
Resolution 87

Постановление 87

The list of names of communication services included in the license for the implementation of activities in the field of rendering communication services

Перечень наименований услуг связи, вносимых в лицензии на осуществление деятельности в области оказания услуг связи

Status: It works. Clauses 9 - 42 of the Regulation come into force on July 1, 2008 in accordance with clause 6 of the Resolution

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Format: Electronic (pdf/doc)

Approved: Government of the Russian Federation, 2/16/2008

SKU: RUSS381758

Price: imgalt

The Product is Contained in the Following Classifiers:

Construction (Max) » Regulatory documents » Design, engineering surveys »

Technical Supervision » Section I. Technological, construction, energy supervision and environmental protection regarding limitation of negative anthropogenic impact » III. Resolutions (orders) of Government of Russian Federation »

Technical Supervision » Section II. State regulation of safety in use of atomic energy » I. Legislative and regulatory legal acts infield of atomic energy use » 4. Decisions and orders of Government of Russian Federation »

PromExpert » SECTION V. ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION. NATURE USE » II Ensuring environmental safety » 1 Air Protection » 1.3 Requirements for protection of atmospheric air in carrying out activities » 1.3.2 Requirements for protection of atmospheric air during design, placement, construction, reconstruction and operation of facilities »

PromExpert » SECTION IV. INDUSTRIAL SAFETY » I Industrial Safety Administration » 3 Licensing infield of industrial and energy security »

PromExpert » SECTION I. TECHNICAL REGULATION » I Basics of technical regulation » 1 The main provisions of technical regulation »

ISO classifier » 33 TELECOMMUNICATIONS. AUDIO AND VIDEO EQUIPMENT » 33.020 Telecommunications in general »

ISO classifier » 91 CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS AND CONSTRUCTION » 91.040 Construction » 91.040.01 Construction in general »

The Document References:

Code 190-FZ: Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation

Federal Law 126-FZ: Communications

Federal Law 16-FZ: About transport security

Regulation 1006: On approval of the requirements for anti-terrorist protection of objects (territories) of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation and objects (territories) related to the field of activity of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, and the form of a safety data sheet for these objects (territories)

Resolution 145: Regulations on the organization and conduct of state expertise of project documentation and engineering survey results

Resolution 2385: On licensing activities in the field of communication services and invalidation of certain acts of the Government of the Russian Federation (as amended on January 18, 2021)

Resolution 427: Regulations on the verification of the reliability of determining the estimated cost of construction, reconstruction, overhaul of capital construction facilities, works to preserve cultural heritage objects (historical and cultural monuments) of the peoples of the Russian Federation, the financing of which is carried out with the involvement of funds from the budgets of the budgetary system of the Russian Federation, funds of legal entities, created by the Russian Federation, constituent entities of the Russian Federation, municipalities, legal entities, the share of the Russian Federation, constituent entities of the Russian Federation, municipalities in the authorized (pooled) capital of which is more than 50 percent

Resolution 567: On Amending Certain Acts of the Government of the Russian Federation

Resolution 575: On approval of the Rules for provision of telematic communication services (as amended on December 30, 2020) (ceased to be in force from 14.01.2022 on the basis of Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation N 2607 from 31.12.2021)

The Document is Referenced By:

Disposition 504-r: An action plan to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to no more than 75 percent of 1990 emissions by 2020

Disposition 788r: Procedure for development, coordination and approval of design and working documentation for construction and reconstruction of Russian Railways facilities

GOST 34027-2016: Gas supply system. Gas main pipeline transportation. Mechanical safety. Assigning of safe operation life for linear part of gas main pipeline

GOST 34378-2018: Translucent enclosing structures. Windows and doors. Installation work execution, check and demands for results of works

GOST 34914-2022: Windows for industrial buildings. General technical conditions

GOST R 21.101-2020: System of design documents for construction. Basic requirements for design and working documentation

GOST R 21.1101-2009: System of design documents for construction. Main requirements for design and working documents

GOST R 21.1101-2013: System of design documents for construction. Main requirements for design and working documents

GOST R 22.1.12-2005: Safety in emergencies. Structured system for monitoring and control of building. Construction engineering equipment. General requirements

GOST R 22.1.13-2013: Safety in emergencies. Measures for civil defence, measures for prevention of natural and man-caused emergencies. Structured system for monitoring and control of building construction engineering equipment. Rules for construction and operation

GOST R 22.2.13-2023: Safety in emergency situations. The procedure for developing a list of civil defense measures, measures to prevent emergencies of natural and man-made character. When designing capital construction facilities

GOST R 54193-2010: Resources saving. Energy production. Guidance on implementing the best available techniques for improving energy efficiency in thermal energy generation

GOST R 54199-2010: Resources saving. Energy production. Guidance on implementing the best available techniques for improving energy efficiency in electricity generation

GOST R 54200-2010: Resources saving. Energy production. Guidance on implementing the best available techniques for improving energy efficiency in fuel combustion

GOST R 54201-2010: Resources saving. Production of domestic and container glass. Best available techniques for improving energy efficiency

GOST R 54206-2010: Resources saving. Production of lime. Best available techniques for improving energy efficiency

GOST R 54931-2012: Acoustical barriers for railway transport. Technical requirements

GOST R 54961-2012: Gas distribution systems. Consumers gas networks. General requirements to operation. Operational documentation

GOST R 55260.4.1-2013: Hydro power plants. Part 4-1. Hydroelectric power plants. The technological part hydroelectric power plants and pumped storage plants. General specifications

GOST R 55414-2013: Gas, gas condensate, oil-gas and oil-gas condensate fields. Specifications for technical project of field development

GOST R 55471-2013: Gas distribution systems. Management system of gas distribution network

GOST R 55472-2013: Gas distribution systems. Requirements for gas distribution networks. Part 0. General

GOST R 55472-2019: Gas distribution systems. Gas distribution networks of natural gas. Part 0. General

GOST R 55528-2013: Composition and content of scientific and project documentation for the conservation of cultural heritage. Monuments of history and culture. General requirements

GOST R 55892-2013: Objects of low-tonnage liquefied natural gas production and consumption. General technical requirements

GOST R 56059-2014: Industrial environmental monitoring. General principles

GOST R 56088-2014: Quality of service B«local telephone service using payphonesB». Quality indices

GOST R 56193-2014: The services of housing and communal services and management of apartment buildings. Services capital repair of common property in apartment buildings. General requirements

GOST R 56535-2015: Services of housing maintenance, public utilities and administration of apartment buildings. Services of current repair of common property in apartment buildings. General requirements

GOST R 56828.34-2017: Best available techniques. Resource conservation. Methodology of management decisions for conservation of aquatic bioresources and their habitats

GOST R 56926-2016: Window and balcony constructions of different functional purpose for residential buildings. General specifications

GOST R 57817-2017: Underground gas storage. Design standards

GOST R 57818-2017: Design standards of buildings and constructions for gas processing industry

GOST R 57839-2017: Production services. Technical safety systems. Design data and directions. General requirements

GOST R 57955-2017: Buildings and facilities for oil and gas producing industries. Design standards

GOST R 58148-2018: Opencast diamond development in cryolithozone. Design requirements

GOST R 58215-2018: Oil and gas industry. Arctic operations. Work environment

GOST R 58329-2018: Rules for the operation of main condensate pipelines and product pipelines

GOST R 58769-2019: Roads with low traffic. Rules for construction and operation

GOST R 58901-2020: Bent steel sheet profiles with trapezoidal corrugations for construction. Method for calculating the bearing capacity

GOST R 59043-2020: Translucent partitions using aluminum alloy profiles. General requirements for materials and construction

GOST R 70346-2022: "Green" standards. Multifamily residential "green" buildings. Evaluation methodology and criteria for design, construction and operation

GOST R 70517-2022: Hydrometallurgical plants of uranium mining enterprises. Norms of technological design

GOST R 70519-2022: Tailings ponds of hydrometallurgical plants of uranium mining enterprises. Design standards

GOST R 70577-2022: Checkpoints across the state border of the Russian Federation. General requirements

GOST R 70612-2022: Land reclamation systems and hydraulic structures. Methodology of justification of conservation and liquidation expediency

GOST R 71177-2023: Managing large construction projects using integrated contracts

Guidelines: The introduction of digital solutions in the urban planning system based on the smart city approach

Information: List of acts containing mandatory requirements, compliance with which is assessed in the course of control activities in the course of federal state construction supervision

ITS 46-2017: Reducing emissions of pollutants, discharges of pollutants during storage and warehousing of goods (goods)

ITS 46-2019: Reducing emissions of pollutants, discharges of pollutants during storage and warehousing of goods (goods)

Letter 01-01-17/20166-NB: On identification (classification) of a capital construction object

Letter 01-01-17/21074-NB: On the absence of documents of title to land plots during the state expertise

Letter 01-01-17/21280-NB: On the need for expertise of design estimates and working documentation for the repair of antenna-mast structure height of 350 meters

Letter 01-01-17/22283-NB: On the direction of the state examination of design documentation and results of engineering surveys

Letter 01-01-4/18488-NB: On the issue of sending suggestions for methodological recommendations "On the implementation of the Chief Engineer of the project provisions of paragraph 3.8 of Article 49 of the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation to make changes in the design documentation.

Letter 08-05-1/2390-NB: About the answers to the questions of the Association of Expertises of Construction Projects by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 31, 2019 No. 1948

Letter 12-50/16317-OG: On Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)

Letter 13507-OG/08: About the validity of the resolutions of the Government of the Russian Federation N 145 dated 05.03.2007, N 87 dated 16.02.2008 and N 468 dated 21.06.2010

Letter 14-15043/21@: On the technical plan for the capital construction facility to be put into operation

Letter 1837-SM/08: On determination of the algorithm (procedure) for approval of excavation works

Letter 19690-TB/02: On the performance of work under construction contracts for the performance of engineering surveys

Letter 24613-JuR/08: On construction control at capital construction projects of production purpose, as well as large capital construction projects of non-production purpose under individually developed projects based on the proposals of the state customer

Letter 3363-OG/08: On the need to develop project documentation for major repairs

Letter 36708-VK/08: On the need to verify the requirements for input control of products in the design documentation at the stage of examination of the project and the mandatory nature of the procedure of input control of construction products, as well as bringing to administrative responsibility of persons authorized to perform construction control

Letter 39847-OG/09: On the monitoring of construction resources in the development of design documentation by the designer and the person who carries out the preparation of estimates

Letter 43780-IF/09: To replace the previously sent letter of the Ministry of Construction of Russia dated 28 October 2020 N 43518-IF/09 due to a typographical error in the text

Letter 51210-SM/08: Regarding the use in the design documentation characteristics of materials and equipment without specifying specific brands in the case when the construction of the facility can be used analogues that meet the established characteristics

Letter 55956-SM/08: On sending guidelines "On the Chief Engineer of the project implementation of the provisions of part 3.8 article 49 of the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation on the introduction of amendments to the project documentation".

Letter 67121-SM/08: On the issue of commissioning capital construction facilities, for which there is a risk of disruption of equipment supplies

Letter 7774-IP/08: About construction control

Manual: Manual for impulse and low consumption fire extinguishing systems

MD 3.16.1-11: A collection of typical processes and technological standards of labor input. Design management (project management) and implementation of the project documentation section "Explanatory Note"

MDS 12-43.2008: Rate setting for construction durability

MDS 12-46.2008: Recommended practices for development and preparation of construction management plans, work organization plans for demolition (teardown) and method statements.

MDS 12-64.2013: Standard project of organization of works for dismantling (demolition) of a building (structure)

Methodical manual: Refinement of initial seismicity and seismic micro-zoning of sections of transport facilities

Methodical manual: Hotel building design

Methodical manual: Classification methods of information modeling tasks

Methodical manual: Base data for the design of building structures on the tsunami-dangerous coasts of the Russian Federation

Methodical manual: Building Design for Refrigerators

MRR 11.1-16: Standards for the duration of the design of construction objects

MRR 12.1-18: Methodical recommendations for calculating the cost of design when using information modeling technology, carried out with the involvement of funds from the budget of the city of Moscow

MRR Standards for the duration of the design of construction objects in the city of Moscow

MRR Standards for the duration of the design of construction objects in the city of Moscow

MRR Standards for the duration of the design of construction objects in the city of Moscow

MRR Collection of base prices for design work for construction, carried out with the involvement of the budget of the city of Moscow

MRR Collection of basic prices for design work for construction, carried out with the involvement of the funds of the budget of the city of Moscow

MRR The collection of basic prices for design work on objects of the urban environment (monuments, monuments, fountains), carried out with the involvement of funds from the budget of the city of Moscow

MRR Methodology for determining the cost of developing projects for organizing sanitary protection zones of enterprises, carried out with the involvement of Moscow budget funds

MRR The method of determining the cost of developing a project for a coloristic solution of the facades of existing buildings, structures, and structures carried out with the involvement of the budget funds of the city of Moscow

MRR Collection of basic prices for design work on the organization of road traffic, carried out with the involvement of the budget of the city of Moscow

MRR 3.2.49-14: Method for determining the cost of designing tram tracks, carried out with the involvement of the budget of the city of Moscow

MRR 3.2.59-13: Method for determining the cost of designing projects for architectural lighting, architectural colors of the urban environment and color solutions for the facades of existing buildings, carried out with the involvement of Moscow budget funds

MRR Collection of basic prices for the development of measures for environmental protection, carried out with the involvement of the budget of the city of Moscow

MRR 3.2.63-12: The collection of basic prices for determining the cost of work on the environmental support of project and investment activities and the cost of developing projects for organizing sanitary protection zones of an enterprise carried out with the involvemen

MRR 3.2.64-01-16: Collection of basic prices for design work on flow-type sewage treatment plants carried out with the involvement of funds from the budget of the city of Moscow

MRR 3.2.72-14: Method for determining the cost of developing the subsection "List of civil defense measures, measures for the prevention of natural and man-made emergencies," carried out with the involvement of Moscow budget funds

MRR Methods for determining the cost of developing the section "Fire Safety Measures" and designing fire protection and burglar alarm systems carried out with the involvement of Moscow budget funds

MRR Methods for determining the cost of developing the section "Fire Safety Measures" and designing fire protection and burglar alarm systems carried out with the involvement of Moscow budget funds

MRR 3.2.79-13: Method for determining the cost of designing the section "Fire Safety Measures" and the cost of designing fire protection and burglar alarm systems carried out with the involvement of the Moscow budget funds

MRR 3.2.86-15: Method of determining the cost of developing special technical conditions for the design, carried out with the involvement of the budget of the city of Moscow

MRR 3.2.87-16: Method for determining the cost of designing objects of religious purpose, carried out with the involvement of the budget of the city of Moscow (Temples)

MRR 4.1.02-21: Compendium 4.1 "Capital Construction Objects. MRR-4.1.02-21".

MRR 4.10-17: Traction substations for tram and trolleybus vehicles

MRR 4.11-20: Civil Defense

MRR 4.1-16: Capital construction objects

MRR 4.2.02-18: Engineering networks and facilities

MRR 4.2-16: Engineering networks and facilities

MRR 4.3.02-18: City streets and roads, transport hubs, transport tunnels

MRR 4.3-16: City highways, transportation hubs, transport tunnels

MRR 4.4.02-21: Collection 4.4 "Bridge structures. MRR-4.4.02-21".

MRR 4.4-16: Bridge Structures

MRR 4.5-16: Tramways

MRR 4.6.02-19: Metro and its infrastructure

MRR 4.6-17: Metro and its infrastructure

MRR 4.8.02-18: Methodology for determining the cost of design work depending on the cost of construction

MRR 4.8-16: Method for determining the cost of design work, depending on the cost of construction

MRR 4.9-16: Gas Equipment and Gas Supply Facilities

MRR 5.2.02-17: Telecommunication systems

MRR 5.2-16: Telecommunication Systems

MRR 5.3-16: Fire protection and alarm systems

MRR 5.4-16: Automated Control Systems (ACS)

MRR 5.5-16: Automated Energy Accounting Systems (AESE) in Housing and Civil Engineering

MRR 5.6-16: Dispatching and telemechanical lighting control

MRR 5.7-17: Electrical safety systems (lightning protection, potential equalization, protective grounding)

MRR 6.1.02-19: Environmental Activities

MRR 6.1-16: Environmental Protection Measures

MRR 6.2.02-19: Fire safety measures

MRR 6.2-16: Fire Safety Measures

MRR 6.3-16: List of civil defense measures, measures to prevent natural and man-made emergencies

MRR 6.4-17: Requirements for ensuring the safe operation of capital construction facilities

MRR 6.6.02-21: Compendium 6.6 "Projects of the organization of road traffic. MRR-6.6.02-21".

MRR 6.6-19: Traffic Management Projects

MRR 7.2-16: Placement and installation of monuments and monuments (including stelae, busts, sculptures)

MRR 7.3-16: Fountains and other water devices

MRR 7.4-16: Architectural lighting

MRR 7.5.02-20: Coloristic decision of facades

MRR 7.5-16: Color solution of facades

MRR 9.10-17: Design of special construction methods

MRR 9.11-18: Providing technical opinions on projects of underground structures and communications for design and construction in Moscow

MRR 9.14-19: Development of a safety case for a hazardous production facility

MRR 9.5-16: Demonstration materials

MRR 9.6-17: Development of special technical conditions for design

ND 2-090601-007: Recommendations for the design, construction and operation of offshore pipelines

ND 2-090601-008: Recommendations for the design, construction and operation of offshore pipelines

ODM 218.2.017-2011: Guidelines Design, construction and operation of roads with low traffic

ODM 218.2.036-2013: Guidelines for the design, repair, maintenance and operation of ferries and floating bridges

ODM 218.2.038-2014: Guidelines for the overhaul and reconstruction of retaining walls and retaining structures

ODM 218.2.087-2017: Recommendations for the design and construction of culverts of spiral-wavy metal corrugated pipes

ODM 218.3.083-2016: Guidelines for trenchless laying of road culvert pipes

ODM 218.3.103-2018: Recommendations for the use of screw piles on roads

ODM 218.3.105-2018: Guidelines for organizing the interaction of participants in the development of design working documentation for pilot projects for the construction, overhaul and reconstruction of roads using BIM technology

ODM 218.3.110-2019: Rules for the development of road maintenance projects

ODM 218.4.024-2016: Methods for estimating the timing of road construction work under the influence of destabilizing factors

ODM 218.6.019-2016: Recommendations for the organization of traffic and fencing of sites for the production of road works

ODM 218.6.026-2017: Guidelines for Traffic Control and Safety Barriers at Road Construction Sites

ODM 218.6.034-2019: Recommendations for designing motorway backups on approaches to large cities

ODM 218.8.007-2016: Guidelines for the design of artificial lighting public roads

ODM 218.8.011-2018: Guidelines for determining the characteristics and selection of noise protection structures of roads

ODM 218.8.012-2019: Guidelines (guidance) on the predictive assessment of environmental impact during the construction and operation of public roads

Order 1013: Rules for the organization of maintenance and repair of electric power facilities

Order 108: On recognizing as invalid the orders of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia of April 1, 2015 N 194, of February 22, 2017 N 82, of November 17, 2017 N 619

Order 116: On the approval of the Federal norms and rules in the field of industrial safety "Industrial safety rules for hazardous production facilities using equipment operating under excessive pressure" (as amended on December 12, 2017) (canceled from 01.01.2021 on the basis of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 06.08.2020 N 1192)

Order 116: Federal norms and rules in the field of industrial safety "Industrial safety rules for hazardous production facilities where equipment operating under excessive pressure is used"

Order 129: On improving the system of examination and testing of medical immunobiological preparations

Order 1839: The list of regulatory legal acts (their individual provisions) containing mandatory requirements, the assessment of compliance with which is carried out within the framework of state control (supervision), bringing to administrative responsibility, granting licenses, other permits, accreditation

Order 215: On approval of forms of checklists (lists of control questions) used by the Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technology and Mass Media and its territorial bodies during scheduled inspections in the implementation of federal state supervision in the field of communications (as amended on April 10, 2019) (ceased to be effective from 11.03.2022 by order of Roskomnadzor from 10.02.2022 N 34)

Order 2300: On Approval of the Administrative Regulations for the Execution by the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation of the State Function of State Construction Supervision during the Construction and Reconstruction of Defense and Security Facilities that are Military Infrastructure Facilities of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation

Order 307/pr: On Approval of the Form of the Developer's or Technical Customer's Design Assignment for the Capital Construction Project, Construction, Reconstruction, Capital Repair of Which is Implemented with the Involvement of the Budgetary System of the Russian Federation

Order 313/pr: On the approval of the Methodological Recommendations on draft assignments for architectural and construction design of capital construction facilities, the construction (reconstruction) of which is carried out at the expense of the budgets of the budgetary system of the Russian Federation

Order 314/pr: Methodology for the development and application of integrated standards of construction prices, as well as the procedure for their approval

Order 317/pr: On approval of the Methodology for determining the estimated cost of construction or reconstruction of capital construction facilities located outside the territory of the Russian Federation

Order 326/pr: Methodology for calculating indices of changes in the estimated cost of construction

Order 332/pr: On approval of the Methodology for determining the costs of construction of temporary buildings and structures included in the consolidated estimate of the cost of construction of capital construction projects

Order 341/pr: Requirements for the composition, content and procedure for issuing the conclusion of the state examination of project documentation and (or) the results of engineering surveys

Order 345: On the approval of the peculiarities of water use for the purposes of aquaculture (fish farming) and the procedure for determining the features of the creation and operation of buildings, structures, structures for the purposes of aquaculture (fish farming)

Order 4007: On approval of the Procedure for issuing a document containing the results of checking the availability of conclusions on the confirmation of the production of industrial products in the territory of the Russian Federation, operated following the results of the implementation of modernization projects for generating facilities of thermal power plants

Order 421: Establishment of restrictions on fishing for muksun in the Yenisei Gulf of the Kara Sea in 2018

Order 421/pr: On approval of the Methodology for determining the estimated cost of construction, reconstruction, overhaul, demolition of capital construction facilities, works to preserve cultural heritage objects (historical and cultural monuments) of the peoples of the Russian Federation on the territory of the Russian Federation

Order 471: On approval of the Requirements for the registration of facilities in the state register of hazardous production facilities and the maintenance of the state register of hazardous production facilities, the form of a certificate of registration of hazardous production facilities in the state register of hazardous production facilities

Order 498: List of questions proposed in the qualification examination for certification of experts in the field of industrial safety

Order 571/pr: On approval of the methodology for the application of estimate norms

Order 577/pr: On approval of the methodology for the development of estimated norms

Order 581: On approval of the “Procedure for organizing the licensing of hazardous waste management activities” and the “Rules of work of the licensing commission of the State Committee for Ecology of Russia on licensing hazardous waste management activities”

Order 633/pr: On approval of the methodology for selecting projects of individual houses for the resettlement of citizens from the emergency housing fund

Order 634: On approval of the form and procedure for using a graphic image (sign) of organic products of a single sample

Order 648/pr: On approval of the Methodology for determining the estimated cost of construction using federal unit rates and their individual components

Order 670: Administrative regulations for the provision by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of the Russian Federation of state services for the issuance of permits for the construction and reconstruction of capital construction projects planned within the boundaries of specially protected natural areas of federal significance, as well as permits for the commissioning of these facilities

Order 677: Regulations on the dust and gas regime at coal preparation plants (installations)

Order 679: Instructions for degassing coal mines

Order 707/pr: On approval of the methodology for determining the cost of work on preparation of design documentation

Order 854/pr: On approval of the Methodology for determining the cost of work on the preparation of project documentation containing materials in the form of an information model

Order 950: On approval of the methodology for calculating expenses for the implementation of developer functions for the construction and (or) reconstruction of stadiums for the preparation and holding of the FIFA World Cup 2018 and the FIFA Confederations Cup 2017

Order 984: On approval of the requirements for the design of telecommunications networks

Ordinance 1198r: Instruction on crossing railway lines of JSCo "Russian Railways" with utilities

PCSN 2014 MO: The procedure for pricing and budgeting in the construction of the Moscow region

PNST 676-2022: Oil and gas industry. Underwater production systems. Production environment

R 060-2017: Guidelines. Typical design solutions for the equipment of the CCT system with uninterrupted power supply

R 063-2017: Guidelines. Inspection of objects protected or taken under the protection of units of private security forces of the National Guard of the Russian Federation

R 074-2018: Guidelines. Standard design solutions for equipping private houses, cottages and other places for storing property of citizens with technical means

R 078-2019: Guidelines. Engineering and technical strength and equipping with technical means of protection of objects and places of residence and storage of property of citizens taken under centralized protection by units of private security of the national guard of the Russian Federation

R 081-2019: Guidelines. The selection and use of technical means of protection to protect the cultural heritage of the Russian Federation from criminal attacks

R 083-2019: Guidelines. Norms and rules for the design of security systems at facilities guarded (taken under protection) by non-departmental security units

R 085-2019: Guidelines. Rules for the installation and maintenance of technical safety equipment at facilities guarded (taken under protection) by units of private security of the national guard of the Russian Federation, as well as the procedure for monitoring their implementation

R 78.36.032-2014: Engineering and technical fortification and equipment with technical means of protection of objects, apartments and MHIG, taken under centralized protection units of private security. Part 2. Apartments and MHIG

R 78.36.051-2015: Typical design solutions for equipping technical facilities of objects of various categories protected by private security police units. Guidelines

R 78.36.052-2015: Standard design solutions for equipping with technical means of protection the objects of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation, classified in the first category. Guidelines

R 78.36.058-2016: Evaluation of the labor costs of the design, installation and commissioning of technical equipment and systems of anti-criminal protection. Guidelines

R 78.36.059-2016: Standard design solutions for equipping with technical means of protection objects of internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation, assigned to categories 2, 3 and 4. Guidelines

RD-APK Guidelines for the technological design of veterinary and sanitary utilization plants

Regulation 1006: On approval of the requirements for anti-terrorist protection of objects (territories) of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation and objects (territories) related to the field of activity of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, and the form of a safety data sheet for these objects (territories)

Regulation 1042/39: On approval of the Regulation on the consideration of the architectural and urban planning appearance of a capital construction facility and the issuance of a Certificate on the approval of the architectural and urban planning image of a capital construction object in the territory of the Moscow Region

Resolution 1431: On approval of the Rules for the formation and maintenance of the information model of a capital construction object, the composition of information, documents and materials included in the information model of a capital construction object and presented in the form of electronic documents, and requirements for the formats of these electronic documents, as well as on amending paragraph 6 of the Regulation on the implementation of engineering surveys for the preparation of project documentation, construction, reconstruction of capital construction facilities

Resolution 145: Regulations on the organization and conduct of state expertise of project documentation and engineering survey results

Resolution 157-SF: Recommendations of the joint meeting of the Federation Council Committee on Defense and Security, the Federation Council Committee on the Federal Structure, Regional Policy, Local Self-Government and Northern Affairs, and the Federation Council Committee on Economic Policy on regulatory and legal regulation of oversight and control activities in the field of fire safety at facilities with mass occupancy of people

Resolution 1798: On approval of the list of types of preparatory work that do not cause significant harm to the environment and its components, which can be carried out before the issuance of a permit for the construction of an object of federal significance, an object of regional significance, an object of local significance from the date of sending the project documentation of these objects for examination of such project documentation, the procedure their implementation, as well as environmental requirements for their implementation

Resolution 2385: On licensing activities in the field of communication services and invalidation of certain acts of the Government of the Russian Federation (as amended on January 18, 2021)

Resolution 2467: On approval of the list of regulatory legal acts and groups of regulatory legal acts of the Government of the Russian Federation, regulatory legal acts, individual provisions of regulatory legal acts and groups of regulatory legal acts of federal executive bodies, legal acts, individual provisions of legal acts, groups of legal acts of executive and administrative bodies of state the authorities of the RSFSR and the USSR, decisions of the State Commission on Radio Frequencies containing mandatory requirements, in respect of which the provisions of parts 1, 2 and 3 of Article 15 of the Federal Law "On Mandatory Requirements in the Russian Federation"

Resolution 2490: On approval of the exhaustive list of documents, information, materials and approvals provided for by the regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation and required for implementation of the measures provided for by parts 3-7 of article 5_2 of the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation when implementing a project to build a capital construction facility, and the repeal of certain acts and certain provisions of certain acts of the Government of the Russian Federation

Resolution 2571: On additional requirements to participants in the procurement of certain types of goods, works and services for State and municipal needs, as well as on information and documents confirming the compliance of procurement participants with those additional requirements, and the repeal of certain acts and certain provisions of acts of the Government of the Russian Federation

Resolution 290-PP: On the approval of the administrative regulations for the provision of public services by the Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection of Moscow, amendments to legal acts of the city of Moscow and invalidation of legal acts (certain provisions of legal acts) of the city of Moscow (as amended on August 17, 2021)

Resolution 384: Rules for the approval by the Federal Agency for Fisheries of the construction and reconstruction of capital construction facilities, the introduction of new technological processes and the implementation of other activities that have an impact on aquatic biological resources and their habitat

Resolution 427: Regulations on the verification of the reliability of determining the estimated cost of construction, reconstruction, overhaul of capital construction facilities, works to preserve cultural heritage objects (historical and cultural monuments) of the peoples of the Russian Federation, the financing of which is carried out with the involvement of funds from the budgets of the budgetary system of the Russian Federation, funds of legal entities, created by the Russian Federation, constituent entities of the Russian Federation, municipalities, legal entities, the share of the Russian Federation, constituent entities of the Russian Federation, municipalities in the authorized (pooled) capital of which is more than 50 percent

Resolution 509: Regulations on certification of experts in the field of industrial safety

Resolution 509: Requirements for the composition and content of the project for the organization of work on the demolition of capital construction

Resolution 567: On Amending Certain Acts of the Government of the Russian Federation

Resolution 589: On Amending Certain Acts of the Government of the Russian Federation

Resolution 711: On Amendments to Certain Acts of the Government of the Russian Federation and the Annulment of Certain Provisions of Certain Acts of the Government of the Russian Federation

Resolution 737: On the procedure for determining the period of operation of waste disposal facilities of hazard classes I and II

Resolution 962: On Amendments to the Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 15, 2020 N 1431

Resolution 963: On amendments to the Regulations on the composition of sections of design documentation and requirements for their content and invalidation of certain provisions of certain acts of the Government of the Russian Federation

RMD 11-08-2009 St. Petersburg: Guide to the design preparation of capital construction in St. Petersburg

RMD 11-22-2013 Sankt-Peterburg: Guide to project preparation of capital construction in St. Petersburg

RMD 30-23-2014 Sankt-Peterburg: Guidance on the design of engineering preparation of the territory, engineering networks and improvement of residential and public business neighborhoods

RMD 32-24-2015 Sankt-Peterburg: Design of artificial structures at transport facilities in St. Petersburg

RMD 40-20-2013 Sankt-Peterburg: Designing and installation pipelines for water supply and sewage systems in Saint-Petersburg

RMD 40-20-2016 Sankt-Peterburg: Installation of water supply and drainage networks in St. Petersburg


R-SSK 03-2016: Recommendations. Assessment of energy efficiency of buildings. Calculation and experimental control of standardized energy performance of buildings

RU Energy Management System of Rosenergoatom Concern JSC

RU The energy management system of Rosenergoatom Concern JSC. Manual

SBTsP 81-2001-08:

SBTsP 81-2001-10: Objects of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. Reference price reference for design work for construction

SBTsP 81-2001-20: Zinc, lead, copper smelting, tin, copper electrolyte and nickel-cobalt plants. Redistribution and production of rare metals and semiconductor materials. Reference price reference for design work for construction

SBTsP 81-2001-22:

SBTsP 81-2001-23:

SDA 11-2008: Requirements for expert organizations

SP .13330.2012: Normative standards of duration of designing civil-housing projects

SP 103.13330.2012: Protection of mines against ground or surface water

SP 116.13330.2012: Engineering protection of territories, buildings and structures from dangerous geological processes. Basic principles.

SP 120.13330.2012: Subway systems

SP 122.13330.2012: Railway and highway tunnels

SP 122.13330.2023: Railroad and road tunnels

SP 124.13330.2012: Heating networks

SP 133.13330.2012: Networks of wire broadcasting and anouncements in buildings and facilities. Design norms

SP 139.13330.2012: Buildings and premises with working places for disebled rules of architectural design

SP 151.13330.2012: Engineering site investigations for nuclear power plants construction

SP 157.1328500.2014: Rules for technological design of refineries and petrochemical complexes

SP 160.1325800.2014: Mixed-use buildings and complexes. Regulations of design

SP 18.13330.2011: Master plans for industrial enterprises

SP 225.1326000.2014: Station buildings, structures and devices

SP 237.1326000.2015: Rail transport infrastructure. General requirements

SP 239.1326000.2015: Systems of informing, annunciator and park communication on railway transport

SP 246.1325800.2016: Code practice. Regulation on the supervision of authors for construction of buildings and structures

SP 247.1325800.2016: Penal system. Pretrial detention facilities. Design rules

SP 252.1325800.2016: Preschool educational institution buildings. Design rules

SP 253.1325800.2016: High-rise buildings utilities

SP 261.1325800.2016: Industrial railroad. Rules of engineering and construction

SP 265.1325800.2016: Manifold for engineering networks

SP 267.1325800.2016: High rise buildings and complexes. Design rules

SP 285.1325800.2016: Football stadiums. Desing rules

SP 286.1325800.2016: Building objects of high critically rating. Guidelines of detailed seismic zoning

SP 289.1325800.2017: Constructions cattle-breeding, poultry-breeding and beast-breeding. Design rules

SP 293.1325800.2017: Facade's thermo insulation composite systems with external mortar layers. Design and work execution rules

SP 301.1325800.2017: Building information modeling. Rules for the organization of work by the production and technical departments

SP 308.1325800.2017: Correctional institutions and centers of criminaly-executive system. Design rules

SP 314.1325800.2017: Tracks overland rail cranes. Design, arrangement and exploitation

SP 315.1325800.2017: Thermal networks laid in a ground. Design rules

SP 317.1325800.2017: Engineering geodetic survey for construction. General regulations for execution of work

SP 325.1325800.2017: Buildings and construction. Rules for the production of demolition and recycling

SP 341.1325800.2017: Underground engineering communications. Lining of by a method of the horizontal directional drilling

SP 342.1325800.2017: Protection of railway track and structures from the adverse natural phenomena. Rules of engineering and construction

SP 348.1325800.2017: Industrial parks and industrial clusters. Design rules

SP 350.1326000.2018: Norms for technological design of sea ports

SP 361.1325800.2017: Buildings and constructions. Protective measures in the zone of influence of construction of underground objects

SP 37.13330.2012: Industrial transport

SP 378.1325800.2017: Offshore pipelines. Design and construction rules

SP 380.1325800.2018: Fire station building. Desing rules

SP 383.1325800.2018: Facilities for sports and health. Desing rules

SP 384.1325800.2018: Tent structures. Design rules

SP 393.1325800.2018: Pipelines trunk and field for oil and gas. Organization of construction production

SP 395.1325800.2018: Transport hubs. Design rules

SP 396.1325800.2018: Streets and roads of settlements. Urban Planning Rules

SP 402.1325800.2018: Residential buildings. Rules for the design of gas consumption systems

SP 407.1325800.2018: Excavation. Rules for the performance of work by hydromechanization

SP 417.1325800.2018: Buildings of railway stations. Design rules

SP 420.1325800.2018: Engineering surveys for construction in areas of landslide development. General requirements

SP 421.1325800.2018: Reclamation systems and facilities. Terms of Use

SP 428.1325800.2018: Engineering surveys for construction in avalanche hazardous areas. General requirements

SP 439.1325800.2018: Buildings and constructions. Emergency Lighting Design Rules

SP 44.13330.2011: Administrative and residential buildings

SP 446.1325800.2019: Engineering and geological surveys for construction. General rules for the production of work

SP 448.1325800.2019: Engineering surveys for construction in areas of subsidence. General requirements

SP 449.1326000.2019: Engineering surveys for construction in areas of swelling soil distribution. General requirements

SP 47.13330.2016: Engineering survey for construction. Basic principles

SP 473.1325800.2019: Buildings, structures and complexes are underground. Urban planning rules

SP 479.1325800.2019: Engineering surveys for construction in areas where mudflow processes develop. General requirements

SP 48.13330.2011: Organization of construction

SP 48.13330.2019: Organization of construction. SNiP 12-01-2004

SP 482.1325800.2020: Engineering and hydrometeorological surveys for construction. General rules for the production of work

SP 509.1325800.2021: Prisons. Design rules

SP 536.1325800.2024: Field pipelines of non-metallic pipes. Design and construction rules

SP 54.13330.2016: Multicompartment residential buildings

SP 55.13330.2016: Detached houses

SP 56.13330.2021: Industrial buildings SNiP 31-03-2001

SP 68.13330.2017: Acceptance into operation completed construction objects. Basic provisions

SP 84.13330.2016: Tramways

SP 86.13330.2014: Main (Trunk) pipelines

SP 88.13330.2014: The protective shelters of civil defense

SP 89.13330.2012: Combustion boiler systems of heating generation

SP 89.13330.2016: Boiler installations

SP 94.13330.2016: Facilities public utility for sanitary processing of people, special treatment of clothing and rolling stock vehicles

STO Extending the life of a nuclear power unit

STO Fire safety requirements for the decommissioning of nuclear power units

STO The procedure for organizing and conducting the modernization of systems and equipment

STO Integrated management system. General guidance on the quality of the operating organization of Concern Rosenergoatom JSC

STO SSK UrSib 05-2016: Organization of construction production. General Provisions

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