On approval of the List of legal acts and their individual parts (provisions) containing mandatory requirements, compliance with which is assessed when the Rosselkhoznadzor conducts measures for state control (supervision) and the Procedure for its maintenance
Об утверждении Перечня правовых актов и их отдельных частей (положений), содержащих обязательные требования, соблюдение которых оценивается при проведении Россельхознадзором мероприятий по государственному контролю (надзору) и Порядка его ведения
Status: Effective
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Approved: Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Surveillance,
SKU: RUSS379914
The Product is Contained in the Following Classifiers:
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11.220 Veterinary Medicine »
ISO classifier »
13.020 Environmental protection »
13.020.01 Environment and environmental protection in general »
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67.020 Processes in food industry »
ISO classifier »
67.120 Meat, meat products and other animal products »
67.120.01 Animal products in general »
As a Replacement Of:
Order 689: On approval of the draft List of legal acts and their individual parts (provisions) containing mandatory requirements, the compliance with which is assessed when the Rosselkhoznadzor conducts state control (supervision) measures
The Document References:
Code 136-FZ: Land Code of the Russian Federation
Code 230-FZ: Civil Code of the Russian Federation (part four) (Articles 1225 - 1551)
Decision 157: On approval of the Unified quarantine phytosanitary requirements for regulated products and regulated objects on the customs border and on the customs territory of the Eurasian Economic Union
Decision 299: Uniform sanitary and epidemiological and hygienic requirements for products (goods) subject to sanitary and epidemiological supervision (control)
Decision 317: On the application of veterinary and sanitary measures in the Eurasian Economic Union
Decision 607: On Forms of Uniform Veterinary Certificates for Controlled Goods Imported into the Customs Territory of the Eurasian Economic Union from Third Countries
Decree 1263: Regulations on the examination of low-quality and dangerous food raw materials and food products, their use or destruction
Decree 800: Rules for land reclamation and conservation
Federal Law 149-FZ: About information, information technology and information protection
Federal Law 184-FZ: About technical regulation
Federal Law 206-FZ: About Plant Quarantine
Federal Law 261-FZ: On energy conservation and on improving energy efficiency and on amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation
Federal Law 294-FZ: On the protection of the rights of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs in the implementation of state control (supervision) and municipal control
Federal Law 29-FZ: About quality and food safety
Federal Law 4-FZ: Land Remediation
Federal Law 59-FZ: On the procedure for considering applications from citizens of the Russian Federation
Federal Law 60-FZ: On the supply of products for federal state needs
Federal Law 79-FZ: Government Material Reserve
Federal Law 7-FZ: Environmental Protection
Federal Law 99-FZ: On licensing certain types of activities
GOST 12044-93: Agricultural seeds. Methods for determination of disease infestation
GOST 12045-97: Seeds of agricultural plants. Methods of determination of infested seeds
GOST 30025-93: Seeds of essential oil crops. Method for determination of purity and seed lot impurity
GOST 30088-93: Seed onion and selected onion. Seeding characteristics. General specifications
GOST 30106-94: Seed garlic. Varietal and seeding characteristics. Specifications
GOST 30360-96: Seeds of essential oil crops. Methods for determination of disease infestation
GOST 30361-96: Seeds of essential oil crops. Methods for determination of pest presence
GOST 30556-98: Seeds of essential oil crops. Methods for determination of germination
GOST 31461-2012: Poultry dung. Raw material for manufacture of organic fertilizers. Specifications
GOST 31783-2012: Grape seedlings. Specifications
GOST 32066-2013: Sugar beet seeds. Sowing characteristics. General specifications
GOST 32592-2013: Seeds of vegetable, melon, fodder root and kale crops. Varietal and sowing characteristics. General specifications
GOST 32917-2014: Coated seeds of vegetable crops and fodder beet. Sowing qualities of seeds. General specifications
GOST 33996-2016: Seed potato. Specification and quality analysis methods
GOST 34150-2017: Biological safety. Raw materials and food. Method of identification of genetically modified organisms (GMO) of plant origin using a biological microchip
GOST 34221-2017: Seeds of medicinal and aromatic crops. Varietal and sowing characteristics. General specifications
GOST 34231-2017: Material planting fruit and berry crops. Terms and Definitions
GOST R 50260-92: Seed dressing of onions, carrots and tomatoes. Sowing characteristics. Specifications
GOST R 50308-92: Seed of portulacas, dracocephalus and tragopogons. Sowing characteristics. Specifications
GOST R 52325-2005: Seeds of agricultural plants. Varietal and sowing characteristics. General specifications
GOST R 53050-2008: Vine shoots. Specifications
GOST R 53117-2008: Organic fertilizers on basis of waste of stock-raising. Specifications
GOST R 53135-2008: Planting material of fruit, subtropical, nut-bearing, citrus cultures and tea. Specifications
GOST R 53214-2008: Foodstuffs. Methods of analysis for the detection of genetically modified organisms and derived products. General requirements and definitions
GOST R 53381-2009: Soils and Grounds. Feeding Grounds. Specifications
Order 1378: On the Lists of normative legal acts (their individual provisions) containing mandatory requirements that are assessed by Rosselkhoznadzor within the framework of state control (supervision), bringing to administrative responsibility, granting licenses and other permits
Order 164: Veterinary rules for the implementation of preventive, diagnostic, therapeutic, restrictive and other measures, the establishment and cancellation of quarantine and other restrictions aimed at preventing the spread and elimination of foci of infectious nodular dermatitis in cattle
Order 238: Instructions for the conduct of state control and supervision in the field of veterinary and sanitary examination of low-quality and dangerous products of animal origin, its use or destruction
Order 334: On approval of the List of areas of certification in the field of industrial safety, safety of hydraulic structures, safety in the field of electric power
Order 334: Veterinary rules for the implementation of preventive, diagnostic, therapeutic, restrictive and other measures, the establishment and cancellation of quarantine and other restrictions aimed at preventing the spread and elimination of foci of parainfluenza-3
Order 359: Rules for the prevention and control of bovine leukemia
Order 359: Administrative regulations of the Federal Service for Supervision of Transport for the provision of state services for issuing permits of the competent authority for the transport of dangerous goods, for assigning hazardous substances and products to UN numbers, for the use of the shipping name and classification code of hazardous substances and products, as well as for the use of containers for transportation of dangerous goods by road, containing conditions for the carriage of dangerous goods
Order 403: Veterinary rules for the implementation of preventive, diagnostic, therapeutic, restrictive and other measures, the establishment and cancellation of quarantine and other restrictions aimed at preventing the spread and elimination of foci of anthrax
Order 624: Veterinary rules of preventive, diagnostic, restrictive and other measures, the establishment and cancellation of quarantine and other restrictions aimed at preventing the spread and elimination of foci of viral hemorrhagic disease of rabbits
Order 663: Regulations of the Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Surveillance
Order 689: On approval of the draft List of legal acts and their individual parts (provisions) containing mandatory requirements, the compliance with which is assessed when the Rosselkhoznadzor conducts state control (supervision) measures
Resolution 1081: Rules for conservation and liquidation of a hydraulic structure
Resolution 1081: Regulation on licensing pharmaceutical activities
Resolution 333: On the adoption by the Russian Federation of an amendment to the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer
Resolution 333: On the adoption by the Russian Federation of an amendment to the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer
Resolution 50: Regulations on the Application of Means and Methods of Control when Passing Persons, Vehicles, Cargoes, Goods and Animals across the State Border of the Russian Federation
Resolution 501: Rules for the implementation of state veterinary supervision at checkpoints across the state border of the Russian Federation
Resolution 558: Rules of distribution, dispensing and sale of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, as well as dispensing and sale of their precursors
Resolution 674: Rules for the destruction of substandard medicines, counterfeit medicines and counterfeit medicines
Resolution 681: List of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and their precursors subject to control in the Russian Federation
Resolution 686: Regulation on licensing the production of medicines
Resolution 745: On the authorized bodies of the Russian Federation for the implementation of state control (supervision) over compliance with the requirements of the technical regulation of the Customs Union "On food safety"
Resolution 872: Rules of control during the passage of persons, vehicles, cargo, goods and animals across the state border of the Russian Federation
Resolution 898: Rules for providing paid veterinary services
Rules 13-7-2/469: Veterinary and sanitary rules for the collection, disposal and destruction of biological waste
SanPiN 1.2.2584-10: Hygienic requirements for safety of processes of testing, storage, transportation, implementation, use, disposal, and utilization of pesticides and agrochemicals
SanPiN Sanitary-epidemiologic requirements to soil quality
TR EAEU 040/2016: Technical regulations of the Eurasian Economic Union "On the safety of fish and fish products"
VSP 13-7-2/365: Rules of veterinary and sanitary examination of honey when sold in markets
The Document is Referenced By:
Order 1378: On the Lists of normative legal acts (their individual provisions) containing mandatory requirements that are assessed by Rosselkhoznadzor within the framework of state control (supervision), bringing to administrative responsibility, granting licenses and other permits
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