On the approval of the Plan for the development and approval of codes of practice and updating of previously approved building codes and regulations, codes of practice for 2021.
Об утверждении Плана разработки и утверждения сводов правил и актуализации ранее утвержденных строительных норм и правил, сводов правил на 2021 г.
Status: Effective
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Format: Electronic (pdf/doc)
Approved: Ministry of construction and housing and communal services of the Russian Federation,
SKU: RUSS383549
The Product is Contained in the Following Classifiers:
Construction (Max) »
Regulations »
Regulatory documents of supervisory authorities »
Regulatory documents Gosarhstroynadzor Russia »
ISO classifier »
03.160 Legislation. Administration »
ISO classifier »
91.010 Construction industry »
91.010.10 Legal aspects »
The Document References:
SP 120.13330.2012: Subway systems
SP 124.13330.2012: Heating networks
SP 127.13330.2017: Landfills for the disposal and burial of toxic industrial wastes. Basic provisions on design
SP 134.13330.2012: Telecommunication systems of buildings and facilities. Design basic provisions
SP 152.1325800.2018: Buildings of federal courts. Design rules
SP 16.13330.2017: Steel structures
SP 163.1325800.2014: The designs with application of gypsum plasterboards and gypsum fiber sheets. Terms of design and installation
SP 18.13330.2019: Production facilities. Planning organization of the land plot (Master plans of industrial enterprises) SNiP II-89-80 *
SP 22.13330.2016: Soil bases of buildings and structures
SP 24.13330.2011: Pile foundations
SP 253.1325800.2016: High-rise buildings utilities
SP 273.1325800.2016: Water supply and water disposal. Rules of engineering and works at restoration of pipelines by flexible polymeric sleeves
SP 28.13330.2017: Protection against corrosion of construction
SP 288.1325800.2016: Forest roads. Rules of design and construction
SP 29.13330.2011: Floors
SP 296.1325800.2017: Buildings and structures. Accidental actions
SP 31.13330.2012: Water supply. Pipelines and portable water treatment plants
SP 310.1325800.2017: Swimming pools. Design rules
SP 32.13330.2018: Sewerage. Outdoor networks and facilities
SP 320.1325800.2017: Polygons for solid communal waste. Projecting, operation and reclamation
SP 325.1325800.2017: Buildings and construction. Rules for the production of demolition and recycling
SP 341.1325800.2017: Underground engineering communications. Lining of by a method of the horizontal directional drilling
SP 362.1325800.2017: Fencing structures made of sandwich panels. Design rules
SP 363.1325800.2017: Translucent coating and lights of buildings and structures. Desing rules
SP 370.1325800.2017: Solar Shading Devices in Buildings. Design rules
SP 38.13330.2018: Loads and impacts on hydraulic structures (wave, ice and from ships)
SP 385.1325800.2018: Protection of buildings and structures against progressive collapse. Design code. Basic statements
SP 387.1325800.2018: Spatial reinforced concrete structures of roofs and floors. Design requirements
SP 396.1325800.2018: Streets and roads of settlements. Urban Planning Rules
SP 419.1325800.2018: Industrial buildings. Rules for the design of natural and combined lighting
SP 42.13330.2016: Urban development. Urban and rural planning and development
SP 423.1325800.2018: Electrical installations low-voltage buildings and structures. Explosion hazard design guidelines
SP 427.1325800.2018: Stone and armored constructions. Amplification methods
SP 43.13330.2012: Structures for industrial installations
SP 430.1325800.2018: Monolithic structural systems. Design rules
SP 44.13330.2011: Administrative and residential buildings
SP 443.1325800.2019: Bridges with aluminum alloy structures. Design rules
SP 446.1325800.2019: Engineering and geological surveys for construction. General rules for the production of work
SP 45.13330.2017: Earthworks, grounds and footings
SP 46.13330.2012: Bridges and pipes
SP 48.13330.2019: Organization of construction. SNiP 12-01-2004
SP 50.13330.2012: Buildings Heat Insulation. Updated living edition of SNiP 23-02-2003
SP 51.13330.2011: Noise protection and rooms acoustics.
SP 52.13330.2016: Daylighting and artificial lighting
SP 54.13330.2016: Multicompartment residential buildings
SP 56.13330.2011: Industrial buildings
SP 58.13330.2019: Waterworks. Key Points
SP 63.13330.2018: Concrete and reinforced concrete structures. Key Points
SP 64.13330.2017: Timber structures
SP 71.13330.2017: Insulation and finish coatings
SP 80.13330.2016: River hydraulie engineering facilities
SP 89.13330.2016: Boiler installations
SP 91.13330.2012: Underground mine workings
The Document is Referenced By:
Letter 21764-OG/16: About a typo in SP 43.13330.2012
Letter 3899-OG/16: Regarding the provisions of SP 32.13330.2018
Order 1010/pr: On approval of the set of rules "Buildings and premises for storage of weapons, ammunition and special means for the needs of the penitentiary system. Design Rules".
Order 1016/pr: On approval of SP 31.13330.2021 "SNiP 2.04.02-84* Water Supply. External networks and structures".
Order 1022/pr: On approval of Amendments N 4 to SP 22.13330.2016 "SNiP 2.02.01-83 * Foundations of buildings and structures
Order 1023/pr: On approval of Amendments N 2 to SP 32.13330.2018 "SNiP 2.04.03-85. External networks and structures".
Order 1024/pr: On approval of SP 56.13330.2021 "SNiP 31-03-2001 Industrial Buildings
Order 1131/pr: On approval of SP 120.13330.2022 "SNiP 32-02-2003 Metropolitans
Order 164/pr: On approval of Amendment N 1 to SP 320.1325800.2017 "Landfills for solid municipal waste. Design, operation and reclamation".
Order 170/pr: On approval of Amendment 2 to SP 33.13330.2012 "SNiP 2.04.12-86 Calculation of the strength of steel pipelines
Order 171/pr: On approval of the set of rules "Isothermal tanks for storage of liquefied gases. Rules for inspection and monitoring of technical condition".
Order 188/pr: On Approval of the Code of Practice "Anchoring to Concrete. Design Rules".
Order 270/pr: On approval of the Code of Rules "Buildings of wooden log structures. Design and Construction Rules".
Order 361/pr: On approval of SP 54.13330.2022 "SNiP 31-01-2003 Multifamily Residential Buildings
Order 389/pr: On approval of SP 118.13330.2022 "SNiP 31-06-2009 Public Buildings and Structures
Order 400/pr: On approval of Amendment N 1 to SP 446.1325800.2019 "Engineering and geological surveys for construction. General rules of works".
Order 42/pr: On approval of the set of rules "Heating units and internal heat supply systems
Order 453/pr: On approval of the set of rules "Operation of centralized systems, water supply and wastewater disposal facilities
Order 473/pr: On approval of Amendment N 3 to SP 42.13330.2016 "SNiP 2.07.01-89* Urban Planning. Planning and development of urban and rural settlements".
Order 90/pr: On approval of the set of rules "Landing sites. Design Rules".
Order 926/pr: On approval of SP 24.13330.2021 "SNiP 2.02.03-85 Pile foundations
Order 965/pr: On approval of Amendments N 2 to SP 63.13330.2018 "SNiP 52-01-2003 Concrete and reinforced concrete structures. General provisions."
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