SP 399.1325800.2018
СП 399.1325800.2018
External water supply and sewage systems made of polymer materials. Rules for design and installation
Системы водоснабжения и канализации наружные из полимерных материалов. Правила проектирования и монтажа
Status: Effective - Introduced for the first time
The set of rules establishes requirements for the design, construction (including reconstruction or repair) of external cold water supply networks, drainage systems (including drainage networks) using pipes, fittings, wells and tanks made of polyethylene, a propylene block copolymer, unplasticized polyvinyl chloride, as well as oriented unplasticized polyvinyl chloride.
Cвод правил устанавливает требования к проектированию, строительству (в том числе реконструкции или ремонту) наружных сетей холодного водоснабжения, водоотведения (в том числе дренажных сетей) с использованием труб, соединительных деталей, колодцев и емкостей, изготовленных из полиэтилена, блок-сополимера пропилена, непластифицированного поливинилхлорида, а также ориентированного непластифицированного поливинилхлорида.
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Approved: Ministry of construction and housing and communal services of the Russian Federation,
SKU: RUSS373504
The Product is Contained in the Following Classifiers:
Construction (Max) »
Regulations »
Documents System of normative documents in construction »
4. Normative documents for engineering equipment of buildings and structures and external networks »
к.40 Water supply and sewerage »
PromExpert »
II Ensuring environmental safety »
2 Protection and protection of surface water bodies »
2.4 Requirements for protection of surface water bodies in implementation of activities »
2.4.2 Protection of water bodies in design, construction, reconstruction and operation of water management system »
ISO classifier »
93.025 Outdoor plumbing systems »
National standards »
93.025 Outdoor plumbing systems »
ISO classifier »
93.030 External sewer systems »
National standards »
93.030 External sewer systems »
The Document References:
Decision 299: Uniform sanitary and epidemiological and hygienic requirements for products (goods) subject to sanitary and epidemiological supervision (control)
GOST 10704-91: Electrically welded steel line-weld lubes. Range
GOST 12.1.044-89: Fire and explosion hazard of substances and materials. Nomenclature of indices and methods of their determination
GOST 12586.0-83: Reinforced-concrete vibrohydropressed pressure pipes
GOST 15846-2002: Production for transportation to the areas of Far North and similar regions. Packing, marking, transportation and storage
GOST 18599-2001: Polyethylene pressure pipes. Specifications
GOST 24105-80: Plastics products. Terms and definitions of defects
GOST 24297-2013: Verification of purchased product. Organization and methods of control
GOST 25100-2011: Soils. Classification
GOST 286-82: Clay sewer pipes
GOST 32413-2013: Unplasticized polyvinylchloride pipes and fittings for sewerage and drainage systems outside the buildings. Specifications
GOST 32415-2013: Pressure thermoplastic pipes and their fittings for water supply and heating systems. General specifications
GOST 32972-2014: Plastic manholes for sewerage and drainage systems. Specifications
GOST 8032-84: Preferred numbers and series of preferred numbers
GOST 8696-74: General-purpose electrically welded spiral seam steel pipes. Specifications
GOST 9583-75: Cast-iron pressure pipes, manufactured by methods of centrifugal and semicontinuous casting
GOST EN 13705-2015: Welding of thermoplastics. Equipment for hot gas welding and extrusion welding
GOST ISO 12162-2006: Thermoplastics materials for pipes and fittings for pressure applications. Classification and designation. Overall service coefficient
GOST ISO 4065-2005: Thermoplastics pipes. Universal wall thickness table
GOST R 51613-2000: Pressure pipes made of unplasticized polyvinylchloride. Specifications
GOST R 52779-2007: Polyethylene fittings for gas pipelines. General specifications
GOST R 54475-2011: Plastics structured-wall pipes and their fittings for sewerage systems outside the buildings. Specifications
GOST R 54792-2011: Imperfections in thermoplastic welding joint. Description and evaluation
GOST R 55276-2012: Plastics pipes and fittings. Butt fusion jointing procedures for polyethylene (PE) pipes and fittings used in the construction of gas and water distribution systems
GOST R 56155-2014: Welding of polymeric materials. Extrusion welding of pipes, piping parts and panels
GOST R 56290-2014: Gas distribution systems. Requirements to gas distribution networks. Part 3. Renovation
GOST R 56927-2016: Pipes made of oriented unplasticized polyvinylchloride for water supply. Specifications
GOST R ISO 12176-1-2011: Plastics pipes and fittings. Equipment for fusion jointing polyethylene systems. Part 1. Butt fusion
GOST R ISO 12176-2-2011: Plastics pipes and fittings. Equipment for fusion jointing polyethylene systems. Part 2. Electrofusion
GOST R ISO 12176-3-2014: Plastics pipes and fittings. Equipment for fusion jointing polyethylene systems. Part 3. Operator's badge
GOST R ISO 3126-2007: Plastics piping systems. Plastics components of piping systems. Determination of dimensions
SP 100.13330.2016: The reclamation systems and construction
SP 119.13330.2012: Railways of 1520 mm
SP 129.13330.2011: External water supply networks and sewerage systems
SP 131.13330.2012: Building climatology
SP 14.13330.2018: Seismic building design code
SP 18.13330.2011: Master plans for industrial enterprises
SP 21.13330.2012: Buildings and structures on undermined territories and slumping soils
SP 22.13330.2016: Soil bases of buildings and structures
SP 248.1325800.2016: Underground structures. Design rules
SP 249.1325800.2016: Design and construction of underground utilities by closed and cut-and-cover methods
SP 25.13330.2012: Soil bases and foundations on permafrost soils
SP 272.1325800.2016: Drainage system of cities and townships. The rules of inspection
SP 31.13330.2012: Water supply. Pipelines and portable water treatment plants
SP 32.13330.2012: Sewerage. Pipelines and wastewater treatment plants
SP 341.1325800.2017: Underground engineering communications. Lining of by a method of the horizontal directional drilling
SP 42.13330.2016: Urban development. Urban and rural planning and development
SP 42-101-2003: The general provision and construction gas distribution sistem from steel and polyethyelene pipes
SP 45.13330.2017: Earthworks, grounds and footings
SP 48.13330.2011: Organization of construction
SP 61.13330.2012: Designing of thermal insulation of equipment and pipe lines
The Document is Referenced By:
Amendment 5: Amendment to SP 20.13330.2016 SNiP 2.01.07-85* Loads and impacts
Amendment 5: Amendment to SP 22.13330.2016 SNiP 2.02.01-83* Foundations of Buildings and Structures
Amendment 5: Amendment to SP 16.13330.2017 "SNiP II-23-81* Steel Structures"
GOST R 70623-2023: Field pipelines. Pipelines from flexible polymer reinforced pipes. Rules of design, installation and operation
GOST R 70628.2-2023: Plastic pipelines for water supply, drainage and pressure sewerage. Polyethylene (PE). Part 2. Pipes
GOST R 70628.3-2023: Plastic pipelines for water supply, drainage and pressure sewerage. Polyethylene (PE). Part 3. Fittings
GOST R 70729-2023: Plastic pipes and fittings. Socket welding with heated tools. General requirements
Order 1112: On Amending Order No. 687 of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology of April 2, 2020
Order 1247: On Amending the Order of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology of April 2, 2020 N 687 "On Approval of the list of documents in the field of standardization, as a result of the application of which on a voluntary basis ensures compliance with the requirements of the Federal Law of December 30, 2009 N 384-FZ "Technical Regulations on the Safety of Buildings and Structures".
Order 1653: On amending the order of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology of April 2, 2020 N 687
SP 249.1325800.2016: Design and construction of underground utilities by closed and cut-and-cover methods
SP 31.13330.2021: Water supply. External networks and structures SNiP 2.04.02-84*
SP 32.13330.2018: Sewerage. Outdoor networks and facilities
SP 503.1325800.2021: Piping from unplasticized polyvinyl chloride gravity drainage systems. Design, construction and operation rules
SP 517.1325800.2022: Operation of centralized systems, water supply and wastewater disposal facilities
SP 527.1325800.2023: Pipelines of water supply and drainage systems made of polymer pre-insulated pipes. Design and installation rules
SP 536.1325800.2024: Field pipelines of non-metallic pipes. Design and construction rules
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