
Resolution 840

Постановление 840

Rules for filing and considering complaints against decisions and actions (inaction) of federal executive authorities and their officials, federal civil servants, officials of state non-budgetary funds of the Russian Federation, state corporations empowered in accordance with federal laws to provide state services in the established sphere of activity, and their officials, organizations envisaged by part 1.1 of article 16 of the Federal Law "On Organization of Provision of State Services".

Правила подачи и рассмотрения жалоб на решения и действия (бездействие) федеральных органов исполнительной власти и их должностных лиц, федеральных государственных служащих, должностных лиц государственных внебюджетных фондов Российской Федерации, государственных корпораций, наделенных в соответствии с федеральными законами полномочиями по предоставлению государственных услуг в установленной сфере деятельности, и их должностных лиц, организаций, предусмотренных частью 1.1 статьи 16 Федерального закона "Об организации предоставления государственных и муниципальных услуг", и их работников, а также многофункциональных центров предоставления государственных и муниципальных услуг и их работников

Status: Effective

The name of the document has been changed according to the resolutions of the Government of the Russian Federation: from October 25, 2017 № 1296, from 13.06.2018 № 676

Изменено название документа согласно постановлениям Правительства РФ: от 25 октября 2017 г. № 1296, от 13.06.2018 г. № 676

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Format: Electronic (pdf/doc)

Approved: Government of the Russian Federation, 8/16/2012

SKU: RUSS440762

Price: imgalt

The Product is Contained in the Following Classifiers:

Construction (Max) » Regulations » Regulatory documents of supervisory authorities » Normative documents of Gosatomnadzor of Russia »



The Document References:

Code 145-FZ: Budget Code of the Russian Federation

Code 195-FZ: Code of the Russian Federation on administrative offenses

Federal Law 210-FZ: On the basics of tariff regulation of utilities

The Document is Referenced By:

GOST R 70486-2022: Unified technology "Digital Social Lawyer"

Information: List of acts containing mandatory requirements, compliance with which is assessed in the course of control activities in the course of federal state construction supervision

Management system of the Federal Service for Accreditation 03.1-9.00: Accreditation schemes in the national accreditation system for conformity assessment

Management system of the Federal Service for Accreditation 04.1-9.00: Policy on the use by accredited persons of the mark of the national accreditation system. Version 03. May 2021

Management system of the Federal Service for Accreditation 04.1-9.00: Policy on the use by accredited persons of the mark of the national accreditation system. Version 04. June 2021

Order 1/25-NPA: Administrative Regulations of the State Atomic Energy Corporation "Rosatom" state service for issuing permits for the construction of facilities for the use of atomic energy in cases of construction, reconstruction of these facilities and issuing permits for commissioning of these facilities

Order 1/36-NPA: Administrative Regulations of the State Atomic Energy Corporation ROSATOM of the state service for issuing permits for construction of capital construction facilities and commissioning of these facilities to institutions of ROSATOM, joint stock companies of ROSATOM and their subsidiaries, as well as subordinate enterprises, whose activities create closed administrative-territorial formations, in cases of construction, reconstruction of these facilities

Order 102: On approval of lists of issues to be applied by certification bodies (certification organizations) to verify the conformity of knowledge, skills and attestations of certified persons with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation on transport safety

Order 102: On approval of the Program of preventive measures aimed at preventing violations of mandatory requirements, compliance with which is assessed by Roshydromet in the course of control (supervision), and the Schedule of preventive measures of Roshydromet aimed at preventing violation of mandatory requirements, in 2019

Order 1022: On approval of the Administrative Regulations of the Federal Service for Supervision of Natural Resources for the provision of state services for the issuance of permits for discharges of pollutants (except for radioactive substances) and microorganisms into water bodies

Order 10330: Concerning Approval of the Administrative Regulations of the Federal Service for Health Care Oversight for the Provision of the State Service for the Issuance of an Opinion (Permit Document) for a License to Import into the Russian Federation and Export from the Russian Federation of Human Organs and Tissues, Blood and its Components (except for samples of human biological materials, hematopoietic stem cells, bone marrow, donor lymphocytes for purposes of unrelated transplants, germ cells and embryos)

Order 1085: On approval of the Procedure for the extraction of minerals other than hydrocarbons from underground waters, the extraction of which is associated with the development of hydrocarbon deposits, including the extraction of minerals from associated waters and waters used for their own production and technological needs, by subsoil users carrying out exploration and production of hydrocarbon raw materials or under a combined license geological study, exploration and production of hydrocarbon raw materials, within the boundaries of the subsoil plots provided to them on the basis of an approved technical design

Order 110: Administrative regulations for the provision by the Federal Agency for Subsoil Use of the state service for organizing tenders and auctions for the right to use subsoil

Order 1128: On approval of the Administrative Regulations of the Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Surveillance for the provision of state services for the issuance of a phytosanitary certificate, re-export phytosanitary certificate, quarantine certificate

Order 117: On approval of the Rules for exercising control over the implementation of the state assignment for the provision of public services (performance of work) by federal state budgetary institutions under the jurisdiction of the Federal Agency for Water Resources

Order 121: On approval of the procedure for issuing permits for the extraction of hunting resources and the form of the permit form for the extraction of hunting resources

Order 121: On approval of the procedure for issuing permits for the extraction of hunting resources and the form of the permit form for the extraction of hunting resources

Order 128: Federal Aviation Regulations "Preparation and performance of flights in civil aviation of the Russian Federation"

Order 128: On approval of the Administrative Regulations for the provision of public services by the Federal Accreditation Service for the consideration of applications for the inclusion of accredited persons in the national part of the Unified Register of Conformity Assessment Bodies of the Eurasian Economic Union, on amending the national part of the Unified Register of Conformity Assessment Bodies of the Eurasian Economic Union, on exclusion from the national part of the Unified Register of Conformity Assessment Bodies of the Eurasian Economic Union

Order 129: On improving the system of examination and testing of medical immunobiological preparations

Order 1293: On approval of the Administrative Regulations of the Federal Service for Supervision of Natural Resources for the provision of state services for the issuance of permits for the use of objects of flora and fauna located in specially protected natural areas of federal significance

Order 138: On approval of standards for permissible withdrawal of hunting resources and standards for the number of hunting resources in the hunting grounds

Order 140: On approval of the Regulations on the functional subsystem for the prevention and elimination of emergencies of the troops of the National Guard of the Russian Federation of the unified state system for the prevention and elimination of emergency situations

Order 1405: On approval of the Administrative Regulations of the Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Supervision of the Provision of State Services for Licensing Activities for the Production of Medicines for Veterinary Use

Order 1406: On approval of the Administrative Regulations of the Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Supervision of the Provision of State Services for the Licensing of Pharmaceutical Activities Carried Out in the Sphere of Circulation of Medicines for Veterinary Use

Order 141: Federal Aviation Regulations "Rules for the Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Civil Aviation Aircraft"

Order 142: Federal Aviation Regulations "Aviation Security Requirements for Airports"

Order 144: On approval of the Administrative Regulations of the Federal Service for Supervision in the Sphere of Transport for the provision of state services for licensing activities for the carriage of passengers by road vehicles equipped for the carriage of more than eight people (unless the specified activity is carried out on orders or to meet the own needs of a legal entity or individual entrepreneur ) (as amended on October 17, 2017) (invalidated from 07/31/2021 on the basis of the order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia of 11/06/2020 N 483)

Order 149: On approval of the form for mandatory provision by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation of information for inclusion in the state information system of the fuel and energy complex and requirements for filling out this form

Order 15: Regulations on natural monuments of federal significance in the Russian Federation

Order 150: The procedure for assessing the technical condition of highways

Order 152: On the approval of methodological recommendations on the choice in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and municipalities of the optimal price category for settlements with guaranteeing suppliers for consumed electric energy for the purpose of lighting highways

Order 160: On approval of the Administrative Regulations for the provision by the Federal Accreditation Service of the state service for the inclusion of information in the register of technical experts, excluding information from the register of technical experts

Order 163: On approval of the Administrative Regulations for the provision by the Federal Service for Intellectual Property of the state service for the state registration of an invention and the issuance of a patent for an invention, its duplicate

Order 166: On the establishment of the Coordinating Council on HIV / AIDS of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation

Order 1672: On approval of the Administrative Regulations of the Federal Service for Supervision of Natural Resources for the provision of state services for issuing a permit for the export from the Russian Federation and import into the Russian Federation of endangered species of wild fauna and flora, their parts or derivatives subject to the Convention on International Trade endangered species of wild fauna and flora, dated March 3, 1973, except for sturgeon fish species and products from them, including caviar

Order 171: On approval of the Administrative Regulations of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergencies and Disaster Management for the provision of public services for the registration of a fire safety declaration and the form of a fire safety declaration

Order 171: On approval of the Administrative Regulations of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergencies and Disaster Management for the provision of public services for the registration of a fire safety declaration and the form of a fire safety declaration

Order 174: Administrative regulations of the Federal Service for Supervision of Natural Resources for the provision of state services for the issuance of permits for the disposal of waste and other materials on the continental shelf of the Russian Federation

Order 175: On the formation and maintenance of a unified register of Russian programs for electronic computers and databases and a unified register of programs for electronic computers and databases from the member states of the Eurasian Economic Union, with the exception of the Russian Federation

Order 176: On recognizing as invalid the order of the Federal Agency for Fisheries of November 25, 2011 N 1166 "On approval of the Methodology for calculating the amount of harm caused to aquatic biological resources"

Order 177: On approval of the application form of authorized executive bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation for establishing quotas for abstraction (withdrawal) of water resources from a water body and sewage discharge quotas that comply with quality standards, within river basins, sub-basins and water management sections under various water conditions for the period from 2010 for 2012 and for the period from 2013 to 2014

Order 178: On approval of the Administrative Regulations for the provision by the Federal Accreditation Service of the state service for the recognition and assessment of the conformity of testing laboratories (centers) to the principles of good laboratory practice, corresponding to the principles of good laboratory practice of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, amending the register of testing laboratories (centers) corresponding to the principles Good Laboratory Practice, consistent with the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development's Good Laboratory Practice Principles, providing information from the specified register

Order 180: On the approval of the list of regulatory legal acts (their individual provisions) containing mandatory requirements, the compliance with which is assessed within the framework of state control (supervision) by the Federal Service for Intellectual Property

Order 181: On approval of the Administrative Regulations of the Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision of the provision of state services for the issuance of permits for releases and discharges of radioactive substances into the environment

Order 181: Regulations on the specifics of the working hours and rest hours of specialists in the maintenance and repair of aircraft in civil aviation

Order 186: Administrative regulations of the Federal Service for Supervision in the Sphere of Transport for the provision of state services for the admission of Russian carriers to the implementation of international road transport

Order 191: Unified forms of transportation documents for cargo transportation by rail

Order 191: Administrative Regulations of the Federal Service for Supervision of Natural Resources to provide the public service of issuing permits (administrative licenses) for the circulation of wild animals belonging to species listed in the Red Book of the Russian Federation

Order 191: Administrative regulations for the execution by the Federal Service for Supervision of Natural Resources of the state function to carry out federal state environmental oversight

Order 194: On the implementation of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 13, 2006 No. 497 "On licensing activities in the field of hydrometeorology and related fields, as well as the implementation of work on the active impact on hydrometeorological and geophysical processes and phenomena

Order 2: On the approval of instructions for immunoserology

Order 204: On officials of the Ministry of the Environment and Natural Resources of the Russian Federation and its territorial bodies exercising the authority to protect, control and regulate the use of wildlife and their habitats

Order 206: On approval of the Administrative Regulations of the Federal Road Agency for the provision of a public service for the approval of plans to ensure transport safety of transport infrastructure facilities in the specified area of activity

Order 207: On approval of the Program of preventive measures aimed at preventing violations of mandatory requirements, compliance with which is assessed by the Federal Forestry Agency and its territorial bodies in the implementation of federal state control (supervision) in forests located on defense and security lands, and the Schedule of preventive measures of the Federal Forestry Agency and its territorial bodies aimed at preventing violation of mandatory requirements in 2017

Order 210: On the Public Council under the Federal Service for Labor and Employment

Order 2116: Administrative Regulations for the provision by the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation of the state service for licensing the development, production, testing, installation, assembly, maintenance, repair, disposal and sale of weapons and military equipment

Order 221: On recognizing as invalid the order of the Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision of April 7, 2008 N 212 "On approval of the procedure for organizing work on the issuance of permits for admission to the operation of power plants"

Order 225: On the establishment of restrictions on fishery of the fawn sea urchin in the Primorye subarea in 2020

Order 245: On approval of the Administrative Regulations for the provision by the Federal Service for the Regulation of the Alcohol Market of the state service for issuing to persons who have (had) licenses to carry out activities in the field of production and circulation of ethyl alcohol, alcoholic and alcohol-containing products, extracts from the state consolidated register of issued, suspended and canceled licenses for production and circulation of ethyl alcohol, alcoholic and alcohol-containing products and on amending the procedure for providing an extract from the state consolidated register of issued, suspended and canceled licenses for the production and circulation of ethyl alcohol, alcoholic and alcohol-containing products, approved by order of the Federal Service for the Regulation of the Alcohol Market from 17 December 2020 N 402

Order 250: Manual on radio technical support of flights and technical operation of objects of radio technical support of flights and aviation telecommunications (RRTOP TE-2000)

Order 254: Establishment of a restriction on the fishing of bersh in the Caspian Sea in 2018

Order 257: On approval of the Procedure for conducting an exam and issuing certificates on the professional training of consultants on the safety of transportation of dangerous goods by road

Order 259: On approval of the Requirements for the information posted in the information-analytical system of the All-Russian vacancy database "Work in Russia", as well as the Procedure for evaluating the information posted in the information-analytical system of the All-Russian vacancy database "Work in Russia"

Order 262: Regulatory requirements for the application of methods and schemes for ventilating coal mines

Order 262: Federal Aviation Regulations "Requirements for aerodromes intended for take-off, landing, taxiing and parking of civil aircraft"

Order 267: On the establishment of a fishing limit for certain types of aquatic biological resources in 2017

Order 277: On the approval of the Procedure for the appointment or authorization of test stations to carry out work on monitoring compliance with the standards established by the Agreement on the international carriage of perishable foodstuffs and on special vehicles intended for these carriages, signed in Geneva on September 1, 1970, for insulated vehicles , glacier vehicles, refrigerated vehicles or heated vehicles

Order 291: Administrative regulations of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergencies and Elimination of Consequences of Natural Disasters for the provision of state services for licensing the installation, maintenance and repair of fire safety equipment for buildings and structures

Order 2945: On approval of the Administrative Regulations of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation for the provision of state services for the issuance of certificates of conformity of manufacturers of medicines for medical use with the requirements of the rules of good manufacturing practice of the Eurasian Economic Union

Order 297: On ensuring the implementation of measures provided for by the state program of the Russian Federation "Development of the fishery complex", approved by the Government of the Russian Federation dated April 15, 2014 No. 314

Order 305: On the establishment of a fishing restriction for flounder-kalkan in the Black Sea in 2018

Order 306: On approval of the Administrative Regulations of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergencies and Elimination of the Consequences of Natural Disasters, the provision of state services for the registration of certified professional emergency rescue services, professional emergency rescue teams

Order 307: About renewal of water use licenses

Order 307: About renewal of water use licenses

Order 312: Administrative regulation of the Federal Service for Ecological, Technological and Nuclear Supervision on provision of the public service for approval of safety declarations of supervised hydraulic structures in operation

Order 322/PR: On approval of the Administrative Regulations of the Ministry of Construction, Housing and Utilities of the Russian Federation for the provision of the public service of issuing permits for commissioning capital construction facilities specified in Paragraph 4 Part 5 and Paragraph 1 Part 6 Article 51 of the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation (except for capital construction facilities, in respect of which the issuance of permits for construction is assigned to other federal executive authorities)

Order 329/pr: Administrative regulations for the provision by the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation of the state service for maintaining the state register of self-regulating organizations in the field of heat supply

Order 338: On recognition of certain acts of federal mining and industrial supervision of Russia as not subject to application

Order 339: About recognition become invalid for orders of the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia and the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia

Order 34: On approval of the List of non-compliance of the applicant with the accreditation criteria, which, when carrying out accreditation, entail a refusal to accredit, and the List of non-compliance of the accredited person with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation for the activities of accredited persons, entailing the suspension of accreditation

Order 343: Establishing restrictions on fishing for trout (trout) (freshwater residential form) in the reservoirs of the Murmansk Region in 2017

Order 345: On the approval of the peculiarities of water use for the purposes of aquaculture (fish farming) and the procedure for determining the features of the creation and operation of buildings, structures, structures for the purposes of aquaculture (fish farming)

Order 35: On approval of the Administrative Regulations for the provision by the Federal Service for Supervision in the Sphere of Communications, Information Technology and Mass Communications of the state service for licensing activities in the field of communication services

Order 358: Administrative regulations of the Federal Service for Supervision in the Sphere of Transport for the provision of state services for the issuance of a special permit for movement on roads of a vehicle carrying out the transportation of dangerous goods

Order 359: Rules for the prevention and control of bovine leukemia

Order 359: Administrative regulations of the Federal Service for Supervision of Transport for the provision of state services for issuing permits of the competent authority for the transport of dangerous goods, for assigning hazardous substances and products to UN numbers, for the use of the shipping name and classification code of hazardous substances and products, as well as for the use of containers for transportation of dangerous goods by road, containing conditions for the carriage of dangerous goods

Order 36: On approval of requirements for tachographs installed on vehicles, categories and types of vehicles equipped with tachographs, rules for the use, maintenance and monitoring of the operation of tachographs installed on vehicles

Order 362: On the establishment of a fishing limit for certain types of aquatic biological resources in 2018

Order 365: On the establishment of a fishing limit for certain types of aquatic biological resources in 2018

Order 381: About the forms of standard documents used by the centers of Sanitary Inspection

Order 388: On the establishment of fishing restrictions for certain types of aquatic biological resources in 2020

Order 397: On the establishment of a restriction on the fishing of Asiatic smelt in the rivers of the Yenisei River basin within the borders of the Krasnoyarsk Territory in 2020

Order 3985: Administrative Regulations of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation of the state service for licensing the development, production, testing, storage, sale and disposal of ammunition (including cartridges for civilian and service weapons and parts of ammunition), pyrotechnic products IV and V classes in accordance with national standard, the use of pyrotechnic products IV and V classes in accordance with technical regulations

Order 399: On approval of the Program for Prevention of Risks of Harm (Damage) to Legally Protected Values in the Implementation of Federal State Control (Supervision) over the Accreditation Requirements of a Private Employment Agency for the Right to Provide Labor (Personnel) Activities for 2022

Order 399: On establishment of samples of special distinctive signs indicating the class of hazard of waste, as well as the Order of their application to vehicles, containers, tanks used in the transportation of waste

Order 399: On approval of requirements for handling groups of homogeneous wastes of hazard classes I-V

Order 4: The procedure for the establishment and use of roadside lanes of federal highways

Order 407: On Approval of the Administrative Regulations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation for the Provision of the State Service for the Issuance to Foreign Citizens and Stateless Persons of a Temporary Residence Permit in the Russian Federation, as well as the Forms of a Mark and a Form of a Document on a Temporary Residence Permit in the Russian Federation

Order 4085: On approval of the Administrative Regulations of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation on the provision of public services for licensing the development, production, testing and repair of aviation equipment, except for unmanned aerial systems and (or) their elements, including unmanned civil aircraft with a maximum takeoff weight of 30 kilograms or less

Order 410: Concerning Approval of Administrative Regulations for the Federal Service for Supervision in the Area of Natural Resource Use of the State Service for Granting Permits to Import into the Russian Federation or to Transit through the Russian Federation of Poisonous Substances which are not Precursors of Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances

Order 417: On approval of the Rules for the use of forests for the implementation of geological study of subsoil, exploration and production of minerals and the List of cases of use of forests for the purpose of carrying out geological study of subsoil, exploration and production of minerals without providing a forest plot, with or without establishing easement

Order 428: On licensing certain types of activities in the field of environmental protection

Order 430: About recognition become invalid for the order of the Federal Service for Ecological, Technological and Atomic Supervision of January 29, 2007 No. 37 "On the procedure for training and certification of employees of organizations supervised by the Federal Service for Ecological, Technological and Atomic Supervision" and amendments to it

Order 4467: On approval of the Administrative Regulations of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation for the provision of state services for licensing activities for the development, production, testing, storage, repair and disposal of civil and service weapons and main parts of firearms, trade in civil and service weapons and main parts of firearms in parts of works (services) for the development, production, testing, repair, disposal of civilian and service weapons and the main parts of firearms

Order 4468: On approval of the Administrative Regulations of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation for the provision of state services for licensing activities for the development, production, testing, storage, sale and disposal of ammunition (including cartridges for civilian and service weapons and component parts of cartridges), pyrotechnic products IV and V classes in accordance with the national standard, the use of pyrotechnic products of IV and V classes in accordance with technical regulations

Order 449/pr: On approval of the Administrative Regulations of the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation for the provision of public services for the issuance of a permit to carry out work on the creation of an artificial land plot in the event of the creation of an artificial land plot in the territories of two or more constituent entities of the Russian Federation

Order 453: On the establishment of a limitation of commercial fishing for bluefinch and perch of freshwater in the Vodlozersky reservoir of the Republic of Karelia in 2018

Order 454: On approval of the Administrative Regulations of the Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision for the provision of state services for licensing the operation of explosive and fire hazardous and chemically hazardous production facilities of I, II and III hazard classes

Order 455: On approval of the Administrative Regulations of the Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision for the provision of state services for the licensing of industrial safety expertise

Order 456: On the implementation of an action plan for licensing the activities of organizations operating gas stations

Order 4569: On approval of the Administrative regulations of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation on the provision of public services for licensing the development, production, testing and repair of aircraft (expired on 11.12.2021 by order of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia from 12.10.2021 N 4085)

Order 459: Establishing a fishing limit for certain types of aquatic biological resources in 2019

Order 464: On approval of the Procedure for the preparation, submission and accounting of proposals of state authorities, local authorities, on the territory of which there is a hydraulic structure that does not have an owner or the owner of which is unknown, or the owner has refused the right of ownership to which the owner has refused, on the need for its conservation and (or) liquidation (excluding shipping and port hydraulic structures)

Order 473: On the establishment of images of the mark of the national accreditation system, including in combination with the marks of international accreditation organizations, and the procedure for their application

Order 476: On approval of the Administrative Regulations for the provision by the Federal Agency for Fisheries of the state service for the provision of information contained in the State Fisheries Register

Order 485: On approval of the Administrative Regulations for the provision by the Federal Agency for Subsoil Use of the state service for the organization of the state examination of mineral reserves and groundwater, geological information on the subsoil plots provided for use

Order 485: Federal norms and rules in the field of industrial safety "Rules for the safe conduct of gas hazardous, hot and repair work"

Order 494: On the establishment of a fishing limit for Far Eastern flounders in the North Okhotsk Sea Subzone in 2019

Order 5: The procedure for the establishment and use of federal motor roads right of way

Order 5: On the approval of methods for calculating the indicators "Volume of housing construction" and "Commissioning of housing in apartment buildings"

Order 512: On the establishment of a fishing limit for certain types of aquatic biological resources in 2018

Order 5161: Administrative Regulations of the Federal Service for Supervision in Healthcare to provide the state service for issuing permits for retail sales of medicinal products for medical use in a remote way

Order 52: On the closure and opening of railway stations

Order 53: On approval of the Administrative Regulations of the Federal Agency for Maritime and River Transport for the provision of state services for the provision of land plots that are in federal ownership and intended for the placement, reconstruction and operation of infrastructure facilities of seaports, river ports and infrastructure of inland waterways of the Russian Federation, for rent, free of charge use or permanent (unlimited) use, without bidding

Order 530: On approval of federal norms and rules in the field of industrial safety "Safety rules for gas fuel filling stations"

Order 530: On approval of the Rules for the development of groundwater deposits

Order 530: The procedure for the implementation by the Federal Service for Supervision of Natural Resources Management of the control over the efficiency and quality of the exercise by the state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation transferred to them for the exercise of the powers of the Russian Federation in the field of water relations, protection and use of wildlife objects not classified as aquatic biological resources, hunting and conservation hunting resources, ecological expertise

Order 552: Establishing restrictions on Arctic omul fishing in the Barents Sea in 2019

Order 558: Federal norms and rules in the field of industrial safety "Safety rules for facilities using liquefied petroleum gases"

Order 558: On approval of the forms of checklists (lists of checklists) used in the implementation of licensing activities for the examination of industrial safety

Order 559: On the approval of the set of rules SP 10.13130 ​​"Fire protection systems. Internal fire-fighting water supply. Norms and design rules"

Order 566: On the organization of standard-setting activities in the Federal Service for Ecological, Technological and Nuclear Supervision in 2017

Order 567: On approval of application forms for obtaining permits for the extraction (catch) of aquatic biological resources

Order 569: On the establishment of the Central Commission of the Federal Agency for Subsoil Use and the commissions of its territorial bodies for the development of solid mineral deposits

Order 57: On approval of the forms for mandatory provision by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation of information for inclusion in the state information system of the fuel and energy complex and requirements for filling out these forms

Order 585: On improving the regulatory framework of the Federal Air Transport Agency

Order 586: Administrative regulations of the Federal Service for Supervision of Natural Resources for the provision of public services for the issuance of opinions on compliance with environmental standards and the requirements of production and storage facilities of organizations carrying out activities related to the production and circulation of ethyl alcohol, alcoholic and alcohol-containing products

Order 594: Administrative Regulations for the provision by the Federal Environmental, Industrial and Nuclear Supervision Service of state services for setting standards for maximum permissible emissions of radioactive substances into the air and standards for permissible discharges of radioactive substances into water bodies, issuance of permits for emissions and discharges of radioactive substances into the environment

Order 595: Administrative regulations for the provision by the Federal Accreditation Service of the state service for the consideration of applications for the inclusion of information, provision of information from the national part of the Unified Register of Certification Bodies and Test Laboratories (Centers) of the Customs Union

Order 596: On approval of the Administrative Regulations of the Federal Agency for Fisheries for the provision of public services for the preparation and adoption of a decision on the provision of aquatic biological resources for use

Order 597: On approval of the Administrative Regulations of the Federal Agency for Fisheries for the provision of public services for the approval of the construction and reconstruction of capital construction facilities, the introduction of new technological processes and the implementation of other activities that have an impact on aquatic biological resources and their habitat

Order 611: On approval of the list of consumer properties of the grain produced in the territory of the Russian Federation

Order 612: Administrative regulations of the Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Surveillance for the provision of state services for the issuance of a phytosanitary certificate, re-export phytosanitary certificate, quarantine certificate

Order 620: Administrative regulations for the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation to provide the state service for approving the decommissioning of electric power facilities

Order 623: On approval of forms for provision of data on formation, treatment, utilization, neutralization, disposal, and accumulation of solid municipal wastes

Order 64: On approval of the State primary standard of units of magnetic induction, magnetic flux, magnetic moment and gradient of magnetic induction

Order 641: On approval of the lists of risk indicators of violation of mandatory requirements in the implementation of the federal state licensing control (supervision) over activities of installation, maintenance and repair of means of ensuring fire safety of buildings and facilities and the federal state licensing control (supervision) over activities of extinguishing fires in settlements, at production facilities and infrastructure facilities

Order 642: On approval of the Administrative Regulations for the provision by the Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media of the Russian Federation of the state service for the accreditation of trusted third parties and the Administrative Regulations for the implementation by the Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media of the Russian Federation of state control (supervision) over compliance by accredited trusted third parties with the requirements that established by the Federal Law "On Electronic Signature" and other normative legal acts adopted in accordance with it

Order 657/pr: On the establishment of requirements for the composition and content of technical requirements and conditions that are subject to mandatory execution in the preparation of project documentation for the reconstruction, overhaul of an existing linear facility or linear facilities, as well as in the implementation of such reconstruction, overhaul

Order 658: Administrative Regulations of the Federal Environmental, Industrial and Nuclear Supervision Service for the provision of the state service for licensing industrial safety audits

Order 659: On approval of the Veterinary Rules for preventive, diagnostic, therapeutic, restrictive and other measures, establishment and cancellation of quarantine and other restrictions, aimed at prevention of spreading and liquidation of foci of Parainfluenza-3

Order 660: Administrative regulations of the Federal Agency for Fishery on the provision of public services for the issuance, suspension and revocation of permits for the extraction (catch) of aquatic biological resources, as well as their amendments

Order 662: On the approval of the forms of mandatory submission by the Federal Agency for Subsoil Use of information for inclusion in the segment in the oil production industry, oil refining industry, petrochemical industry, transportation of oil and oil products through trunk pipelines and the segment in the field of gas production, gas processing industry, gas chemical industry, pipeline transportation gas and products of its processing of the state information system of the fuel and energy complex and requirements for filling out these forms

Order 664: On approval of the Administrative Regulations of the Federal Forestry Agency for the provision of the state service to consider in the prescribed manner applications for the transfer of land from one category to another, applications for the transfer of land from one category of land to another, to send to the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of the Russian Federation considered applications with a draft act to transfer land or land plots within such land from one category to another or a draft act of refusal

Order 665: On the approval of forms of accreditation certificates

Order 666: On approval of the Administrative Regulations of the Federal Service for Supervision in the Sphere of Nature Management for the provision of state services for the issuance of permits for the hybridization of objects of the animal world

Order 667: On approval of the Administrative Regulations of the Federal Service for Supervision of Natural Resource Use, the provision of state services for the issuance of permits for the acclimatization of objects of the animal world new to the fauna of the Russian Federation

Order 670: Administrative regulations for the provision by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of the Russian Federation of state services for the issuance of permits for the construction and reconstruction of capital construction projects planned within the boundaries of specially protected natural areas of federal significance, as well as permits for the commissioning of these facilities

Order 698: On approval of the Administrative Regulations for the provision by the Federal Agency for Subsoil Use of the state service for organizing tenders and auctions for the right to use subsoil in accordance with the established procedure (invalidated from 01/10/2021 on the basis of order of the Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia dated 11/23/2020 N 954)

Order 705: On approval of the Administrative Regulations for the provision of the Federal Service for Intellectual Property State Service for extending the exclusive rights to a trademark, service mark, collective mark (as amended on June 7, 2017) (lost force from 14.12.2021 on the basis of the order of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia from 29.11.2021 N 714)

Order 712: Administrative regulations for the provision of state services by the Federal Accreditation Service for including information in the register of technical experts, excluding information from the register of technical experts, providing information from the register of technical experts

Order 714: The procedure for accounting for fires and their consequences

Order 716: On approval of the Methodology for the production of molecular genetic research of genetically engineered plants used for breeding and (or) cultivation on the territory of the Russian Federation, the Methodology for the production of examinations (studies) of the biological safety of genetically engineered plants used for breeding and (or) growing on the territory of the Russian Federation

Order 716: On approval of the Administrative Regulations of the Federal Service for Supervision of Natural Resources for the provision of state services for the issuance of permits for the maintenance and breeding of wildlife objects listed in the Red Book of the Russian Federation, in semi-free conditions and in an artificially created habitat

Order 717: On approval of the Administrative Regulations of the Federal Service for Supervision of Natural Resources for the provision of state services for the issuance of permits for the maintenance and breeding of wildlife in semi-free conditions and an artificially created habitat in specially protected natural areas of federal significance

Order 725/357: On approval of the Administrative Regulations for the provision by the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation and the Federal Agency for Subsoil Use of the state service to confirm the receipt (production) of crude oil (including oil and gas condensate mixture obtained as a result of technological features of crude oil and stable gas condensate transportation by pipeline) in the course of hydrocarbon production activities on a subsoil plot that meets the conditions established by subparagraph 7 of paragraph 1 of article 35 of the Law of the Russian Federation "On customs tariff"

Order 726/358: On approval of the Administrative Regulations for the provision by the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation and the Federal Agency for Subsoil Use of the state service to confirm the fact of receipt (production) of crude oil (including oil and gas condensate mixture obtained as a result of technological features of transportation of crude oil and stable gas condensate by pipeline transport) during the development of a new offshore hydrocarbon field ), natural gas condensate, natural liquefied gas and in the gaseous state, a wide fraction of light hydrocarbons

Order 73: On approval of the form for mandatory provision by the Federal Service for Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring of information for inclusion in the state information system of the fuel and energy complex and the requirements for filling out this form

Order 7338: Concerning Approval of Administrative Regulations of the Federal Service for Supervision in the Area of Health Care for the Provision of the State Service for Granting Permits to Conduct Retail Sales of Medicinal Products for Medical Use by Distance

Order 747: On approval of the Administrative Regulations of the Federal Service for Surveillance on Consumer Rights Protection and Human Wellbeing for the provision of state services for the issuance of sanitary and epidemiological conclusions based on the results of sanitary and epidemiological examinations, investigations, examinations, studies, tests, toxicological, hygienic and other types of compliance assessments sanitary-epidemiological and hygienic requirements

Order 750: On approval of the Administrative Regulations of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation for the provision of state services for the certification of an authorized person of a manufacturer of medicinal products for veterinary use

Order 76: Methodical recommendations for the development of instructions for office work in federal executive bodies

Order 76: On approval of the Administrative Regulations of the Federal Agency for Maritime and River Transport for the provision of state services for the accreditation of legal entities for conducting an audit in order to make decisions on certification of transport security forces by the certification authorities, as well as for processing personal data of certain categories of persons employed directly related to ensuring transport security, or carrying out such work in the field of sea and river transport

Order 763: On approval of the conclusion of the expert commission of the state environmental review of environmental assessment materials for a license to carry out activities related to the environmental safety of materials, substances, technologies, equipment, industrial production and facilities, code 013, in the Russian Federation from the company “Lurgi Umvelt GmbH”, Frankfurt am Main ("Lurgi Umwelt GmbH", Frankfurt am Main)

Order 769/pr: On approval of the Administrative Regulations of the Ministry of Construction, Housing and Utilities of the Russian Federation for the provision of the state service for approval of planning documentation for the placement of facilities of federal importance and other capital construction facilities planned for placement on the territory of two or more subjects of the Russian Federation (except where the power to approve planning documentation is vested in other federal organizations)

Order 77: On approval of the Administrative Regulations of the Federal Agency for Maritime and River Transport for the provision of state services for the accreditation of legal entities as transport security units in the field of maritime and river transport

Order 773/pr: Administrative regulations of the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation for the provision of public services for the issuance of a permit to carry out work on the creation of an artificial land plot in the event of the creation of an artificial land plot on the territories of two or more constituent entities of the Russian Federation

Order 776: On approval of the Administrative Regulations of the Federal Service for Supervision of Natural Resource Use for the provision of public services for setting standards for permissible emissions, temporarily permitted emissions and issuing a permit for emissions of pollutants into the air (except for radioactive ones)

Order 784: On approval of the Administrative Regulations of the Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Wellbeing for the provision of state services for licensing activities in the use of sources of ionizing radiation (generating) (except for the case if these sources are used in medical activities)

Order 80: On recognizing as invalid certain provisions of the order of the Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision of October 17, 2016 N 421 "On the approval of lists of legal acts containing mandatory requirements, compliance with which is assessed when carrying out control measures as part of the implementation of types of state control ( supervision), referred to the competence of the Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision "

Order 80: On recognizing as invalid some orders of the Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia in the sphere of the provision of public services by Rosprirodnadzor

Order 802-P: On approval of the Administrative Regulations for the Federal Agency for Air Transport of the provision of the state service for making decisions on accreditation of representative offices of foreign legal entities operating in the field of civil aviation, on introduction of changes to the data contained in the state register of accredited branches, representative offices of foreign legal entities, on termination of their accreditation, on accreditation of foreign citizens who are employees of foreign representative offices

Order 810: On approval of Administrative Regulations for providing by the Federal Service for Intellectual Property of the state service for extension of the exclusive right to an invention and the patent certifying this right (as amended on June 7, 2017) (expired on December 14, 2021, by Order of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia N 715 dd. 29.11.2021)

Order 811: Requirements for measures to reduce emissions of pollutants into the air during periods of unfavorable meteorological conditions

Order 812: On recognizing as invalid the order of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia dated October 30, 2017 N 577 "On approval of the Administrative Regulations for the provision by the Federal Service of State Registration, Cadastre and Cartography of the state service for entering information about a non-profit organization into the unified state register of self-regulatory organizations of appraisers"

Order 84: On standard-setting activities at the Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Russian Federation

Order 844-P: On approval of the Administrative Regulations of the Federal Air Transport Agency to provide the state service for issuing a document confirming the compliance of civil aviation aerodrome operators with the requirements of federal aviation regulations

Order 846: On approval of Administrative Regulations of the Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Supervision of the provision of public services for state registration of medicines for veterinary use

Order 864: On the implementation of decisions adopted in accordance with the Agreement between the Government of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Kingdom of Morocco on cooperation in the field of marine fisheries of March 15, 2016 as part of the implementation of the Protocol of the second session of the Russian-Moroccan Mixed Fisheries Commission in accordance with the Government of the Russian Federation August 12, 2008 No. 604 "On approval of the Rules for the allocation of quotas for the extraction (catch) of aquatic biological resources for the Russian Federation in areas of international of RF government contracts in the field of fishing and preservation of aquatic biological resources

Order 90: On approval of the forms for mandatory provision by the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation of information for inclusion in the segment in the field of gas production, gas processing industry, gas chemical industry, transportation through pipelines of gas and gas processing products of the state information system of the fuel and energy complex and requirements for filling out these forms

Order 907: Administrative Regulations of the Federal Service for Supervision in the Sphere of Natural Resources to provide the state service for issuing permits for transboundary movement of ozone-depleting substances and products containing them

Order 907: On approval of the Methodology of the competition to fill a vacancy in the federal civil service in the Federal Service for Ecological, Technological and Nuclear Supervision

Order 917: On approval of programs of prevention of risks of harm (damage) to legally protected values by types of state control (supervision)

Order 923: Administrative regulations of the Federal Service for Supervision of Environmental Management for the provision of state services for the organization and conduct of state environmental expertise at the federal level

Order 944: Administrative regulations of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation on the provision of state services for licensing activities for the storage and destruction of chemical weapons

Order 95: On approval of the Administrative Regulations for the provision by public authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation exercising the delegated powers of the Russian Federation in the field of hunting and the conservation of hunting resources, state services for issuing permits for the extraction of hunting resources, with the exception of hunting resources located in specially protected natural areas of federal significance, and also mammals and birds included in the Red Book of the Russian Federation

Order 96: Federal norms and rules in the field of industrial safety "General rules of explosion safety for explosion and fire hazardous chemical, petrochemical and oil refining industries"

Order 970: Administrative Regulations on rendering by the Federal Agency on Technical Regulation and Metrology of the state service on type approval of certified reference materials or type of measuring instruments

Order 971: Administrative Regulations on the provision of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology of the state service for the attribution of technical means to measuring instruments

Order 98: On approval of the Administrative Regulations of the Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Surveillance for the provision of state services for licensing activities for the production of medicines for veterinary use (expired from 13.04.2021 on the basis of the order of the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia dated 26.02.2021 N 99)

Order 984: On approval of the requirements for the design of telecommunications networks

Order 99: On the approval of the Methods for calculating the indicators of the federal project "Preservation of forests" of the national project "Ecology" "Stock of seeds of forest plants for reforestation and afforestation" and "Area of ​​reforestation and afforestation"

Order 994: On approval of the Procedure for the implementation by the Federal Service for Supervision in the Sphere of Nature Management of control over the efficiency and quality of the implementation by the state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation transferred to them for the exercise of the powers of the Russian Federation in the field of water relations, protection and use of wildlife objects not classified as aquatic biological resources, hunting and conservation of hunting resources, environmental impact assessment

Order P/0415: On approval of the Administrative Regulations for the provision by the Federal Service of State Registration, Cadastre and Cartography of the state service for entering information about a non-profit organization into the state register of self-regulatory organizations of mediators

Order P/0465: On approval of the Administrative Regulations for the provision by the Federal Service of State Registration, Cadastre and Cartography of the state service for entering information about a non-profit organization into the unified state register of self-regulatory organizations of appraisers

Order VB-904fs: On approval of the Administrative Regulations of the Federal Service for Supervision in the Sphere of Transport for the provision of state services for licensing activities for the transportation of passengers and other persons by buses

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