
Federal Law 99-FZ

Федеральный закон 99-ФЗ

On licensing certain types of activities

О лицензировании отдельных видов деятельности

Status: Effective

Federal law defines the basis of legal regulation in the field of plant quarantine in the Russian Federation and is aimed at protecting the rights and legitimate interests of citizens and legal entities

Федеральный закон определяет основы правового регулирования в области обеспечения карантина растений на территории Российской Федерации и направлен на защиту прав и законных интересов граждан и юридических лиц

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Format: Electronic (pdf/doc)

Approved: President of Russian Federation, 7/15/2000

SKU: RUSS373379

Price: imgalt

The Product is Contained in the Following Classifiers:

Highways (Max) » Design, construction, repair and maintenance of roads » 7. Licensing of road design and construction activities »

Construction (Max) » Regulatory documents » Licensing of construction activities »

Technical Supervision » Section I. Technological, construction, energy supervision and environmental protection regarding limitation of negative anthropogenic impact » I. Federal laws »

Technical Supervision » Section II. State regulation of safety in use of atomic energy » I. Legislative and regulatory legal acts infield of atomic energy use » 2. Federal laws of Russian Federation »

Standards for pipe fittings (TPA) » 8. Piping valves (TPA) design » 8.1 General design issues piping valves (TPA) »

Standards for pipe fittings (TPA) » 1. Fundamental standards for injection molding machines » 1.3 Reliability and safety »

PromExpert » SECTION V. ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION. NATURE USE » II Ensuring environmental safety » 4 Ensuring environmental safety during subsoil use » 4.1 Management infield of subsoil use » 4.1.2 Licensing »

PromExpert » SECTION V. ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION. NATURE USE » I Environmental-legal and economic-legal mechanisms for environmental protection » 1 Management infield of environmental protection and environmental management » 1.3 Environmental licensing »

PromExpert » SECTION V. ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION. NATURE USE » I Environmental-legal and economic-legal mechanisms for environmental protection » 1 Management infield of environmental protection and environmental management » 1.1 Fundamentals of Environmental Management »

PromExpert » SECTION IV. INDUSTRIAL SAFETY » II Industrial safety requirements for operation of a hazardous production facility » 2 Special industrial safety requirements for operation of a hazardous production facility » 2.4 Industrial safety requirements in mining and coal industries »

PromExpert » SECTION IV. INDUSTRIAL SAFETY » I Industrial Safety Administration » 3 Licensing infield of industrial and energy security »



ISO classifier » 13 ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION, HUMAN PROTECTION AGAINST ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT. SECURITY » 13.020 Environmental protection » 13.020.01 Environment and environmental protection in general »

The Document is Replaced With:

Federal Law 206-FZ: About Plant Quarantine

As a Replacement Of:

Federal Law 128-FZ: Amendments to the Russian Federation Laws

The Document References:

Federal Law 128-FZ: Amendments to the Russian Federation Laws

Federal Law 13-FZ: On the peculiarities of managing and disposing of property and shares of organizations operating in the field of atomic energy use and on amending certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation

Federal Law 17-FZ: About railway transport in the Russian Federation

Federal Law 201-FZ: On the entry into force of the Forest Code of the Russian Federation

Federal Law 206-FZ: About Plant Quarantine

Federal Law 210-FZ: On the basics of tariff regulation of utilities

Federal Law 216-FZ: On innovative scientific and technological centers and on amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation

Federal Law 294-FZ: On the protection of the rights of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs in the implementation of state control (supervision) and municipal control

Federal Law 307-FZ: About auditing activities

Federal Law 473-FZ: On territories of advanced social and economic development in the Russian Federation

Federal Law 63-FZ: About electronic signature

The Document is Referenced By:

Code 117-FZ: Tax Code of the Russian Federation (Part Two)

Code 188-FZ: Housing Code of the Russian Federation

Decree 1128: Regulations on licensing activities for the installation, maintenance and repair of fire safety equipment for buildings and structures

Decree 1225: Regulations on licensing activities for the installation, maintenance and repair of fire safety equipment for buildings and structures

Decree 1463: On Amendments to the Rules for Categorizing Critical Information Infrastructure Facilities of the Russian Federation

Decree 4: Sanitary and Epidemiological Requirements for the Prevention of Infectious Diseases

Decree 722: Rules for the provision of documents on licensing issues in the form of electronic documents

Directive 31-rp: Temporary Procedure for Maintaining the State Register of Hazardous Production Facilities

Disposition 576-r: Action plan (roadmap) to improve legislation and eliminate administrative barriers in order to ensure the implementation of the action plan (roadmap) of the National Technological Initiative in the direction of "Aeronet

Federal Law 108-FZ: On the preparation and holding in the Russian Federation of the FIFA 2018 World Cup, the FIFA 2017 Confederations Cup, the UEFA 2020 European Football Championship and amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation

Federal Law 17-FZ: About railway transport in the Russian Federation

Federal Law 180-FZ: About Biomedical Cellular Products

Federal Law 201-FZ: On the entry into force of the Forest Code of the Russian Federation

Federal Law 215-FZ: About the State Space Corporation Roscosmos

Federal Law 216-FZ: On innovative scientific and technological centers and on amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation

Federal Law 248-FZ: On state control (supervision) and municipal control in the Russian Federation

Federal Law 259-FZ: Charter of road transport and urban land electric transport

Federal Law 294-FZ: On the protection of the rights of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs in the implementation of state control (supervision) and municipal control

Federal Law 307-FZ: About auditing activities

Federal Law 427-FZ: Concerning the Introduction of Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation

Federal Law 431-FZ: On geodesy, cartography and spatial data and on amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation

Federal Law 448-FZ: About the public-law company Roskadastr

Federal Law 50-FZ: On the regulation of the activities of Russian citizens and Russian legal entities in the Antarctic

Federal Law 63-FZ: About electronic signature

Federal Law 89-FZ: Production and Consumption Wastes

GOST 34183-2017: Оil and oil products trunk pipeline transportation. Oil centrifugal pumps. General specifications

GOST R 113.41.01-2019: The best technology available. Intensive breeding of pigs. Guidelines for industrial environmental control

GOST R 113.42.01-2019: The best technology available. Intensive breeding of poultry. Guidelines for industrial environmental control

GOST R 54534-2011: Resources saving. Sewage sludge. Requirements for recultivation of disturbed lands

GOST R 54535-2011: Resources saving. Sewage sludge. Requirements for waste dispose and use at landfills

GOST R 55260.1.8-2013: Hydro power plants. Part 1-8. Hydroelectic power stations. The general rules of the organization of building manufacture at erection

GOST R 55892-2013: Objects of low-tonnage liquefied natural gas production and consumption. General technical requirements

GOST R 56221-2014: Tourism services. River cruises. General requirements

GOST R 57501-2017: Maintenance of medical devices. Requirements for governmental purchases

GOST R 57897-2017: Units for ceramic core’s removal. General requirements

GOST R 58177-2018: United power system and isolated power systems. Thermal power plants. Thermal-mechanical equipment of thermal power plants. Control of condition of metal. Norms and requirements

GOST R 58421-2019: Services to the public. Mini zoos with tamed animals. General requirements

GOST R 58778-2019: Gas distribution systems. Gas distribution networks and gas consumption. Category 1a high pressure gas pipelines

GOST R 58853-2020: Manufacturing services. Voluntary fire brigade. General requirements

Law 6-FKZ: Concerning the Admission of the Republic of Crimea to the Russian Federation and the Establishment of the Republic of Crimea and the City of Federal Significance Sevastopol as New Entities within the Russian Federation

Law of the Russian Federation 5663-1: About space activities

Letter 01-25-27/17203: Explanations of the Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia on the improvement of the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of handling liquid household waste and (or) runoff from septic tanks, as well as the use of water bodies

Letter 11-00-15/397: On the application of licensing requirements

Letter 25-47/32426: About consideration of the appeal

Letter 25-50/02849-OG: On licensing activities in the field of waste management

Letter 25-50/10539-OG: Consideration of the appeal on the sale of wastes of hazard classes I-IV

Letter 25-50/11514-OG: On consideration of an appeal on the regulation of activities in the field of production and consumption waste management

Letter 25-50/14900-OG: On consideration of an appeal concerning the use of used automobile tires

Letter 25-50/17502-OG: About consideration of the appeal

Letter 25-R-1739/og-1595: On the identification and accounting of animals

Letter 30-2/I/2-5446: On the conditions for recognizing medical services

Letter 30-44-22: On clarification of the norms of the national standard GOST R 57974-2017

Letter 60372-IF/04: On sending clarifications on certain issues related to licensing of entrepreneurial activities for management of apartment buildings and licensing control

Letter IG-19-1047: About consideration of the appeal

Letter IG-19-1897: On licensing the installation, maintenance and repair of fire safety equipment for buildings and structures

Letter TK-10-01-34/31419: On the direction of the proposals

Letter TK-10-01-34/44606: About consideration of the appeal

MR 4.2.0114-16: Laboratory diagnosis of community-acquired pneumonia of pneumococcal etiology

MUK 4.2.3007-12: The procedure for organizing and conducting laboratory diagnostics of the Crimean hemorrhagic fever for laboratories at the territorial, regional and federal levels

MUK 4.2.3009-12: The procedure for organizing and conducting laboratory diagnosis of West Nile fever for laboratories at the territorial, regional and federal levels

ODM 218.2.036-2013: Guidelines for the design, repair, maintenance and operation of ferries and floating bridges

Order 1004n: On approval of the instruction for destruction of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances included in Lists II and III of the list of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and their precursors subject to control in the Russian Federation, whose further use in medical practice is recognized as inexpedient

Order 101: Federal norms and rules in the field of industrial safety "Safety rules in the oil and gas industry"

Order 102: On approval of lists of issues to be applied by certification bodies (certification organizations) to verify the conformity of knowledge, skills and attestations of certified persons with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation on transport safety

Order 102: On approval of the Program of preventive measures aimed at preventing violations of mandatory requirements, compliance with which is assessed by Roshydromet in the course of control (supervision), and the Schedule of preventive measures of Roshydromet aimed at preventing violation of mandatory requirements, in 2019

Order 110: Administrative regulations for the provision by the Federal Agency for Subsoil Use of the state service for organizing tenders and auctions for the right to use subsoil

Order 1198: On approval of the form of the assessment sheet containing a list of control questions, the answers to which should indicate the compliance of the license applicant, licensee with the license requirements for pharmaceutical activities in the field of circulation of medicines for veterinary use

Order 1222: On the organization of work in the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia on licensing activities for the storage and destruction of chemical weapons

Order 12536: On approval of the form of the evaluation sheet, in accordance with which the Federal Service for Supervision in the Sphere of Healthcare and its territorial bodies assesses the compliance of a license applicant or licensee with license requirements when carrying out activities on maintenance of medical devices (except for the case when maintenance is carried out to meet the own needs of a legal entity or an individual entrepreneur, as well as the case of maintenance of medical devices with low

Order 1378: On the Lists of normative legal acts (their individual provisions) containing mandatory requirements that are assessed by Rosselkhoznadzor within the framework of state control (supervision), bringing to administrative responsibility, granting licenses and other permits

Order 1405: On approval of the Administrative Regulations of the Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Supervision of the Provision of State Services for Licensing Activities for the Production of Medicines for Veterinary Use

Order 1406: On approval of the Administrative Regulations of the Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Supervision of the Provision of State Services for the Licensing of Pharmaceutical Activities Carried Out in the Sphere of Circulation of Medicines for Veterinary Use

Order 144: On approval of the Administrative Regulations of the Federal Service for Supervision in the Sphere of Transport for the provision of state services for licensing activities for the carriage of passengers by road vehicles equipped for the carriage of more than eight people (unless the specified activity is carried out on orders or to meet the own needs of a legal entity or individual entrepreneur ) (as amended on October 17, 2017) (invalidated from 07/31/2021 on the basis of the order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia of 11/06/2020 N 483)

Order 1454: On approval of the form of the checklist (a list of control questions, the answers to which indicate compliance or non-compliance of the controlled person with mandatory requirements) used by officials of the Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Supervision (its territorial bodies) in the implementation of the federal state quarantine phytosanitary control (supervision)

Order 17: Requirements for the protection of information that is not a state secret contained in state information systems

Order 1734-r: Transport strategy of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2030

Order 1839: The list of regulatory legal acts (their individual provisions) containing mandatory requirements, the assessment of compliance with which is carried out within the framework of state control (supervision), bringing to administrative responsibility, granting licenses, other permits, accreditation

Order 191: Unified forms of transportation documents for cargo transportation by rail

Order 191: Administrative Regulations of the Federal Service for Supervision of Natural Resources to provide the public service of issuing permits (administrative licenses) for the circulation of wild animals belonging to species listed in the Red Book of the Russian Federation

Order 191: Administrative regulations for the execution by the Federal Service for Supervision of Natural Resources of the state function to carry out federal state environmental oversight

Order 1996: On Approval of the Instruction on the actions of customs officials located at checkpoints on the state border of the Russian Federation, when carrying out transport control and inspection of documents required for sanitary-quarantine, quarantine phytosanitary control and veterinary supervision

Order 2116: Administrative Regulations for the provision by the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation of the state service for licensing the development, production, testing, installation, assembly, maintenance, repair, disposal and sale of weapons and military equipment

Order 217n: On approval of the Technical Requirements and Manufacturing Conditions for Anti-Counterfeit Printing Products

Order 291: Administrative regulations of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergencies and Elimination of Consequences of Natural Disasters for the provision of state services for licensing the installation, maintenance and repair of fire safety equipment for buildings and structures

Order 2945: On approval of the Administrative Regulations of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation for the provision of state services for the issuance of certificates of conformity of manufacturers of medicines for medical use with the requirements of the rules of good manufacturing practice of the Eurasian Economic Union

Order 355: On approval of the forms of documents used by the Federal Service for Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring in the licensing process in accordance with the Federal Law "On the licensing of certain types of activities"

Order 39: On approval of the Program of preventive measures aimed at preventing violations of mandatory requirements, compliance with which is assessed by Roshydromet in the course of control (supervision), and the Schedule of preventive measures of Roshydromet aimed at preventing violation of mandatory requirements, in 2017

Order 3985: Administrative Regulations of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation of the state service for licensing the development, production, testing, storage, sale and disposal of ammunition (including cartridges for civilian and service weapons and parts of ammunition), pyrotechnic products IV and V classes in accordance with national standard, the use of pyrotechnic products IV and V classes in accordance with technical regulations

Order 4085: On approval of the Administrative Regulations of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation on the provision of public services for licensing the development, production, testing and repair of aviation equipment, except for unmanned aerial systems and (or) their elements, including unmanned civil aircraft with a maximum takeoff weight of 30 kilograms or less

Order 4467: On approval of the Administrative Regulations of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation for the provision of state services for licensing activities for the development, production, testing, storage, repair and disposal of civil and service weapons and main parts of firearms, trade in civil and service weapons and main parts of firearms in parts of works (services) for the development, production, testing, repair, disposal of civilian and service weapons and the main parts of firearms

Order 4468: On approval of the Administrative Regulations of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation for the provision of state services for licensing activities for the development, production, testing, storage, sale and disposal of ammunition (including cartridges for civilian and service weapons and component parts of cartridges), pyrotechnic products IV and V classes in accordance with the national standard, the use of pyrotechnic products of IV and V classes in accordance with technical regulations

Order 454: On approval of the Administrative Regulations of the Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision for the provision of state services for licensing the operation of explosive and fire hazardous and chemically hazardous production facilities of I, II and III hazard classes

Order 455: On approval of the Administrative Regulations of the Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision for the provision of state services for the licensing of industrial safety expertise

Order 4569: On approval of the Administrative regulations of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation on the provision of public services for licensing the development, production, testing and repair of aircraft (expired on 11.12.2021 by order of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia from 12.10.2021 N 4085)

Order 4667: On approval of the List of regulatory legal acts (their individual provisions) containing mandatory requirements, the compliance with which is assessed by the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia within the framework of licensing control of activities for the development, production, testing, storage, sale and disposal of ammunition (including cartridges for civilian and service weapons and component parts of cartridges), pyrotechnic products of IV and V classes in accordance with the national standard, the use of pyrotechnic products of IV and V classes in accordance with technical regulations, in terms of work (services) for the development, production, testing, storage, sale and disposal of ammunition ; for the development, production, testing, disposal of cartridges for civilian and service weapons and cartridge components; for the development, production, testing, storage, sale (including distribution), disposal of pyrotechnic products of IV and V classes in accordance with the national standard, the use of pyrotechnic products of IV and V classes in accordance with technical regulations, bringing to administrative responsibility

Order 4722: On the approval of the list of regulatory legal acts (their individual provisions) containing mandatory requirements, the compliance with which is assessed by the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia within the framework of licensing control of the storage and destruction of chemical weapons, bringing to administrative responsibility

Order 4800: On the approval of the List of regulatory legal acts (their individual provisions) containing mandatory requirements, the compliance with which is assessed by the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia within the framework of licensing control of activities for the development, production, testing and repair of aviation equipment, bringing to administrative responsibility

Order 498: List of questions proposed in the qualification examination for certification of experts in the field of industrial safety

Order 517: Federal norms and rules in the field of industrial safety "Instructions for the prevention of endogenous fires and safe mining in coal seams prone to spontaneous combustion"

Order 517: On approval of federal norms and rules in the field of industrial safety "Safety rules for hazardous production facilities of main pipelines"

Order 517: On the approval of the Federal Aviation Regulations "Emergency rescue support of aircraft flights"

Order 534: On approval of federal norms and rules in the field of industrial safety "Safety rules in the oil and gas industry"

Order 534: On the approval of the Rules for the care of forests

Order 558: On approval of the forms of checklists (lists of checklists) used in the implementation of licensing activities for the examination of industrial safety

Order 558: Federal norms and rules in the field of industrial safety "Safety rules for facilities using liquefied petroleum gases"

Order 641: On approval of the lists of risk indicators of violation of mandatory requirements in the implementation of the federal state licensing control (supervision) over activities of installation, maintenance and repair of means of ensuring fire safety of buildings and facilities and the federal state licensing control (supervision) over activities of extinguishing fires in settlements, at production facilities and infrastructure facilities

Order 642: On approval of the Administrative Regulations for the provision by the Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media of the Russian Federation of the state service for the accreditation of trusted third parties and the Administrative Regulations for the implementation by the Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media of the Russian Federation of state control (supervision) over compliance by accredited trusted third parties with the requirements that established by the Federal Law "On Electronic Signature" and other normative legal acts adopted in accordance with it

Order 658: Administrative Regulations of the Federal Environmental, Industrial and Nuclear Supervision Service for the provision of the state service for licensing industrial safety audits

Order 698: On approval of the Administrative Regulations for the provision by the Federal Agency for Subsoil Use of the state service for organizing tenders and auctions for the right to use subsoil in accordance with the established procedure (invalidated from 01/10/2021 on the basis of order of the Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia dated 11/23/2020 N 954)

Order 744: On approval of the List of legal acts and their individual parts (provisions) containing mandatory requirements, compliance with which is assessed when the Rosselkhoznadzor conducts measures for state control (supervision) and the Procedure for its maintenance

Order 751/10: Approval of the procedure for reissuance of the license for subsoil use

Order 756: On recognizing as invalid the order of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia dated August 23, 2016 N 531 "On Approval of the Administrative Regulations of the Federal Service for State Registration, Cadastre and Cartography for the Provision of State Services for Licensing Geodetic and Cartographic Works of Federal Purpose, the results of which are of national, inter-sectoral significance (for excluding the specified types of activities carried out in the course of engineering surveys carried out for the preparation of project documentation, construction, reconstruction, overhaul of capital construction objects) "

Order 76: Methodical recommendations for the development of instructions for office work in federal executive bodies

Order 76: On approval of the Administrative Regulations of the Federal Agency for Maritime and River Transport for the provision of state services for the accreditation of legal entities for conducting an audit in order to make decisions on certification of transport security forces by the certification authorities, as well as for processing personal data of certain categories of persons employed directly related to ensuring transport security, or carrying out such work in the field of sea and river transport

Order 773: On approval of the Administrative Regulations of the Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare for the provision of state services for licensing activities in the use of sources of ionizing radiation (generating) (except for the case if these sources are used in medical activities) (as amended by 27 May 2015) (invalidated from 04/17/2021 on the basis of the order of Rospotrebnadzor of 11/30/2020 N 784)

Order 784: On approval of the Administrative Regulations of the Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Wellbeing for the provision of state services for licensing activities in the use of sources of ionizing radiation (generating) (except for the case if these sources are used in medical activities)

Order 786/14: Approval of the procedure for granting the right to use subsurface sites for construction and operation of underground facilities not related to mining (except for underground facilities for disposal of radioactive waste, industrial and consumption waste of hazard classes I-V and underground facilities not related to mining on subsurface sites of local importance), and (or) geological study and assessment of the suitability of a subsurface site for the construction and operation of these underground facilities

Order 787/15: Approval of the Procedure for granting the right to use subsoil areas for construction and operation of hydrocarbon raw material storages and (or) geological study and assessment of the suitability of a subsoil area for construction and operation of the indicated hydrocarbon raw material storages

Order 788/16: On approval of the procedure for granting the right to use subsurface sites for construction and operation of underground facilities for disposal of production and consumption waste of hazard classes III-V

Order 789/17: On approval of the procedure for granting the right to use subsurface sites for geological study and assessment of the suitability of a subsurface site for construction and operation of underground facilities for disposal of radioactive waste, production and consumption waste of hazard classes I-V

Order 79: On approval of the Program of preventive measures aimed at preventing violations of mandatory requirements, compliance with which is assessed by Roshydromet during monitoring (supervision), and the Schedule of preventive measures of Roshydromet aimed at preventing violation of mandatory requirements, in 2018

Order 790/18: Approval of the Procedure for granting the right to use subsurface sites for placement of associated water, water used by subsurface users for their own production and technological needs during exploration and production of hydrocarbons, water generated by subsurface users engaged in exploration and production, as well as primary processing of potassium and magnesium salts, and (or) geological study and assessment of the suitability of a subsurface site for placement of the specified water in rock strata

Order 802/20: Approval of the Procedure for granting the right to use subsurface sites for geological study of subsurface resources, including prospecting and evaluation of mineral deposits, on a subsurface site not included in the list of subsurface sites for geological study of subsurface resources, except for subsurface sites of federal significance and subsurface sites of local significance

Order 803/21: Approval of the Procedure for granting the right to use subsurface sites if the discovery of a mineral deposit on a subsurface site is established by a subsurface user who has carried out geological studies of subsurface resources in such a site, for exploration and production of minerals from an open field, except for subsurface sites of federal significance, subsurface sites that are classified as subsurface sites of federal significance due to the discovery of mineral deposits, local significance subsurface sites, subsurface sites where geol

Order 870: On approval of forms of assessment sheets containing a list of control questions, the answers to which should indicate the compliance of the license applicant, licensee with license requirements when carrying out activities to extinguish fires in populated areas, at production facilities and infrastructure facilities and activities for installation, maintenance and repair of means of ensuring fire safety of buildings and constructions

Order 944: Administrative regulations of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation on the provision of state services for licensing activities for the storage and destruction of chemical weapons

Order 973: On approval of forms of checklists (lists of control questions, the answers to which indicate compliance or non-compliance of a supervised person with mandatory requirements) used by the Federal Service for Supervision in Healthcare and its territorial bodies in carrying out federal state control (supervision) of the quality and safety of medical activity

Order 98: On approval of the Administrative Regulations of the Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Surveillance for the provision of state services for licensing activities for the production of medicines for veterinary use (expired from 13.04.2021 on the basis of the order of the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia dated 26.02.2021 N 99)

Order 987: Administrative Regulations on the execution by the Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare of the state function to exercise licensing control over activities in the field of use of ionizing radiation sources (generating sources) (except when these sources are used in medical activities)

Order ED-7-26/546@: On approval of the Requirements for the operator of electronic document management

Order MMV-7-6/76@: On approval of the Requirements to the operator of electronic document management (ceased to be in force from 01.03.2022 on the basis of the Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia from 08.06.2021 N ED-7-26/546@)

Order P/0436: On approval of the form of the checklist (list of checklists) used in the implementation by the Federal Service of State Registration, Cadastre and Cartography of licensing control of geodetic and cartographic activities

Order VB-1064fs: On approval of the forms of assessment forms for assessing the compliance of a license applicant or licensee with license requirements when carrying out activities for the transportation of passengers and other persons by bus

Order VB-1fs: On approval of forms of checklists (lists of control questions, the answers to which indicate compliance or non-compliance of a controlled person with mandatory requirements) used by the Federal Transport Supervision Service and its territorial bodies in carrying out federal state control (supervision) in the field of merchant shipping and inland water transport

Order VB-44fs: On approval of the forms of assessment forms, in accordance with which the assessment of compliance with license requirements of the applicant or licensee in carrying out activities for the transportation of dangerous goods by inland waterway transport, maritime transport, transportation of passengers by inland waterway transport, maritime transport of tugboats (except when these activities are carried out to meet the own needs of the legal entity or individual entrepreneur)

Order VB-880fs: On approval of forms of checklists (list of control questions) used in the implementation of the federal state transport oversight in the field of railway transport

Order VB-904fs: On approval of the Administrative Regulations of the Federal Service for Supervision in the Sphere of Transport for the provision of state services for licensing activities for the transportation of passengers and other persons by buses

Ordinance 13-rp: On the approval of examination tickets (tests) for section A "General requirements for industrial safety" Areas of certification (knowledge testing) of managers and specialists of organizations supervised by the Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision, approved by order of the Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision from April 6, 2012 N 233

PB 10-403-01: Rules of design and safe operation of lifting platforms for disabled persons

RD 04-354-00: Regulations on Supervisory and Control Activities in the System of Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia

RD 52.15.880-2019: Guidelines for organizing and conducting observations, assessing the state and pollution of the marine environment in areas of exploration and development of offshore oil and gas fields

Regulation 414-rp: On approval of examination tickets under Section A “General Industrial Safety Requirements” of the areas of certification (knowledge testing) of heads and specialists of organizations supervised by the Federal Service for Ecological, Technological and Atomic Supervision, approved by order of the Federal Service for Ecological, Technological and Atomic Supervision of April 6, 2012 city ​​number 233

Regulation 440: On the extension of permits and other features in relation to licensing activities in 2020

Regulation 497: On licensing activities in the field of hydrometeorology and related fields, as well as the implementation of work on the active impact on hydrometeorological and geophysical processes and phenomena

Resolution 1001: On federal state control (supervision) in the field of geodesy and cartography

Resolution 1022: On Approval of the Regulations on Licensing Activities Related to Providing Employment Services to Citizens of the Russian Federation outside the Territory of the Russian Federation (as amended on November 24, 2020)

Resolution 1062: On licensing of activities for the collection, transportation, processing, disposal, disposal, disposal of wastes of I-IV hazard classes (as amended on December 28, 2018) (invalidated from 01/01/2021 on the basis of Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 18, 2020 N 1496)

Resolution 1081: Rules for conservation and liquidation of a hydraulic structure

Resolution 1081: Regulation on licensing pharmaceutical activities

Resolution 1102: Regulations on licensing activities related to the circulation of industrial explosives

Resolution 1131: Regulations on licensing firefighting activities in settlements, production facilities and infrastructure

Resolution 1201: Regulations on licensing activities of legal entities, individual entrepreneurs for the right to perform work on quarantine phytosanitary disinfestation

Resolution 140: On the unified state health information system

Resolution 1418: On licensing certain types of activities related to precious metals and precious stones

Resolution 1435: Regulations on licensing activities related to the circulation of industrial explosives

Resolution 1435: On licensing activities related to the handling of industrial explosives

Resolution 1445: Provisions on licensing of activities on technical maintenance of medical devices (except for the case when technical maintenance is performed to meet the own needs of a legal entity or an individual entrepreneur, as well as the case of technical maintenance of medical devices with a low degree of potential risk of their use)

Resolution 1467: On licensing the production of mine surveying

Resolution 1477: Regulations on Licensing Activities for Conducting Industrial Safety Expertise

Resolution 1490: About licensing educational activities

Resolution 1520: Rules for the creation, operation and modernization of a unified state information system for recording waste from the use of goods

Resolution 1529: On licensing of television broadcasting and radio broadcasting

Resolution 1559: On Amendments and the Annulment of Certain Acts of the Government of the Russian Federation

Resolution 1616: On licensing activities for the transportation of passengers and other persons by buses

Resolution 1661: On licensing the operation of explosive and fire hazardous and chemically hazardous production facilities of I, II and III hazard classes (as amended on June 30, 2021)

Resolution 1682: On licensing of works on active influence on hydrometeorological and geophysical processes and phenomena

Resolution 1788: On licensing activities for the production and sale of anti-counterfeit printed products

Resolution 1799: On Accreditation of Organizations Owning Information Systems Ensuring Identification and (or) Authentication with the Use of Biometric Personal Data of Physical Persons and (or) Providing Services for Identification and (or) Authentication with the Use of Biometric Personal Data of Physical Persons

Resolution 1845: On licensing activities in the field of hydrometeorology and related areas (with the exception of the specified activities carried out in the course of engineering surveys carried out for the preparation of design documentation, construction, reconstruction of capital construction facilities)

Resolution 1938: Regulations on licensing activities for the maintenance and use of animals in zoos, zoos, circuses, zoo theaters, dolphinariums and aquariums

Resolution 2027: On approval of the Regulation on licensing activities for the transport of inland water transport, sea transport of passengers and the Regulation on licensing of loading and unloading activities in relation to dangerous goods in inland water transport, in seaports

Resolution 2111: On approval of the Regulations on licensing activities for transportation of passengers by inland water transport, sea transport and Regulations on licensing of loading and unloading activities in relation to dangerous goods on inland water transport, in sea ports

Resolution 2129: On Approval of the Regulations on licensing activities for the maintenance of medical devices (except for the case where maintenance is performed to meet the own needs of a legal entity or an individual entrepreneur, as well as the case of maintenance of medical devices with a low degree of potential risk of their use), amending the decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 15, 2020 N 1445 and invalidating certain acts of the Government of the Russian Federation.

Resolution 2141: On Amendments to the Regulation on Licensing of Production of Medicines

Resolution 2164: On Amendments to the Regulation on Licensing of Pharmaceutical Activities

Resolution 2290: On licensing activities for the collection, transportation, processing, disposal, disposal, disposal of waste of I-IV hazard classes

Resolution 2343: On approval of the Rules for the formation and maintenance of the register of licenses and a standard form of extract from the register of licenses

Resolution 2356: On Amendments to Certain Acts of the Government of the Russian Federation

Resolution 2383: On approval of the Regulations on licensing the development, production, testing, repair and disposal of civilian and service weapons and major parts of firearms, development, production, testing, disposal of cartridges for civilian and service weapons and components of cartridges

Resolution 2385: On licensing activities in the field of communication services and invalidation of certain acts of the Government of the Russian Federation (as amended on January 18, 2021)

Resolution 2386: On Approval of the Regulation on Licensing the Development, Production, Testing, Installation, Installation, Maintenance, Repair, Disposal and Sale of Armaments and Military Equipment, Development, Production, Testing, Storage, Sale and Disposal of Ammunition

Resolution 240: Regulation on licensing the development, production, testing and repair of aviation equipment

Resolution 2416: On approval of the Regulations on licensing the development, production, testing, storage, sale (including distribution), disposal of pyrotechnic products IV and V classes in accordance with the national standard, the use of pyrotechnic products IV and V classes in accordance with technical regulations

Resolution 2417: On licensing of certain types of activities in railway transport

Resolution 2499: On the procedure for auctioning the right to use a subsoil plot of federal significance, a subsoil plot of local significance, or a subsoil plot not classified as a subsoil plot of federal or local significance

Resolution 2533: On Approval of the Rules for Granting the Right to Use a Subsurface Site for Construction and Operation of Underground Facilities for Disposal of Radioactive Waste, Industrial and Consumer Waste of Hazard Classes I and II and the Annulment of Certain Acts of the Government of the Russian Federation and Certain Provisions of Certain Acts of the Government of the Russian Federation

Resolution 2535: On Approval of the Regulations on Licensing of Activities Related to Provision of Employment Services to Citizens of the Russian Federation outside the Russian Federation, and the Annulment of Certain Acts and Certain Provisions of Certain Acts of the Government of the Russian Federation

Resolution 257: Regulations on licensing the production of mine surveying works

Resolution 278: Regulations on licensing activities in the field of using sources of ionizing radiation (generating) (except for the case if these sources are used in medical activities)

Resolution 291: Regulations on licensing medical activities (with the exception of the specified activities carried out by medical organizations and other organizations that are part of the private health care system, on the territory of the Skolkovo innovation center)

Resolution 317: Regulations on licensing activities in the field of use of pathogens of infectious diseases of humans and animals (except for the case if the specified activity is carried out for medical purposes) and genetically modified organisms of III and IV degrees of potential danger, carried out in closed systems

Resolution 353: Rules for the provision of wire broadcasting communication services

Resolution 353: On the peculiarities of permissive activities in the Russian Federation in 2022

Resolution 438: On the specifics of the implementation in 2020 of state control (supervision), municipal control and on amending paragraph 7 of the Rules for the preparation by state control (supervision) bodies and municipal control bodies of annual plans for scheduled inspections of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs

Resolution 467: On monitoring and evaluating the effectiveness of licensing of specific types of activities

Resolution 469: On Approval of the Regulation on licensing activities for the production and maintenance (except for the case when maintenance is performed to meet the own needs of a legal entity or individual entrepreneur) of medical equipment

Resolution 52: Rules for Forming and Maintaining the Federal State Information System "Monitoring of Licensing of Certain Types of Activities"

Resolution 547: On Approval of the Regulations on Licensing of Pharmaceutical Activities

Resolution 581: Regulations on licensing the development, production, testing, installation, assembly, maintenance, repair, disposal and sale of weapons and military equipment

Resolution 682: Regulations on Licensing Activities for Conducting Industrial Safety Expertise

Resolution 686: Regulation on licensing the production of medicines

Resolution 69: Regulations on licensing firefighting activities in settlements, production facilities and infrastructure

Resolution 765: Rules for the preparation and decision-making on the provision of aquatic biological resources for use

Resolution 826: Model license form

Resolution 852: On licensing medical activities (with the exception of the specified activities carried out by medical organizations and other organizations that are part of the private health care system on the territory of the Skolkovo innovation center) and invalidation of some acts of the Government of the Russian Federation

Resolution 865: On licensing the development, production, testing, storage, repair and disposal of civil and service weapons and main parts of firearms, trade in civil and service weapons and main parts of firearms

Resolution 903: Criteria for determining objects subject to federal state environmental supervision

SanPiN Hygienic requirements for provision of radiation safety during operation of ray inspection installations

SanPiN Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for organization and carrying out of disinsection activities against arthopods having epidemiological and sanitary-hygienic value

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