Resolution 937
Постановление 937
Rules of technological functioning of electric power systems
Правила технологического функционирования электроэнергетических систем
Status: Effective
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Approved: Government of the Russian Federation,
SKU: RUSS430622
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The Document References:
Code 74-FZ: Water Code of the Russian Federation
Decree 484: Rules for the decommissioning of electric power facilities for repair and out of service
Decree 86: On approval of the Rules for the decommissioning of electric power facilities for repair and out of operation, as well as on amendments to some acts of the Government of the Russian Federation on the issue of improving the procedure for the decommissioning of electric power facilities for repair and out of operation
Federal Law 35-FZ: On countering terrorism
Resolution 823: Rules for the development and approval of schemes and programs for the long-term development of the electric power industry
Resolution 846: Rules for investigating the causes of accidents in the electric power industry
The Document is Referenced By:
Decree 484: Rules for the decommissioning of electric power facilities for repair and out of service
Decree 86: On approval of the Rules for the decommissioning of electric power facilities for repair and out of operation, as well as on amendments to some acts of the Government of the Russian Federation on the issue of improving the procedure for the decommissioning of electric power facilities for repair and out of operation
GOST 24278-2016: Stationary steam turbines for electric generators of thermal electric stations. General technical requirements
GOST 28969-91: Stationary steam low-capacity turbines
GOST R 55105-2019: Unified energy system and isolated energy systems. Operational dispatch control. Automatic emergency control of power system modes. Emergency automation of power systems. Norms and Requirements
GOST R 55260.2.1-2022: Hydroelectric power plants. Hydrogenerators. Technical requirements for delivery
GOST R 55260.3.1-2020: Hydroelectric power plants. Hydro turbines. Delivery specifications
GOST R 55890-2013: United power system and isolated power systems. Operative-dispatch management. Frequency control and control of active power. Norms and requirements
GOST R 58092.2.1-2020: Electric energy storage systems (EES). Installation parameters and test methods. general description
GOST R 58092.3.1-2020: Electric energy storage systems (EES). Design and evaluation of operating parameters. General requirements
GOST R 58092.3.2-2023: Systems of electric energy accumulation. Design and evaluation of operating parameters. Powerful applications and integration with renewable energy sources
GOST R 58092.3.3-2023: Systems of electric energy accumulation. Design and evaluation of operating parameters. Energy and standby power applications
GOST R 58651.10-2023: Unified energy system and isolated power systems. Information model of electric power industry. Profile of the information model of relay protection and automation devices
GOST R 58669-2019: Unified energy system and isolated energy systems. Relay protection. Inductive measuring current transformers with a closed magnetic circuit for protection. Guidelines for determining the time to saturation during short circuits
GOST R 58886-2020: Unified power system and isolated power systems. Relay protection and automation. Distance and current protection of power lines and equipment with a voltage class of 330 kV and above. Functional requirements
GOST R 58887-2020: Unified power system and isolated power systems. Relay protection and automation. Distance and current protection. Power lines and equipment. Voltage class 110–220 kV. Functional requirements
GOST R 58978-2020: Unified power system and isolated power systems. Relay protection and automation. Differential protection of power transmission lines with a voltage class of 330 kV and higher. Functional requirements
GOST R 58979-2020: Unified power system and isolated power systems. Relay protection and automation. Differential protection of power transmission lines with voltage class 110 - 220 kV. Functional requirements
GOST R 58980-2020: Unified power system and isolated power systems. Relay protection and automation. Differential-phase protection of power lines with voltage class 330 kV and higher. Functional requirements
GOST R 58981-2020: Unified power system and isolated power systems. Relay protection and automation. Differential-phase protection of power lines with voltage class 110–220 kV. Functional requirements
GOST R 58982-2020: Unified power system and isolated power systems. Relay protection and automation. Directional high-frequency protection of power lines with voltage class 110–220 kV. Functional requirements
GOST R 58983-2020: Unified power system and isolated power systems. Relay protection and automation of autotransformers (transformers), shunt reactors, controlled shunt reactors, capacitor banks with the highest voltage class of 110 kV and above. Functional requirements
GOST R 59030-2020: High voltage direct current systems. Types and methods of tests
GOST R 59182-2020: Unified power system and isolated power systems. Thermal power stations. Gas turbine installations. Organization of operation and maintenance. Norms and requirements
GOST R 59232-2020: Unified power system and isolated power systems. Relay protection and automation. Automatic emergency control of power systems modes. Automatic frequency unloading devices. Norms and requirements
GOST R 59233-2020: Unified power system and isolated power systems. Relay protection and automation. Automatic emergency control of power systems modes. Short circuit unloading automatic devices. Devices for fixing the severity of the short circuit. Norms and requirements
GOST R 59234-2020: Unified power system and isolated power systems. Relay protection and automation. Automatic emergency control of power systems modes. Automatic devices for unloading in case of overload by power. Norms and requirements
GOST R 59364-2021: Unified power system and isolated power systems. Relay protection and automation. Transient monitoring system. Norms and requirements
GOST R 59365-2021: Unified power system and isolated power systems. Relay protection and automation. Transient monitoring system. Synchronized vector measurement devices. Norms and requirements
GOST R 59366-2021: Unified power system and isolated power systems. Relay protection and automation. Transient monitoring system. Synchronized vector data hubs. Norms and requirements
GOST R 59371-2021: Unified power system and isolated power systems. Relay protection and automation. Automatic emergency control of power systems modes. Automatic devices for elimination of asynchronous mode. Norms and requirements
GOST R 59372-2021: Unified power system and isolated power systems. Relay protection and automation. Automatic emergency control of power systems modes. Devices for fixing the disconnection and fixing the state of power lines, power grid and generating equipment. Norms and requirements
GOST R 59373-2021: Unified power system and isolated power systems. Relay protection and automation. Automatic emergency control of power systems modes. Devices for automatic over-frequency limiting. Norms and requirements
GOST R 59384-2021: Unified power system and isolated power systems. Relay protection and automation. Automatic emergency control of power systems modes. Automatic devices for limiting equipment overload. Norms and requirements
GOST R 59909-2021: Unified power system and isolated power systems. Relay protection and automation. Classification
GOST R 59947-2021: Unified energy system and isolated power systems. Operative-dispatch control. Remote control. Requirements for information exchange in the organization and implementation of remote control.
GOST R 59949-2021: Unified energy system and isolated power systems. Operative-dispatch control. Remote control. Requirements for control of active and reactive power of generating equipment of wind and solar power plants.
GOST R 59979-2022: Unified power system and isolated power systems. Relay protection and automation. Automatic emergency control of power systems. Devices of local automatics for preventing the violation of stability. Norms and requirements
GOST R 70358-2022: Unified power system and isolated power systems. Relay protection and automation. Requirements for operation of relay protection devices of transmission lines of voltage class 110 kV and above in transient modes, accompanied by saturation of current transformers
GOST R 70411-2022: Unified power system and isolated power systems. Relay protection and automation. Automatic emergency control of power system modes. Devices of automatic control of voltage reduction. Norms and requirements
GOST R 70435-2022: Unified power system and isolated power systems. Relay protection and automation. Automatic emergency control of power systems modes. Devices for automating the limitation of voltage increase. Norms and requirements
GOST R 70450-2022: Unified energy system and isolated power systems. Operational and technological control. Automated systems of technological control of grid control centers of grid organizations. Conditions for creation. Norms and requirements.
GOST R 70451-2022: Unified energy system and isolated power systems. Electrical substations. Automated control systems of technological processes. Conditions for creation. Norms and requirements.
GOST R 70590-2022: Unified power system and isolated power systems. Relay protection and automation. Differential-phase protection of power lines of voltage class 330 kV and above. Testing .
GOST R 70591-2022: Unified power system and isolated power systems. Relay protection and automation. Differential protection of transmission lines of voltage class 110-220 kV. Testing
GOST R 70592-2022: Unified power system and isolated power systems. Relay protection and automation. Differential protection of power lines of voltage class 330 kV and above. Testing .
GOST R 70593-2022: Unified power system and isolated power systems. Relay protection and automation. Differential-phase protection of transmission lines of voltage class 110-220 kV. Testing .
GOST R 70609-2022: Unified power system and isolated power systems. Relay protection and automation. Automatic strong excitation controllers for synchronous generators. Testing and verification of tuning parameters.
Order 100: Rules for the interaction of subjects of the electric power industry, consumers of electrical energy in the preparation, issuance and execution of tasks for setting up relay protection and automation devices
Order 101: Federal norms and rules in the field of industrial safety "Safety rules in the oil and gas industry"
Order 1013: Rules for the organization of maintenance and repair of electric power facilities
Order 1062: On approval of the Procedure for the creation and use of fuel reserves by thermal power plants, including during the heating season
Order 1070: On Approval of the Rules of Technical Operation of Electric Power Plants and Grids of the Russian Federation and on Amendments to Orders of the Ministry of Energy of Russia dated September 13, 2018 N 757, dated July 12, 2018 N 548
Order 1195: On the organization of consideration and approval of project documentation in relation to the geological study of subsoil areas and exploration of hydrocarbon deposits
Order 1233: Methodology for assessing the readiness of electric power industry entities to work in the heating season
Order 1236: On approval of lists of regulatory legal acts (their individual provisions) containing mandatory requirements, compliance with which is assessed by the Ministry of Energy of Russia within the framework of state control (supervision)
Order 1360: On approval of lists of legal acts and their individual parts (provisions) containing mandatory requirements, compliance with which is assessed when the Ministry of Energy of Russia conducts state control (supervision) measures, and the procedure for its maintenance
Order 137n: On the approval of the professional standard "Employee performing the functions of a dispatcher in the field of operational dispatch control in the electric power industry"
Order 2: On the approval of instructions for immunoserology
Order 250: Manual on radio technical support of flights and technical operation of objects of radio technical support of flights and aviation telecommunications (RRTOP TE-2000)
Order 27: On Approval of the Rules for Conducting Emergency Response Drills in Electricity Organizations of the Russian Federation
Order 465: On the accreditation of certification bodies and testing laboratories in the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation performing conformity assessment (confirmation) work in relation to products (works, services) used to protect information that is a state secret or is classified as protected in accordance with Russian law Federation of other information of limited access, and products (works, services), information about which is a state secret
Order 548: Rules for the use of forests for the implementation of research activities, educational activities
Order 556: On the approval of the Rules for the creation (modernization) of complexes and devices of relay protection and automation in the power system and on amending the Rules for interaction of subjects of the electric power industry, consumers of electrical energy in the preparation, issuance and execution of tasks for setting up relay protection and automation devices, approved by order of the Ministry of Energy of Russia dated 13 February 2019 N 100
Order 796: On approval of the Rules for work with personnel in the organizations of the electric power industry of the Russian Federation
Order 81: On the organization of monitoring of individual indicators of water use in the Rosvodresurs system
Order 81: On the organization of monitoring of individual indicators of water use in the Rosvodresurs system
Order 90: On approval of the forms for mandatory provision by the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation of information for inclusion in the segment in the field of gas production, gas processing industry, gas chemical industry, transportation through pipelines of gas and gas processing products of the state information system of the fuel and energy complex and requirements for filling out these forms
Order 98: On approval of the Administrative Regulations of the Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Surveillance for the provision of state services for licensing activities for the production of medicines for veterinary use (expired from 13.04.2021 on the basis of the order of the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia dated 26.02.2021 N 99)
Order 99: On the approval of the Methods for calculating the indicators of the federal project "Preservation of forests" of the national project "Ecology" "Stock of seeds of forest plants for reforestation and afforestation" and "Area of reforestation and afforestation"
Resolution 823: Rules for the development and approval of schemes and programs for the long-term development of the electric power industry
SO 153-34.20.501-03: Rules for the technical operation of power plants and networks of the Russian Federation
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