construction work. Testing methods
GOST 8736-2014: Sand for construction works. Specifications
GOST 9077-82: Ground pulverized quartz. General specifications
GOST 9533-81: Trowels, tuck pointing tools. Specifications
GOST R 52085-2003: Formworks. General specifications
GOST R 52129-2003: Mineral powders for asphaltic concrete and organomineral mixtures. Specifications
GOST R 55224-2012: Cements for the transport construction. Specifications
GOST R 56178-2014: Modifiers of organic-mineral origin of MB type for concretes, mortars and dry mixes. Specifications
GOST R 56592-2015: Mineral Admixtures for Concretes and mortars. General specifications
GOST R 56593-2015: Mineral admixtures for concretes and mortars. Test methods
GOST R ISO/IEC 17025-2006: General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories
ODM 218.1.002-2010: Recommendations for the organization and conduct of work on standardization in the road sector
SNiP 12-03-2001: Labor safety in construction industry
SNiP 12-04-2002: Safety in construction. Part 2. Construction works
SP 24.13330.2011: Pile foundations
SP 28.13330.2012: Corrosion protection of buildings structures. Updated living edition of SNiP 2.03.11-85
SP 43.13330.2012: Structures for industrial installations
SP 46.13330.2012: Bridges and pipes
SP 52-101-2003: Concrete and reinforced concrete structures without prestressing
SP 52-101-2003, Reference Materials: Manual for the design of concrete and reinforced concrete structures made of heavy concrete without prestressing reinforcement
SP 70.13330.2012: Bearing and enclosing structures. Updated living edition of SNiP 3.03.01-87
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