
RMD 32-18-2016 St. Petersburg

РМД 32-18-2016 Санкт-Петербург

Recommendations for the use of paving in the construction of pavements for residential and public and business buildings

Рекомендации по применению мощения при устройстве покрытий территорий жилой и общественно-деловой застройки

Status: Valid - Supersedes

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Format: Electronic (pdf/doc)

Approved: St. Petersburg Construction Committee, 9/20/2016

SKU: RUSS382036

Price: imgalt

The Product is Contained in the Following Classifiers:

Construction (Max) » Regulations » Regulatory documents of Russian Federation subjects » Regulatory documents of St. Petersburg »

As a Replacement Of:

RMD 32-18-2012 Sankt-Peterburg: Recommendations for the use of paving in the paving of residential and public business areas

The Document References:

GOST 10060.0-95: Methods for the determination of frost-resistance. General requirements

GOST 10060.1-95: Concretes, Basic Method For The Determination Of Frost-Resistance

GOST 10060.2-95: Concretes, rapid method for the determination of frost-resistance by repeated alternated freezing and thawing

GOST 10060.3-95: Concretes. Dilatometric rapid method for the determination of frost-resistance

GOST 10060.4-95: Concretes. Structure-mechanical rapid method for the determination of frost-resistance

GOST 10178-85: Portland cement and portland blastfurnace slag cement. Specifications

GOST 10180-90: Concretes. Methods for strength determination using reference specimens

GOST 10181-2000: Concrete Mixtures Test method

GOST 12730.3-78: Concretes. Method of determination of water absorption

GOST 13015-2003: Concrete and reinforced concrete products for construction. General technical requirements. Rules for acceptance, marking, transportation and storage

GOST 13087-81: Concretes. Method of abrasion test

GOST 17608-91: Footway concrete slabs. Specifications

GOST 17624-87: Concrete. Ultrasonic method of strength determination

GOST 18105-2010: Concretes. Rules of control and norm of an assessment of quality.

GOST 22690-88: Concretes. Determination of strength by mechanical methods of nondestructive testing

GOST 22733-2002: Soils. Laboratory method for determination of maximum density.

GOST 23558-94: Crushed stone-gravel-sandy mixtures, and soils treated by inorganic binders for road and airfield construction. Specifications

GOST 25100-95: Soils. Classification

GOST 25584-90: Soils. Laboratory methods for determination of filtration factor

GOST 25607-2009: Crushed stone-sandy mixtures for road and airfield surfacing and bases. Specifications

GOST 26134-84: Concretes. Ultrasonic method of frost resistance determination

GOST 26433.0-85: System of ensuring geometrical parameters accuracy in construction. Rules of measurement. General

GOST 26433.1-89: System of ensuring geometrical parameters accuracy in construction. Rules of measurement. Prefabricated elements

GOST 28570-90: Concretes. Methods of strength evaluation on cores drilled from structures

GOST 30108-94: Building materials and elements. Determination of specific activity of natural radioactive nuclei

GOST 31424-2010: Non-metallic construction materials from sifting of crusting solid stone in aggregate manufacturing. Specifications

GOST 32018-2012: Road-construction goods of natural stone. Specifications

GOST 32311-2012: Ceramic paving brick. Specifications

GOST 3344-83: Slag crushed stone and slag sand for road construction. Specifications

GOST 5180-84: Soils. Laboratory methods for determination

GOST 6665-91: Concrete and Reinforced Concrete Curbs. Specifications

GOST 6666-81: Kerbstones. Technical requirements

GOST 8267-93: Crushed stone and gravel of solid rocks for construction works. Specifications

GOST 8269.0-97: Mauntainous rock road-metal and gravel, industrial waste products for construction works. Methods of physical and mechanical tests

GOST 8735-88: Sand for construction work. Testing methods

GOST 8736-2014: Sand for construction works. Specifications

GOST 8736-93: Sand for construction works. Specifications

GOST 9128-2009: Asphaltic concrete mixtures for roads and aerodromes and asphaltic concrete. Specifications

GOST R 1.4-2004: Standardization in Russian Federation. Standards of organizations. General

GOST R 51256-2011: Traffic control devices. Road marking. Classification. Technical requirements

GOST R 51261-99: Support stationary devices for disabled persons. Types and technical requirements

GOST R 51671-2015: Technical aids for communication and information of public use for disabled persons. Classification. Requirements of accessibility and safety

GOST R 52131-2003: Sign aids of information display for disabled persons. Technical requirements

GOST R 52289-2004: Traffic control devices. Rules of application of traffic signs, markings, traffic lights, guardrails and delineators

GOST R 52290-2004: Traffic control devices. Traffic signs. General technical requirements

GOST R 52398-2005: Classification of automobile roads. General parameters and requirements

GOST R 52748-2007: Automobile roads of the general use. Standard loads, loading systems and clearance approaches

GOST R 56305-2014: Assistive products for blind and vision-impaired persons. Tactile walking surface indicators

Guidelines: The introduction of digital solutions in the urban planning system based on the smart city approach

ODM 218.2.007-2011: Guidelines for the design of measures to ensure the access of persons with disabilities to road facilities

ODN 218.046-01: Design of non-rigid pavement

ODN 218.1.052-2002: Strength Assessment of Flexible Paving

RMD 32-18-2012 Sankt-Peterburg: Recommendations for the use of paving in the paving of residential and public business areas

SNiP 3.06.03-85: Automobile roads

SP 34.13330.2012: Automobile roads. Updated living edition of SNIP 2.05.02-85

SP 35-105-2002: Reconstruction of urban areas, taking into account accessibility for people with disabilities and other people with limited mobility

SP 42.13330.2011: Urban development. Urban and rural planning and development

SP 59.13330.2012: Accessibility of buildings and structures for persons with disabilities and persons with reduced mobility

SP 78.13330.2012: Automobile roads

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