
VRD 39-1.10-006-2000*

ВРД 39-1.10-006-2000*

Rules for the technical operation of gas pipelines

Правила технической эксплуатации магистральных газопроводов

Status: Not effective - Superseded

The rules establish technical standards and requirements for the operation of the main facilities, structures and equipment of gas mains (MG), for the organization of personnel work and technical documentation for gas transportation and storage in underground storage facilities, a unified procedure for the operation and repair of equipment and structures

Правила устанавливают технические нормы и требования к эксплуатации основных объектов, сооружений и оборудования магистральных газопроводов (МГ), к организации работы персонала и технической документации при транспортировке газа и хранении его в подземных хранилищах, единый порядок эксплуатации и ремонта оборудования и сооружений

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Format: Electronic (pdf/doc)

Approved: OJSC Gazprom, 2/15/2000

SKU: RUSS374791

Price: $942.55


The Product is Contained in the Following Classifiers:

Construction (Max) » Regulations » Sectoral and departmental regulatory and methodological documents » Design and construction of oil and gas industry facilities »

PromExpert » SECTION IV. INDUSTRIAL SAFETY » II Industrial safety requirements for operation of a hazardous production facility » 2 Special industrial safety requirements for operation of a hazardous production facility » 2.2 Industrial safety requirements in oil and gas industry »

ISO classifier » 75 EXTRACTION AND PROCESSING OF OIL, GAS AND RELATED PRODUCTION » 75.200 Equipment for oil refining, oil products and natural gas » 2003.200.13 Pipelines and their components »

The Document References:

Code 167-FZ: Water Code of the Russian Federation

Federal Law 174-FZ: Ecological Conformity Assessment

Federal Law 52-FZ: Public Sanitary and Epidemiological Well-Being

Federal Law 7-FZ: Environmental Protection

Federal Law 96-FZ: Atmospheric Protection

GOST 12.1.003-83: Noise. General safety requirements

GOST 12.1.004-91: Fire safety. General requirements

GOST 12.1.005-88: General sanitary requirements for working zone air

GOST 12.1.012-2004: Occupational safety stаndards system. Vibration safety. General requirements

GOST 12.1.051-90: Occupational safety standards system. Electrical safety. Distances of safety in the protective zone of power transmission lines for voltages above 1000 V

GOST 12.4.026-76: Signal colors and safety signs

GOST 13822-82: Generating sets and moving diesel-power stations. General specifications

GOST 14202-69: Pipe-lines of industrial plants. Identification coloring, safety signs and marking screens

GOST Nature protection. Soils. Classification of chemicals for pollution control

GOST Nature protection. Soils. Nomenclature of suitability characteristics of disturbed rich soil layer to be backfilled

GOST Nature protection. Soils. General requirements for sampling

GOST Nature protection. Soils. Methods for sampling and preparation of soils for chemical, bacteriological, helminthological analysis

GOST Nature protection. Lands. Classification of overburden and enclosing rocks for biological recultivation of lands

GOST Nature protection. Land reclamation. General requirements for lands to be backfilled

GOST Nature protection. Lands. Requirements for determination of the fertile soil layer standard disposal while performing earth-moving

GOST 19.603-78: Unified system for program documentation. General rules for insertion of amendments

GOST 24585-81: Marine, locomotive and commercial diesels. Emission of harmful substances with exhaust gases. Permissible values and measurement methods

GOST 25812-83: Steel pipe mains. General requirements for corrosion protection

GOST 28168-89: Soils. Sampling

GOST 29328-92: Stationary gas turbines for turbo generators. General technical requirements

GOST 30319.1-96: Natural gas. Methods for the evaluation of physical properties

GOST 5542-87: Natural fuel gases for industrial and domestic use

GOST 8.001-80: State system of ensuring the unity of measurements. Rules for conducting the state tests of measuring means

GOST 8.002-86: State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. State supervision and department control of measuring instruments. Basic regulations

GOST 8.326-89: State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Metrological certification measuring instruments

GOST 8.437-81: State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Systems of information and measurement. Metrological insurance. General statements

GOST 8.438-81: State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Systems of information and measurements verification. General statements

GOST 8.508-84: State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Metrological characteristics of measurements means and precision characteristics of automation means. General methods of estimate and control

GOST 8.513-84: State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Verification of measuring instruments. Organization and procedure

GOST 8.563.1-97: Measurement of liquids and gases flow rate and quantity by differential pressure method orifice plates, nozzles isa 1932 and ventury tubes inserted in circular cross-section filled conduits.

GOST 8.563.2-97: Measurement of liquids and gases flow rate and quantity by differential pressure method measurement procedure by orifice instruments official edition

GOST 9.602-89: Constructions, underground. General requirements for corrosion protection

GOST R 51164-98: Steel pipe mains. General requirements for corrosion protection

GOST R 8.563-96: State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Procedures of measurements

MI 2438-97: State system for ensuring uniform measurement. Measuring systems. Metrological assurance. Basic provisions.

OND 1-84: Procedural Guidelines for the Review, Examination, and Conformity Assessment of Proposed Air Quality Protection Measures and for Issuing a Permit for Emission of Pollutants into the Atmosphere

OND-86: Methodology for calculating atmospheric concentrations of harmful substances contained in enterprise emissions

ONTP 51-1-85: National Engineering Design Standards. Trunk Pipelines. Part I: Gas Pipelines

OST 51.40-83: Combustible natural gases supplied and transported via main gas pipelines. Technical conditions.

OST 51.40-93: Natural combustible gases transported via main gas pipelines

PB 03-576-03: Regulations of design and safe operation of pressure vessels

PB 08-621-03: Requirements for Creation and Operation of Underground Gas Storage Facilities in Porous Formations

PB 12-368-00: Gas industry safety rules

POT R M-016-2001: Inter-Industry Occupational Safety and Health Regulations (Safety Regulations) for Operation of Electrical Installations

PPB 01-03: On Approval Of Fire Safety Standards In The Russian Federation

PPBV 85: Fire Safety Regulations in the Gas Industry

PR 50.2.002-94: Procedure for Government Metrological Inspection of the Manufacturing, Condition, and Application of Measuring Devices Certified Using Measurement Procedures, Standards, and Compliance with Metrological Standards and Codes

PR 50.2.006-94: Procedure for calibration of measurement equipment

PR 50.2.015-94: State system for ensuring uniformity of measurements. The procedure for determining the cost (price) of metrological works

PR 50.2.016-94: National Measurement Standards. Requirements for Calibration Procedures

PR 50.2.018-95: State system for ensuring uniformity of measurements. The accreditation procedure of the metrological services of legal entities for the right to conduct calibration work

RD 08-183-98: Procedure for Preparation and Storage of Documents Confirming the Safety of the Maximum Permissible Operating Pressure for Operation of Trunk Pipeline Facilities

RD 08-200-98: Safety rules in the oil and gas industry

RD 08-204-98: Procedure for Notification and Submission to Regional Authorities of Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia of Information on Accidents, Accidental Leaks, and Hazardous Operating Conditions at Facilities for Trunk Pipeline Transport of Gases and Hazardous Liquids

RD 102-011-89: Occupational Safety and Health. Management and Procedural Documents

RD 34.03.202: Safety regulations for electrical installations

RD 34.20.501-95: Technical operation rules for power plants and networks of the Russian federation

RD 39-0147098-015-90: Instruction on the Monitoring of the Condition of Soil at Objects of Enterprises of the Ministry of the Oil Industry

RD 39-0147103-365-86: Instructions for the reclamation of land contaminated by oil

RD 50-213-80: Rules of gas and liquid consumption measurement by standard coarct devices.

RD 51-162-92: Catalog of specific pollutant emissions of gas compressors unit turbines.

RD 51-164-92: Temporary instruction on the control measurements of harmful emissions of gas turbines at compressor stations

RD 51-2-95: Regulations of compliance with environmental requirements for the location, design, construction and operation of underwater crossings of trunk pipelines of RAO "Gazprom", 1995

RD 51-98-85: Construction of wells at underground gas storage facilities. Technical requirements

RD 52.04.52-85: Emission regulation during adverse meteorological conditions

RD 558-97: Guidance Document for Pipe Welding Technology in Repair and Renovation of Gas Pipelines

SanPiN Potable water. Hygienic requirements to water quality in centralized potable water systems. Quality control

SanPiN 2.2.1/ Project work, construction, reconstruction and operation of enterprises, planning and development of inhabited areas. Sanitary protection zones and sanitary classification of enterprises, installations and other sites

SanPiN 2.2.1/ Sanitary Protection Zones and Sanitary Classification of Enterprises, Constructions and other Objects

SanPiN 4946-89: Sanitary Regulations for Protection of Atmospheric Air in Populated Areas

SN 2.2.4/ Industrial vibration. Vibration in premises of residential and public buildings

SN 245-71: Sanitary standards for the design of industrial enterprises

SN 452-73: Standards for the Allocation of Land for Trunk Pipelines

SNiP 2.02.04-88: Bases and foundations on the permafrost soils

SNiP 2.04.03-85: Sewage. External systems and structures

SNiP 2.06.15-85: Inundation & under-flooding. Area protection engineering

SNiP 3.01.04-87: Project acceptance for operation after construction

SNiP 3.05.05-84: Processing equipment and process pipelines

SNiP II-106-79: Planning Standards. Storage facilities for petroleum and petroleum products

SO 153-34.20.501-03: Rules for the technical operation of power plants and networks of the Russian Federation

VRD 39-1.10-005-2000: Ordinance on Operation of Gas Distribution Stations of Trunk Gas Pipelines

VRD 39-1.10-031-2001: Norms of emergency and minimum stocks of pipes, steel gas cranes, materials, fittings and mounting blanks on gas pipelines

VRD 39-1.13-010-2000: Guidelines for Determining Methanol Consumption Rates Used in Calculations of Maximum Allowable/Temporarily Approved Concentrations of Methanol Released by Facilities Operated by Gazprom OAO

VRD 39-1.13-011-2000: Environmental Management System for to Be Used by Gazprom OAO Facilities in Accordance with GOST R ISO 14000

VSN 003-88: Design and Installation Guidelines to Plastic Piping

VSN 004-88: Construction of trunk pipelines. Technology and management.

VSN 005-88: Construction of field steel pipelines Technology and arrangement

VSN 006-89: Construction Of Main And Field Pipelines Welding

VSN 007-88: Construction of Trunk and Field Pipelines. Design and Ballasting

VSN 008-88: Construction of trunk and field pipelines. Anticorrosion and heat insulation

VSN 009-88: Construction of main and commercial pipelines. Means and installations of cathodic protection.

VSN 011-88: Main pipeline and flowline construction. Bore cleaning and testing

VSN 012-88: Main pipeline and flowline construction. Quality control and commissioning of works

VSN 179-85: Guidelines for the Remediation of Lands Used for the Construction of Pipelines

VSN 332-93: Design Guidelines for Electrical Installations for Telecommunication, Cable Broadcasting, and Radio and Television Broadcasting Facilities and Structures

VSN 51-1-80: Guidelines for Construction Practices Within Safety Zones of Trunk Pipelines Administered by the Ministry of the Gas Industry

VSN 51-1-97: Work Execution Requirements for Overhaul of Trunk Pipelines

The Document is Referenced By:

RD 153-39.0-112-2001: Method for the Determination of Specified Quantity Allowances for Natural Gas for Process Needs of a Trunk Gas Transport Pipeline

RD 153-39.4-041-99: Operating rules and regulations for trunk oil product pipelines.

RD 51-2-97: Instructions for in-line inspection of pipeline systems

VRD 39-1.10-033-2001: Safety Instructions for Examining Stress Corroded Gas Pipelines

VRD 39-1.10-049-2001: Правила распространяются на эксплуатацию, реконструкцию и ремонт магистральных, межпромысловых и промысловых конденсатопродуктопроводов и отражают специфику транспорта стабильеого, нестабильного, деэтанизированного конденсата, широкой фракции легких углев

VRD 39-1.10-069-2002: Provisions on technical operation of gas distribution stations of gas mains

VRD 39-1.11-027-2001: Instructions for magnetic inspection of the linear part of gas pipeline

VRD 39-1.8-055-2002: Standard design specification for compressor stations (CS), booster compressor stations (BCS) and compressor stations of underground gas storage facilities (CS UGSF)

VRD 39-2.5-082-2003: Rules for the technical operation of gas filling stations for compressor stations

VSN 39-1.8-008-2002: Design of electrical insulating inserts for main and field pipelines

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