
SP 412.1325800.2018

СП 412.1325800.2018

The construction of foundations of high-rise buildings and structures. Work Rules

Конструкции фундаментов высотных зданий и сооружений. Правила производства работ

Status: Effective - Introduced for the first time

The set of rules establishes the basic requirements for the production of works on the installation of slab, pile-plate and pile foundations from bored piles and barrettes for the construction of high-rise buildings and structures. The set of rules does not apply to the construction of foundations in areas with difficult engineering and geological conditions, in areas with eternal permafrost, in the undermined territories, at enterprises with the systematic effect of elevated temperatures (more than 50 degrees Celsius) and in other similar conditions.

Cвод правил устанавливает основные требования к производству работ при устройстве плитных, свайно-плитных и свайных фундаментов из буронабивных свай и баретт при возведении высотных зданий и сооружений.Cвод правил не распространяется на устройство фундаментов в районах со сложными инженерно-геологическими условиями, в районах с вечной мерзлотой, на подрабатываемых территориях, на предприятиях с систематическим воздействием повышенных температур (более 50 градусов Цельсия) и в других аналогичных условиях.

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Format: Electronic (pdf/doc)

Approved: Ministry of construction and housing and communal services of the Russian Federation, 9/13/2018

SKU: RUSS373802

Price: $852.00


The Product is Contained in the Following Classifiers:

Construction (Max) » Regulations » Documents System of normative documents in construction » 5. Regulatory documents for building structures and products » k.50 Foundations and foundations of buildings and structures »

ISO classifier » 91 CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS AND CONSTRUCTION » 91.080 Structures of buildings » 91.080.40 Concrete structures »

ISO classifier » 93 CIVIL CONSTRUCTION » 93.020 Earthworks. Excavation. Foundation construction. Underground work »

National standards » 93 CIVIL CONSTRUCTION » 93.020 Earthworks. Excavation. Foundation construction. Underground work »

The Document References:

Amendment 3: Amendment to SP 16.13330.2017 "SNiP II-23-81* Steel Structures"

Amendment 3: Amendment to SP 4.13130.2013 Fire protection systems. Restriction of fire propagation at the objects of protection. Requirements for volume planning and structural solutions

Amendment 5: Amendment to SP 16.13330.2017 "SNiP II-23-81* Steel Structures"

Amendment 5: Amendment to SP 20.13330.2016 SNiP 2.01.07-85* Loads and impacts

Amendment 5: Amendment to SP 22.13330.2016 SNiP 2.02.01-83* Foundations of Buildings and Structures

Code 190-FZ: Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation

Federal Law 184-FZ: About technical regulation

GOST 10181-2014: Concrete mixtures. Methods of testing

GOST 10922-2012: Welded reinforcing products and inserts, welded, lap and mechanical joints for reinforced concrete structures. General specifications

GOST 18105-2010: Concretes. Rules of control and norm of an assessment of quality.

GOST 22690-2015: Concretes. Determination of strength by mechanical methods of non-destructive testing

GOST 23616-79: System of ensuring of geometrical accuracy of parameters in construction. Control of accuracy

GOST 23732-2011: Water for concretes and cement mortars Technical specifications.

GOST 23858-79: Welded joints butt and T-formed of reinforcement steel bars. Ultrasonic methods of quality inspection. Acceptability requirements

GOST 24211-2008: Admixtures for concretes and mortars. General specifications

GOST 24316-80: Concrete. Methods of the determination of exothermic neat in concrete

GOST 24379.0-2012: Foundation bolts. General specifications

GOST 24379.1-2012: Foundation bolts. Structure and dimensions

GOST 24846-2012: Soils. Methods of measuring the strains of structures and building bases

GOST 26633-2015: Heavy-weight and sand concretes. Specifications

GOST 28570-90: Concretes. Methods of strength evaluation on cores drilled from structures

GOST 310.2-76: Cements. Methods of grinding fineness determination

GOST 310.5-88: Cements. Test method for heat of hydration

GOST 31384-2017: Protection of concrete and reinforced concrete structures against corrosion. General technical requirements

GOST 31914-2012: High-strength heavy-weight and fine-grane concrete for situ-casting structures. Rules for control and quality assessment

GOST 3282-74: General-purpose low-carbon steel wire. Specifications

GOST 33672-2015: Automobile transport facilities. Antiskid studs. Requirements and test methods

GOST 33697-2015: Hydrocarbon-based drilling muds. Control of parameters in field conditions

GOST 5686-2012: Sоils. Fiеld tеst mеthоds bу рilеs

GOST 5781-82: Hot-rolled steel for reinforcement of ferroconcrete structures. Specifications

GOST 7473-2010: Fresh concrete. Specifications

GOST 7566-94: Metal products

GOST 8478-81: Welded meshes for reinforced concrete structures. Specifications

GOST R 52544-2006: Weldable deformed reinforcing rolled products of A500C and B500C classes for reinforcement of concrete constructions. Specifications

GOST R 56178-2014: Modifiers of organic-mineral origin of MB type for concretes, mortars and dry mixes. Specifications

GOST R 56592-2015: Mineral Admixtures for Concretes and mortars. General specifications

GOST R 57345-2016: Concrete. General specifications

POT R O-14000-007-98: Ordinance - Occupational Safety and Health for Material Storage

RD 11-02-2006: Requirements to the contents and as-built documentation for construction, reconstruction, major overhaul of capital construction facilities and the requirements applying to acts for the performed work, structures, utility network sections

RD 11-05-2007: Instruction On Keeping Construction Log Book

SP 11-110-99: Code of standards on design and construction Designer’s supervision over construction of building and facilities

SP 126.13330.2017: Geodetic works in building

SP 130.13330.2011: Production of precast reinforced concrete structures and products

SP 130.13330.2018: Production of prefabricated reinforced concrete structures and products

SP 16.13330.2017: Steel structures

SP 22.13330.2016: Soil bases of buildings and structures

SP 24.13330.2011: Pile foundations

SP 246.1325800.2016: Code practice. Regulation on the supervision of authors for construction of buildings and structures

SP 250.1325800.2016: Building and structures. Protection against groundwater

SP 267.1325800.2016: High rise buildings and complexes. Design rules

SP 28.13330.2017: Protection against corrosion of construction

SP 45.13330.2017: Earthworks, grounds and footings

SP 48.13330.2011: Organization of construction

SP 52-101-2003: Concrete and reinforced concrete structures without prestressing

SP 52-103-2007: Reinforced concrete monolithic building structures

SP 63.13330.2012: Concrete and reinforced concrete structures. General provisions.

SP 63.13330.2018: Concrete and reinforced concrete structures. Key Points

SP 70.13330.2012: Bearing and enclosing structures. Updated living edition of SNiP 3.03.01-87

The Document is Referenced By:

Order 1112: On Amending Order No. 687 of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology of April 2, 2020

Order 1247: On Amending the Order of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology of April 2, 2020 N 687 "On Approval of the list of documents in the field of standardization, as a result of the application of which on a voluntary basis ensures compliance with the requirements of the Federal Law of December 30, 2009 N 384-FZ "Technical Regulations on the Safety of Buildings and Structures".

Order 1653: On amending the order of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology of April 2, 2020 N 687

Order 30/pr: On approval of the Plan of development and approval of sets of rules and actualization of previously approved sets of rules for 2023.

SP 24.13330.2021: Pile foundations

SP 267.1325800.2016: High rise buildings and complexes. Design rules

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