ODM 218.8.012-2019
ОДМ 218.8.012-2019
Guidelines (guidance) on the predictive assessment of environmental impact during the construction and operation of public roads
Методические рекомендации (указания) по прогнозной оценке воздействия на окружающую среду при строительстве и эксплуатации автомобильных дорог общего пользования
Status: Effective - Introduced for the first time
The document contains methodological recommendations (guidance) on the predictive assessment of the environmental impact during the construction (reconstruction, overhaul) and operation of public roads, defines the principles (approaches), the basic requirements for industrial environmental control and monitoring to carry out the predictive assessment, and also contains guidelines for the development of a section of project documentation "Environmental Protection Activities". ODM is intended for road management bodies, organizations of the Russian Federation, carrying out: design, construction, reconstruction, major repairs of roads, as well as industrial environmental control of roads in operation.
Документ содержит методические рекомендации (указания) по прогнозной оценке воздействия на окружающую среду при строительстве (реконструкции, капитальном ремонте) и эксплуатации автомобильных дорог общего пользования, определяет принципы (подходы), основные требования к проведению производственного экологического контроля и мониторингу для выполнения прогнозной оценки, а также содержит методические указания по разработке раздела проектной документации "Мероприятия по охране окружающей среды". ОДМ предназначен для органов управления дорожным хозяйством, организаций Российской Федерации, осуществляющих: проектирование, строительство, реконструкцию, капитальный ремонт дорог, а также производственный экологический контроль автомобильных дорог, находящихся в эксплуатации.
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Format: Electronic (pdf/doc)
Approved: Federal Highway Agency,
SKU: RUSS375428
The Product is Contained in the Following Classifiers:
Highways (Max) »
Design, construction, repair and maintenance of roads »
2. The order of development, coordination and approval of design estimates for construction (reconstruction) of roads »
Highways (Max) »
Design, construction, repair and maintenance of roads »
12. Repair, maintenance, operation of roads »
Highways (Max) »
Design, construction, repair and maintenance of roads »
20. Organization of construction »
Construction (Max) »
Regulations »
Sectoral and departmental regulatory and methodological documents »
Design and construction of roads »
ISO classifier »
93.080 Road construction »
93.080.10 Road construction »
The Document References:
Code 136-FZ: Land Code of the Russian Federation
Code 74-FZ: Water Code of the Russian Federation
Decree 183: Regulations on the standards for emissions of harmful (polluting) substances into the atmospheric air and harmful physical influences on it
Federal Law 166-FZ: On fishing and conservation of aquatic biological resources
Federal Law 174-FZ: Ecological Conformity Assessment
Federal Law 431-FZ: On geodesy, cartography and spatial data and on amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation
Federal Law 52-FZ: Public Sanitary and Epidemiological Well-Being
Federal Law 73-FZ: On objects of cultural heritage (historical and cultural monuments) of the peoples of the Russian Federation
Federal Law 7-FZ: Environmental Protection
Federal Law 89-FZ: Production and Consumption Wastes
Federal Law 96-FZ: Atmospheric Protection
GN 1.2.3539-18: Hygienic standards for pesticide content in environmental objects (the list)
GN Maximum allowable concentrations (MACs) of chemicals in the water of water objects used for drinking and domestic recreation purposes
GN Tentative safe exposure levels (TSELs) of pollutants in the air of residential areas
GN Maximum permissible concentrations (MPC) of pollutants in the atmospheric air of urban and rural settlements
GN Maximum permissible concentration (MPC) of chemical substances in soil
GOST 12.1.012-2004: Occupational safety stаndards system. Vibration safety. General requirements
GOST Nature protection. Atmosphere. General requirements for determination of pollutants
GOST Nature protection. Soils. Requirement for fertile layer conservation in performing earth-moving
GOST Nature protection. Lands. Classification of disturbed lands to be recultivated
GOST Nature protection. Lands. Requirements for determination of the fertile soil layer standard disposal while performing earth-moving
GOST 20444-2014: Noise. Traffic flows. Methods of noise characteristic determination
GOST 31192.1-2004: Vibration. Measurement and evaluation of human exposure to hand-transmitted vibration. Part 1. General requirеments
GOST 31295.2-2005: Noise. Attenuation of sound during propagation outdoors. Part 2. General method of calculation
GOST 32836-2014: Public roads. Survey of motorways. General requirements
GOST 32847-2014: Automobile roads of general use. Requirements for the environmental survey
GOST 32868-2014: Public roads. Requirements for engineering and geological surveys
GOST 32869-2014: Automobile roads of general use. Requirements for conducting topographic and geodetic surveys
GOST 33100-2014: Public roads. Rules for design of highways
GOST 33149-2014: Public roads. Rules for design of roads in challenging environments
GOST 33177-2014: Automobile roads of general use. Requirements for engineering and hydrological surveys
GOST 33179-2014: Automobile roads of general use. Survey of bridges and viaducts. General requirements
GOST 33220-2015: Automobile roads of general use. Requirements for the level of maintenance
GOST R 1.5-2004: Standardization in the Russian Federation. National standards of the Russian Federation. Rules of structure, drafting, presentation and indication
GOST R 21.1101-2013: System of design documents for construction. Main requirements for design and working documents
GOST R 56059-2014: Industrial environmental monitoring. General principles
GOST R 56060-2014: Industrial environmental monitoring. Monitoring of the state and pollution of the environment on the territories of waste disposal facilities
GOST R 56061-2014: Industrial ecology control. Requirements for program industrial ecology control
GOST R 56062-2014: Industrial ecology control. General principles
GOST R 56162-2014: Air pollution emissions. Method of calculating vehicles emissions under summary computational modeling for urban settlements
ODM 218.2.013-2011: Guidelines for traffic noise protection for areas adjacent to roads
ODM 218.2.022-2012: Guidelines for the reuse of asphalt concrete in the construction (reconstruction) of roads
ODM 218.6.023-2017: Guidelines for Traffic Control and Safety Barriers at Road Construction Sites
ODM 218.8.005-2014: Guidelines for the maintenance of sewage treatment plants on highways
ODM 218.8.008-2017: Guidelines for the use of treatment facilities made of polymer composite materials in the road sector
ODM 218.8.011-2018: Guidelines for determining the characteristics and selection of noise protection structures of roads
ODN 218.5.016-2002: Ecological Safety Indicators and Standards for Roads and Highways
Order 214: Features of the use, protection, protection, reproduction of forests located in forest park green belts
Order 223: Rules for the use of scaffolding for construction, reconstruction, operation of linear objects
Order 242: Federal classification catalog of waste
Order 261: Form of the report on the organization and on the results of industrial environmental control
Resolution 145: Regulations on the organization and conduct of state expertise of project documentation and engineering survey results
Resolution 322: Regulations on the Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare
Resolution 87: Regulations on the composition of sections of design documentation and requirements for their content
Resolution 87: The list of names of communication services included in the license for the implementation of activities in the field of rendering communication services
Resolution 997: Requirements for preventing the death of objects of the animal world during the implementation of production processes, as well as during the operation of transport routes, pipelines, communication lines and power transmission lines
SanPiN Sanitary protection zones of water sources and water pipelines for drinking use
SanPiN Hygienic requirements to quality assurance of atmospheric air in inhabited areas
SanPiN Sanitary-epidemiologic requirements to soil quality
SanPiN Hygienic requirements regarding dumping and decontamination of industrial and consumable waste
SanPiN 2.2.1/ Sanitary-protective zones and sanitary classification of enterprises, constructions and other objects
SanPiN Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for physical factors in the workplace
SN 2.2.4/ Noise exposure in work environment, residential premises, premises of public buildings and in dwellings zones
SP 11-102-97: Engineering environmental site investigations for construction
SP 131.13330.2012: Building climatology
SP 20.13330.2011: Loads and impacts
SP 276.1325800.2016: Buildings and territories. Protection design rules from traffic noise
SP 34.13330.2012: Automobile roads. Updated living edition of SNIP 2.05.02-85
SP 45.13330.2017: Earthworks, grounds and footings
SP 47.13330.2012: Engineering survey for construction. Basic principles
SP 51.13330.2011: Noise protection and rooms acoustics.
VSN 8-89: Instruction for nature conservation in road construction, repair and maintenance
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