Instructions for degassing coal mines
Инструкция по дегазации угольных шахт
Status: Not effective - Canceled
The Instruction provides descriptions of methods and schemes for degassing sources of methane release, their parameters and efficiency, methods for preventing and combating prompts, proposed standard measures to prevent possible ignition of methane and the spread of flame along the degassing gas pipeline in the event of fires in mine workings, standard measures to ensure the possibility transportation of methane-air mixture through a degassing pipeline with a methane concentration from 3 to 25%, industrial safety requirements for degassing operations. Designed for organizations involved in the design, construction and operation of degassing systems for coal mines.
В Инструкции представлены описания способов и схем дегазации источников метановыделения, их параметры и эффективность, способы предупреждения и борьбы с суфлярами, предложены типовые мероприятия по предотвращению возможного возгорания метана и распространения пламени по дегазационному газопроводу при возникновении очагов пожаров в горных выработках, типовые мероприятия по обеспечению возможности транспортирования метановоздушной смеси по дегазационному трубопроводу с концентрацией метана от 3 до 25 %, требования по промышленной безопасности при ведении дегазационных работ. Предназначена для организаций, занимающихся проектированием, строительством и эксплуатацией систем дегазации угольных шахт.
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Format: Electronic (pdf/doc)
Approved: Rostekhnadzor,
SKU: RUSS381746
The Product is Contained in the Following Classifiers:
Technical Supervision »
Section I. Technological, construction, energy supervision and environmental protection regarding limitation of negative anthropogenic impact »
IV. Regulatory legal acts and regulations »
2. Industrial safety »
2.3. Objects of coal industry »
PromExpert »
II Industrial safety requirements for operation of a hazardous production facility »
2 Special industrial safety requirements for operation of a hazardous production facility »
2.4 Industrial safety requirements in mining and coal industries »
ISO classifier »
73.020 Mining and opencast mining »
The Document References:
Code 117-FZ: Tax Code of the Russian Federation (Part Two)
Code 190-FZ: Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation
Federal Law 115-FZ: On the legal status of foreign citizens in the Russian Federation
Federal Law 81-FZ: On state regulation in the field of coal mining and use, on peculiarities of social protection of employees of coal industry organizations
PB 05-618-03: Coal Mine Safety Regulations
RD 15-09-2006: Guidelines for the degassing of coal mines
Resolution 1192: On recognizing as invalid some normative legal acts and certain provisions of normative legal acts of the Government of the Russian Federation, on the abolition of some normative legal acts and certain provisions of normative legal acts of federal executive bodies containing mandatory requirements, compliance with which is assessed when carrying out control measures in the implementation of federal state supervision in the field of industrial safety and state mining supervision, and recognition of the Instruction on observation of deformations of sides, slopes of benches and dumps in open pits and development of measures to ensure their stability, approved by the State Committee for Supervision of Safe Work in industry and mining supervision under the Council of Ministers of the USSR on July 21, 1970
Resolution 315: Permissible norms of explosive gas (methane) content in the mine, coal seams and mined-out space, above which degassing is mandatory
Resolution 401: On the introduction of a temporary quantitative restriction on the import of ozone-depleting substances into the territory of the Russian Federation
Resolution 450: About the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation
Resolution 87: The list of names of communication services included in the license for the implementation of activities in the field of rendering communication services
Resolution 87: Regulations on the composition of sections of design documentation and requirements for their content
The Document is Referenced By:
GOST R 55154-2019: Mining equipment. Multifunctional coal mine safety systems. General technical requirements
GOST R 57717-2017: Safety in coal mines. Terms and definitions
GOST R 58494-2019: Mining equipment. Multifunctional coal mine safety systems. Remote control system for hazardous production facilities
Order 233: About the Interdepartmental Commission for ensuring the preparation of a revised partial application for the establishment of the external border of the continental shelf of the Russian Federation in the Arctic Ocean, support and protection when considering it in the Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf
Order 421: Establishment of restrictions on fishing for muksun in the Yenisei Gulf of the Kara Sea in 2018
Order 462: Federal norms and rules in the field of industrial safety "Instructions for combating dust in coal mines"
Order 462: On approval of the Requirements for the content of the rules for the operation of hydraulic structures (with the exception of shipping and port hydraulic structures)
Order 498: List of questions proposed in the qualification examination for certification of experts in the field of industrial safety
Order 550: Establishing a fishing limit for certain types of aquatic biological resources in 2019
PNST 162-2016: Mining equipment. Multipurpose safety systems and automated control systems for technological processes in the mine. General technical requirements
PNST 369-2019: Mining engineering. Mining Explosion Systems. General technical requirements
Resolution 1192: On recognizing as invalid some normative legal acts and certain provisions of normative legal acts of the Government of the Russian Federation, on the abolition of some normative legal acts and certain provisions of normative legal acts of federal executive bodies containing mandatory requirements, compliance with which is assessed when carrying out control measures in the implementation of federal state supervision in the field of industrial safety and state mining supervision, and recognition of the Instruction on observation of deformations of sides, slopes of benches and dumps in open pits and development of measures to ensure their stability, approved by the State Committee for Supervision of Safe Work in industry and mining supervision under the Council of Ministers of the USSR on July 21, 1970
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