Resolution 1038
Постановление 1038
Regulations on the Ministry of Construction, Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation
Положение о Министерстве строительства и жилищно-коммунального хозяйства Российской Федерации
Status: Effective
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Approved: Government of the Russian Federation,
SKU: RUSS381045
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Construction (Max) »
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Urban planning, housing policy, housing construction »
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03.160 Legislation. Administration »
The Document References:
Code: Customs Code of the Eurasian Economic Union
Code: Customs Code of the Customs Union
Code 117-FZ: Tax Code of the Russian Federation (Part Two)
Code 136-FZ: Land Code of the Russian Federation
Code 188-FZ: Housing Code of the Russian Federation
Code 190-FZ: Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation
Federal Law 161-FZ: On the promotion of housing
Federal Law 181-FZ: Fundamentals of Occupational Safety and Health in the Russian Federation
Federal Law 184-FZ: About technical regulation
Federal Law 185-FZ: About the Housing and Utilities Reform Support Fund
Federal Law 191-FZ: On the entry into force of the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation
Federal Law 214-FZ: On participation in shared construction of apartment buildings and other real estate objects and on amendments to some legislative acts of the Russian Federation
Federal Law 218-FZ: About state registration of real estate
Resolution 1727: On Amendments to Some Acts of the Government of the Russian Federation
The Document is Referenced By:
Letter 01-01-17/1486-SL: On the concepts for new construction, reconstruction and overhaul of capital construction objects
Letter 09-01-04/2581: On the clarification of legal requirements
Letter 11565/VYA-07: On the deadline for reporting on the implementation of activities related to raising funds from participants in shared construction for the construction (creation) of apartment buildings and (or) other real estate for the IV quarter of 2019 in connection with the establishment of a non-working week from March 30 to April 3, 2020 .
Letter 11565/VYA-07: On the deadline for reporting on the implementation of activities related to raising funds from participants in shared construction for the construction (creation) of apartment buildings and (or) other real estate for the IV quarter of 2019 in connection with the establishment of a non-working week from March 30 to April 3, 2020 .
Letter 12360-OG/04: On the suspension of the collection of a penalty (fine, penalty) in case of untimely and (or) not paid in full payment for housing and utilities and contributions for major repairs
Letter 13-01032/22: About consideration of the appeal
Letter 14-2862-GE/21: On the implementation of registration and registration actions in relation to antenna supports (masts and towers) with a height of 50 to 75 meters
Letter 14-5516-TG/22: On the direction of answers to questions arising in the state cadastral registration and (or) state registration of rights
Letter 18215-VK/03: On the implementation of registration and registration actions in relation to antenna supports (masts and towers) with a height of 50 to 75 meters
Letter 20156-OG/04: On the amount of payment for the hot water supply service, taking into account the temperature of the supplied water, depending on the time of day and the duration of the provision of public services of inadequate quality
Letter 23733-SG/08: On the implementation of the function of the general contractor
Letter 25150-SG/08: On the possibility of establishing a sanitary protection zone before commissioning the facility
Letter 53542-VK/08: On the application of the list of cases in which the construction, reconstruction of the object of capital construction is not required to obtain a construction permit
Letter 5697-OG/08: On the direction of the position of FAU "FTS" from 27.02.2023 N Ex-1106
Letter 57456-IF/04: On elucidation of application of criteria for attributing owners or other legal owners of water supply and (or) sewage networks and (or) facilities on them to transit organizations and application of items 45_1, 45_2 of the Rules for cold water supply and sewage approved by RF Government Decree of 29.07.2013 N 644, as amended by RF Government Decree of 23.11.2021 N 2009
Letter 57925-OD/08: On issuance of a permit (temporary permit) to admit into operation a power receiving installation, electric power generation facility, electric grid facility, heat supply facility, heat consuming installation
Letter 60299-IF/04: On clarification of the application of certain provisions of Annex N 1 to the Rules of the provision of public services to owners and users of premises in apartment buildings and houses, approved by RF Government Decree of 06.05.2011 N 354, in respect of the conditions and procedure for changing the amount of payment for public services for cold and (or) hot water of improper quality and (or) provided with interruptions in excess of the established duration
Letter 60319-IF/04: On the application of subparagraph "a" of paragraph 21_1 of the rules binding at the conclusion of the management company or homeowners' associations or cooperative housing or other specialized consumer cooperative agreements with organizations suplying resourses, approved by RF Government Decree of 14.02.2012 N 124
Letter 60366-IF/04: On clarification of the application of paragraph 22 of the Rules for cold water supply and sanitation, approved by RF Government Decree of 29.07.2013 N 644, as amended by RF Government Decree of 30.11.2021 N 2130, paragraph 5_1 of a model contract for cold water supply, paragraph 5_1 of a model contract for water disposal and paragraph 5_1 of a single model contract for cold water supply and sanitation, approved by RF Government Decree of 29.07.2013 N 645
Letter 60396-IF/04: On application of Rules for connection (technological connection) of capital construction objects to centralized systems of hot water supply, cold water supply and (or) water removal, approved by the Decree of the RF Government No. 2130 dd. 30.11.2021
Letter 6504-OG/08: On the direction of the position of FAU "FTS" from 07.03.2023 N Ex-1328
Letter 6644-OG/06: On the adoption of decisions of the general meeting of owners of premises in an apartment building on the capital repair of the common property in the apartment building
Letter 70942-AS/08: On the extension for 2023 of the peculiarities of confirmation of the suitability for use in the construction of new materials, products, structures and technologies for use in construction
Methodological Recommendations 71-16-2019: Methodological Recommendations on Organization of Prosecutor's Supervision over Enforcement of Legislation in Resettlement of Citizens from Emergency Housing and Capital Repair of General Property in Apartment Buildings
NTsS 81-02-01-2017: Resedential buildings
NTsS 81-02-02-2017: Administrative buildings
NTsS 81-02-04-2017: Public health objects
NTsS 81-02-05-2017: Sports buildings and constructions
NTsS 81-02-07-2017:
NTsS 81-02-10-2017:
NTsS 81-02-11-2017:
NTsS 81-02-12-2017:
NTsS 81-02-13-2017:
NTsS 81-02-15-2017: Outdoor natural gas supply systems
NTsS 81-02-16-2017: Outdoor amenities
NTsS 81-02-17-2017: Planting
NTsS 81-02-18-2017:
NTsS 81-02-19-2017:
NTsS 81-02-20-2017:
NTsS 81-02-21-2017:
Order 1010/pr: On approval of the set of rules "Buildings and premises for storage of weapons, ammunition and special means for the needs of the penitentiary system. Design Rules".
Order 1016/pr: On approval of SP 31.13330.2021 "SNiP 2.04.02-84* Water Supply. External networks and structures".
Order 1018/pr: On amendments to the list of questions offered to the head of a regional operator, a candidate for the position of the head of a regional operator at the qualification exam, approved by Order of the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation of October 26, 2016 N 743/pr
Order 1022/pr: On approval of Amendments N 4 to SP 22.13330.2016 "SNiP 2.02.01-83 * Foundations of buildings and structures
Order 1023/pr: On approval of Amendments N 2 to SP 32.13330.2018 "SNiP 2.04.03-85. External networks and structures".
Order 1024/pr: On approval of SP 56.13330.2021 "SNiP 31-03-2001 Industrial Buildings
Order 1025/pr: On Amendments to the Methods of determining the costs associated with the implementation of construction and installation work on a rotational basis, approved by Order of the Ministry of Construction, Housing and Utilities of the Russian Federation on June 15, 2020 N 318/pr
Order 1028/pr: On approval of the methodology for the application of estimate norms
Order 1034/pr: On approval of SP 42.13330 "SNiP 2.07.01-89* Urban Planning. Planning and building of urban and rural settlements"
Order 104/pr: On approval of Amendment No. 2 to SP 46.13330.2012 "SNiP 3.06.04-91 Bridges and pipes"
Order 1041/pr: On approval of mandatory requirements for critical facilities of the water supply, wastewater disposal and heat supply systems (except for the production of thermal energy in the combined heat and power generation mode), the rights holders of which are organizations that operate critical facilities, in respect of which the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation coordinates and regulates activities, in the protection of population and territories from h
Order 1042/pr: On approval of methodological recommendations for the development of norms and rules for the improvement of territories of municipalities
Order 1044/pr: On approval of the set of rules "Prisons. Design Rules".
Order 1046/pr: On approval of the estimated standards
Order 1047/pr: On the recognition of design documentation as standard design documentation
Order 1049/pr: On approval of Amendment N 2 to SP 230.1325800.2015 "Building envelopes. Characteristics of Thermal Inhomogeneities".
Order 105/pr: On the approval of the set of rules "Engineering protection of territories, buildings and structures from karst-suffusion processes. Design rules"
Order 1059/pr: On approval of Amendments N 1 to SP 126.13330.2017 "SNiP 3.01.03-84 Surveying works in construction
Order 1061/pr: On approval of Amendments N 3 to SP 29.13330.2011 "SNiP 2.03.13-88 Floors
Order 1061/pr: On approval of the consolidated standards for the price of construction
Order 107/pr: Regulations of the Ministry of Construction, Housing and Utilities of the Russian Federation
Order 1070/pr: On approval of Amendments N 1 to SP 374.1325800.2018 "Buildings and premises for livestock, poultry and fur farming. Rules of operation".
Order 1071/pr: On approval of Amendment N 2 to SP 297.1325800.2017 "Structures of fiber concrete with non-metallic fiber. Design Rules".
Order 1073/pr: On approval of Amendment N 3 to SP 294.1325800.2017 "Steel structures. Design rules".
Order 1074/pr: On approval of Amendment N 1 to SP 19.13330.2019 "Agricultural enterprises. Planned organization of the land plot" (SNiP II-97-76 "General plans of agricultural enterprises")
Order 1075/pr: On approval of Amendments N 1 to SP 324.1325800.2017 "Buildings of multi-storey industrial enterprises. Rules of operation".
Order 1076/pr: On approval of Amendment N 1 to SP 402.1325800.2018 "Residential buildings. Design rules for gas consumption systems".
Order 1077/pr: On approval of Amendment N 1 to SP 290.1325800.2016 "Diversion hydraulic structures (spillways, culverts and outlets). Design Rules".
Order 1078/pr: On approval of Amendments N 2 to SP 469.1325800.2019 "Buildings of livestock, poultry and fur farming enterprises. Rules of operation".
Order 1079/pr: On approval of Amendment N 1 to SP 274.1325800.2016 "Bridges. Monitoring of the technical condition".
Order 1085/pr: On approval of Amendment N 3 to SP 332.1325800.2017 "Sports facilities. Design Rules".
Order 1086/pr: On approval of Amendment N 1 to SP 291.1325800.2017 "Reinforced soil-cement structures. Design Rules".
Order 1087/pr: On approval of Amendments N 1 to SP 121.13330.2019 "SNiP 32-03-96 Aerodromes
Order 1088/pr: On approval of Amendments N 2 to SP 98.13330.2018 "SNiP 2.05.09-90 Tram and trolleybus lines
Order 1091/pr: On approval of Amendment N 6 to SP 37.13330.2012 "SNiP 2.05.07-91* Industrial transport
Order 1092/pr: On approval of Amendment N 2 to SP 367.1325800.2017 "Residential and Public Buildings. Design rules for natural and combined lighting".
Order 1093/pr: On approval of Amendment N 1 to SP 306.1325800.2017 "Multifunctional shopping malls. Rules of operation".
Order 1094/pr: On approval of Amendment N 1 to SP 307.1325800.2017 "Buildings and premises for storage and processing of agricultural products. Rules of operation".
Order 1101/pr: On approval of SP 88.13330.2022 "SNiP II-11-77* Protective structures of civil defense
Order 1102/pr: On approval of Amendments N 1 to SP 394.1325800.2018 "Buildings and complexes high-rise. Rules of operation".
Order 1103/pr: On approval of Amendment N 1 to SP 372.1325800.2018 "Multifamily Residential Buildings. Rules of operation".
Order 1104/pr: On approval of Amendment N 2 to SP 106.13330.2012 "SNiP 2.10.03-84 Animal husbandry, poultry and fur farm buildings and premises
Order 111/pr: On the recognition that the order of the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation of September 4, 2019 N 519/pr "On approval of the Methodological recommendations for the application of federal unit rates for construction, special construction, repair and construction, installation of equipment and commissioning work" lost force.
Order 111/pr: The procedure for monitoring the development and approval of heat supply schemes of settlements and urban districts with a population of less than five hundred thousand people
Order 1111/pr: Regarding the standard cost of one square meter of floor space of residential premises in the Russian Federation for the first half of 2023, and the indicators of the average market cost of one square meter of the total floor space of residential premises on the subjects of the Russian Federation for the first quarter of 2023
Order 1116/pr: On approval of Amendment N 1 to SP 373.1325800.2018 "Autonomous heat supply sources. Design Rules".
Order 1117/pr: On approval of Amendment N 2 to SP 345.1325800.2017 "Residential and Public Buildings. Design rules for thermal protection".
Order 1118/pr: On approval of SP 134.13330.2022 "Telecommunications systems of buildings and structures. Basic Design Provisions".
Order 1119/pr: On approval of Amendment N 2 to SP 116.13330.2012 "SNiP 22-02-2003 Engineering protection of territories, buildings and structures against dangerous geological processes. General provisions".
Order 1120/pr: On approval of Changes N 4 to SP 251.1325800.2016 "Buildings of general educational organizations. Design Rules".
Order 1121/pr: On approval of Amendments N 4 to SP 108.13330.2012 "SNiP 2.10.05-85 Enterprises, buildings and structures for storage and processing of grain
Order 1131/pr: On approval of SP 120.13330.2022 "SNiP 32-02-2003 Metropolitans
Order 1133/pr: On Amendments to the Order of the Ministry of Construction, Housing and Utilities of the Russian Federation of December 30, 2021 N 1046/pr "On Approval of the estimated standards.
Order 1134/pr: On approval of Amendment N 1 to SP 475.1325800.2020 "Parks. Rules of Urban Planning and Improvement".
Order 1135/pr: On approval of Amendment N 2 to SP 441.1325800.2019 "Protection of buildings from vibration generated by rail transport. Design Rules".
Order 1136/pr: On approval of Amendment N 1 to SP 465.1325800.2019 "Buildings and structures. Protection against vibration of the subway. Design rules".
Order 1137/pr: On approval of Amendment N 2 to SP 136.13330.2012 "Buildings and Structures. General provisions of design taking into account accessibility for groups of people with low mobility".
Order 1138/pr: On approval of Amendment N 1 to SP 339.1325800.2017 "Structures of cellular concrete. Design Rules".
Order 1148/pr: On approval of Amendment N 3 to SP 385.1325800.2018 "Protection of buildings and structures against progressive collapse. Design rules. General provisions".
Order 1149/pr: On approval of Amendment N 1 to SP 343.1325800.2017 "Buildings of industrial enterprises. Rules of operation".
Order 1150/pr: On approval of Amendment N 1 to SP 478.1325800.2019 "Buildings and complexes of airport terminals. Design rules".
Order 1151/pr: On approval of Changes N 2 to SP 252.1325800.2016 "Buildings of preschool educational organizations. Design Rules".
Order 1161/pr: On Amendments to the Classification of Construction Resources, formed by order of the Ministry of Construction, Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation on November 17, 2022 N 969/pr
Order 1170/pr: On approval of Amendment N 1 to SP 398.1325800.2018 "Embankments. Rules of Urban Planning Design".
Order 119/pr: On approval of the consolidated standards for the price of construction
Order 120/pr: On the approval of the enlarged standards for the construction price
Order 122/pr: On the average market value of one square meter of the total area of residential premises in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation for the II quarter of 2020
Order 123/pr: On the approval of the enlarged standards for the construction price
Order 124/pr: On the approval of the enlarged standards for the construction price
Order 125/pr: On the approval of the enlarged standards for the construction price
Order 126/pr: On the approval of the enlarged standards for the construction price
Order 127/pr: On the approval of the enlarged standards for the construction price
Order 128/pr: On the approval of the enlarged standards for the construction price
Order 129/pr: On the approval of the enlarged standards for the construction price
Order 131/pr: On the approval of the enlarged standards for the construction price
Order 132/pr: On the approval of the enlarged standards for the construction price
Order 135/pr: On approval of the criteria, on the basis of which the similarity of the designed capital construction object and the capital construction object, in relation to which the design documentation, in respect of which the decision on application of the standard design documentation was prepared, is established, and on introduction of amendments to some orders of the Ministry of Construction, Housing and Utilities of the Russian Federation on issues of application of the standard design documentation
Order 136/pr: On the approval of the enlarged standards for the construction price
Order 137/pr: On the approval of the enlarged standards for the construction price
Order 138/pr: On the approval of the enlarged standards for the construction price
Order 139/pr: On the approval of the enlarged standards for the construction price
Order 140/pr: On the approval of the enlarged standards for the construction price
Order 143/pr: On approval of the consolidated standards for the price of construction
Order 146/pr: On approval of Amendment N 1 to SP 454.1325800.2019 "Multifamily Residential Buildings. Rules for assessment of emergency and limited-operational technical condition".
Order 147/pr: On approval of Amendment N 2 to SP 259.1325800.2016 "Bridges in dense urban development. Design Rules".
Order 1470/pr: Procedure for forming and maintaining the federal register of estimated standards
Order 148/pr: On the approval of the enlarged standards for the construction price
Order 149/pr: On the approval of the enlarged standards for the construction price
Order 150/pr: On the approval of the enlarged standards for the construction price
Order 152/pr: On approval of the consolidated standards for the price of construction
Order 153/pr: On approval of the consolidated standards for the price of construction
Order 154/pr: On approval of the consolidated standards for the price of construction
Order 155/pr: On approval of the consolidated standards for the price of construction
Order 1550/pr: Energy efficiency requirements for buildings, structures, and constructions
Order 156/pr: On approval of the consolidated standards for the price of construction
Order 158/pr: On approval of the consolidated standards for the price of construction
Order 159/pr: On approval of the consolidated standards for the price of construction
Order 164/pr: On approval of Amendment N 1 to SP 320.1325800.2017 "Landfills for solid municipal waste. Design, operation and reclamation".
Order 17/pr: On the introduction of amendments to the Methodology for calculating indices of changes in the estimated cost of construction, approved by Order of the Ministry of Construction, Housing and Utilities of the Russian Federation of June 5, 2019 N 326/pr
Order 170/pr: On approval of Amendment 2 to SP 33.13330.2012 "SNiP 2.04.12-86 Calculation of the strength of steel pipelines
Order 1703/pr: On the approval of the set of rules "Orthodox churches. Design rules"
Order 171/pr: On approval of the set of rules "Isothermal tanks for storage of liquefied gases. Rules for inspection and monitoring of technical condition".
Order 172/pr: On approval of Amendment N 2 to SP 125.13330.2012 "SNiP 2.05.13-90 Oil product pipelines laid in the territory of cities and other settlements
Order 179/pr: On approval of the consolidated standards for the price of construction
Order 18/pr: On Amending the Methodological Guidelines for Establishing the Amount of Payment for the Use of Residential Property for Tenants of Residential Premises under Social Tenancy Agreements and Contracts for the Tenancy of Residential Premises of the State or Municipal Housing Fund, approved by Order of the Ministry of Construction, Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation of September 27, 2016. N 668/pr
Order 182/pr: On approval of the consolidated standards for the price of construction
Order 183/pr: On approval of the consolidated standards for the price of construction
Order 184/pr: On approval of the consolidated standards for the price of construction
Order 187/pr: On the establishment of the peculiarities of the provision by developers of reports on the implementation of activities related to raising funds from participants in shared construction for the construction (creation) of multi-apartment buildings and (or) other real estate objects, including the implementation of approximate schedules for the implementation of construction projects and their obligations under contracts, a consolidated the accumulative sheet of the construction project to the executive authority of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, exercising state control (supervision) in the field of shared construction of apartment buildings and (or) other real estate
Order 187/pr: On the establishment of the peculiarities of the provision by developers of reports on the implementation of activities related to raising funds from participants in shared construction for the construction (creation) of multi-apartment buildings and (or) other real estate objects, including the implementation of approximate schedules for the implementation of construction projects and their obligations under contracts, a consolidated the accumulative sheet of the construction project to the executive authority of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, exercising state control (supervision) in the field of shared construction of apartment buildings and (or) other real estate
Order 188/pr: On Approval of the Code of Practice "Anchoring to Concrete. Design Rules".
Order 19/pr: On the approval of the set of rules "Police buildings. Design rules"
Order 190/pr: On approval of the consolidated standards for the price of construction
Order 191/pr: On approval of the consolidated standards for the price of construction
Order 198 / pr: On the criteria for classifying the objects indicated in clauses 4 and 5 of part 2 of Article 49 of the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation as objects of mass stay of citizens
Order 20/pr: On approval of Amendment N 1 to SP 53.13330.2019 "Planning and development of the territory of citizens' gardening. Buildings and Structures (SNiP 30-02-97* Planning and Construction of Territories of Gardening (Dacha) Associations of Citizens, Buildings and Structures)".
Order 200/pr: On approval of the consolidated standards for the price of construction
Order 201/pr: On approval of the consolidated standards for the price of construction
Order 202/pr: On approval of the consolidated standards for the price of construction
Order 203/pr: On approval of the consolidated standards for the price of construction
Order 204/pr: On the establishment of the peculiarities of reporting by housing construction cooperatives on the implementation of housing construction cooperatives related to raising citizens' funds for the construction of apartment buildings by housing construction cooperatives, including the fulfillment by such cooperatives of their obligations to members of cooperatives and other persons to the body Executive power of the subject of the Russian Federation, exercising state control (supervision) in the field of shared construction of multi-apartment buildings and (or) other real estate
Order 204/pr: On the establishment of the peculiarities of reporting by housing construction cooperatives on the implementation of housing construction cooperatives related to raising citizens' funds for the construction of apartment buildings by housing construction cooperatives, including the fulfillment by such cooperatives of their obligations to members of cooperatives and other persons to the body Executive power of the subject of the Russian Federation, exercising state control (supervision) in the field of shared construction of multi-apartment buildings and (or) other real estate
Order 205/pr: On approval of the consolidated standards for the price of construction
Order 206/pr: On the indicators of the average market value of one square meter of the total area of residential premises on the subjects of the Russian Federation for the II quarter of 2023
Order 208/pr: On approval of the consolidated standards for the price of construction
Order 209/pr: On approval of the consolidated standards for the price of construction
Order 210/pr: On approval of the consolidated standards for the price of construction
Order 211/pr: On approval of the consolidated standards for the price of construction
Order 212/pr: On approval of the consolidated standards for the price of construction
Order 215/pr: On the indicators of the average market value of one square meter of the total area of residential premises on the subjects of the Russian Federation for the II quarter of 2022
Order 217 / pr: On the establishment of an interdepartmental Working Group on bringing into compliance the codes of practice in the field of construction approved by the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation, and the codes of fire safety approved by the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergencies and Disaster Relief
Order 218/pr: On the approval of the enlarged standards for the construction price
Order 219/pr: On approval of the procedure for monitoring compliance with the legislation on urban planning (except for territorial planning) by public authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation
Order 22/pr: The procedure for keeping separate accounting of costs by type of activity of organizations providing hot water supply, cold water supply and (or) water disposal, and a unified system of classification of such costs
Order 221/pr: On approval of the Methodology for determining the standard costs of information modeling, taking into account the use of laser scanning and photogrammetry technologies
Order 224/pr: On approval of Amendment N 2 to SP 92.13330.2012 "SNiP II-108-78 Warehouses of dry mineral fertilizers and crop protection chemicals
Order 225/pr: On amending paragraph 7 of the Procedure for monitoring the development and approval of heat supply schemes of settlements, urban districts with a population of less than five hundred thousand people, approved by Order of the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation of March 21, 2014 N 111/pr
Order 228/pr: On approval of the official statistical methodology for monitoring the achievement of the goals of the national project "Housing and Urban Environment
Order 238/pr: On the approval of the enlarged standards for the construction price
Order 239/pr: On approval of the form of the project declaration
Order 242 / pr: On recognition as invalid the orders of the Ministry of Construction of Russia dated March 29, 2017 No. 655 / pr, dated October 20, 2017 No. 1455 / pr, dated July 16, 2018 No. 430 / pr, certain provisions of the order of the Ministry of Construction of Russia of September 17, 2018 No. 581 / pr and not subject to application of the order of the Ministry of Regional Development of Russia of October 13, 2009 No. 474
Order 248/pr: The procedure for the development and approval of special technical conditions for the development of design documentation for a capital construction object
Order 264/pr: On the establishment of the period required for the performance of engineering surveys, the implementation of architectural and construction design and the construction of buildings, structures, in order to calculate the term of the lease agreement for a land plot in state or municipal ownership
Order 270/pr: On approval of the Code of Rules "Buildings of wooden log structures. Design and Construction Rules".
Order 278/pr: About approval of the set of rules "Structures of laminated glass. Design rules"
Order 284/pr: On approval of the set of rules "Buildings from large-sized modules. Design and construction rules. Basic provisions"
Order 285/pr: On approval of SP 86.13330.2022 "SNiP III-42-80* Main Pipelines
Order 297/pr: Methodology for determining the cost of implementing the functions of the technical customer
Order 307/pr: On Approval of the Form of the Developer's or Technical Customer's Design Assignment for the Capital Construction Project, Construction, Reconstruction, Capital Repair of Which is Implemented with the Involvement of the Budgetary System of the Russian Federation
Order 314/pr: Methodology for the development and application of integrated standards of construction prices, as well as the procedure for their approval
Order 317/pr: On approval of the Methodology for determining the estimated cost of construction or reconstruction of capital construction facilities located outside the territory of the Russian Federation
Order 318/pr: Methodology for determining the costs associated with the implementation of construction and installation work on a rotational basis
Order 32/pr/33: On the requirements for the allocation and equipment of special places in the open air for smoking tobacco or the consumption of nicotine-containing products, for the allocation and equipment of isolated rooms for smoking tobacco or the consumption of nicotine-containing products
Order 321/pr: On the inclusion in the federal register of estimated standards of changes in federal unit rates and individual components to them
Order 322/PR: On approval of the Administrative Regulations of the Ministry of Construction, Housing and Utilities of the Russian Federation for the provision of the public service of issuing permits for commissioning capital construction facilities specified in Paragraph 4 Part 5 and Paragraph 1 Part 6 Article 51 of the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation (except for capital construction facilities, in respect of which the issuance of permits for construction is assigned to other federal executive authorities)
Order 325/pr: On approval of the Methodology for determining additional costs in the performance of work in the winter
Order 326/pr: Methodology for calculating indices of changes in the estimated cost of construction
Order 327/pr: On approval of the procedure for monitoring the efficiency and quality of implementation by state authorities of constituent entities of the Russian Federation of delegated powers in the field of control over compliance by local governments with the legislation on urban planning (except for territorial planning), in the field of state expertise of design documentation and (or) engineering survey results, in the decision-making on the preparation of planning documentation for siting facilities
Order 329/pr: Administrative regulations for the provision by the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation of the state service for maintaining the state register of self-regulating organizations in the field of heat supply
Order 33/pr: On approval of the set of rules "Territories of urban and rural settlements. Rules for planning, development and improvement of residential neighborhoods"
Order 332/pr: On approval of the Methodology for determining the costs of construction of temporary buildings and structures included in the consolidated estimate of the cost of construction of capital construction projects
Order 335/pr: On Amendments to the Order of the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation of December 30, 2021 N 1046/pr "On Approval of Estimated Standards"
Order 336/pr: On Amendments to the classifier of construction resources, formed by the order of the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation from November 17, 2022 N 969/pr
Order 341/pr: Requirements for the composition, content and procedure for issuing the conclusion of the state examination of project documentation and (or) the results of engineering surveys
Order 351/pr: On the standard for the cost of one square meter of the total area of residential premises in the Russian Federation for the second half of 2020 and indicators of the average market value of one square meter of the total area of residential premises for the constituent entities of the Russian Federation for the III quarter of 2020
Order 358/pr: On the standard for the cost of one square meter of the total area of residential premises in the Russian Federation for the second half of 2021 and indicators of the average market value of one square meter of the total area of residential premises in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation for the third quarter of 2021
Order 361/pr: On approval of SP 54.13330.2022 "SNiP 31-01-2003 Multifamily Residential Buildings
Order 362/pr: On the approval of the form of the document confirming the main work on the construction of an individual housing construction object (installation of the foundation, erection of walls and roofs) or the implementation of work on the reconstruction of an individual housing construction object, as a result of which the total area of the living quarters (residential premises) of the reconstructed object increases at least than on the registration rate of the living space, established in accordance with the housing legislation of the Russian Federation
Order 375/pr: On the recognition of design documentation as standard design documentation
Order 378/pr: On Amendments to the Order of the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation of December 30, 2021 N 1046/pr
Order 38/pr: On approval of the set of rules "Paving with the use of concrete vibrocompacted products. Rules of designing, construction and operation".
Order 389/pr: On approval of SP 118.13330.2022 "SNiP 31-06-2009 Public Buildings and Structures
Order 394/pr: The order of development and approval of sets of rules and updating of previously approved construction norms and rules, sets of rules in the field of construction in the Ministry of Construction, Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation
Order 400/pr: On approval of Amendment N 1 to SP 446.1325800.2019 "Engineering and geological surveys for construction. General rules of works".
Order 413 / pr: On the approval of the procedure for the design and content of tasks for conducting control activities without interaction with national associations of self-regulatory organizations during state control over their activities and the procedure for the registration of the results of control activities without interaction with national associations of self-regulatory organizations in carrying out state control of their activities
Order 42/pr: On approval of the set of rules "Heating units and internal heat supply systems
Order 421/pr: On approval of the Methodology for determining the estimated cost of construction, reconstruction, overhaul, demolition of capital construction facilities, works to preserve cultural heritage objects (historical and cultural monuments) of the peoples of the Russian Federation on the territory of the Russian Federation
Order 430/pr: On the approval of the structure and composition of the construction information classifier
Order 434/pr: On Amendments to Certain Sets of Rules Approved by Orders of the Ministry of Construction, Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation
Order 438/pr: About making changes to the classifier of building resources
Order 446/pr: On approval of the form of the construction permit and the form of the permit for commissioning of the facility
Order 449/pr: On approval of the Administrative Regulations of the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation for the provision of public services for the issuance of a permit to carry out work on the creation of an artificial land plot in the event of the creation of an artificial land plot in the territories of two or more constituent entities of the Russian Federation
Order 453/pr: On approval of the set of rules "Operation of centralized systems, water supply and wastewater disposal facilities
Order 465/pr: On approval of the methodology for determining the standard costs of work on the preparation of design documentation for the creation of automated systems of non-production facilities and utilities
Order 467/pr: Regulations on the Department of GIS HCS Development of the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation
Order 473/pr: On approval of Amendment N 3 to SP 42.13330.2016 "SNiP 2.07.01-89* Urban Planning. Planning and development of urban and rural settlements".
Order 475/pr: On approval of the code of practice "Engineering and Environmental Surveying for Construction. General rules of work execution".
Order 476/pr: On approval of the code of practice "Pipelines made of unplasticized polyvinylchloride for gravity drainage systems. Rules for design, construction and operation".
Order 477/pr: On the approval of the set of rules "Buildings and structures of equestrian complexes. Design rules"
Order 481/pr: On approval of the code of practice "Engineering surveying for construction on the continental shelf. General requirements".
Order 484/pr: On amending the order of the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation of December 23, 2019 N 841/pr
Order 485/pr: On the approval of the criteria for the presence (absence) of the technical feasibility of installing individual, general (apartment), collective (general house) metering devices, as well as the form of the survey report to establish the presence (absence) of the technical ability to install such metering devices and the procedure for filling it out
Order 50/pr: The plan for the development and approval of codes of practice and updating of previously approved building codes and regulations, codes for 2020
Order 50/pr: On the approval of changes in the estimated norms
Order 501/pr: Regarding the standard cost of one square meter of floor space of residential premises in the Russian Federation for the second half of 2022 and the indicators of average market cost of one square meter of the total floor space of residential premises on the subjects of the Russian Federation for the 3rd quarter of 2022
Order 51/pr: On the inclusion in the federal register of estimated standards of changes in federal unit rates and individual components to them
Order 524/pr: On approval of SP 152.13330.2018 "Buildings of federal courts. Design Rules"
Order 529/pr: On the postponement of the independent qualification assessment of a natural person applying for professional activities in the organization of work on engineering surveys, preparation of design documentation, work on construction, reconstruction, overhaul, demolition of capital construction
Order 53/pr: On the approval of SP 34.13330.2021 "SNiP 2.05.02-85 * Highways"
Order 534/pr: On approval of the Methodology for determining the estimated prices of labor costs in construction
Order 546 / pr: About approval of Change No. 3 to SP 118.13330.2012 "SNiP 31-06-2009 Public buildings and structures"
Order 552/pr: On approval of the form of information that is the basis for the exclusion of problematic facilities from the unified register of problematic facilities
Order 553/pr: About the indicators of the average market value of one square meter of the total area of residential premises in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation for the IV quarter of 2019
Order 557/pr: On the indicators of the average market value of one square meter of the total area of residential premises in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation for the IV quarter of 2020
Order 558/pr: On the recognition of design documentation as standard design documentation
Order 559/pr: On the recognition of design documentation as standard design documentation
Order 561/pr: On the approval of the set of rules "Agro-industrial clusters. Design rules"
Order 571/pr: On approval of the methodology for the application of estimate norms
Order 572/pr: On the indicators of the average market value of one square meter of the total area of residential premises in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation for the IV quarter of 2018
Order 576/pr: On the inclusion of territorial estimated standards in the federal register of estimated standards
Order 577/pr: On approval of the methodology for the development of estimated norms
Order 590/pr: On approval of the set of rules "Buildings and structures. Rules of operation. Basic provisions"
Order 600/pr: On the recognition of design documentation as standard design documentation
Order 610/pr: On establishment of the Procedure for recognition of apartment buildings in a limited technical condition
Order 611/pr: On Amendments to the Methodology for the development and application of overhead cost standards in determining the estimated cost of construction, reconstruction, overhaul, demolition of capital construction facilities, approved by Order of the Ministry of Construction, Housing and Utilities of the Russian Federation of 21 December 2020 N 812/pr
Order 623/pr: On approval of the Procedure for keeping separate accounting of costs by type of activity of organizations providing hot water supply, cold water supply and (or) water disposal, and a unified system of classification of such costs
Order 624/pr: Methodological guidelines on the procedure of the commission for the preliminary selection of contracting organizations to provide services and (or) perform work on capital repair of the general property in apartment buildings in the territory of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation
Order 631: On streamlining the organization of collection of placental and abortion blood for the production of therapeutic and prophylactic drugs in the country
Order 633/pr: On approval of the methodology for selecting projects of individual houses for the resettlement of citizens from the emergency housing fund
Order 635/pr: On the approval of changes in the estimated norms
Order 636/pr: On the inclusion in the federal register of estimated standards of changes in federal unit rates and individual components to them
Order 639/pr: On the inclusion in the federal register of estimated standards of changes in federal unit rates and individual components to them
Order 640/pr: Guidelines for calculating losses of hot, potable, technical water in centralized water supply systems during its production and transportation
Order 642/pr: On the recognition of territorial estimate prices, territorial estimate prices and unit rates, included in the federal register of estimate standards, as not subject to application
Order 643/pr: On approval of Amendments N 2 to SP 260.1325800.2016 "Thin-walled steel structures of cold-formed galvanized profiles and corrugated sheets. Design Rules".
Order 648/pr: On approval of the Methodology for determining the estimated cost of construction using federal unit rates and their individual components
Order 651/pr: On approval of the Procedure for the formation and maintenance of the classifier of construction resources The procedure for the formation and maintenance of the classifier of construction resources
Order 653/pr: The form of the conclusion about conformity of the developer and the project declaration to the requirements established by parts 1.1 and 2 of article 3, articles 3.2, 20 and 21 of the Federal Law dated December 30, 2004 № 214-FL "About participation in shared construction of apartment buildings and other real estate objects and about introducing changes in some legislative acts of the Russian Federation
Order 664/pr: On the recognition of design documentation as standard design documentation
Order 665/pr: On the Recognition of Territorial Estimated Prices, Territorial Estimated Prices and Unit Rates, included in the Federal Register of Estimated Norms, not subject to application
Order 680/pr: On the recognition of design documentation as standard design documentation
Order 690/pr: On the recognition as not subject to application of territorial estimated prices, territorial estimated and unit prices included in the federal register of estimated standards
Order 696/pr: On approval of Administrative Regulations of the Ministry of Construction, Housing and Utilities of the Russian Federation for rendering the public service of issuing permissions for putting into service of capital construction facilities specified in Paragraph 4 Part 5 and Paragraph 1 Part 6 Article 51 of the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation (excluding capital construction facilities, in respect of which other federal executive authorities are responsible for issuing permissions for putting into service)
Order 698/pr: On Amendments to the Methods of Estimated Cost of Construction or Reconstruction of Capital Construction Projects Located Outside the Territory of the Russian Federation, approved by Order of the Ministry of Construction, Housing and Public Utilities of the Russian Federation No. 317/pr of June 15, 2020
Order 699/pr: On indices of the average market cost of one square meter of total floor area of residential premises in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation for the 4th quarter of 2021
Order 700/pr: The procedure for monitoring the efficiency and quality of implementation by public authorities of the subjects of the Russian Federation of the delegated powers in the field of control over compliance with the legislation on urban planning (except for territorial planning), in the organization and conduct of state expertise of design documentation, state expertise of engineering survey results, in the adoption of decisions on the preparation of planning documentation ter
Order 703/pr: On Amendments to the Order of the Ministry of Construction, Housing and Utilities of the Russian Federation of December 30, 2021 N 1046/pr "On Approval of the estimated standards.
Order 707/pr: On approval of the methodology for determining the cost of work on preparation of design documentation
Order 710/pr: On the introduction of amendments to the methodological recommendations on the establishment of the minimum amount of payment for major repairs, approved by Order of the Ministry of Construction, Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation of June 27, 2016. N 454/pr
Order 711/pr: On Amendments to the form of permission to commission the facility, approved by Order of the Ministry of Construction, Housing and Utilities of the Russian Federation on June 3, 2022 N 446/pr
Order 720/pr: On the approval of Amendment No. 2 to SP 79.13330.2012 "SNiP 3.06.07-86 Bridges and pipes. Rules for inspections and tests"
Order 727/pr: On the recognition of design documentation as standard design documentation
Order 734/pr: On approval of the Procedure for the development and coordination of special technical conditions for the development of design documentation for a capital construction object
Order 75/pr: On the creation of a commission to consider disagreements arising between executive authorities of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local governments, heat supply organizations and heat supply organizations, heat consumers in the development, approval and updating of heat supply schemes
Order 75/pr: On the creation of a commission to consider disagreements arising between executive authorities of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local governments, heat supply organizations and heat supply organizations, heat consumers in the development, approval and updating of heat supply schemes
Order 752/pr: On amending paragraph 5 of the Order of sending originals of decisions and minutes of general meetings of premises owners in apartment buildings to the authorized executive bodies of the subjects of the Russian Federation performing state housing supervision, approved by Order of the Ministry of Construction, Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation of January 28, 2019 N 44/pr
Order 756/pr/786n: Requirements for the allocation and equipment of special places in the open air for smoking tobacco, for the allocation and equipment of isolated rooms for smoking tobacco
Order 758/pr: On the approval of methodological recommendations for the adoption by a constituent entity of the Russian Federation of decisions on amending the regional program for the overhaul of common property in apartment buildings
Order 762/pr: On approval of Amendments N 2 to SP 78.13330.2012 "SNiP 3.06.03-85 Highways
Order 764/pr: On the approval of Amendment No. 2 to SP 84.13330.2016 "SNiP III-39-76 Tramways"
Order 769/pr: On approval of the Administrative Regulations of the Ministry of Construction, Housing and Utilities of the Russian Federation for the provision of the state service for approval of planning documentation for the placement of facilities of federal importance and other capital construction facilities planned for placement on the territory of two or more subjects of the Russian Federation (except where the power to approve planning documentation is vested in other federal organizations)
Order 770/pr: On the approval of the set of rules "Engineering surveys for construction in areas of development of mudflow processes. General requirements"
Order 771/pr: Administrative regulations on the execution by the Ministry of Construction, Housing and Utilities of the Russian Federation of the state function of exercising state control (supervision) over the activities of self-regulatory organizations in the field of heat supply
Order 772/pr: On the approval of the set of rules "Translucent facade structures of buildings and structures. Design rules"
Order 773/pr: Administrative regulations of the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation for the provision of public services for the issuance of a permit to carry out work on the creation of an artificial land plot in the event of the creation of an artificial land plot on the territories of two or more constituent entities of the Russian Federation
Order 774/pr: Methodological recommendations for the adoption by a constituent entity of the Russian Federation of decisions on amendments to the regional program for the overhaul of common property in apartment buildings
Order 778/pr: On approval of Amendment No. 1 to SP 367.1325800.2017 "Residential and public buildings. Design rules for natural and combined lighting"
Order 779/pr: On approval of Amendment No. 1 to SP 382.1325800.2017 "Glued wooden structures on glued in rods. Calculation methods"
Order 781/pr: On approval of Amendment No. 1 to SP 164.1325800.2014 "Reinforcement of reinforced concrete structures with composite materials. Design rules"
Order 792/pr: On the approval of the set of rules "Buildings of educational institutions of additional education for children. Design rules"
Order 794/pr: On the approval of the set of rules "Air terminal buildings and complexes. Design rules"
Order 797/pr: On the recognition of design documentation as standard design documentation
Order 798/pr: On approval of Amendment No. 1 to SP 335.1325800.2017 "Large-panel structural systems. Design rules"
Order 803/pr: On the approval of the set of rules "Hydro aerodromes. Design rules"
Order 807/pr: On the approval of Amendment No. 1 to SP 299.1325800.2017 "Wooden structures with screw assemblies. Design rules"
Order 81/pr: On approval of Methodical recommendations for the application of federal unit rates for construction, special construction, repair and construction, installation of equipment and commissioning works
Order 81/pr: On approval of Amendment N 1 to SP 261.1325800.2016 "Railway track of industrial transport. Design and construction rules".
Order 811/pr: On the recognition of design documentation as standard design documentation
Order 812/pr: On approval of the Methodology for the development and application of standards for overhead costs in determining the estimated cost of construction, reconstruction, overhaul, demolition of capital construction projects
Order 816/pr: Method of the determination of the standard cost of one square meter of the total floor area of the accommodation in the Russian Federation and the average market cost of one square meter of the total floor area of the accommodation in the subjects of the Russian Federation
Order 817/pr: On approval of the set of rules "Low-voltage electrical installations of buildings and structures. Design rules for protection against electric shock"
Order 82/pr: Approval of the criteria for classifying facilities of the water supply, wastewater disposal and heat supply systems (except for the production of thermal energy in the combined heat and power generation mode) of all forms of ownership, the rights holders of which are organizations, in respect of which the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation coordinates and regulates activities, as critically important facilities
Order 820/pr: On the approval of the set of rules "Airfields and landing pads with lightweight surfaces. Design rules"
Order 821/pr: On the approval of the set of rules "Foundations and foundations of buildings and structures on permafrost. Rules for the production of work"
Order 822/pr: Concerning the Introduction of Amendments to Order No. 228/pr of the Ministry of Construction, Housing and Utilities of the Russian Federation of 18 April 2019
Order 827/pr: On the normative value of one square meter of the total living space in the Russian Federation for the first half of 2020 and the average market value of one square meter of the living space in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation for the 1st quarter of 2020
Order 828/pr: On the approval of the set of rules "Engineering surveys for construction in avalanche-prone areas. General requirements"
Order 829/pr: On the approval of the set of rules "Stone and reinforced stone structures. Methods of strengthening"
Order 84/pr: On Amendments to the Order of the Ministry of Construction, Housing and Utilities of the Russian Federation of December 30, 2021 N 1046/pr "On Approval of the estimated standards.
Order 841 / pr: On approval of the Procedure for determining the initial (maximum) price of a contract, the price of a contract concluded with a single supplier (contractor, contractor), the initial unit price of a product, work, service when making purchases in the field of urban development activities (except for territorial planning) and the Contract Budgeting Methodology , the subject of which is the construction, reconstruction of capital construction
Order 845/pr: On the recognition of design documentation as standard design documentation
Order 849/pr: About the approval of SP 145.13330.2020 "Boarding houses. Design rules"
Order 850/pr: On approval of Amendment No. 1 SP 284.1325800.2016 "Field pipelines for oil and gas. Rules for design and production of work"
Order 851/pr: On Amendments to the Methodology for determining the cost of work to prepare design documentation, containing materials in the form of an information model, approved by Order of the Ministry of Construction, Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation on December 24, 2020 N 854/pr
Order 852/pr: On the standard for the cost of one square meter of the total area of residential premises in the Russian Federation for the first half of 2021 and indicators of the average market value of one square meter of the total area of residential premises for the constituent entities of the Russian Federation for the first quarter of 2021
Order 854/pr: On approval of the Methodology for determining the cost of work on the preparation of project documentation containing materials in the form of an information model
Order 858/pr: On approval of the procedure for the development, approval, amendment and cancellation of sets of rules in the field of construction in the Ministry of Construction, Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation
Order 859/pr: On the approval of SP 131.13330.2020 "SNiP 23-01-99 * Construction climatology"
Order 860/pr: On the approval of the set of rules "Aerodromes. Rules for the production of work"
Order 862/pr: On the approval of the set of rules "Fencing structures with effective insulation and thin-sheet cladding. Design rules"
Order 883/pr: On approval of the consolidated standards for the price of construction
Order 888/pr: On approval of Amendment No. 1 to SP 98.13330.2018 "SNiP 2.05.09-90 Tram and trolleybus lines"
Order 889/pr: On approval of Amendment No. 4 to SP 37.13330.2012 "SNiP 2.05.07-91 * Industrial Transport"
Order 89/pr: On Amendments to the Classification of Construction Resources, formed by order of the Ministry of Construction, Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation on November 17, 2022 N 969/pr
Order 891/pr: On approval of Amendment No. 3 to SP 35.13330.2011 "SNiP 2.05.03-84 * Bridges and pipes"
Order 892/pr: On the approval of the set of rules "Spatial metallic coatings. Design rules"
Order 896/pr: On approval of SP 426.1325800.2020 "Fencing structures for translucent buildings and structures. Design rules"
Order 90/pr: On approval of the set of rules "Landing sites. Design Rules".
Order 901/pr: On the approval of SP 417.1325800.2020 "Railway station complexes. Design rules"
Order 902/pr: On the approval of SP 15.13330.2020 "SNiP II-22-81 * Stone and reinforced stone structures"
Order 904/pr: On the approval of SP 59.13330.2020 "SNiP 35-01-2001 Accessibility of buildings and structures for people with limited mobility"
Order 905/pr: On Amendments to the Order of the Ministry of Construction, Housing and Utilities of the Russian Federation of December 30, 2021 N 1046/pr "On Approval of the estimated standards.
Order 907/pr: On the approval of the set of rules "Foundations and foundations of buildings and structures on permafrost soils. Operating rules"
Order 908/pr: About the approval of the set of rules "Animal shelters. Design rules"
Order 910/pr: On the approval of the set of rules "Foundations and foundations of buildings and structures on permafrost soils. Requirements for engineering preparation of the territory"
Order 911/pr: On approval of Amendment No. 2 to SP 122.13330.2012 "SNiP 32-04-97 Railway and road tunnels"
Order 915/pr: On the approval of SP 25.13330.2020 "SNiP 2.02.04-88 Bases and foundations on permafrost"
Order 916/pr: On approval of the set of rules "Isothermal tanks for storing liquefied gases. Design rules"
Order 917/pr: About the approval of SP 379.1325800.2020 "Dormitories. Design rules"
Order 920/pr: On the approval of SP 30.13330.2020 "SNiP 2.04.01-85 * Internal water supply and sewerage of buildings"
Order 921/pr: On the approval of SP 60.13330.2020 "SNiP 41-01-2003 Heating, ventilation and air conditioning"
Order 922/pr: On approval of SP 257.1325800.2020 "Hotel buildings. Design rules"
Order 926/pr: On approval of SP 24.13330.2021 "SNiP 2.02.03-85 Pile foundations
Order 927/pr: On the approval of SP 328.1325800.2020 "Information modeling in construction. Rules for describing the components of the information model"
Order 928/pr: On the approval of SP 333.1325800.2020 "Information modeling in construction. Rules for the formation of an information model of objects at various stages of the life cycle"
Order 929/pr: On the approval of the set of rules "Engineering surveys for construction in areas where permafrost soils are spread. General requirements"
Order 94/pr: On approval of the procedure for assigning numbers to urban development plans for land plots and on amendments to the form of urban development plans for a land plot and the procedure for its completion, approved by order of the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation of April 25, 2017 No. 741 / pr
Order 94/pr: On approval of the procedure for assigning numbers to urban development plans for land plots and on amendments to the form of urban development plans for a land plot and the procedure for its completion, approved by order of the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation of April 25, 2017 No. 741 / pr
Order 953/pr: On establishing in 2022 and 2023 the possibility of confirming the suitability for use in construction of new materials, products, structures and technologies, the use of which in construction is not regulated by existing building codes and regulations, national standards and other regulatory documents, the technical certificate of subordinate to the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation federal autonomous institution
Order 955/pr: On the standard cost of one square meter of floor space in the Russian Federation for the first half of 2022 and the indicators of the average market cost of one square meter of floor space in the subjects of the Russian Federation for the first quarter of 2022
Order 965/pr: On approval of Amendments N 2 to SP 63.13330.2018 "SNiP 52-01-2003 Concrete and reinforced concrete structures. General provisions."
Order 969/pr: On the formation of the classifier of construction resources
Order 974/pr: On approval of Amendment No. 4 to SP 43.13330.2012 "SNiP 2.09.03-85 Structures of industrial enterprises".
Order 977/pr: On approval of the content and forms of reporting on the implementation of the public authorities of the subjects of the Russian Federation transferred powers in the field of control over compliance with the law of local governments on urban planning (except for territorial planning), in the organization and conduct of state expertise of design documentation and (or) the results of engineering surveys, on the implementation of public authorities of the subject of the Russian Federation - the city of federation
Order 979/pr: On approval of the list of indicators of risk of violation of mandatory requirements for federal state construction supervision
Order 98/pr: On approval of the consolidated standards for the price of construction
Order 987/pr: On amending the order of the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation from April 18, 2019 N 228/pr
Resolution 1727: On Amendments to Some Acts of the Government of the Russian Federation
SP 100.13330.2016: The reclamation systems and construction
SP 113.13330.2016: Parkings
SP 115.13330.2016: Geophysics of hazardous natural processes
SP 127.13330.2017: Landfills for the disposal and burial of toxic industrial wastes. Basic provisions on design
SP 128.13330.2016: Aluminium structures
SP 16.13330.2017: Steel structures
SP 17.13330.2017: The roofs
SP 20.13330.2016: Loads and actions
SP 22.13330.2016: Soil bases of buildings and structures
SP 246.1325800.2016: Code practice. Regulation on the supervision of authors for construction of buildings and structures
SP 247.1325800.2016: Penal system. Pretrial detention facilities. Design rules
SP 248.1325800.2016: Underground structures. Design rules
SP 249.1325800.2016: Design and construction of underground utilities by closed and cut-and-cover methods
SP 250.1325800.2016: Building and structures. Protection against groundwater
SP 253.1325800.2016: High-rise buildings utilities
SP 254.1325800.2016: Buildings and territories. Rules for designing of industrial sound protection
SP 255.1325800.2016: Buildings and structures. Operating rules. General provisions
SP 256.1325800.2016: Electrical equipment of residential and public buildings. Rules of design and erection
SP 259.1325800.2016: Bridges in dense urban aveas Design rules
SP 260.1325800.2016: Cold-formed thin-walled steel profile and galvanized corrugated plate constructions. Design rules
SP 261.1325800.2016: Industrial railroad. Rules of engineering and construction
SP 262.1325800.2016: Container yard and terminal devices in industrial and transport manufacture. Terms of design and construction
SP 263.1325800.2016: Adaptation of subways under the protective constructions of civil defense. General rules of design
SP 264.1325800.2016: Light masking settlements and objects of national economy
SP 265.1325800.2016: Manifold for engineering networks
SP 266.1325800.2016: Composite steel and concrete structures. Design rules
SP 267.1325800.2016: High rise buildings and complexes. Design rules
SP 268.1325800.2016: Transport structures in seismic zones. Specifications for earthquake-resistant design
SP 27.13330.2017: Concrete and reinforced concrete structures intended for the service in elevated and high temperatures
SP 270.1325800.2016: Transport facilities in seismic area. Rules for evaluation of highway and railway structures seismic damages in far and inaccessible zones
SP 271.1325800.2016: Noise reduction system of air heating, ventilating and air conditioning. Rules of design
SP 272.1325800.2016: Drainage system of cities and townships. The rules of inspection
SP 273.1325800.2016: Water supply and water disposal. Rules of engineering and works at restoration of pipelines by flexible polymeric sleeves
SP 274.1325800.2016: Bridges. Monitoring of technical condition (Structural health monitoring)
SP 275.1325800.2016: Construction fencing of residential and public buildings. Rules of sound insulation design
SP 276.1325800.2016: Buildings and territories. Protection design rules from traffic noise
SP 277.1325800.2016: Costal protection constructions. Design rules
SP 278.1325800.2016: Buildings of educational institutions of high education. Design rules
SP 279.1325800.2016: Buildings of professional educational institutions. Design rules
SP 28.13330.2017: Protection against corrosion of construction
SP 280.1325800.2016: Systems of air supply for combustion and removal of combustion products for gas-fired heat generators. Design and development rules
SP 281.1325800.2016: Boiler rooms integrated in building by general power to 360 kW. Rules of planning and device
SP 282.1325800.2016: Energy supply apartament of the buildings with the heat generation, working on gas fuel. Design rules and devices
SP 283.1325800.2016: High critical building objects. Rules of seismic microzonation
SP 284.1325800.2016: Instructions for design, construction and redesign of field oil and gas pipelines
SP 285.1325800.2016: Football stadiums. Desing rules
SP 286.1325800.2016: Building objects of high critically rating. Guidelines of detailed seismic zoning
SP 287.1325800.2016: Marine berthing facilities. Rules of design and construction
SP 288.1325800.2016: Forest roads. Rules of design and construction
SP 289.1325800.2017: Constructions cattle-breeding, poultry-breeding and beast-breeding. Design rules
SP 290.1325800.2016: Water passageways hydraulic structures (discharge sluices, emptying and dewatering conduits). Rules of projecting
SP 291.1325800.2017: Armed grouted structures. Rules of architectural design
SP 292.1325800.2017: Buildings and structures on tsunami hazardous areas. Regulations of design
SP 293.1325800.2017: Facade's thermo insulation composite systems with external mortar layers. Design and work execution rules
SP 294.1325800.2017: The construction of steel. Design rules
SP 295.1325800.2017: Concrete structures reinforced with fibre-reinforced polymer bars. Design rules
SP 296.1325800.2017: Buildings and structures. Accidental actions
SP 297.1325800.2017: Fiber reinforced concrete structures and precast products with non-steel fibers. Design rules
SP 298.1325800.2017: Ventilation systems of highway tunnels. Design rules
SP 299.1325800.2017: Ventilation systems of highway tunnels. Design rules
SP 30.13330.2016: Domestic water supply and drainage systems in buildings
SP 300.1325800.2017: Systems of jet ventilation of underground and covered parkings. Rules of design
SP 301.1325800.2017: Building information modeling. Rules for the organization of work by the production and technical departments
SP 302.1325800.2017: Warehouses for emergency chemically hazardous substances. Rules of design
SP 303.1325800.2017: One-story industrial buildings. Operating rules
SP 304.1325800.2017: Construction of long-span buildings and structures. Operating rules
SP 305.1325800.2017: Buildings and structures. The rules of geotechnical monitoring under construction
SP 306.1325800.2017: Multifunctional shopping complex. Operating rules
SP 307.1325800.2017: Buildings and premises for the storage and processing of agricultural products the rules of operation
SP 308.1325800.2017: Correctional institutions and centers of criminaly-executive system. Design rules
SP 309.1325800.2017: Buildings of theaters and entertainment. Regulations of design
SP 310.1325800.2017: Swimming pools. Design rules
SP 311.1325800.2017: High strength concrete and reinforced high strength concrete structures. Design guidline
SP 312.1325800.2017: Internal roads of rural settlements. Service regulation
SP 313.1325800.2017: Roads in eternal permafrost regions. Rules of design and construction
SP 314.1325800.2017: Tracks overland rail cranes. Design, arrangement and exploitation
SP 315.1325800.2017: Thermal networks laid in a ground. Design rules
SP 316.1325800.2017: Container terminals. Regulations of projecting
SP 323.1325800.2017: Residential areas. Urban and road lighting design
SP 324.1325800.2017: Multi-storey industrial buildings. Operating rales
SP 325.1325800.2017: Buildings and construction. Rules for the production of demolition and recycling
SP 327.1325800.2017: Exterior masonry walls with brick veneer. Rules of design, operation and repair
SP 328.1325800.2017: Building information modeling. Components. Guidelines and requirements
SP 329.1325800.2017: Buildings and structures. Rules of inspection after the fire
SP 330.1325800.2017: Buildings and constructions in seismic countries. Rules of design of engineering and seismometric stations
SP 331.1325800.2017: Building information modeling. Modeling guidelines and requirements of exchange data between building information models and application package models
SP 332.1325800.2017: Sport constructions. Rules of design
SP 333.1325800.2017: Building information modeling. Modeling guidelines for various project life cycle stages
SP 334.1325800.2017: Apartment heating units in multicompartment buildings. Regulations of design
SP 335.1325800.2017: Large-panel construction system. Design rules
SP 336.1325800.2017: Ventilation and conditioning systems. Operating rules
SP 337.1325800.2017: Composite precast and in-situ reinforced concrete construction. Design rules
SP 338.1325800.2018: High-speed railways noise protection. Design and construction regulations
SP 339.1325800.2017: Designs from cellular concrete. Rules of design
SP 340.1325800.2017: Reinforced concrete and concrete structures of cooling towers. Design rules
SP 341.1325800.2017: Underground engineering communications. Lining of by a method of the horizontal directional drilling
SP 342.1325800.2017: Protection of railway track and structures from the adverse natural phenomena. Rules of engineering and construction
SP 343.1325800.2017: Constructions of the industrial enterprises. The rules of operation
SP 344.1325800.2017: The water supply and heating interior buildings systems cross-linked polyethylene pipes. The rules of design and installation
SP 345.1325800.2017: Residential and public buildings. Thermal performance design
SP 347.1325800.2017: Internal heating, hot and cold water systems. Rules of operation
SP 349.1325800.2017: Concrete and reinforced concrete structures. Rules of structural reinforcement and repair
SP 353.1325800.2017: Noise protection of metro units. Regulations for designing, construction and operation
SP 354.1325800.2017: Foundations of bridge supports in areas of permafrost soils. Design and construction rules
SP 355.1325800.2017: Frame construction prefabricated reinforced concrete one-storey industrial buildings. Rules of design
SP 356.1325800.2017: Prefabricated reinforced concrete frame constructions multi-storey buildings. Rules of design
SP 357.1325800.2017: Concrete hydraulic structures. Rules of works and acceptance of works
SP 42.13330.2016: Urban development. Urban and rural planning and development
SP 45.13330.2017: Earthworks, grounds and footings
SP 47.13330.2016: Engineering survey for construction. Basic principles
SP 54.13330.2016: Multicompartment residential buildings
SP 60.13330.2016: Heating, ventilation and air conditioning
SP 64.13330.2017: Timber structures
SP 68.13330.2017: Acceptance into operation completed construction objects. Basic provisions
SP 69.13330.2016: Underground excavations
SP 71.13330.2017: Insulation and finish coatings
SP 72.13330.2016: Protection of buildings, facilities and structures against corrosion
SP 73.13330.2016: Internal sanitary-technical systems
SP 76.13330.2016: Electrical systems
SP 77.13330.2016: Systems of automation.
SP 80.13330.2016: River hydraulie engineering facilities
SP 82.13330.2016: Territory improvement
SP 84.13330.2016: Tramways
SP 89.13330.2016: Boiler installations
SP 93.13330.2016: Protective structures of civil defense in underground mine workings
SP 95.13330.2016: Concrete and reinforced concrete structures made of dense calcium-silicate concrete
SP 96.13330.2016: Ferrocement structures
SP 97.13330.2016: Asbestos-cement constructions
SP 99.13330.2016: On-farm roads in the collective and state farms and other agricultural enterprises and organizations
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