
Resolution 608

Постановление 608

Regulations on the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation

Положение о Министерстве здравоохранения Российской Федерации

Status: Effective

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Approved: Government of the Russian Federation, 6/19/2012

SKU: RUSS381870

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The Product is Contained in the Following Classifiers:

Construction (Max) » Regulations » Regulatory documents of supervisory authorities » Normative documents of State Committee for Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision and Ministry of Health of Russian Federation »

PromExpert » SECTION III. LABOR PROTECTION AND SAFETY » V Social Security » 1 Requirements of sanitary and epidemiological regulation » 1.2 Rationing infield of health and social security »


The Document References:

Federal Law 326-FZ: On compulsory health insurance in the Russian Federation

Resolution 1714: On Amendments to the Statute of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation

The Document is Referenced By:

Letter 12-3/3077539-87: On the need to obtain informed voluntary consent from the patient for the use of medicinal products

Letter 15-2/OOG-2831: Concerning the performance of obligatory preliminary medical examinations for employment

Letter 30-4/3068882-15037: On a necessity of vaccination against COVID-19 for planned hospitalization

Order 1004n: On approval of the instruction for destruction of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances included in Lists II and III of the list of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and their precursors subject to control in the Russian Federation, whose further use in medical practice is recognized as inexpedient

Order 1006n: On approval of the form of medical documentation "Certificate of preventive vaccination against new coronavirus infection (COVID-19) or medical contraindications to vaccination and (or) an illness caused by a new coronavirus infection (COVID-19), and its maintenance procedure (expired on November 16, 2021, by Order N 1053n of the Russian Ministry of Health, dated November 12, 2021)

Order 1018n: On approval of the list of indicators of risk of violation of mandatory requirements in the implementation of federal state control (supervision) of quality and safety of medical activities

Order 1032n: On approval of the standard of medical care for adults with Fabry disease

Order 1050n: Approval of the Procedure for familiarization of a patient or his/her legal representative with medical documentation reflecting the patient's state of health

Order 1053n: On approval of the medical documentation form "Certificate of preventive vaccination against new coronavirus infection (COVID-19) or medical contraindications to vaccination" and the procedure for issuing it, and the medical documentation form "Medical certificate of preventive vaccination against new coronavirus infection (COVID-19) or medical contraindications to vaccination and (or) an illness The professional standard "Operator of preventive vaccinations against new coronavirus infection (COVID-19) or medical contraindications to vaccination and (or) the disease caused by the new coronavirus infection (COVID-19)" and the procedure for its maintenance, as well as the form "Certificate of preventive vaccinations against new coronavirus infection (COVID-19) or medical contraindications to vaccination and (or) the disease caused by new coronavirus infection (COVID-19)" (with amendments to February 4, 2022) (version effective as of February 21, 2022)

Order 1054n: On approval of standards of medical care for adults with type 2 diabetes mellitus

Order 1079n: On approval of the procedure for medical examination, including chemical toxicological studies of the presence of narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances or new potentially dangerous psychoactive substances and their metabolites in the body of a foreign citizen or stateless person for the presence or absence of infectious diseases dangerous to others and the disease caused by human immunodeficiency virus (HIV infection), the form of the form and

Order 1080n: On the approval of the requirements for the completion of a first aid kit with medical devices for providing first aid to victims of road accidents (automobile)

Order 1081n: On approval of the Regulations on accreditation of specialists

Order 1082: On approval of the procedure for issuing a certificate on accreditation of a specialist in paper form, the form of a certificate on accreditation of a specialist in paper form and technical requirements for it, as well as the procedure for issuing a statement on the availability of data in the unified state information system in the field of healthcare, confirming the fact of passing the specialist accreditation

Order 1083n: On the procedure and timing of certification by medical and pharmaceutical workers to obtain a qualification category

Order 1089n: On approval of the Terms and procedure for the formation of certificates of incapacity for work in the form of an electronic document and the issuance of certificates of incapacity for work in the form of a document on paper in cases established by the legislation of the Russian Federation

Order 1090n: On Approval of the Procedure for Inspection by the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation of Compliance with the Procedure for Issuing, Extending and Executing Certificates of Inability to Work

Order 1102n: On approval of the maximum allowable quantities of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and their precursors contained in preparations, in respect of which certain control measures may be excluded

Order 1122n: On approval of the national calendar of prophylactic vaccinations, calendar of prophylactic vaccinations for epidemic indications and procedure for prophylactic vaccinations

Order 1128n: On approval of the standard of medical care for adults with psoriasis (diagnosis, treatment and follow-up)

Order 1129n: On approval of the Rules for mandatory medical screening for the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV infection)

Order 1144n: On approval of the standard of medical care for adults with ulcerative colitis (diagnosis and treatment)

Order 1158n: On approval of the standard of medical care for adults with allergic rhinitis (diagnosis and treatment)

Order 1173n: On approval of the standard of medical care for adults with urinary incontinence (diagnosis, treatment and follow-up)

Order 1183n: Nomenclature of positions of medical and pharmaceutical workers

Order 1193n: On approval of standards of medical care for adults with arterial hypertension

Order 1195n: On approval of the standard of medical care for adults with acute and chronic thyroiditis (excluding autoimmune thyroiditis) (diagnosis and treatment)

Order 1198n: On approval of standards of medical care for adults with borderline ovarian tumors

Order 1202n: On approval of the Procedure for the organization and provision of medical assistance by the All-Russian Service for Medicine of Disasters in emergency situations, including medical evacuation

Order 1208n: On approval of the standard of medical care for adults with mucopolysaccharidosis type I

Order 1209n: On approval of the standard of medical care for adults with mucopolysaccharidosis type II

Order 1210n: On approval of the standard of medical care for adults with mucopolysaccharidosis type VI

Order 1211n: Administrative regulations of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation for the provision of state services for the issuance of conclusions that within the boundaries of a geographical object located on the territory of the Russian Federation, the name of which is declared as an appellation of origin of mineral drinking medicinal, medicinal table and natural mineral table water , the applicant produces mineral drinking medicinal, medicinal-table and mineral natural table water, the special properties of which are determined by the natural conditions characteristic of a given geographical object

Order 1243n: On approval of standards of medical care for adults with renal parenchymal cancer

Order 1244n: On approval of standards of medical care for adults with prostate cancer

Order 124n: The procedure for conducting a preventive medical examination and clinical examination of certain groups of the adult population

Order 124n: The procedure and terms for conducting preventive medical examinations of citizens in order to detect tuberculosis

Order 1253n: On approval of standards of medical care for adults with vulvar cancer

Order 1255n: On approval of standards of medical care for adults with Merkel carcinoma

Order 1259n: On approval of standards of medical care for adults with malignant neoplasms of the vagina

Order 125n: On approval of the procedure for medical examination of a donor of biological material and a list of contraindications (absolute and relative) for obtaining biological material

Order 1260n: On approval of the standard of medical care for adults with Pompe's disease

Order 126n: On approval of standards of medical care for adults with penile cancer

Order 1293n: On approval of the standard of medical care for adults with senile cataracts (diagnosis and treatment)

Order 129n: On approval of the requirements for a sign prohibiting tobacco smoking, consumption of nicotine-containing products or the use of hookahs and the procedure for placing it

Order 1331n: On approval of the requirements for the completion of the first aid kit with medical devices for providing first aid to workers

Order 1345n: On approval of the Procedure for inspection by the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation of compliance with the procedure for issuing, extending and executing certificates of incapacity for work (expired as of 01.01.2022, by order of the Ministry of Health of Russia N 1090n of 23.11.2021)

Order 173n: On approval of standards of medical care for adults with tumors of undetectable primary localization

Order 175n: On Approval of the Procedure for Monitoring the Safety of Medical Devices (as amended on April 20, 2016) (repealed as of 01.01.2021 by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 04.07.2020 N 982)

Order 177n: On approval of standards of medical care for adults with squamous cell skin cancer

Order 196n: On the approval of the form for reporting the start of a clinical trial of a biomedical cell product and the form for communicating the need to amend the protocol for a clinical trial of a biomedical cell product

Order 198n: On a temporary procedure for organizing the work of medical organizations in order to implement measures to prevent and reduce the risks of the spread of a new coronavirus infection COVID-19

Order 20n: On peculiarities of accreditation of specialists (not in force from 01.03.2022)

Order 210n: On approval of the standard of medical care for adults with anogenital herpes virus infection (diagnosis and treatment)

Order 211n: On approval of the standard of medical care for adults with chlamydial infections (diagnosis and treatment)

Order 21n: On approval of the standard of medical care for adults with folate deficiency anemia (diagnosis, treatment and follow-up)

Order 240n: On approval of the registration form of medical documentation "Card for personal registration of a patient with HIV infection" and the procedure for its maintenance

Order 28n: On approval of the standard of primary health care for adults with external otitis media (diagnosis and treatment)

Order 29n: On the approval of the Procedure for conducting mandatory preliminary and periodic medical examinations of employees, provided for in part four of Article 213 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, a list of medical contraindications to work with harmful and (or) hazardous production factors, as well as work in which mandatory preliminary and periodic medical examinations

Order 303n: On approval of the procedure for issuing a certificate of absence of drug addiction, substance abuse, chronic alcoholism, and the form of such a certificate for employees who, in accordance with their job duties, must have access to narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances included in List I and Table I of List IV of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and their precursors subject to control in the Russian Federation, precursors or cultivated plants containing drugs, and on the recognition that the Ministry of Health order is no longer in force N 988n

Order 306n: On approval of the standard of specialized medical care for adults with paratonsillar abscess (diagnosis and treatment)

Order 31n: On approval of the standard of medical care for adults with open wrist and hand wounds (diagnosis and treatment)

Order 32/pr/33: On the requirements for the allocation and equipment of special places in the open air for smoking tobacco or the consumption of nicotine-containing products, for the allocation and equipment of isolated rooms for smoking tobacco or the consumption of nicotine-containing products

Order 32n: On Approval of the Standard of Medical Care for Adults with Scheuermann's Disease (Diagnosis and Treatment) and on Amendments to the Standard of Specialized Medical Care for Degenerative Diseases of the Spine and Spinal Cord, approved by Order No. 653n of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation of November 7, 2012

Order 33n: On approval of the standard of medical care for adults with cartilage injuries of the knee joint (diagnosis, treatment and follow-up) and on the introduction of changes to the standard of primary medical and sanitary care for gonarthrosis and similar clinical conditions, approved by Order No. 1498n of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation of December 24, 2012

Order 344n: On approval of the professional standard "Worker for casting and casting from lead-tin alloys of products and parts of railway rolling stock

Order 344n: On approval of standards of medical care for adults with nasopharyngeal cancer

Order 345n: On approval of standards of medical care for adults with retroperitoneal inorganic sarcomas

Order 345n: On approval of the professional standard "Railway crane control and maintenance worker

Order 346n: On approval of standards of medical care for adults with primary tumors of the central nervous system

Order 346n: On approval of the professional standard "Demographer

Order 356n: On approval of the standard of medical care for adults with acute cholecystitis (diagnosis and treatment)

Order 356n: On approval of standards of medical care for adults with oropharyngeal cancer

Order 370n: On approval of the standard of medical care for adults with supraventricular tachycardias (diagnosis, treatment and follow-up)

Order 370n: On approval of the professional standard "Metal and alloys presser

Order 410n: On approval of the standard of medical care for adults with stable coronary heart disease (diagnosis, treatment and follow-up)

Order 483n: On approval of the standard of medical care for children with cholelithiasis (diagnosis, treatment and follow-up)

Order 4879: Regulations on the Territorial Body of the Federal Service for Supervision of Health Care in the Republic of Crimea and the city of federal significance Sevastopol

Order 487n: On approval of the standard of medical care for children with iron deficiency anemia (diagnosis, treatment and follow-up)

Order 488n: On approval of the standard of primary health care for adults with galactose metabolism disorders (galactosemia) (diagnosis, treatment and follow-up)

Order 49n: On approval of the standard of medical care for adults with gastritis and duodenitis (diagnosis and treatment)

Order 514n: About the Procedure for conducting preventive medical examinations of minors

Order 515n/1: On approval of the list of health care institutions engaged in the collection, procurement and transplantation of human organs and (or) tissues

Order 51n: On approval of the standard of medical care for adults with heel bone fractures (diagnosis, treatment and follow-up)

Order 51n: On Approval of the Professional Standard "Conveyor Operator of Coal Mining Enterprises

Order 56: About the interagency working group on the creation of a children's federal center for world-class medical rehabilitation in Yevpatoriya and the development of children's sanatorium organizations in the Republic of Crimea

Order 56: On approval of the mandatory submission of information by the Federal Environmental, Industrial and Nuclear Supervision Service for inclusion in the integration segment of the state information system of the fuel and energy complex and the requirements for filling out these forms

Order 56: About the interagency working group on the creation of a children's federal center for world-class medical rehabilitation in Yevpatoriya and the development of children's sanatorium organizations in the Republic of Crimea

Order 56: On approval of the mandatory submission of information by the Federal Environmental, Industrial and Nuclear Supervision Service for inclusion in the integration segment of the state information system of the fuel and energy complex and the requirements for filling out these forms

Order 63n: On approval of standards of medical care for adults with laryngeal cancer

Order 63n: On approval of standards of medical care for adults with prostate cancer

Order 64n: On approval of standards of medical care for adults with adrenal cortical cancer (adrenocortical cancer)

Order 651n: On approval of the standard of medical care for adults with idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura (diagnosis and treatment)

Order 67n: On approval of the standard of medical care for adults with anal fissure (diagnosis and treatment)

Order 68n: On approval of the standard of medical care for adults with primary adrenal insufficiency (diagnosis and treatment)

Order 690n: On approval of the standard of medical care for adults with hypoparathyroidism (diagnosis and treatment)

Order 690n: On approval of the professional standard "Driller"

Order 69n: On approval of the standard of specialized medical care for adults with acute pancreatitis (diagnosis and treatment)

Order 71n: On approval of the standard of medical care for adults with acute paraproctitis (diagnosis and treatment)

Order 72n: On approval of the standard of medical care for adults with intestinal angiodysplasia (diagnosis and treatment)

Order 72n: On approval of standards of medical care for adults with tracheal cancer

Order 736n: On approval of the standard of medical care for adults with urolithiasis (diagnosis, treatment and follow-up)

Order 737n: On approval of the standard of medical care for adults with senile asthenia (diagnosis, treatment and follow-up)

Order 738n/3: On approval of the list of medical organizations engaged in the collection, harvesting and transplantation of human organs and (or) tissues

Order 73n: On approval of the standard of medical care for adults with closed eye trauma (diagnosis, treatment and follow-up)

Order 73n: On approval of standards of medical care for adults with secondary malignant neoplasm of the brain and cerebral membranes

Order 73n/2: The list of health care institutions engaged in the collection, procurement and transplantation of human organs and (or) tissues

Order 749n: On approval of the requirements for medical examinations and psychophysiological examinations of workers of atomic energy facilities, the procedure for their conduct, a list of medical contraindications for issuing a permit to perform certain types of activities in the field of atomic energy use and a list of positions of employees of nuclear facilities to which these contraindications apply , as well as the form of a medical opinion on the presence (absence) of medical contraindications for issuing a permit to perform certain activities in the field of atomic energy use

Order 756/pr/786n: Requirements for the allocation and equipment of special places in the open air for smoking tobacco, for the allocation and equipment of isolated rooms for smoking tobacco

Order 75n: On approval of the procedure for mandatory medical examinations before the work shift, medical examinations during the work shift (if necessary) and medical examinations after the work shift (if necessary) of workers engaged in underground work with hazardous and (or) harmful working conditions in coal (oil shale) mining (processing), including the use of technical means and medical devices that provide automated remote transmission of information about the health of workers and remote monitoring of the state of health

Order 783n: On approval of the standard of medical care for adults with maple syrup disease (diagnosis, treatment and follow-up)

Order 79n: On approval of standards of medical care for adults with cancer of the nasal cavity and appendicular sinuses

Order 830n: On approval of the standard of medical care for adults with anemia due to chronic kidney disease (diagnosis and treatment)

Order 840n: On approval of the Procedure for organizing and conducting ethical examination of the possibility of conducting a clinical trial of a biomedical cell product and the form of an ethics council conclusion

Order 844n: Model Provision on a Territorial Body of the Federal Service for Supervision of Health Care

Order 86n: On approval of the standard of medical care for adults with chronic pancreatitis (diagnosis and treatment)

Order 86n: On approval of the Federal accounting standard FSBU 14/2022 "Intangible Assets

Order 878n: On Approval of the Procedure for Organizing Medical Rehabilitation of Children

Order 885n: Concerning Approval of the Procedure for Conformity Assessment of Medical Devices in the Form of Technical Tests, Toxicological Investigations and Clinical Tests for the Purpose of State Registration of Medical Devices

Order 892n: On approval of the standard of medical care for adults with classical phenylketonuria and other types of hyperphenylalaninemia

Order 906n: On the approval of the list, procedure for maintaining and using classifiers, reference books and other regulatory and reference information in the field of healthcare

Order 920n: On approval of the standard of medical care for adults with eye burns (diagnosis, treatment and follow-up)

Order 980n: On approval of the Procedure for monitoring the safety of medical devices

Order 988n: On the Procedure for issuing a certificate of absence of drug addiction, substance abuse, and chronic alcoholism among employees who, in accordance with their job duties, must have access to narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances included in List I and Table I of List IV of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and their precursors subject to control in the Russian Federation, precursors or cultivated drug plants

Order 988n/1420n: On approval of the list of harmful and (or) hazardous production factors and work, in the performance of which mandatory preliminary medical examinations are carried out upon admission to work and periodic medical examinations

Resolution 1383: On Amendments to the Statute of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation

Resolution 1640: State Program of the Russian Federation "Healthcare Development"

Resolution 1640: On approval of requirements for ensuring transport security, taking into account the safety levels for vehicles of road transport and urban land electric transport

Resolution 1714: On Amendments to the Statute of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation

Resolution 631: On Amendments to the Statute of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation

Resolution 771: Concerning the Introduction of Amendments to Subparagraph 5.2.170 of the Regulations on the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation

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