Federal Law 35-FZ
Федеральный закон 35-ФЗ
On countering terrorism
О противодействии терроризму
Status: Effective
The federal law establishes the legal foundations of economic relations in the electric power industry, defines the powers of state authorities to regulate these relations, the basic rights and obligations of electric power industry entities in carrying out activities in the electric power industry (including production in the mode of combined generation of electric and thermal energy) and electric consumers and heat energy
Федеральный закон устанавливает правовые основы экономических отношений в сфере электроэнергетики, определяет полномочия органов государственной власти на регулирование этих отношений, основные права и обязанности субъектов электроэнергетики при осуществлении деятельности в сфере электроэнергетики (в том числе производства в режиме комбинированной выработки электрической и тепловой энергии) и потребителей электрической и тепловой энергии
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Approved: President of Russian Federation,
SKU: RUSS370697
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Normative documents of Gosatomnadzor of Russia »
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Section I. Technological, construction, energy supervision and environmental protection regarding limitation of negative anthropogenic impact »
I. Federal laws »
Technical Supervision »
Section II. State regulation of safety in use of atomic energy »
I. Legislative and regulatory legal acts infield of atomic energy use »
2. Federal laws of Russian Federation »
PromExpert »
III Nuclear and radiation safety »
1 General requirements for nuclear and radiation safety »
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03.160 Legislation. Administration »
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13.310 Crime protection »
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27.010 Energy and heat engineering in general »
ISO classifier »
27.120 Nuclear power engineering »
27.120.01 Nuclear power engineering in general »
As a Replacement Of:
Federal Law 130-FZ: On the fight against terrorism
The Document References:
Code 195-FZ: Code of the Russian Federation on administrative offenses
Code 197-FZ: Labor Code of the Russian Federation
Code 63-FZ: Criminal Code of the Russian Federation
Federal Law 130-FZ: On the fight against terrorism
Federal Law 131-FZ: On the General Principles of the Organization of Local Self-Government in the Russian Federation
Federal Law 147-FZ: About natural monopolies
Federal Law 170-FZ: On technical inspection of vehicles and on amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation
Federal Law 190-FZ: About heat supply
Federal Law 294-FZ: On the protection of the rights of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs in the implementation of state control (supervision) and municipal control
Federal Law 416-FZ: About water supply and sanitation
Federal Law 461-FZ: Concerning the Introduction of Amendments to Article 36 of the Federal Law "On the Electric Power Industry
The Document is Referenced By:
Decree 4: Sanitary and Epidemiological Requirements for the Prevention of Infectious Diseases
Decree 484: Rules for the decommissioning of electric power facilities for repair and out of service
Decree 85: On approval of the Rules for the issuance of permits for the admission to operation of power-receiving installations of consumers of electrical energy, facilities for the production of electrical energy, power grid facilities, heat supply facilities and heat-consuming installations and on amending some acts of the Government of the Russian Federation
Decree 86: On approval of the Rules for the decommissioning of electric power facilities for repair and out of operation, as well as on amendments to some acts of the Government of the Russian Federation on the issue of improving the procedure for the decommissioning of electric power facilities for repair and out of operation
Disposition 1634-r: Territorial planning scheme of the Russian Federation in the field of energy
Federal Law 170-FZ: On technical inspection of vehicles and on amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation
Federal Law 178-FZ: Privatization of Government and Municipal Property
Federal Law 185-FZ: About the Housing and Utilities Reform Support Fund
Federal Law 208-FZ: Corporations
Federal Law 216-FZ: On innovative scientific and technological centers and on amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation
Federal Law 230-FZ: On Amendments to the Federal Law "On Safety of Fuel and Energy Complex Facilities" and Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation
Federal Law 232-FZ: On Amendments to the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation and Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation
Federal Law 261-FZ: On energy conservation and on improving energy efficiency and on amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation
Federal Law 36-FZ: On the peculiarities of the functioning of the electric power industry and on amendments to some legislative acts of the Russian Federation and the recognition of some legislative acts of the Russian Federation invalid in connection with the adoption of the Federal Law "On the Electric Power Industry"
Federal Law 41-FZ: On state regulation of tariffs for electric and thermal energy in the Russian Federation
Federal Law 461-FZ: Concerning the Introduction of Amendments to Article 36 of the Federal Law "On the Electric Power Industry
GOST R 22.8.13-2022: Safety in emergency situations. Emergency rescue work when eliminating the consequences of restrictions on electricity consumption. Main provisions
GOST R 52551-2006: Guard and security systems. Terms and definitions
GOST R 52551-2016: Protection and security systems. Terms and definitions
GOST R 54100-2019: Energy based on the use of renewable energy sources. Standardization Guidelines
GOST R 55105-2012: United power system and isolated working systems. Operative-dispatch management. Automatic emergency control of modes of power systems. Emergency control of power systems. Norms and requirements
GOST R 55438-2013: United power system and isolated power systems. Operative-dispatch management. Relay protection and automation. Interaction of actors, consumers of electrical energy in creating (modernization) and the exploitation. General requirements
GOST R 55608-2013: United power system and isolated power systems. Operative-dispatch management. Switching in electrical facilities. General requirements
GOST R 55608-2018: United power system and isolated power systems. Operative-dispatch management. Switching in electrical facilities. General requirements
GOST R 56536-2015: Services of housing maintenance, public utilities and administration of apartment buildings. Services content in-house power supply systems of apartment buildings. General requirements
GOST R 57114-2022: Unified power system and isolated power systems. Electric power systems. Operative-dispatch control in the electric power industry and operational-technological control. Terms and definitions
GOST R 58085-2018: United power system and isolated power systems. Operative-dispatch management. Guidance for prevention of development and remedying the emergencies of normal regime of electrical part of power systems. Norms and requirements
GOST R 58092.1-2018: Electric energy storage (ESS) systems. Terms and definitions
GOST R 58092.3.3-2023: Systems of electric energy accumulation. Design and evaluation of operating parameters. Energy and standby power applications
GOST R 58176-2018: Electric industry. Energy construction. Organisation of commissioning of thermal power plants. General requirements
GOST R 70315-2022: Shooting objects. Classification. Terms and definitions.
GOST R 70385-2022: Automation of metering and energy management in residential buildings. Regulations on interaction with the unified dispatching service of the city
GOST R 70620-2022: Anti-terrorist activities. Terms and definitions
Guidelines CHA-8630/15: Methodological Recommendations for Determining and Categorizing Critical Information Infrastructure Facilities of the Fuel and Energy Sector
Law of the Russian Federation 1026-1: On the procedure for the enactment of the Law of the RSFSR "On the Police" (as amended on March 31, 1999) (invalidated from March 1, 2011 on the basis of Federal Law No. 3-FZ of February 7, 2011)
Letter 09-2298: About consideration of the appeal
Letter 09-2324: About consideration of the appeal
Letter 10955-OL/04: On determining the volume of communal resources supplied to an apartment building
Letter 20689-OG/04: On metering devices for electrical energy and (or) other equipment, as well as intangible assets that are necessary to ensure commercial metering of electrical energy (power) in relation to an apartment building and premises in apartment buildings
Letter 20753-OG/04: On ensuring commercial metering of electrical energy (power)
Letter 32749-OL/04: On the commercial accounting of electricity (capacity) on the retail markets
MI 2808-2003: Recommendation. State system for ensuring uniformity of measurements. The amount of electrical energy. Measurement technique for the distribution of unbalances in the wholesale electricity market
MU 3.1.3294-15: Building a system of physical protection of organizations working with microorganisms of pathogenic groups I-II
MUK 3.1.2964-11: Building a system of physical protection of state and research collections of microorganisms of patches of groups I-II
Order 1013: Rules for the organization of maintenance and repair of electric power facilities
Order 1062: On approval of the Procedure for the creation and use of fuel reserves by thermal power plants, including during the heating season
Order 112/22: Amendments to the Guidelines for the calculation of regulated tariffs and prices for electricity (heat) in the retail (consumer) market, approved by Order of the FTS of Russia of August 6, 2004 N 20-e/2
Order 1135/17: Guidelines for determining the amount of payment for technological connection to power grids
Order 1155: Model program on the course "Industrial, Environmental, Energy Safety, Safety of Hydraulic Structures" for pre-certification (pre-examination) training of managers and specialists of organizations supervised by the Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision.
Order 1360: On approval of lists of legal acts and their individual parts (provisions) containing mandatory requirements, compliance with which is assessed when the Ministry of Energy of Russia conducts state control (supervision) measures, and the procedure for its maintenance
Order 1442-je: Guidelines for calculating electricity (capacity) tariffs for the population and equivalent categories of consumers, tariffs for electricity transmission services supplied to the population and equivalent categories of consumers
Order 152: On the approval of methodological recommendations on the choice in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and municipalities of the optimal price category for settlements with guaranteeing suppliers for consumed electric energy for the purpose of lighting highways
Order 1570/21: Approval of the fee for technological connection of power receiving devices of electric power consumers, electric power generation facilities, as well as electric grid facilities owned by grid organizations and other entities to the facilities of the unified national (all-Russian) electric grid in the form of a formula for 2022
Order 177/23: On Amending the Methodological Guidelines for Determining the Amount of Payment for Technological Connection to Electric Grids, approved by Order of the Federal Antimonopoly Service of June 30, 2022 N 490/22
Order 20-je/2: Guidelines for the calculation of regulated tariffs and prices for electricity (heat) on the retail (consumer) market
Order 225/pr: On amending paragraph 7 of the Procedure for monitoring the development and approval of heat supply schemes of settlements, urban districts with a population of less than five hundred thousand people, approved by Order of the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation of March 21, 2014 N 111/pr
Order 290: Approval of the Provision on the Lena Department of the Federal Environmental, Industrial and Nuclear Supervision Service
Order 290: On Approval of the Temporary Rules for Use of Water Resources of the Nizhne-Bureya Reservoir on the Bureya River
Order 290: Rules of development and application of schedules of emergency restriction of electric power (capacity) consumption mode and use of emergency automatics
Order 391: List of forms of mandatory provision by legal entities and individual entrepreneurs of information for inclusion in the state information system of the fuel and energy complex
Order 412/22: On approval of the Guidelines for calculating electricity (capacity) tariffs for households and equivalent categories of consumers, tariffs for electricity transmission services supplied to households and equivalent categories of consumers
Order 490/22: Approval of the Methodological Guidelines for determining the fee for technological connection to power grids
Order 620: Administrative regulations for the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation to provide the state service for approving the decommissioning of electric power facilities
Order 810/22: Approval of the Methodological Guidelines for Calculating Prices (Tariffs) and Marginal (Minimum and (or) Maximum) Price (Tariffs) Levels for Operative Dispatch Management Services in the Electric Power Industry, Established by Applying the Method of Long-Term Indexation of Required Gross Revenue
Order 869/pr: Approval of the Methodological Recommendations for Monitoring the Condition of Heating System Facilities by the Constituent Entities of the Russian Federation
Ordinance 1243: On approval of the requirements for anti-terrorist protection of objects (territories) of the Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science and its subordinate organizations, as well as the form of a safety data sheet for these objects (territories)
Ordinance 1677-r: The list of forms for obligatory submitting by federal executive bodies, executive bodies of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, and local authorities of information to be included to the state information system of fuel and energy complex
Ordinance 1697-r: Action Plan (Road Map) for the Development of Competition in Sectors of the Economy of the Russian Federation and the Transition of Individual Areas of Natural Monopolies from Natural Monopolies to the Competitive Market for 2018 - 2020
Ordinance 3205-r: Plan of legislative activities of the Government of the Russian Federation for 2020
PNST 761-2023: Security in emergency situations. Safe City. Terms and definitions
PNST 767-2022: Security in emergency situations. Safe City. Predicting the consequences of power outages. General requirements
R 060-2017: Guidelines. Typical design solutions for the equipment of the CCT system with uninterrupted power supply
R 075-2018: Guidelines. The participation of units of extra-departmental protection of the troops of the national guard of the Russian Federation in anti-terrorism security measures of objects of various departmental affiliations
R 78.36.051-2015: Typical design solutions for equipping technical facilities of objects of various categories protected by private security police units. Guidelines
R 78.36.052-2015: Standard design solutions for equipping with technical means of protection the objects of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation, classified in the first category. Guidelines
R 78.36.057-2016: The procedure for organizing the participation of police officers in anti-terrorist protection measures of facilities (territories) provided for by regulatory legal acts developed as part of the implementation of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 25, 2013 No. 1244 "On anti-terrorist protection of facilities (territories)". Guidelines
R 78.36.059-2016: Standard design solutions for equipping with technical means of protection objects of internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation, assigned to categories 2, 3 and 4. Guidelines
RD 03-19-2007: Regulations on the organization of work on the training and certification of specialists of organizations supervised by the Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Atomic Supervision
Regulation 1006: On approval of the requirements for anti-terrorist protection of objects (territories) of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation and objects (territories) related to the field of activity of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, and the form of a safety data sheet for these objects (territories)
Regulation 1133: On approval of the requirements for anti-terrorist protection of objects (territories) of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for civil defense, emergency situations and natural disasters, its territorial bodies and its subordinate organizations, as well as the form of a safety data sheet for these objects (territories)
Regulation 1165: About approval of requirements for anti-terrorist protection of objects (territories) of religious organizations and the form of a safety data sheet of objects (territories) of religious organizations
Regulation 440: On the extension of permits and other features in relation to licensing activities in 2020
Regulation 75: On the anti-terrorist protection of objects (territories) located in the territories of the Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol
Resolution 110: On the allocation of budget appropriations from the reserve fund of the Government of the Russian Federation for the prevention and liquidation of emergency situations and the consequences of natural disasters
Resolution 1179: Rules for determination and application of unregulated prices for electric power (capacity) by guaranteeing suppliers
Resolution 1244: Rules for developing requirements for anti-terrorist security of facilities (territories) and security passports of facilities (territories)
Resolution 1365: On the preparation and certification in the field of industrial safety, on the safety of hydraulic structures, safety in the field of electricity
Resolution 1870: On Amendments to the List of Operating Organizations Subject to the Federal Law "Statute on Discipline of Employees of Organizations Operating Especially Radiation Dangerous and Nuclear Hazardous Production Facilities and Facilities in the Field of the Use of Atomic Energy
Resolution 2490: On approval of the exhaustive list of documents, information, materials and approvals provided for by the regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation and required for implementation of the measures provided for by parts 3-7 of article 5_2 of the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation when implementing a project to build a capital construction facility, and the repeal of certain acts and certain provisions of certain acts of the Government of the Russian Federation
Resolution 2548: On Amendments to the Rules for Decommissioning of Electric Power Facilities for Repair and Decommissioning
Resolution 267: Approval of the Rules for affiliation of power grid facilities to the unified national (all-Russian) power grid and maintaining a register of power grid facilities that are part of the unified national (all-Russian) power grid, amending the resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation #41 dated January 26, 2006, and invalidating certain acts and certain provisions of certain acts of the Government of the Russian Federation
Resolution 321: State Program of the Russian Federation "Energy Development"
Resolution 354: Rules for the provision of utility services to owners and users of premises in apartment buildings and residential buildings
Resolution 491: Rules of Maintenance of Common Property in an Apartment Building and Rules of Changing the Amount of Payment for Maintenance of Residential Property in Case of Providing Services and Works on Management, Maintenance and Repair of Common Property in an Apartment Building of Improper Quality and (or) with Interruptions Exceeding the Established Duration
Resolution 543: Regulation on state control (supervision) in the field of state-regulated prices (tariffs)
Resolution 597: List of operating organizations subject to the Federal Law "Regulations on Discipline of Employees of Organizations Operating Particularly Radiation Hazardous and Nuclear Hazardous Production Facilities and Facilities in the Use of Atomic Energy
Resolution 732: On the approval of the requirements for the anti-terrorist security of facilities (territories) intended for the organization of children's recreation and their recovery, and the form of the safety data sheet for stationary facilities (territories) intended for the organization of children's recreation and their recovery
Resolution 823: Rules for the development and approval of schemes and programs for the long-term development of the electric power industry
Resolution 846: Rules for investigating the causes of accidents in the electric power industry
Resolution 850: Criteria for granting subsidies from the federal budget to compensate the cost of technological connection of generating facilities with installed generating capacity not exceeding 25 MW, recognized as qualified facilities operating on the basis of renewable energy sources, to persons who own such facilities or on other legal grounds
Resolution 890: Rules for providing access to the minimum set of functions of intelligent metering systems for electric energy (power)
Resolution 937: Rules of technological functioning of electric power systems
RM 005-2018: Analytical review. Search for technical solutions for the remote blocking of weapons storage rooms of legal entities connected to central monitoring panels of private security units
RMD 11-22-2013 Sankt-Peterburg: Guide to project preparation of capital construction in St. Petersburg
SDA 01-2009: General requirements for accreditation of conformity assessment bodies
SDA 02-2009: Regulations on the Supervisory Board
SDA 03-2009: Requirements for accreditation experts
SDA 04-2009: Regulations on the Accreditation Commission
SDA 05-2009: Regulations on the Appeals Commission
SDA 07-2009: Statue of technical committees
SDA 08-2009: Requirements for technical specialists
SDA 09-2009: Regulations on the Accreditation Body
SDA 10-2009: Regulation on Territorial Authorized Body
SDA 11-2009: Requirements for expert organizations
SDA 12-2009: Rules for assessment (certification) of experts
SDA 13-2009: Requirements for independent bodies for staff certification
SDA 14-2009: Requirements for independent bodies for experts certification
SDA 15-2009: Requirements to testings laboratories
SDA 16-2009: Requirements for independent attestation and methodical center
SDA 17-2009: Requirements to inspection organisations
SDA 24-2009: Rules for assessment (certification) of testing laboratories personnel
SDA 25-2009: Requirements for certification experts and procedure for their certification (certification)
SDA 29-2011: Requirements for expert organizations in the field of energy security
SDA-18-2009: Requirements for organizations operating in the field of industrial, environmental safety, safety in the energy sector and construction
SDA-23-2009: Requirements for experts on industrial safety, safety in construction and inspection control
SDAE 01-2010: General requirements for certification of electrical laboratories and laboratories of thermal measurements
SP 228.1325800.2014: Buildings and structures of the investigative bodies. Rules of architectures design
SP 267.1325800.2016: High rise buildings and complexes. Design rules
SP 316.1325800.2017: Container terminals. Regulations of projecting
SP 401.1325800.2018: Buildings and complexes are high-rise. Urban Planning Rules
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