
Letter 1681/05-SM

Письмо 1681/05-СМ

About the application of the standards

О применении стандартов

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Approved: ROSACCREDITATION, 1/25/2018

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The Product is Contained in the Following Classifiers:

Construction (Max) » Regulatory documents » Quality control, certification »

Construction (Max) » Regulatory documents » Examination, state supervision »

PromExpert » SECTION II. METROLOGICAL » I Organizational and technical bases of metrological support » 1 Organization and management of metrological support » 1.3 Accreditation infield of ensuring uniformity of measurements »

PromExpert » SECTION I. TECHNICAL REGULATION » V Testing and control » 3 Activities of testing laboratories » 3.1 Basic requirements for testing laboratories and their activities »

PromExpert » SECTION I. TECHNICAL REGULATION » V Testing and control » 3 Activities of testing laboratories »

PromExpert » SECTION I. TECHNICAL REGULATION » IV Conformity assessment of products and services » 3 Requirements for certification bodies and testing laboratories. Accreditation »

ISO classifier » 03 SOCIOLOGY. SERVICES ORGANIZATION AND MANAGEMENT OF COMPANIES. ADMINISTRATION. TRANSPORT » 03.120 Quality » 03.120.20 Certification of products and companies. Conformity assessment »

The Document References:

Federal Law 412-FZ: On accreditation in the national accreditation system

GOST 1186-2014: Rock coals. Method for determination of plastic indicators

GOST 1186-87: Hard coals. Method for determination of plastometric indices

GOST 12.2.063-2015: Pipeline valves. General safety requirements

GOST 12572-2015: Sugar. Method of sugar colour determination

GOST 12572-93: Granulated and refined sugar. Methods of sugar colour determination

GOST 2160-2015: Solid mineral fuel. Determination of true and apparent density

GOST 2160-92: Solid mineral fuel. Methods for the determination of density

GOST 2477-2014: Petroleum and petroleum products. Method for determination of water content

GOST 2477-65: Petroleum and petroleum products. Method for determination of water content

GOST 30803-2002: Transmission tooth gears of the traction main railway stock . Specifications

GOST 30803-2014: Transmission tooth gears of the traction railway stock. Specifications

GOST 32179-2013: Closure products. General on security, marking and acceptance rules

GOST 32626-2014: Polymeric means of closing. General specifications

GOST 32686-2014: Bottles from polyethylene terephthalate for food liquids. General specifications

GOST 32736-2014: Consumers’ package from combined materials. General specifications

GOST 32978-2014: Solid mineral fuel. Determination of ash fusibility

GOST 32979-2014: Solid mineral fuel. Instrumental method for determination of carbon, hydrogen and nitrogen

GOST 32980-2014: Solid mineral fuel. Determination of total mercury content

GOST 32982-2014: Solid mineral fuel. Determination of total fluorine content

GOST 32983-2014: Solid mineral fuel. Determination of extractable metals in dilute hydrochloric acid

GOST 33214-2015: Polymeric and combined means of closing for perfumery cosmetic production. General specifications

GOST 33434-2015: Coupler and automatic coupler device of railway rolling stock. Technical requirements and acceptance rules

GOST 33435-2015: Control, monitoring and safety means of railway rolling stock. Safety requirements and control methods

GOST 33436.2-2016: Electromagnetic compatibility of technical equipment. Railway systems and equipment. Part 2. Emission of the whole railway system to the outside world. Requirements and test methods

GOST 33436.3-1-2015: Electomagnetic compatibility of technical equipment. Railway systems and equipment. Part 3-1. Railway rolling stock. Requirements and test methods

GOST 33503-2015: Solid mineral fuel. Methods for determination of moisture in the analysis sample

GOST 33754-2016: Emissions of harmful substances and smoke of exhaust gases of autonomous traction and motor rolling stock. Norms and determination methods

GOST 33787-2016: Railway application. Rolling stock equipment. Shock and vibration

GOST 33796-2016: Railway multiple units. Durability and dynamics requirements

GOST 33798.1-2016: Electric equipment for rolling stock. Part 1. General service conditions and general rules

GOST 33798.2-2016: Railway applications. Electric equipment for rolling stock. Part 2. Electrotechnical components. General rules

GOST 33798.3-2016: Railway applications. Electric equipment for rolling stock. Part 3. Electrotechnical components. Rules for d.c. circuit-breakers

GOST 33798.4-2016: Electric equipment of a railway rolling stock. Part 4. A.c. circuit-breakers. General specifications

GOST 33810-2016: Metal barrels for food liquids. Specifications

GOST 34012-2016: Railway automatics and telemechanics equipment. General technical requirements

GOST 34078-2017: Rail fasteners pads of railway. Specifications

GOST 8606-2015: Solid mineral fuel. Determination of total sulphur. Eschka method

GOST 8606-93: Solid mineral fuels. Determination of total sulphur. Eschka method

GOST 8930-2015: Hard coals. Method for determination of oxidation

GOST 8930-94: Hard coals. Method for determination of oxidation

GOST IEC 60034-1-2014: Rotating electrical machines. Part 1. Nominal values of the parameters and operational performance

GOST IEC 60034-14-2014: Rotating electrical machines. Part 14. Mechanical vibration of certain machines with shaft heights 56 mm and higher. Measurement, evaluation and limits of vibration severity

GOST IEC 60811-1-1-2011: General test methods for insulating and sheathing materials of electric and optical cables. Measurements of thickness and overall dimensions. Tests for determining the mechanical properties

GOST IEC 60811-1-2-2011: Common test methods for insulating and sheathing materials of electric and optical cables. Part 1-2. Methods for general application. Thermal ageing methods

GOST IEC 60811-1-3-2011: Common test methods for insulating and sheathing materials of electric and optical cables. Part 1-3. General application methods. Methods for determining the density. Water absorption tests. Shrinkage test

GOST IEC 60811-1-4-2011: Common test methods for insulating and sheathing materials of electric and optical cables. Part 1-4. Methods for general application. Test at low temperature

GOST IEC 60811-201-2015: Electric and fiber optic cables. Methods of nonmetallic materials testing. Part 201. General testing. Measurement of insulation thickness

GOST IEC 60811-202-2015: Electric and fiber optic cables. Methods of nonmetallic materials testing. Part 202. General testing. Measurement of thickness of nonmetal sheath

GOST IEC 60811-203-2015: Electric and fiber optic cables. Methods of nonmetallic materials testing. Part 203. General testing. Measuring external dimensions

GOST IEC 60811-2-1-2011: Common test methods for insulating and sheathing materials of electric and optical cables. Part 2-1. Methods specific to elastomeric compounds. Ozone resistance, hot set and mineral oil immersion tests

GOST IEC 60811-301-2015: Electric and fiber optic cables. Methods of nonmetallic materials testing. Part 301. Electric tests. Measurement of the permittivity of compound fillers at 23 ° C

GOST IEC 60811-302-2015: Electric and fiber optic cables. Methods of nonmetallic materials testing. Part 302. Electric tests. Measurement of the specific electrical resistance of the filler compounds to direct current at 23 ° C and 100 ° C

GOST IEC 60811-3-1-2011: Test methods specific to PVC insulating and sheathing compounds of electric and optical cables. Pressure test at high temperature. Test for resistance to cracking

GOST IEC 60811-3-2-2011: Test methods specific to PVC insulating and sheathing compounds of electric and optical cables. Loss of mass test. Thermal stability test

GOST IEC 60811-401-2015: Electric and fiber optic cables. Methods of nonmetallic materials testing. Part 401. Various tests. Thermal ageing methods. Ageing in thermostat

GOST IEC 60811-402-2015: Electric and fiber optic cables. Methods of nonmetallic materials testing. Part 402. Various tests. Water absorption tests

GOST IEC 60811-403-2015: Electric and fiber optic cables. Methods of nonmetallic materials testing. Part 403. Various tests. Testing of cross-linked compositions for ozone resistance

GOST IEC 60811-404-2015: Electric and fiber optic cables. Methods of nonmetallic materials testing. Part 404. Various tests. Cable sheath testing for mineral oil resistance

GOST IEC 60811-405-2015: Electric and fiber optic cables. Methods of nonmetallic materials testing. Part 405. Various tests. Testing of insulation and cable sheaths made of polyvinyl chloride compositions for thermal stability

GOST IEC 60811-406-2015: Electric and fiber optic cables. Methods of nonmetallic materials testing. Part 406. Various tests. Persistence of polyethylene and polypropylene compositions for stress cracking

GOST IEC 60811-407-2015: Electric and fiber optic cables. Methods of nonmetallic materials testing. Part 407. Various tests. Measuring the increase in mass of polyethylene and polypropylene compositions

GOST IEC 60811-408-2015: Electric and fiber optic cables. Methods of nonmetallic materials testing. Part 408. Various tests. Testing of polyethylene and polypropylene compositions for long-term stability

GOST IEC 60811-409-2015: Electric and fiber optic cables. Methods of nonmetallic materials testing. Part 409. Various tests. Test for weight loss for thermoplastic insulation and sheaths

GOST IEC 60811-410-2015: Electric and fiber optic cables. Methods of nonmetallic materials testing. Part 410. Various tests. Method for testing conductors with polyolefin insulation on oxidative degradation under the catalytic action of copper

GOST IEC 60811-411-2015: Electric and fiber optic cables. Methods of nonmetallic materials testing. Part 411. Various tests. Friability of compound fillers at low temperature

GOST IEC 60811-4-1-2011: Common test methods for insulating and sheathing materials of electric and optical cables. Part 4-1. Methods specific to polyethylene and polypropylene compounds. Resistance to environmental stress cracking. Measurement of the melt flow index. Carbon black and/or mineral filler content measurement in polyethylene by direct combustion. Measurement of carbon black content by thermogravimetric analysis (TGA). Assessment of carbon black dispersion in polyethylene using a microscope

GOST IEC 60811-412-2015: Electric and fiber optic cables. Methods of nonmetallic materials testing. Part 412. Various tests. Thermal ageing methods. Ageing in air bomb

GOST IEC 60811-4-2-2011: Common test methods for insulating and sheathing materials of electric and optical cables. Part 4-2. Methods specific to polyethylene and polypropylene compounds. Tensile strength and elongation at break after conditioning and elevated temperature. Wrapping test after conditioning and elevated temperature. Wrapping test after thermal ageing in air. Measurement of mass increase. Long-term stability test. Test method for copper-catalysed oxidative degradation

GOST IEC 60811-501-2015: Electric and fiber optic cables. Methods of nonmetallic materials testing. Part 501. Mechanical testing. Tests to determine the mechanical properties of insulation and sheath compositions

GOST IEC 60811-502-2015: Electric and fiber optic cables. Methods of nonmetallic materials testing. Part 502. Mechanical testing. Test of shrinkage of insulation

GOST IEC 60811-503-2015: Electric and fiber optic cables. Methods of nonmetallic materials testing. Part 503. Mechanical testing. Test of shrinkage of sheaths

GOST IEC 60811-504-2015: Electric and fiber optic cables. Methods of nonmetallic materials testing. Part 504. Mechanical testing. Insulation and sheath tests for bending at low temperature

GOST IEC 60811-505-2015: Electric and fiber optic cables. Methods of nonmetallic materials testing. Part 505. Mechanical testing. Insulation and sheath tests for elongation at low temperature

GOST IEC 60811-506-2015: Electric and fiber optic cables. Methods of nonmetallic materials testing. Part 506. Mechanical testing. Insulation and sheath tests for impact at low temperature

GOST IEC 60811-507-2015: Electric and fiber optic cables. Methods of nonmetallic materials testing. Part 507. Mechanical testing. Thermal deformation tests for crosslinked compositions

GOST IEC 60811-508-2015: Electric and fiber optic cables. Methods of nonmetallic materials testing. Part 508. Mechanical testing. Testing of insulation and shells under pressure at high temperature

GOST IEC 60811-509-2015: Electric and fiber optic cables. Methods of nonmetallic materials testing. Part 509. Mechanical testing. Insulation and sheath tests for resistance to cracking (heat shock test)

GOST IEC 60811-510-2015: Electric and fiber optic cables. Methods of nonmetallic materials testing. Part 510. Mechanical testing. Methods specific to polyethylene and polypropylene compounds. Testing by coiling after thermal ageing in air

GOST IEC 60811-511-2015: Electric and fiber optic cables. Methods of nonmetallic materials testing. Part 511. Mechanical testing. Determination of melt flow index of polyethylene compositions

GOST IEC 60811-5-1-2011: Test methods specific to filling compounds of electric cables. Drop-point. Separation of oil. Lower temperature brittleness. Total acid number. Absence of corrosive components. Permittivity at 23 °C. D.c. receptivity at 23 °C and 100 °C

GOST IEC 60811-512-2015: Electric and fiber optic cables. Methods of nonmetallic materials testing. Part 512. Mechanical testing. Methods specific to polyethylene and polypropylene compounds. Strength and elongation at break after conditioning at elevated temperature

GOST IEC 60811-513-2015: Electric and fiber optic cables. Methods of nonmetallic materials testing. Part 513. Mechanical testing. Methods specific to polyethylene and polypropylene compounds. Test by coiling after conditioning

GOST IEC 60811-601-2015: Electric and fiber optic cables. Methods of nonmetallic materials testing. Part 601. Physical tests. Measurement of the dew point of compounding fillers

GOST IEC 60811-602-2015: Electric and fiber optic cables. Methods of nonmetallic materials testing. Part 602. Physical tests. Oil separation of filler compounds

GOST IEC 60811-603-2015: Electric and fiber optic cables. Methods of nonmetallic materials testing. Part 603. Physical tests. Determination of the total acid number of compound fillers

GOST IEC 60811-604-2016: Electric and optical fibre cables. Test methods for non-metallic materials. Part 604. Physical tests. Measurement of absence of corrosive components in filling compounds

GOST IEC 60811-605-2016: Electric and optical fibre cables. Test methods for non-metallic materials. Part 605. Physical tests. Measurement of carbon black and/or mineral filler in polyethylene compounds

GOST ISO 22308-2016: Cork stoppers. Sensory analysis

GOST ISO 4710-2015: Cylindrical cork stoppers for sparkling wines and gasified wines. General technical requirements

GOST ISO 9727-1-2016: Cork cylindrical plugs. Methods for determining physical properties. Part 1. Sizing

GOST ISO 9727-2-2016: Cylindrical cork stoppers. Methods for determination of physical properties. Part 2. Determination of mass and apparent density for agglomerated cork stoppers

GOST ISO 9727-3-2016: Cork cylindrical plugs. Methods for determining physical properties. Part 3. Determination of moisture content

GOST ISO 9727-4-2016: Cork cylindrical plugs. Methods for determining physical properties. Part 4. Determination of size recovery after compression

GOST ISO 9727-6-2016: Cylindrical cork stoppers. Methods for determination of physical properties. Part 6. Determination of liquid tightness

GOST ISO 9727-7-2016: Cork cylindrical plugs. Methods for determining physical properties. Part 7. Determination of dust content

GOST ISO/IEC 17025-2009: General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories

GOST R 50953-2008: Emission of the exhaust gas pollutants by the main-line and shunting diesel locomotives. Norms and determination methods

GOST R 51214-98: Closure products. General on security, marking and acceptance rules

GOST R 51958-2002: Polymeric means of closing. General specifications

GOST R 51958-2013: Polymeric means of closing. General specifications

GOST R 52267-2004: Metal barrels for food liquids. Specifications

GOST R 52579-2006: Consumers package from combined materials. General specifications

GOST R 52776-2007: Rotating electrical machines. Rating and performance

GOST R 52789-2007: Bottles from polyethylene terephthalate for food liquids. General specifications

GOST R 52917-2008: Solid mineral fuels. Methods for determination of moisture in the analysis test sample

GOST R 53672-2009: Pipeline valves. General safety requirements

GOST R 53767-2010: Polymeric and combined means of closing for perfumery cosmetic production. General specifications

GOST R 54222-2010: Solid mineral fuels. Determination of total fluorine content

GOST R 54238-2010: Solid mineral fuels. Determination of ash fusibility

GOST R 54240-2010: Solid mineral fuel. Determination of extractable metals in dilute hydrochloric acid

GOST R 54243-2010: Solid mineral fuel. Determination of total mercury content

GOST R 54244-2010: Solid mineral fuel. Instrumental method for determination of carbon, hydrogen and nitrogen

GOST R 54434-2011: Railway application. Rolling stock equipment. Shock and vibration

GOST R 54749-2011: Coupler and automatic coupler device of railway rolling stock. Technical requirements and acceptance rules

GOST R 54798-2011: Control, monitoring and safety means of railway rolling stock. Safety requirements and control methods

GOST R 55176.2-2012: Electromagnetic compatibility of technical equipment. Railway systems and equipment. Part 2. Emission of the whole railway system to the outside world. Requirements and test methods

GOST R 55176.3.1-2012: Electromagnetic compatibility of technical equipment. Railway systems and equipment. Part 3-1. Rolling stock. Requirements and test methods

GOST R 55369-2012: Railway automatics and telemechanics equipment. General technical requirements

GOST R 55495-2013: Railway multiple units. Durability and dynamics requirements

GOST R 55882.1-2013: Electric equipment for rolling stock. Part 1. General service conditions and general rules

GOST R 55882.2-2013: Railway applications. Electric equipment for rolling stock. Part 2. Electrotechnical components. General rules

GOST R 55882.3-2013: Railway applications. Electric equipment for rolling stock. Part 3. Electrotechnical components. Rules for d.c. circuit-breakers

GOST R 55882.4-2013: Electric equipment of a railway rolling stock. Part 4. A.c. circuit-breakers. General specifications

GOST R 56291-2014: Rail fasteners pads of railway. Specifications

GOST R IEC 60034-14-2008: Electric rotating machines. Part 14. Mechanical vibration of certain types of machines with a rotation axis height of 56 mm or more. Measurements, assessment and limits of vibration

GOST R ISO 22308-2006: Cork stoppers. Sensory analysis

GOST R ISO 4710-2002: Cylindrical cork stoppers for sparkling wines and carbonated wines. General technical requirements

GOST R ISO 9727-1-2009: Cylindrical cork stoppers. Methods for determination of physical properties. Part 1. Determination of dimensions

GOST R ISO 9727-2-2012: Cylindrical cork stoppers. Methods for determination of physical properties. Part 2. Determination of mass and apparent density for agglomerated cork stoppers

GOST R ISO 9727-3-2010: Cylindrical cork stoppers. Methods for determination of physical properties. Part 3. Determination of humidity content

GOST R ISO 9727-4-2010: Cylindrical cork stoppers. Methods for determination of physical properties. Part 4. Determination of dimensional recovery after compression

GOST R ISO 9727-6-2012: Cylindrical cork stoppers. Methods for determination of physical properties. Part 6. Determination of liquid tightness

GOST R ISO 9727-7-2010: Cylindrical cork stoppers. Methods for determination of physical properties. Part 7. Determination of dust quantity

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