Resolution 23
Постановление 23
Rules for the development and approval of professional standards
Правила разработки и утверждения профессиональных стандартов
Status: Effective
The rules establish the procedure for the development, approval and application of professional standards
Правила устанавливают порядок разработки, утверждения и применения профессиональных стандартов
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Approved: Government of the Russian Federation,
SKU: RUSS403243
The Product is Contained in the Following Classifiers:
Construction (Max) »
Regulatory documents »
Standardization and rationing »
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I Legal and organizational basis of labor protection »
1 Basic labor protection requirements »
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II Standardization »
1 Basic provisions of standardization system »
ISO classifier »
03.040 Labor. Employment »
ISO classifier »
03.160 Legislation. Administration »
The Document References:
Resolution 1439: On Amending Certain Acts of the Government of the Russian Federation
The Document is Referenced By:
GOST R 55881-2016: Tourism services. General requirements for activities оf ski complexes
Order 100n: On approval of the professional standard "Translucent Structures Production Worker
Order 1011n: On Approval of the Professional Standard "Specialist in Strength Calculations of Aircraft Structures" (as amended on September 15, 2016)
Order 1013n: On approval of the professional standard "Rollers for assembly and transfer of stands
Order 1024n: Classification and criteria used in the implementation of medical and social examination of citizens by federal state institutions of medical and social examination
Order 102n: On approval of the professional standard "Railway Transport Energy Dispatcher
Order 103n: On approval of the procedure and timelines for the development of clinical recommendations, their revision, the standard form of clinical recommendations and requirements for their structure, composition and scientific validity of information included in clinical recommendations
Order 104n: About Acknowledgment of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation
Order 105n: On approval of the professional standard "Excavator operator in mining"
Order 106n: On approval of the list of indications and contraindications for providing disabled persons with technical means of rehabilitation
Order 1073n: On Approval of the Professional Standard "Operator of Horizontal Directional Drilling Complex in Construction" (as amended on October 28, 2015)
Order 1080n: On the approval of the requirements for the completion of a first aid kit with medical devices for providing first aid to victims of road accidents (automobile)
Order 1082: On approval of the procedure for issuing a certificate on accreditation of a specialist in paper form, the form of a certificate on accreditation of a specialist in paper form and technical requirements for it, as well as the procedure for issuing a statement on the availability of data in the unified state information system in the field of healthcare, confirming the fact of passing the specialist accreditation
Order 108n: On approval of the professional standard "Metro Passenger Services Worker"
Order 109n: On approval of the professional standard "Personnel Management Specialist
Order 1100n: Labor protection rules in subdivisions of the federal fire service of the State fire service
Order 1101n: Labor protection rules when performing electric and gas welding works
Order 1104n: Standard norms for the free issuance of special clothing, special footwear and other personal protective equipment to workers in machine-building and metal-working industries engaged in work with harmful and (or) hazardous working conditions, as well as in work performed in special temperature conditions or associated with pollution
Order 110n: On approval of the professional standard "Specialist in the exploitation of offshore oil, gas and gas condensate deposits
Order 1112n: On approval of the List of equipment for equipping and re-equipping medical organizations in the implementation of regional programs for the modernization of primary health care
Order 111n: On approval of the professional standard "track fitter"
Order 112n: On approval of the professional standard "Specialist in the field of standardization and metrology of textile products and clothing
Order 1134n: On approval of the procedure for medical examination of the recipient, conducting tests for individual compatibility, including a biological sample, during the transfusion of donor blood and (or) its components
Order 113n: On approval of the professional standard "Cook"
Order 1149n: On approval of the application form for the supply of diagnostic tools for identifying and monitoring the treatment of people infected with human immunodeficiency virus, and the application form for the supply of diagnostic tools for identifying and monitoring the treatment of people infected with hepatitis B and C viruses
Order 1149n: On approval of the application form for the supply of diagnostic tools for identifying and monitoring the treatment of people infected with human immunodeficiency virus, and the application form for the supply of diagnostic tools for identifying and monitoring the treatment of people infected with hepatitis B and C viruses
Order 114n: On approval of the professional standard "Aviation carrier representative
Order 1150n: On approval of the application form for the supply of antiviral drugs for medical use designed to provide for persons infected with human immunodeficiency virus, including in combination with the hepatitis B and C viruses included in the list of vital and essential drugs, and the application form for the supply antibacterial and anti-tuberculosis drugs for medical use, designed to provide people with multidrug-resistant tuberculosis pathogens included in the list of vital and essential drugs
Order 1150n: On approval of the application form for the supply of antiviral drugs for medical use designed to provide for persons infected with human immunodeficiency virus, including in combination with the hepatitis B and C viruses included in the list of vital and essential drugs, and the application form for the supply antibacterial and anti-tuberculosis drugs for medical use, designed to provide people with multidrug-resistant tuberculosis pathogens included in the list of vital and essential drugs
Order 115n: On approval of the professional standard "Waiter, Bartender
Order 116n: On the approval of the professional standard "Head of the educational organization of higher education"
Order 117n: On the approval of the professional standard "Head of a scientific organization"
Order 1186n: On approval of the professional standard "Specialist in finishing of parts and products of furniture made of wood materials"
Order 118n: On the approval of the professional standard "Scientific director of a scientific organization"
Order 119n: On approval of the professional standard "Worker for recovery and processing of coke products in metallurgy
Order 120n: On approval of the professional standard "Tramway Maintenance Worker".
Order 121n: On the approval of requirements for the organization and performance of work (services) in the provision of primary health care, specialized (including high-tech), emergency (including specialized emergency), palliative care, medical care in spa treatment, during medical examinations, medical examinations, medical examinations and sanitary and anti-epidemic (preventive) measures as part of the provision of medical care, during the transplantation (transplantation) of organs and (or) tissues, circulation of donor blood and (or) its components for medical purposes (with changes to March 25, 2019) (invalidated from 09/11/2021 on the basis of the order of the Ministry of Health of Russia dated 08/19/2021 N 866н)
Order 124n: The procedure for conducting a preventive medical examination and clinical examination of certain groups of the adult population
Order 124n: The procedure and terms for conducting preventive medical examinations of citizens in order to detect tuberculosis
Order 125n: On approval of the procedure for medical examination of a donor of biological material and a list of contraindications (absolute and relative) for obtaining biological material
Order 127n: Labor protection rules when performing painting works
Order 12n: On approval of the Regulations of the Federal Assay Office
Order 130n: On the approval of the professional standard "Worker for the repair and maintenance of artificial structures of railway transport"
Order 131n: On the approval of the professional standard "Worker for the operational management of hydroelectric power plants / pumped storage power plants"
Order 132n: On the approval of the professional standard "Worker for the operation of devices and complexes of relay protection and automation of hydroelectric power plants / pumped storage power plants"
Order 133n: On the approval of the professional standard "Controller of cement production"
Order 134n: On the approval of the professional standard "Specialist in the field of translation"
Order 135n: On the approval of the professional standard "Specialist in commodity transport operations in the pipeline transport of oil and oil products"
Order 136n: On the approval of the professional standard "Dispatcher of the emergency dispatch service"
Order 137n: On the approval of the professional standard "Employee performing the functions of a dispatcher in the field of operational dispatch control in the electric power industry"
Order 138n: On the approval of the professional standard "System engineer of projects for the construction of nuclear facilities"
Order 139n: On the approval of the professional standard "Specialist for working with interactive motion systems"
Order 13n: On approval of the professional standard "Russian Sign Language Interpreter"
Order 140n: On the approval of the professional standard "Archive Specialist"
Order 141n: On the approval of the professional standard "Specialist in organizing animation film production"
Order 142n: On approval of the professional standard "Specialist in the organization of passenger and visitor service activities in the railway agency
Order 143n: On approval of the professional standard "Specialist of departmental security of oil and gas industry facilities
Order 144n: On approval of the professional standard "Specialist in the organization of the operation of overhead and cable municipal power lines
Order 145n: On approval of the professional standard "Operator of gravure printing equipment
Order 146n: On approval of the professional standard "Operator of Elion Processes of Microelectronics Products
Order 147n: On approval of the professional standard "Operator of precision photolithography of microelectronic products".
Order 148n: On approval of the professional standard "Operator of precision etching of microelectronic products".
Order 149n: On approval of the professional standard "Screen printing equipment operator
Order 14n: On Approval of the Professional Standard "Aircraft Manufacturing Engineer"
Order 150n: On approval of the professional standard "Textile and Clothing Production Operator (by type)
Order 151n: On approval of the professional standard "Specialist in the design of textile products and clothing
Order 154n: On approval of the professional standard "Dewatering and Desalting Plant Operator
Order 155n: Labor protection rules when working at height
Order 157n: On the approval of the professional standard "Worker in the management of the terminal and warehouse complex of railway transport"
Order 158n: On the approval of the professional standard "Train compiler, conductor of freight trains"
Order 159n: On the approval of the professional standard "Operator of training and competitive processes using electronic and technical devices"
Order 15n: On approval of the professional standard "Worker in diagnosing the condition of rails and railroad track switches".
Order 160n: On the approval of the professional standard "Worker for the maintenance and repair of railway telecommunication facilities"
Order 161n: On the approval of the professional standard "Enterprise Economist"
Order 162n: On the approval of the professional standard "Specialist in the operation of equipment for underground gas storage"
Order 163n: On the approval of the professional standard "Specialist in the inspection of non-public railways"
Order 164n: On the approval of the professional standard "Specialist in the operational management of a convoy of locomotive brigades of traction rolling stock, brigades of special railway rolling stock, crane operators on a railway track"
Order 165n: On the approval of the professional standard "Bulldozer driver in mining operations"
Order 166n: On the approval of the professional standard "Process Engineer of Cement Production"
Order 167n: On the approval of the professional standard "Drilling Rig Operator"
Order 168n: On the approval of the professional standard "Specialist in the production of sealants and adhesives"
Order 169n: On the approval of the professional standard "Specialist of a non-state pension fund"
Order 170n: On approval of the Methodology for monitoring and evaluating the effectiveness of the implementation of measures aimed at preventing exposure to second hand tobacco smoke, substances released during the consumption of nicotine-containing products, reducing tobacco consumption or consumption of nicotine-containing products
Order 171n: On the approval of the professional standard "Specialist in the production of paints and varnishes"
Order 172n: On the approval of the professional standard "Specialist in mortgage loans and borrowings"
Order 181n: Typical list of measures taken annually by the employer to improve labor conditions and safety and reduce levels of occupational risks
Order 182n: On approval of the professional standard "Commodity Operator
Order 184n: On approval of the professional standard "Processor of radioactive waste
Order 185n: On approval of the professional standard "Manufacturer of fishing gear
Order 186n: On approval of the professional standard "Insurance specialist"
Order 186n: On approval of the professional standard "athlete"
Order 187n: On approval of the professional standard "Wagon inspector, wagon repairman, wagon inspector
Order 188n: On Approval of the Professional Standard "Nuclear Power Plant Equipment Maintenance Technician
Order 188n: On approval of the professional standard "Sailor on Fishing Fleet Vessels
Order 190n: On approval of the professional standard "Specialist in Automation and Mechanization of Assembly Production
Order 191n: On approval of the professional standard "Accompanying persons with disabilities, persons with disabilities, minors to sporting events
Order 192n: On the approval of the professional standard "Specialist in digital transformation of documented areas of the organization's activities"
Order 193n: On the approval of the professional standard "Elevator Electromechanic"
Order 194n: On the approval of the professional standard "Specialist in the organization and support of maintenance, repair and operation of removable railway track control devices"
Order 195n: On the approval of the professional standard "Specialist in organizing, conducting traction and energy tests of locomotives, determining the parameters of their operation"
Order 196n: On the approval of the form for reporting the start of a clinical trial of a biomedical cell product and the form for communicating the need to amend the protocol for a clinical trial of a biomedical cell product
Order 197n: On the approval of the professional standard "Specialist in the current maintenance and repair of the superstructure of the track, artificial structures of railway transport"
Order 198n: On a temporary procedure for organizing the work of medical organizations in order to implement measures to prevent and reduce the risks of the spread of a new coronavirus infection COVID-19
Order 199n: On the approval of the professional standard "Specialist in the organization of extinguishing fires"
Order 200n: On the approval of the professional standard "Worker in the management and maintenance of multi-unit rolling stock"
Order 201n: On the approval of the professional standard "Locksmith of technological installations of the oil and gas industry"
Order 202n: On the approval of the professional standard "Assembler of elevators, lifting platforms for the disabled, floor escalators"
Order 203n: On the approval of the professional standard "Specialist in the operation of elevator equipment"
Order 204n: On the approval of the professional standard "Specialist in dispatch control equipment"
Order 205n: On approval of the professional standard "Specialist in Reliability of Manned Space Ships and Stations" (as amended on December 12, 2016)
Order 206n: On approval of the professional standard "Hydrobiologist
Order 207n: On approval of the professional standard "Specialist in fish harvesting"
Order 208n: On approval of the professional standard "Fishkeeper
Order 209n: On approval of the professional standard "Design Engineer of Industrial Fishing Tools for Fish and Seafood
Order 212n: On the approval of the professional standard "Specialist in the design of gas supply systems (gas distribution and gas consumption networks) of capital construction facilities"
Order 213n: On the approval of the professional standard "Specialist in the design of low-current management systems for engineering networks of capital construction facilities"
Order 214n: On the approval of the professional standard "Specialist in the design of underground utilities using trenchless technologies"
Order 215n: On the approval of the professional standard "Specialist in the field of soil mechanics, geotechnics and foundation engineering"
Order 216n: On the approval of the professional standard "Inspector for train traffic safety"
Order 217n: On approval of the Technical Requirements and Manufacturing Conditions for Anti-Counterfeit Printing Products
Order 218n: On approval of the professional standard "Specialist in the design of transport tunnels
Order 219n: On approval of the professional standard "Specialist in the development of measures to protect the environment of capital construction projects
Order 220n: On approval of the professional standard "Specialist in the field of calculation and design of wooden and metal-wood structures".
Order 221n: On approval of the professional standard "Specialist in the field of calculation and design of structures made of polymer and composite materials".
Order 221n: On approval of the professional standard "Specialist in billet production technology
Order 222n: On approval of the professional standard "Specialist in the calculation and design of concrete and reinforced concrete structures of buildings and structures
Order 224n: On approval of the professional standard "Specialist in the operation of external low pressure gas pipelines" (as amended on December 12, 2016)
Order 226n: On Approval of the Professional Standard "Locomotive Control and Maintenance Worker
Order 227n: On approval of the professional standard "Specialist in the organization of engineering surveys
Order 228n: On approval of the form of the act of medical and social examination of a citizen and the Procedure for its preparation
Order 229n: On approval of the professional standard "Metrology specialist"
Order 230n: On the approval of the professional standard "Inspector of ship hull, ship installation and pipeline works"
Order 231n: On the approval of the professional standard "Onboard conductor"
Order 232n: On the approval of the professional standard "Customer service specialist"
Order 233n: On the approval of the professional standard "Locksmith for the repair of special railway rolling stock and mechanisms"
Order 234n: On the approval of the professional standard "Specialist in technical support of the process of operation, development and maintenance of railway telecommunication facilities"
Order 235n: On the approval of the professional standard "Specialist of transport security in air transport of civil aviation"
Order 236n: On approval of the professional standard "Specialist in the analysis and diagnosis of technological complexes of mechanical assembly production
Order 237n: On approval of the professional standard "Specialist in instructor and methodological work in the field of physical culture and sports
Order 238n: On the approval of the professional standard "Ship hibernator"
Order 239n: On the approval of the professional standard "Passenger service worker at a railway station (railway station complex)"
Order 240n: On approval of the registration form of medical documentation "Card for personal registration of a patient with HIV infection" and the procedure for its maintenance
Order 241n: On the approval of the professional standard "Specialist in the maintenance and operation of diesel and refrigeration units, refrigerated rolling stock, railway transport wagons"
Order 242n: On the approval of the professional standard "Engineer-economist of railway transport"
Order 243n: On the approval of the professional standard "Worker for equipping railway transport vehicles and supplying oil products to divisions of railway transport organizations"
Order 244n: On the approval of the professional standard "Specialist in organizing the operation process, development and maintenance of devices and systems of railway automation and telemechanics"
Order 245n: On the approval of the professional standard "Engineer-economist of a machine-building organization"
Order 246n: On the approval of the professional standard "Specialist in maintenance and current repair of passenger facilities of railway transport"
Order 247n: On approval of the professional standard "Specialist in the operation of water pumping stations
Order 250n: On the approval of the professional standard "Head of an educational organization (management of a preschool educational organization and a general educational organization)"
Order 251n: On the approval of the professional standard "Specialist in the design of heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems for capital construction projects"
Order 252n: On the approval of the professional standard "Specialist in the organization and production of maintenance and repair of railway rolling stock"
Order 253n: On the approval of the professional standard "Specialist in diagnostics of equipment for oil and oil products trunk pipelines"
Order 254n: On the approval of the professional standard "Ship painter"
Order 255n: On the approval of the professional standard "Specialist in the design of water supply and sewerage systems for capital construction projects"
Order 256n: On the approval of the professional standard "Worker for the maintenance (operation) of metering and regulation systems for the consumption of electric and heat energy and water in housing and communal services"
Order 257n: On the approval of the professional standard "Specialist in the organization of architectural and construction design"
Order 258n: On the approval of the professional standard "Specialist in the design and modeling of polymer products"
Order 259n: On the approval of the professional standard "Employee for the organization and execution of travel and transportation documents in passenger transportation by rail"
Order 25n: On approval of the professional standard "Specialist in the design of wastewater treatment and sludge treatment facilities
Order 25n: On approval of the logo of the branch of the Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution "Federal Research Center for Terrestrial Biodiversity of East Asia" of the Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences "Ussuriysky State Nature Reserve named after V.L. Komarov".
Order 260n: On the approval of the professional standard "Adjuster-installer of electronic modules of diagnostic and test equipment"
Order 261n: On the approval of the professional standard "Inspector of painting works for the application of paint and varnish coatings on parts, products and structures"
Order 262n: On the approval of the professional standard "Doctor - obstetrician-gynecologist"
Order 264n: On approval of the professional standard "Employee for operation and maintenance of special railway rolling stock (non-self-propelled)
Order 268n: On the approval of the professional standard "Ship carpenter"
Order 269n: On the approval of the professional standard "Specialist in the design of refrigeration systems"
Order 270n: On the approval of the professional standard "Electromechanic for the maintenance and repair of safety devices (systems) and radio communications for railway rolling stock"
Order 271n: On the approval of the professional standard "Specialist in the development of semiconductor lasers"
Order 272n: On the approval of the professional standard "Driller of production and exploration wells for oil and gas"
Order 273n: On the approval of the professional standard "Worker for applying protective coatings (enameling, metallization and painting)"
Order 274n: On the approval of the professional standard "Specialist in the field of labor protection"
Order 275n: On the approval of the professional standard "Shipbuilding Technologist"
Order 276n: On the approval of the professional standard "Quality Specialist"
Order 278n: On approval of requirements for healthcare organizations (structural units) that procure, process, store and ensure the safety of donor blood and its components, and the list of equipment for equipping them
Order 294n: On approval of the professional standard "Passenger car conductor".
Order 2n: On the approval of the professional standard "Doctor-cosmetologist"
Order 300n: On approval of requirements for medical organizations conducting clinical trials of medical devices, and the procedure for establishing compliance of medical organizations with these requirements
Order 308n: On approval of the professional standard "Crossing duty officer"
Order 309n: On the approval of the form and deadlines for the submission by state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation of a report on the values of performance targets actually achieved by them for the exercise of the powers delegated to them by the Russian Federation in the field of health
Order 310n: Labor protection rules for placement, installation, maintenance and repair of technological equipment
Order 311n: On approval of the professional standard "Point Duty Officer"
Order 315n: On approval of the professional standard "Radioelectronics Engineer
Order 316n: On approval of the professional standard "Communications (Telecommunications) Engineer"
Order 317n: On approval of the professional standard "Technical Support Engineer in the field of communications (telecommunications)" (as amended on December 12, 2016)
Order 318n: Model regulations on the territorial body of the Federal Service for Labor and Employment
Order 320n: On approval of the Procedure and terms of conservation and de-conservation of the main technological equipment for the production of ethyl alcohol, alcoholic and alcohol-containing products
Order 321n: On approval of lists of medical indications and contraindications for spa treatment
Order 322n: On approval of the professional standard "Specialist in incoming inspection of components in the rocket and space industry
Order 323n: On approval of the professional standard "Adjuster of railway construction machines and mechanisms".
Order 324n: On the approval of the professional standard "Adjuster of machine tools with numerical control"
Order 325n: On the approval of the professional standard "Casting beater"
Order 326n: On the approval of the professional standard "Plastic Ship Assembler"
Order 327n: On the approval of the professional standard "Operator of vacuum coating installations"
Order 328n: On the approval of the professional standard "Specialist in digital design of nuclear facilities"
Order 329n: On the approval of the professional standard "Specialist in product technology and catering organization"
Order 330n: On the approval of the professional standard "Specialist in construction quality control of construction and installation works at nuclear facilities"
Order 331n: On the approval of the professional standard "Ship's electromechanic"
Order 332n: On the approval of the professional standard "Specialist in aerodynamics and heat transfer processes in the rocket and space industry"
Order 333n: On the approval of the professional standard "Specialist in organizational and documentation support of organization management"
Order 334n: On the approval of the professional standard "Specialist in technical support of the operation of electrification and power supply devices for railway transport"
Order 335n: On the approval of the professional standard "Ship's Engineer"
Order 336n: On the approval of the professional standard "Plasterer"
Order 337n: On the approval of the professional standard "Doctor - Maxillofacial Surgeon"
Order 338n: On the approval of the professional standard "Engineer of construction and installation works for the construction of nuclear facilities"
Order 339n: On the approval of the professional standard "Fitter of frame sheathing structures"
Order 340n: On the approval of the professional standard "Underground Tunnel"
Order 341n: On the approval of the professional standard "Underground miner"
Order 342n: On the approval of the professional standard "Specialist in the production of design products for nuclear facilities"
Order 343n: On approval of the Rules for labor protection in sea and river ports
Order 344n: On approval of standards of medical care for adults with nasopharyngeal cancer
Order 344n: On approval of the professional standard "Worker for casting and casting from lead-tin alloys of products and parts of railway rolling stock
Order 345n: On approval of the professional standard "Railway crane control and maintenance worker
Order 345n: On approval of standards of medical care for adults with retroperitoneal inorganic sarcomas
Order 346n: On approval of standards of medical care for adults with primary tumors of the central nervous system
Order 346n: On approval of the professional standard "Demographer
Order 347n: On the approval of the professional standard "Specialist in the field of medical optics and optometry"
Order 348n: On the approval of the professional standard "Specialist in the field of preventive medicine with secondary medical education"
Order 349n: On the approval of the professional standard "Pharmacist"
Order 351n: On the approval of the professional standard "Social Work Specialist"
Order 352n: On the approval of the professional standard "Specialist in rehabilitation work in the social sphere"
Order 353n: On the approval of the professional standard "Head of the organization of social services"
Order 354n: On the approval of the professional standard "Social worker"
Order 357n: Standard norms for the free issuance of special clothing, special footwear and other personal protective equipment to workers engaged in work with harmful and (or) hazardous working conditions, as well as in work performed in special temperature conditions or associated with pollution
Order 358n: On the approval of the professional standard "Doctor-osteopath"
Order 359n: On the approval of the professional standard "Doctor-dietitian"
Order 360n: On the approval of the professional standard "Doctor-Oncologist"
Order 361n: On the approval of the professional standard "Ship joiner"
Order 362n: On the approval of the professional standard "Hand molder"
Order 363n: On the approval of the professional standard "Metal Model Designer"
Order 364n: On the approval of the professional standard "Turner"
Order 365n: On the approval of the professional standard "Operator-blacksmith on automatic and semi-automatic lines"
Order 366n: On the approval of the professional standard "Specialist in the development of the production system in shipbuilding"
Order 367n: Labor protection rules on ships of the sea and river fleet
Order 369n: On approval of the professional standard "Electrode Product Presser
Order 370n: On approval of the professional standard "Metal and alloys presser
Order 370n: On approval of the standard of medical care for adults with supraventricular tachycardias (diagnosis, treatment and follow-up)
Order 374n: On the approval of the professional standard "Acoustic Test Operator, Acoustician"
Order 375n: On the approval of the professional standard "Hard alloy compactor"
Order 376n: On the approval of the professional standard "Specialist in composite materials"
Order 377n: On the approval of the professional standard "Chemical Analysis Worker of a Thermal Power Plant"
Order 378n: On the approval of the professional standard "Heat Treatment Controller"
Order 379n: On the approval of the professional standard "Ship's pipeworker"
Order 380n: On the approval of the professional standard "Ship's pipe-bender"
Order 381n: On the approval of the professional standard "Worker repairing equipment for the disinfection (neutralization) of medical and biological waste"
Order 382n: On the approval of the professional standard "Shaper machine molding"
Order 383n: On the approval of the professional standard "Chip spreader driver"
Order 384n: On the approval of the professional standard "Specialist in the field of medical microbiology"
Order 390n: On approval of the professional standard "Work and rest organization employee of locomotive crews, refrigerator section crews, conductors of passenger cars".
Order 391n: On approval of the professional standard "Blast furnace operator"
Order 392n: On the approval of the professional standard "Filler of shaped castings"
Order 393n: On the approval of the professional standard "Lost wax molder"
Order 394n: On the approval of the professional standard "Tour guide (guide)"
Order 395n: On the approval of the professional standard "Forest firefighter"
Order 396n: On the approval of the professional standard "Operator of a mobile bitumen-smelting plant"
Order 397n: On the approval of the professional standard "Specialist in the operational management of mechanical assembly production"
Order 398n: About the approval of the professional standard "Collector of forms"
Order 399n: On the approval of the professional standard "Gummer of metal products"
Order 39n: On the approval of the professional standard "Specialist in the design of technological solutions for boiler houses, central heating points and small combined heat and power plants"
Order 3n: On the approval of the professional standard "Emergency medical assistant"
Order 400n: On the approval of the professional standard "Spring worker"
Order 401n: On approval of the professional standard "Specialist in the design of roads
Order 402n: On approval of the professional standard "Specialist in the design of bridge structures
Order 403n: On the approval of the professional standard "Repairman-adjuster of mechanical units of metal-cutting machines"
Order 404n: On the approval of the professional standard "Insurance specialist"
Order 405n: On the approval of the professional standard "Big Data Specialist"
Order 406n: On the form and procedure for filing a declaration of conformity of working conditions with state regulatory requirements for labor protection, the Procedure for the formation and maintenance of a register of declarations of conformity of working conditions with state regulatory requirements for labor protection
Order 40n: On the approval of the professional standard "Specialist in the design of gas equipment for technological installations, boiler houses and small combined heat and power plants"
Order 413n: On approval of the professional standard "Specialist in the field of innovative financial technologies
Order 414n: On approval of the professional standard "Pilot of manned aircraft of commercial air transport of civil aviation
Order 415n: On the approval of the professional standard "Specialist in the design of technological equipment for foundry"
Order 416n: On approval of the Model Norms for the Free Issuance of Certified Special Clothing, Special Footwear and Other Personal Protective Equipment to Agricultural and Water Management Workers, Employed in Work with Harmful and (or) Dangerous Working Conditions, as well as in Work Performed in Special Temperature Conditions or Associated with Pollution (as amended on February 20, 2014)
Order 418n: On the approval of the professional standard "Specialist in the operation and repair of technological equipment of mechanical assembly production"
Order 419n: On the approval of the professional standard "Operator on hammers, presses and manipulators"
Order 41n: On the approval of the professional standard "Specialist in radiation monitoring of the nuclear industry"
Order 420n: On the approval of the professional standard "Repairman-adjuster of pneumatic and hydraulic equipment of metal-cutting machines"
Order 421n: On the approval of the professional standard "Assembler of electronic devices"
Order 422n: On the approval of the professional standard "Quality specialist for forging and stamping production"
Order 423n: On the approval of the professional standard "Animal Science Specialist"
Order 424n: On approval of the professional standard "Programmer"
Order 425n: On the approval of the professional standard "Worker for the repair of steam and gas turbine equipment of a thermal power plant"
Order 430n: On the approval of the professional standard "Tool production technology specialist"
Order 431n: On the approval of the professional standard "Specialist in the field of public-private partnership project management"
Order 432n: On the approval of the professional standard "Specialist in the production of perfumery and cosmetic products"
Order 433n: On approval of the Regulation on the organization of clinical testing of methods of prevention, diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation, and the provision of medical care as part of clinical testing of methods of prevention, diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation (including the procedure for referring patients to provide such medical care), a standard form of the protocol for clinical testing methods of prevention, diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation
Order 434n: About the Expert Council of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation on the organization of clinical testing of methods of prevention, diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation
Order 435n: On the approval of the form of information on the results of the medical and social examination
Order 435n: About the Ethics Committee of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation
Order 436n: On the approval of the professional standard "Thermist"
Order 437n: On the approval of the professional standard "Specialist in the design of technological equipment for mechanical assembly production"
Order 440n: On the approval of the professional standard "Ship cutter"
Order 441n: On the approval of the professional standard "Specialist in the field of biotechnology of biologically active substances"
Order 442n: On the approval of the professional standard "Operator of compressor units"
Order 443n: On the approval of the professional standard "Construction painter"
Order 447n: On the approval of the professional standard "Specialist of the children's railway"
Order 448n: On the approval of the professional standard "Adjuster of control and measuring cars of railway transport"
Order 449n: On approval of the professional standard "Coppermaker in the manufacture of ship's products
Order 450n: On approval of the professional standard "Chopper"
Order 451n: On approval of the professional standard "Galvanic"
Order 452n: On the approval of the professional standard "Fitter"
Order 454n: Standard norms for the free issuance of special clothing, special footwear and other personal protective equipment to communications workers employed in work with harmful and (or) hazardous working conditions, as well as in work performed in special temperature conditions or associated with pollution
Order 455n: On Approval of the Professional Standard "Dry Dock Unit Operator
Order 457n: On the approval of the professional standard "Specialist in the creation of visual effects in animated films and computer graphics"
Order 458n: On the approval of the professional standard "Specialist of the preparatory period for animated films"
Order 459n: On the approval of the professional standard "Specialist in animation film production technologies"
Order 45n: On the approval of the professional standard "Specialist in the organization of the safe operation of passenger cable cars and funiculars"
Order 460n: On the approval of the professional standard "Specialist in the organization of repair, maintenance and manufacture of vehicle units and elements of infrastructure devices, buildings and structures of railway transport"
Order 461n: On the approval of the professional standard "Foreman (released) for the current maintenance and repair of tracks and artificial structures of railway transport"
Order 462n: On the approval of the professional standard "Specialist in the design of hydraulic and pneumatic drives"
Order 463н: On the approval of the professional standard "Specialist in the automated development of technologies and programs for numerically controlled machines"
Order 464n: About the approval of the professional standard "Regulator of electronic equipment and devices"
Order 465n: On the approval of the professional standard "Locksmith"
Order 466n: On the approval of the professional standard "Locksmith-assembler of electronic equipment and instruments"
Order 467n: About the approval of the professional standard "Polisher"
Order 468n: About the approval of the professional standard "Controller of machine and metalwork"
Order 469n: On the approval of the professional standard "Specialist in the adjustment and testing of technological equipment for thermal production"
Order 470n: On the approval of the professional standard "Paramedic"
Order 471n: On the approval of the professional standard "Nurse - anesthetist"
Order 472n: On the approval of the professional standard "Specialist in forensic medical examination with secondary medical education"
Order 473n: On the approval of the professional standard "Specialist in the field of laboratory diagnostics with secondary medical education"
Order 474n: On the approval of the professional standard "Dental Technician"
Order 475n: On the approval of the professional standard "Nurse / medical brother"
Order 476n: On the approval of the professional standard "Nurse for Rehabilitation"
Order 477n: On the approval of the professional standard "Specialist in the development, maintenance and integration of technological processes and industries in the field of materials science and materials technology"
Order 478n: On the approval of the professional standard "Specialist in computer-aided design of technological processes"
Order 479n: About the approval of the professional standard "Controller of electronic equipment and devices"
Order 480n: On the approval of the professional standard "Technological engineer for the production of microelectronics products"
Order 481n: About the approval of the professional standard "Closer-lapper"
Order 482n: On the approval of the professional standard "Doctor-plastic surgeon"
Order 484n: On approval of the Procedure and form for providing information on the estimated amount of insurance old-age pension
Order 496n: On the approval of the professional standard "Locksmith for the repair of oil and gas field equipment"
Order 497n: On the approval of the professional standard "Specialist in the quality of mechanical assembly production"
Order 499n: On the approval of the professional standard "Technological pump driver for the oil and gas industry"
Order 4n: On the approval of the professional standard "Doctor - pediatric urologist-andrologist"
Order 500n: On the approval of the professional standard "Specialist in the field of construction production with materials and structures"
Order 501n: About the approval of the professional standard "Specialist in automation and mechanization of technological processes of thermal production"
Order 502n: On the approval of the professional standard "Worker in the field of well logging"
Order 503n: On the approval of the professional standard "Specialist in automation and mechanization of mechanical assembly production"
Order 504n: On the approval of the professional standard "Specialist in the field of planning and economic support of construction production"
Order 505n: About the approval of the professional standard "Specialist in the field of construction production with building machines and mechanisms"
Order 506n: About the approval of the professional standard "Worker in the operation of cementing, flushing units"
Order 507n: On the approval of the professional standard "Stevedore"
Order 508n: On the approval of the professional standard "Specialist in the analysis and diagnostics of technological complexes of mechanical assembly production"
Order 509n: On the approval of the professional standard "Specialist in the operation of compressor stations and gas cooling stations of the gas industry"
Order 50n: On approval of the Procedure for approval of applications for the issuance of licenses for the export of precious metals and raw materials containing precious metals, indicated in tables 1 and 2 of section 2.10 of the list of goods for which a permit procedure has been established for importing into the customs territory of the Eurasian Economic Union and (or) exporting from the customs territory of the Eurasian Economic Union, and the Procedure for issuing opinions on the possibility (impossibility) and economic feasibility (inappropriateness) of industrial extraction of drag valuable metals from commodities in the Russian Federation
Order 510n: About the approval of the professional standard "Worker on diagnostics of electric network equipment by test and measurement methods"
Order 512n: On the approval of the professional standard "Expert in assessing the reliability of determining the estimated cost of construction, reconstruction, overhaul of capital construction facilities of nuclear facilities of federal nuclear organizations"
Order 513n: On the approval of the professional standard "Locksmith for instrumentation and automation in nuclear power"
Order 514n: About the Procedure for conducting preventive medical examinations of minors
Order 515n: On the approval of the professional standard "Expert in the field of state and departmental examination of project documentation and the results of engineering surveys of nuclear facilities of federal nuclear organizations"
Order 516n: On the approval of the professional standard "Engineer for testing technological systems of nuclear facilities"
Order 517n: On the approval of the professional standard "Engineer-designer of hydraulic structures for nuclear facilities"
Order 518n: On the approval of the professional standard "Locksmith for maintenance of equipment of nuclear power plants"
Order 519n: On the approval of the professional standard "Engineer-designer of the technological part of nuclear facilities"
Order 51n: On Approval of the Professional Standard "Conveyor Operator of Coal Mining Enterprises
Order 51n: On approval of the standard of medical care for adults with heel bone fractures (diagnosis, treatment and follow-up)
Order 520n: On the approval of the professional standard "Specialist in production and technical support of the organization of nuclear energy"
Order 521n: On the establishment of the heraldic badge - the emblem and flag of the Federal Service for Labor and Employment
Order 522n: On approval of the professional standard "Engineer-designer of the architectural and construction part of nuclear facilities"
Order 523n: On Approval of the Professional Standard "Press Worker in the Automotive Industry"
Order 524n: On approval of the professional standard "Worker on diagnostics of electrical network equipment by methods of chemical analysis".
Order 525n: On approval of the professional standard "Vegetable grower"
Order 526n: On approval of the professional standard "Adaptive Physical Education Instructor"
Order 528n: On approval of the professional standard "Marker"
Order 529n: On approval of the professional standard "Aerodrome worker of civil aviation"
Order 530n: On the approval of the professional standard "Assembler of equipment for pumping stations and water treatment plants in water supply systems"
Order 531n: On the approval of the professional standard "Testing specialist in the field of information technology"
Order 532n: On the approval of the professional standard "Specialist in the development and promotion of civil scientific and technical projects to the markets within the framework of the diversification of the activities of the enterprise of the rocket and space industry"
Order 533n: On the approval of the professional standard "Fitter-assembler of automatic spacecraft"
Order 534n: On approval of the professional standard "Worker for comprehensive cleaning of the territory belonging to the common property in an apartment building".
Order 535n: On Approval of the Professional Standard "Forestry Worker"
Order 536n: On the approval of the professional standard "Gas pipeline operator"
Order 537n: On the approval of the professional standard "Specialist in the operation of civil buildings"
Order 538n: On the approval of the professional standard "Specialist in the management of apartment buildings"
Order 539n: On approval of the professional standard "Specialist in the planning and budgeting of capital investments in projects for the construction of nuclear facilities"
Order 540n: On the approval of the professional standard "Specialist in the operation of electronic equipment (electronic engineer)"
Order 541n: On the approval of the professional standard "Guide for escorting locomotives (motor-car rolling stock, passenger cars) in an inactive state"
Order 542n: On the approval of the professional standard "The operator of a pumping station for pumping a working agent into the reservoir"
Order 543n: On the approval of the professional standard "Specialist in the control of financial and economic activities of railway transport organization units"
Order 544n: On approval of the professional standard "Chopper"
Order 545n: On approval of the professional standard "Specialist for quality control of oil, gas, gas condensate and refined products
Order 546n: On approval of the professional standard "Boiler operator on board"
Order 547n: On approval of the professional standard "Trawler
Order 548n: On approval of the professional standard "Modeler on wooden models".
Order 54n: On approval of the professional standard "sinker"
Order 550n: On the approval of the professional standard "Specialist in mechanization, automation and robotization of technological equipment and processes in the food and processing industry"
Order 551n: On the approval of the professional standard "Agrochemist-Soil Scientist"
Order 552n: On approval of the professional standard "Engineer-designer of the physical protection system of nuclear facilities"
Order 553n: On the approval of the professional standard "Radioactive Waste Processor"
Order 554n: On the approval of the professional standard "Operator-inspector of turbine equipment"
Order 555n: On the approval of the professional standard "Specialist in the field of agricultural mechanization"
Order 556n: On the approval of the professional standard "Specialist in safety, traceability and quality of food products at all stages of its production"
Order 557n: On the approval of the professional standard "Specialist in marketing research in the field of food and processing industry"
Order 558n: On the approval of the professional standard "Specialist in the operation of technological equipment and processes in the food and processing industry"
Order 559n: On the approval of the professional standard "Specialist in the field of decorative gardening"
Order 560n: On the approval of the professional standard "Specialist in phytosanitary monitoring and seed quality control"
Order 561n: On approval of the professional standard "Specialist in Environmental Biotechnology"
Order 562n: On the approval of the professional standard "Specialist in determining the cadastral value"
Order 563n: On Approval of the Professional Standard "Turner-Revolver"
Order 564n: Approval of the professional standard "Rotary Forging Machine Operator
Order 565n: On approval of the professional standard "Specialist in warehouse logistics of chemical and biotechnological products
Order 566n: On approval of the professional standard "Specialist in production, storage and shipment of liquefied natural gas
Order 567n: On approval of the professional standard "Specialist in the field of bioenergy technology
Order 568n: On the approval of the professional standard "Drawer"
Order 569n: On the approval of the professional standard "Environmental safety specialist (in industry)"
Order 570n: On the approval of the professional standard "Specialist in the design of radio electronic equipment"
Order 571n: On the approval of the professional standard "Specialist in the design of metal-cutting blade tools"
Order 572n: On the approval of the professional standard "Specialist in ion-plasma heat treatment technologies"
Order 573n: On the approval of the professional standard "Engineer-designer of dolls and characters"
Order 574n: On the approval of the professional standard "Ship's Electrician"
Order 575n: On the approval of the professional standard "Fireman"
Order 576n: On the approval of the professional standard "Ship mechanic"
Order 577n: On the approval of the professional standard "Specialist in intellectual property management and technology transfer"
Order 579n: On approval of the professional standard "Software Architect"
Order 580n: Rules for the financial provision of preventive measures to reduce occupational injuries and occupational diseases of employees and sanatorium-resort treatment of employees engaged in work with harmful and (or) hazardous production factors
Order 581n: On approval of the professional standard "Roller Installation Worker".
Order 582n: On approval of the professional standard "Parachute Firefighter
Order 583n: On approval of the professional standard "Installer of pumping stations and sewage treatment facilities in sewage systems".
Order 584n: On approval of the professional standard "Installer of Industrial Gas and Gas Using Equipment and Gas Pipelines
Order 585n: On approval of the professional standard "Installer of technological pipelines
Order 586n: On approval of the professional standard "Installer of technological equipment and related structures
Order 587n: On approval of the professional standard "Research engineer in dynamics, ballistics and spacecraft motion control
Order 588n: On approval of the professional standard "Information Technology Manager
Order 589n: On the approval of the professional standard "Specialist in instrumental support of forging and stamping production"
Order 590n: On the approval of the professional standard "Adjuster of press-forging equipment"
Order 591n: On the approval of the professional standard "Specialist for the provision of mechanical assembly production with blanks"
Order 592n: On the approval of the professional standard "Specialist in the design of thermal equipment for atmospheric pressure"
Order 593n: On the approval of the professional standard "Specialist in electrochemical and electrophysical methods of materials processing"
Order 594n: On approval of the professional standard "Specialist in the production of nanostructured polymer materials
Order 595n: About the approval of the professional standard "The driver for the operation and maintenance of railway water supply and sanitation"
Order 596n: On the approval of the professional standard "Specialist for the development of professional skills of workers in the organization of the railway transport"
Order 597n: On the approval of the professional standard "Specialist in the Technology of Production of Nanostructured Medicines"
Order 598n: On approval of the professional standard "Auditor of statistical accounting and reporting of railway transport"
Order 599n: On the approval of the professional standard "Specialist in the control and testing of the quality of nanostructured medicines"
Order 59n: About the approval of the professional standard "Specialist in work with youth"
Order 5n: Administrative regulations for the provision of public services by the Federal Tax Service for the provision of information and documents contained in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities and the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs
Order 600n: On the approval of the professional standard "Specialist in the preparation and operation of equipment for the production of nanostructured medicines"
Order 601n: On the approval of the professional standard "Specialist in the diagnosis of pipelines and technological equipment of the gas industry"
Order 602n: On the approval of the professional standard "Specialist in food technology of animal origin"
Order 603n: On the approval of the professional standard "Toolmaker"
Order 604n: On the approval of the professional standard "Specialist in the technical support of fishing and fish farming"
Order 605n: On the approval of the professional standard "Thermal production quality specialist"
Order 606n: On the approval of the professional standard "Controller of press-forging works"
Order 607n: On approval of the professional standard "Specialist in the design of electric drive systems".
Order 608n: On approval of the professional standard "Specialist on design of metal structures of buildings and structures for industrial and civil purposes
Order 609n: On the approval of the professional standard "Specialist in the field of design of heating networks"
Order 60n: On the approval of the professional standard "Specialist in the processing of polymer and composite materials"
Order 610n: On the approval of the professional standard "Specialist in the design of wastewater treatment plants"
Order 611n: On the approval of the professional standard "Real Estate Specialist"
Order 612n: On the approval of the professional standard "Aerodrome Worker of Civil Aviation"
Order 613n: On the approval of the professional standard "Specialist-researcher for the development of the formulation of nanostructured medicines"
Order 614n: On the approval of the professional standard "Weighing car driver"
Order 615n: On approval of the professional standard "Specialist for Technical Support of the Telecommunications Operator's Clients
Order 616n: On approval of the professional standard "Water Treatment Specialist of the Heat Power Plant"
Order 617n: Approval of the professional standard "Non-ferrous metals and alloys caster
Order 618n: On Approval of the Professional Standard "Software Engineer of Radioelectronic Facilities and Complexes
Order 619n: On approval of the professional standard "Locksmith for repair of agricultural machinery and equipment
Order 61n: On the approval of the professional standard "Technical manager - head of the passenger aerial ropeway"
Order 620n: On Approval of the Professional Standard "Machinist of Timber Processing Equipment"
Order 621n: On approval of the professional standard "Carousel Turner"
Order 622n: On approval of the professional standard "Shipboard electrician"
Order 623n: On the approval of the professional standard "Passenger carriage conductor"
Order 624n: On the approval of the professional standard "Worker in the management and maintenance of a railway construction vehicle (non-self-propelled)"
Order 625n: On the approval of the professional standard "Specialist in the organization of works on conservation (de-conservation), safety (maintenance) in stock (sludge), preparation for operation of railway rolling stock"
Order 626n: On the approval of the professional standard "Specialist in gas rescue work at chemically hazardous and explosive and fire hazardous production facilities"
Order 627n: On the approval of the professional standard "Specialist in supervision and control over compliance with the standards of maintenance of railway infrastructure facilities"
Order 628n: On the approval of the professional standard "Head of the passenger train"
Order 629n: On the approval of the professional standard "Specialist in the organization of train traffic management, production of shunting work at separate points"
Order 62n: On approval of the professional standard "Specialist in the selection, installation and maintenance of rehabilitation products
Order 630n: On the approval of the professional standard "Employee for operational and technical accounting of the work of locomotives, multi-unit rolling stock of railway transport"
Order 631n: On the approval of the professional standard "Inspector-repairman of wagons, inspector of wagons"
Order 632n: On approval of the professional standard "Specialist in the operation of oil and oil products pipeline transportation facilities"
Order 633n: On the approval of the professional standard "Specialist in the field of biotechnology of food"
Order 634n: On the approval of the professional standard "Compound Pouring in the Rocket and Space Industry"
Order 635n: On the approval of the professional standard "Specialist in standardization of innovative products of the nanoindustry"
Order 636n: On the approval of the professional standard "Worker for maintenance, repair and installation of the contact network and overhead power lines of railway transport"
Order 637n: On the approval of the professional standard "Bulldozer driver"
Order 638n: On the approval of the professional standard "Worker on the ground handling of civil aircraft"
Order 639n: On the approval of the professional standard "Train electromechanic of railway transport"
Order 640n: On the approval of the professional standard "Specialist for working with clients in the field of freight transport by rail"
Order 641n: On the approval of the professional standard "Head of the railway station, railway station complex"
Order 642n: On the approval of the professional standard "Operator for the production of oil, gas and gas condensate"
Order 643n: On the approval of the professional standard "Worker for the repair of equipment in boiler rooms and dust preparation shops of a thermal power plant"
Order 644n: On approval of the Rules for labor protection in logging, woodworking industries and when performing forestry work
Order 645n: On approval of the professional standard "Expert-Assessor of Departmental Acceptance in the Rocket and Space Industry".
Order 646n: On approval of the professional standard "Onboard control system electronics specialist for unmanned spacecrafts".
Order 647n: On approval of the professional standard "Specialist in the development of equipment for on-board space systems
Order 648n: On approval of the professional standard "Specialist on operation of reclamation systems".
Order 649n: On approval of the professional standard "Specialist in the organization and operational management of production in the rocket and space industry
Order 655n: On the approval of the professional standard "Specialist in the adjustment and testing of technological equipment for forging and stamping production"
Order 656n: On the approval of the professional standard "Specialist in instrumental support of thermal production"
Order 657n: On the approval of the professional standard "Specialist in the introduction of new equipment and technologies for forging and stamping production"
Order 658n: On the approval of the professional standard "Specialist in automated control systems of a machine-building enterprise"
Order 659n: On the approval of the professional standard "Operator of automatic and semi-automatic machines and machine lines"
Order 660n: About the approval of the professional standard "Fitter-electrician"
Order 661n: On the approval of the professional standard "Specialist in the design of vacuum technological equipment for electrovacuum and semiconductor production"
Order 662n: On the approval of the professional standard "Controller in the foundry"
Order 663n: On approval of the professional standard "Specialist for technical and economic support of the full life cycle of products from polymer materials and composites, including nanostructured ones"
Order 664n: On approval of the professional standard "Specialist of industrial engineering in the automotive industry"
Order 665n: On approval of the professional standard "Worker of metallic powders production"
Order 666n: On approval of the professional standard "Specialist in the sphere of cadastral registration"
Order 668n: Approval of the professional standard "Molten salt electrolyzer"
Order 669n: On approval of the professional standard "Engineer for Rocket and Space Technology Assembly and Testing Processes"
Order 670n: On approval of the professional standard "Logging machine operator"
Order 671n: On the approval of the professional standard "Specialist in the design of graphical user interfaces"
Order 672n: On the approval of the professional standard "Specialist in organizing and supporting the environment for the formation and distribution of media content"
Order 673n: On the approval of the professional standard "Specialist in servicing base stations of mobile communications"
Order 674n: On the approval of the professional standard "Specialist in the operation of pipelines in the gas industry"
Order 675n: On the approval of the professional standard "Specialist in technical support of information and communication systems"
Order 676n: On the approval of the professional standard "Specialist in quality control of information and communication systems and services"
Order 677n: On the approval of the professional standard "Welding inspector"
Order 678n: On the approval of the professional standard "System Programmer"
Order 679n: On the approval of the professional standard "Sales manager of information and communication systems"
Order 680n: On the approval of the professional standard "System administrator of information and communication systems"
Order 681n: On the approval of the professional standard "Engineering specialist of machine-building production"
Order 682n: On the approval of the professional standard "Agricultural reclamation specialist"
Order 683n: On the approval of the professional standard "Specialist in technological equipment for foundry"
Order 683n: The procedure for organizing and implementing the prevention of non-communicable diseases and carrying out activities to promote a healthy lifestyle in medical organizations
Order 684n: On the approval of the professional standard "Specialist in technical re-equipment, reconstruction and modernization of thermal production"
Order 685n: On approval of the professional standard "Engineer for Design of Non-Standardized Equipment for Facilities of Nuclear Power Use
Order 686n: On Approval of the Professional Standard "Engineer Designing Chemical and Technological Systems in the Construction of Facilities for the Use of Atomic Energy
Order 687n: On approval of the criteria for determining the degree of loss of professional working capacity as a result of industrial accidents and occupational diseases
Order 689n: On approval of the professional standard "Stamping machine operator on hammers and presses"
Order 690n: On approval of the professional standard "Driller"
Order 690n: On approval of the standard of medical care for adults with hypoparathyroidism (diagnosis and treatment)
Order 691n: On approval of the professional standard "Composer"
Order 693n: On the approval of the professional standard "Gear Grinder"
Order 694n: On the approval of the professional standard "Specialist in technology of food products from plant materials"
Order 696n: On the approval of the professional standard "Specialist in the analysis and diagnostics of technological complexes of the foundry"
Order 697n: On the approval of the professional standard "Specialist in additive technologies"
Order 698n: On the approval of the professional standard "Specialist in the adjustment and testing of technological equipment of mechanical assembly production"
Order 699n: On the approval of the professional standard "Specialist in technical re-equipment, reconstruction and modernization of forging and stamping production"
Order 6n: On the approval of the professional standard "Midwife (Obstetrician)"
Order 700n: On the approval of the professional standard "Specialist in the analysis and diagnostics of technological complexes of thermal production"
Order 701n: On the approval of the professional standard "Specialist in diagnostics of technological complexes of forging and stamping production"
Order 702n: On approval of the professional standard "Specialist in development of projects for organization of construction and projects for organization of demolition and dismantling of facilities for the use of atomic energy
Order 703n: On approval of the professional standard "Production Control Worker for Use of Lift Facilities, Passenger Ropeways and Funiculars
Order 704n: On approval of the professional standard "Adjuster of electronic equipment of elevators, elevator platforms for the disabled, escalators, passenger conveyors (moving walkways)
Order 709n: On approval of the professional standard "Refrigeration and ventilation mechanic
Order 710n: On approval of the professional standard "Antenna-mastmaster
Order 711n: On the approval of the professional standard "Specialist in technical re-equipment, reconstruction and modernization of the foundry"
Order 712n: On the approval of the professional standard "Specialist in the extraction (catch) and processing of aquatic biological resources on ships of the fishing fleet"
Order 712n: Labor protection rules in communication organizations
Order 713n: On the approval of the professional standard "Specialist in the technology of food products from aquatic biological resources and aquaculture objects"
Order 714n: On the approval of the professional standard "Specialist in aquatic biological resources and aquaculture"
Order 715n: On approval of the professional standard "Specialist in the Development and Modernization of Airborne Radio-Electronic Equipment of Aircraft
Order 716n: On approval of the professional standard "Concrete and metal structures fitter
Order 717n: On approval of the professional standard "Subway station supervisor
Order 718n: On approval of the professional standard "Specialist in cadastral registration and state registration of rights
Order 719n: On approval of the professional standard "Manufacturer of products, special products from polymer composite materials by laying and winding method in the rocket and space industry".
Order 721n: On approval of the Rules for labor protection during work in the subway
Order 722n: On approval of the professional standard "Tax and levies consultant".
Order 723n: On approval of the professional standard "Specialist in the design of automated control systems of technological processes".
Order 724n: On Approval of the Professional Standard "Specialist for Operation of External Gas Pipelines of Gas Distribution Systems
Order 726n: On the approval of the professional standard "Laboratory assistant for physical and mechanical tests of metal and polymer materials and welded joints"
Order 727n: On the approval of the professional standard "Ship hull-repairman"
Order 728n: On the approval of the professional standard "Geophysical Worker in the Oil and Gas Industry"
Order 729n: On the approval of the professional standard "Engineer for commissioning and testing in shipbuilding"
Order 730n: On the approval of the professional standard "Specialist in the production of nanostructured polymeric materials"
Order 731n: On approval of the professional standard "Internal Control Specialist (Internal Auditor)
Order 732n: On approval of the professional standard "Specialist in designing automated process control systems for nuclear facilities
Order 733n: On approval of the professional standard "Specialist for Surface Protective Coating Systems of Buildings and Structures of Hazardous Production Facilities
Order 735n: On approval of the professional standard "Operator of external gas pipelines of gas distribution systems
Order 739n: On the approval of the professional standard "Adjuster of instrumentation and automation"
Order 740n: On the approval of the professional standard "Specialist in the introduction of new equipment and technologies in the foundry"
Order 741n: On the approval of the professional standard "Specialist in the introduction of new equipment and technologies in thermal production"
Order 744n: On the approval of the professional standard “Operator of the global marine rescue service in the event of disasters (shipboard, coastal)”
Order 745n: On the approval of the professional standard "Master"
Order 747n: On approval of the professional standard "Specialist in the organization of construction
Order 748n: On the approval of the professional standard "Civil Defense Specialist"
Order 749n: On approval of the requirements for medical examinations and psychophysiological examinations of workers of atomic energy facilities, the procedure for their conduct, a list of medical contraindications for issuing a permit to perform certain types of activities in the field of atomic energy use and a list of positions of employees of nuclear facilities to which these contraindications apply , as well as the form of a medical opinion on the presence (absence) of medical contraindications for issuing a permit to perform certain activities in the field of atomic energy use
Order 74n: On approval of the professional standard "Specialist in management of space products, services and technologies
Order 750n: On the approval of the professional standard "Worker for the operation of the landfill of solid municipal waste"
Order 751n: On the approval of the professional standard "Worker in the field of waste management"
Order 752n: On Approval of the Professional Standard "Excavator Operator
Order 752n: On approval of the professional standard "Engineer for instruments of orientation, navigation and stabilization of aircraft in the rocket and space industry" (as amended on December 12, 2016)
Order 755n: About the approval of the professional standard "Industrial equipment repairman"
Order 756n: On the approval of the professional standard "Technical support specialist for the production of tire materials using nanotechnology"
Order 757n: On the approval of the professional standard "Specialist in the technology of production of tire materials using nanotechnology"
Order 759n: On the approval of the professional standard "Operator of underground installations"
Order 760n: On the approval of the professional standard "Specialist in the field of production, technical and technological support of construction production"
Order 763n: About the approval of the professional standard "Sailor"
Order 764н: On the approval of the professional standard "Specialist in forecasting and examination of prices for goods, works and services"
Order 76n: On the approval of the Rules for labor protection in agriculture (as amended on July 4, 2018) (invalidated from 01/01/2021 on the basis of the order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated October 27, 2020 N 746n)
Order 772n: On recognizing as invalid the order of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation of September 8, 2015 N 611n "On the approval of the professional standard" Specialist in standardization of innovative products of the nanoindustry "
Order 776n: On the approval of the Rules for labor protection when applying metal coatings
Order 779n: On approval of requirements for the volume of containers, packaging and completeness of medicinal products for medical use
Order 780n: On approval of the Rules for labor protection during work in light industry
Order 784n: On the approval of the professional standard "Employee providing telephone, telegraph and radio communication services"
Order 785n: On the approval of the professional standard "Engineer-designer in the field of communications (telecommunications)"
Order 786n: On the approval of the professional standard "Specialist in support of software-defined information and communication networks"
Order 787n: On the approval of the professional standard "Specialist in the field of information modeling in construction"
Order 78n: On determining the Procedure for making a preliminary decision on the origin of goods
Order 790n: On the approval of the professional standard "Telecommunications Service Specialist"
Order 791n: On the approval of the professional standard "Telecommunications equipment installation specialist"
Order 792n: On the approval of the professional standard "Well workover driller"
Order 793n: On the approval of the professional standard "Worker for the repair and maintenance of ground equipment of oil and gas drilling rigs"
Order 794n: On the approval of the professional standard "Hoist operator for repair, reconstruction and development of wells in the oil and gas industry"
Order 795n: On the approval of the professional standard "Labor economics specialist"
Order 796n: On the approval of the professional standard "Galvanic (operator-galvanic)"
Order 797n: On the approval of the professional standard "Specialist in design and construction in shipbuilding"
Order 798n: On the approval of the professional standard "Research Engineer in the field of shipbuilding and ship repair"
Order 7n: On approval of the professional standard "Specialist in the field of engineering surveys for the construction of nuclear facilities
Order 803n: On the approval of the professional standard "Head of a construction organization"
Order 804n: On the approval of the professional standard "Road worker"
Order 805n: On the approval of the professional standard "Specialist in the design of pumping stations for water supply and sanitation systems"
Order 806n: On the approval of the professional standard "Specialist in the operation of wastewater treatment facilities"
Order 807n: On the approval of the professional standard "Excavator driver"
Order 808n: On the approval of the professional standard "Pipelayer Driver"
Order 809n: On the approval of the professional standard "Bridgeman"
Order 810n: On the approval of the professional standard "Locksmith of house sanitary systems and equipment"
Order 810n: On the approval of standard industry time standards for performing work related to a visit by one patient to a hematologist, an infectious disease doctor, an oncologist, a pulmonologist, a phthisiatrician, a surgeon
Order 811n: On the approval of the professional standard "Driver of machines for transporting concrete mixtures"
Order 814n: On approval of the Rules for labor protection during the operation of industrial transport
Order 819n: On the approval of the professional standard "Specialist in the organization of overhaul of an apartment building"
Order 820n: On the approval of the professional standard "Electrician of house electrical systems and equipment"
Order 823n: On the approval of the professional standard "Specialist in the field of road design"
Order 828n: On the approval of the professional standard "Engineer-economist of railway transport"
Order 833n: On approval of the Rules for labor protection during placement, installation, maintenance and repair of technological equipment
Order 834n: On the approval of the Rules for labor protection when using certain types of chemicals and materials, during dry cleaning, washing, disinfection and decontamination
Order 840n: On approval of the Procedure for organizing and conducting ethical examination of the possibility of conducting a clinical trial of a biomedical cell product and the form of an ethics council conclusion
Order 858n: On approval of the Rules for labor protection during the extraction (catch), processing of aquatic biological resources and the production of certain types of products from aquatic biological resources
Order 859n: On approval of the Rules for labor protection in the pulp and paper and wood chemical industries
Order 85n: On approval of the professional standard "Programmer Engineer of precision metal machining equipment with program control" (as amended on December 12, 2016)
Order 862n: On the approval of the professional standard "Lifeguard in the water area"
Order 864n: On the approval of the professional standard "Operator of geotechnical wells in the nuclear industry"
Order 866n: On approval of the Rules for labor protection in the production of certain types of food products
Order 870n: On recognizing as invalid the order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation of September 9, 2011 N 1034n "On the approval of the List of measurements related to the sphere of state regulation of ensuring the uniformity of measurements and performed when performing work to ensure safe conditions and labor protection, including at hazardous production facilities, and mandatory metrological requirements for them, including accuracy indicators "and changes made to it
Order 875n: On approval of the Rules for labor protection in urban electric transport
Order 878n: On Approval of the Procedure for Organizing Medical Rehabilitation of Children
Order 895n: Approval of the professional standard "Injection Molding Machine Operator (Injection Molding Machine)
Order 908n: On the approval of the professional standard "Worker in the operation of measuring instruments and information and measuring systems of a power plant"
Order 909n: On the approval of the professional standard "Cable-splicer"
Order 910n: On the approval of the professional standard "Worker for the operation of communication and telecommunication equipment of hydroelectric power plants / pumped storage power plants"
Order 911n: On the approval of the professional standard "Specialist in the field of industrial safety"
Order 912n: On the approval of the professional standard "Operator of robotic systems for work in radiation fields"
Order 913n: On approval of the professional standard "Guide (tourist guide)
Order 914n: On approval of the Rules for labor protection when performing work in theaters, concert halls, circuses, zoo theaters, zoos and aquariums
Order 915n: On approval of the Rules for labor protection during storage, transportation and sale of petroleum products
Order 917n: On approval of the professional standard "Cleaner in metallurgy
Order 921n: On approval of the professional standard "Specialist in application of geoinformation systems and technologies for solution of state and municipal problems
Order 922n: On the approval of the Rules for labor protection during diving work
Order 924n: On approval of the Rules for labor protection during the operation of heat supply facilities and heat-consuming installations
Order 928n: On the approval of the professional standard "Specialist in metal structures in the automotive industry"
Order 92n: On approval of the Rules for the direction of unused funds (part of funds) of maternal (family) capital for the formation of a funded pension
Order 944n: On the approval of the professional standard "Locksmith of technological units"
Order 950n: On the approval of the professional standard "Specialist in the promotion of fitness services"
Order 953n: On the approval of the professional standard "Worker in the operation of equipment for wind power plants / wind power plants"
Order 954n: On the approval of the professional standard "Geographer (Specialist in the execution of works and the provision of services of a geographical focus)"
Order 955n: On the approval of the professional standard "Worker for the operation of solar power plant equipment"
Order 970n: Standard norms for the free issuance of special clothing, special footwear and other personal protective equipment to oil industry workers engaged in work with harmful and (or) hazardous working conditions, as well as in work performed in special temperature conditions or associated with pollution
Order 974n: On approval of the professional standard "Designer of children's clothing and footwear" (as amended on December 12, 2016)
Order 975n: On approval of the professional standard "Specialist in the field of providing construction work with construction machines and mechanisms".
Order 979n: On approval of the requirements for the volume of containers, packaging and completeness of medicines for medical use (canceled from 01.01.2021 on the basis of Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of 13.06.2020 N 855)
Order 980n: On approval of the Procedure for monitoring the safety of medical devices
Order 982n: On approval of the form of the rehabilitation program for the victim as a result of an industrial accident and occupational disease and the procedure for its preparation
Order 983n: On approval of the professional standard "Specialist in the field of planning and economic support of construction production
Order 984n: On approval of the professional standard "Bulldozer operator
Order 98n: On approval of the professional standard "Quality controller in the manufacture of translucent structures
Order 99n: On approval of the professional standard "Dewatering and Desalting Plant Operator
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