Customs Code of the Eurasian Economic Union
Таможенный кодекс Евразийского экономического союза
Status: Effective
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Format: Electronic (pdf/doc)
Approved: Supreme Eurasian Economic Council,
SKU: RUSS440816
The Document References:
Agreement: Agreement on the circulation within the Eurasian Economic Union of products, the requirements for which are not established by the technical regulations of the Eurasian Economic Union, and the rules of safety of such products
Code: Customs Code of the Eurasian Economic Union
Code: Customs Code of the Customs Union
Code 174-FZ: Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation
Decision 17: On the Treaty on the Customs Code of the Customs Union
Decision 329: Concerning the List of Categories of Goods with Regard to Which a Special Customs Procedure May Be Established and the Conditions for Their Placement Under Such Customs Procedure
Decision 54: On approval of the Unified Commodity Nomenclature of Foreign Economic Activity of the Eurasian Economic Union and the Unified Customs Tariff of the Eurasian Economic Union (as amended on December 23, 2020)
Federal Law 83-FZ: Concerning the Introduction of Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation in Connection with the Improvement of the Legal Status of State (Municipal) Institutions
The Document is Referenced By:
Agreement: Agreement on the circulation within the Eurasian Economic Union of products, the requirements for which are not established by the technical regulations of the Eurasian Economic Union, and the rules of safety of such products
Code: Customs Code of the Eurasian Economic Union
Code: Customs Code of the Customs Union
Code 138-FZ: Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation
Code 145-FZ: Budget Code of the Russian Federation
Code 174-FZ: Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation
Code 195-FZ: Code of the Russian Federation on administrative offenses
Decision 1: On the Rules for Regulation of Circulation of Veterinary Medicines on the Customs Territory of the Eurasian Economic Union
Decision 100: On invalidation of some decisions of the Board of the Eurasian Economic Commission
Decision 102: On the classification of certain aqueous solutions for hemodialysis according to the unified Commodity Nomenclature of Foreign Economic Activities of the Eurasian Economic Union
Decision 103: On technological documents regulating information interaction during the implementation by means of the integrated information system of the Eurasian Economic Union of the general process "Formation, maintenance and use of a unified database of permits for the import (export, transit) of goods controlled by the veterinary service issued by the authorized bodies of the member states of the Eurasian Economic Union"
Decision 104: On technological documents regulating information interaction during the implementation by means of the integrated information system of the Eurasian Economic Union of the general process "Formation, maintenance and use of the register of organizations and persons engaged in the production, processing and (or) storage of goods controlled by veterinary and sanitary supervision (control) of goods imported into customs territory of the Eurasian Economic Union "
Decision 105: On technological documents regulating information interaction during the implementation by means of the integrated information system of the Eurasian Economic Union of the general process "Formation, maintenance and use of a database on cases of detection and spread of infectious animal diseases in the territories of the member states of the Eurasian Economic Union, including common for humans and animals, and (or) goods (products) of animal origin, dangerous in veterinary and sanitary terms, as well as on the adopted veterinary and sanitary measures "
Decision 115: On Amendments to the Technical Regulations of the Customs Union "On Food Safety" (TR CU 021/2011)
Decision 117: On classification of the refrigeration machine "chiller" according to the Unified Commodity Nomenclature of Foreign Economic Activities of the Customs Union
Decision 118: On the classification of hydromassage shower cabin and hydromassage bathtub according to the unified Commodity Nomenclature of Foreign Economic Activities of the Customs Union
Decision 126: On the Procedure of mutual comparative evaluation by accreditation bodies of the Eurasian Economic Union member states
Decision 127: On Requirements for seals imposed by an authorized economic operator on cargo spaces (compartments) of vehicles or parts thereof, for their recognition by customs authorities as means of identification
Decision 129: On the introduction of labeling of certain types of dairy products with identification means
Decision 130: On the Procedure of Import into the Customs Territory of the Eurasian Economic Union of Products Subject to Mandatory Conformity Assessment in the Customs Territory of the Eurasian Economic Union
Decision 132: About the Program for the development (amendment, revision) of interstate standards containing the rules and methods of research (testing) and measurements, including the sampling rules necessary for the application and implementation of the requirements of the technical regulation of the Eurasian Economic Union "On requirements for mineral fertilizers" ( EAEU TR 039/2016) and the implementation of conformity assessment of technical regulation objects
Decision 133: On the procedure for enactment of amendments to technical regulation of the Customs Union "On safety of perfumes and cosmetics" (TR TS 009/2011)
Decision 134: About the order of enforcement of amendments to the technical regulation of the Customs Union "On the safety of personal protective equipment" (TR TS 019/2011)
Decision 135: On the classification of coronary stent according to the Unified Commodity Nomenclature of Foreign Economic Activities of the Eurasian Economic Union
Decision 138: On approval of Requirements for research (tests) of medicines in terms of evaluation and control of impurities
Decision 139: On Amending Certain Decisions of the Customs Union Commission
Decision 140: On approval of the list of products subject to mandatory conformity assessment requirements of the technical regulations of the Customs Union "On safety of meat and meat products" (TR CU 034/2013), in respect of which the placement under customs procedures confirmed compliance with technical regulations
Decision 142: On Amendments to the Order of State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision (Control) at the Customs Border of the Eurasian Economic Union and the Customs Territory of the Eurasian Economic Union
Decision 145: About the classifier of units of measurement and account of the Eurasian Economic Union
Decision 147: On the classification of an edible liquid mixture of vegetable oils in accordance with the unified Commodity nomenclature for foreign economic activity of the Eurasian Economic Union
Decision 15: On issues related to the organization of the activities of the Customs Union Commission
Decision 152: Concerning the Classification of Children's Sledges under the Unified Commodity Nomenclature of Foreign Economic Activities of the Eurasian Economic Union
Decision 155: On Approval of Methodical Approaches to Testing Agricultural Plant Varieties within the Eurasian Economic Union
Decision 156: On Amending Paragraph 1 of the Decision of the Board of the Eurasian Economic Commission of May 5, 2015 N 42
Decision 157: On approval of the Unified quarantine phytosanitary requirements for regulated products and regulated objects on the customs border and on the customs territory of the Eurasian Economic Union
Decision 159: On the classifier of types of documents for the registration dossier of a medicinal product and the reference book of structural elements of the registration dossier of a medicinal product
Decision 16: On the classification of latex plates in accordance with the unified Commodity Nomenclature of Foreign Economic Activities of the Eurasian Economic Union
Decision 17: On the Treaty on the Customs Code of the Customs Union
Decision 173: On Amendments to the Technical Regulations of the Customs Union "On Food Safety" (TR CU 021/2011)
Decision 180: On the list of international and regional (interstate) standards, and in their absence - national (state) standards, as a result of which, on a voluntary basis, compliance with the requirements of the technical regulations of the Customs Union "On the safety of light industry products" (TR CU 017/2011) , and a list of international and regional (interstate) standards, and in their absence - national (state) standards containing rules and methods of research (testing) and measurements, including sampling rules necessary for the application and implementation of the requirements of the technical regulations of the Customs Union "On the safety of light industry products" (TR CU 017/2011) and the implementation of conformity assessment of objects of technical regulation
Decision 194: On amendments to the procedure for completing the declaration of goods
Decision 2: Recommendations of the Russian Tripartite Commission for the Regulation of Social and Labor Relations to the parties of social partnership on the organization of remote (remote) work and on the definition of categories of workers, in a priority order, temporarily transferred to remote (remote) work at the initiative of the employer in exceptional cases
Decision 204: On Amendments to Certain Decisions of the Commission of the Customs Union and the Board of the Eurasian Economic Commission
Decision 21: On amendments to some decisions of the Customs Union Commission and on approval of the list of goods imported into the customs territory of the Eurasian Economic Union with a view to implementing measures aimed at preventing and preventing the spread of coronavirus infection 2019-nCoV by the member states of the Eurasian Economic Union
Decision 215: On compliance by the Republic of Kazakhstan with the provisions of Article 26 of the Treaty on the Eurasian Economic Union of May 29, 2014 and the Protocol on the procedure for the crediting and distribution of import customs duties (other duties, taxes and levies having equivalent effect), their transfer to the budgets of member states (Annex N 5 to the Treaty on the Eurasian Economic Union of May 29, 2014)
Decision 22: On ensuring the functioning of a single market of services in the field of construction
Decision 236: On the list of international and regional (interstate) standards, and in their absence - national (state) standards, through the application of which on a voluntary basis compliance with the requirements of technical regulations of the Customs Union "On food safety" (TR CU 021/2011), and the list of international and regional (interstate) standards, and in their absence - national (state) standards, containing rules and methods of research (tests) and measurements, including rules from
Decision 238: Concerning the Introduction of Amendments to the Form of the Certificate of Inclusion in the Register of Customs Carriers
Decision 24: Concerning the Introduction of Amendments to the Unified Goods Nomenclature of Foreign Economic Activities of the Eurasian Economic Union in Connection with the Introduction of Amendments to the Unified Goods Nomenclature of Foreign Economic Activities of the Commonwealth of Independent States
Decision 254: On structures and formats of electronic copies of customs documents
Decision 257: Concerning the form of the declaration of goods and the procedure for completing it
Decision 263: On the procedure for using transportation (shipping), commercial and (or) other documents as a declaration for goods
Decision 28: On the list of international and regional (interstate) standards, and in their absence, national (state) standards, as a result of which, on a voluntary basis, compliance with the requirements of the technical regulations of the Customs Union "On the safety of machinery and equipment" (TR CU 010/2011) is ensured , and a list of international and regional (interstate) standards, and in their absence - national (state) standards containing rules and methods of research (testing) and measurements, including sampling rules necessary for the application and implementation of the requirements of the technical regulations of the Customs Union "On the safety of machinery and equipment" (TR CU 010/2011) and the implementation of conformity assessment of objects of technical regulation
Decision 288: On the form of the customs receipt order and the procedure for completing and applying the customs receipt order
Decision 289: On the form and procedure for completing a transit declaration
Decision 299: Uniform sanitary and epidemiological and hygienic requirements for products (goods) subject to sanitary and epidemiological supervision (control)
Decision 30: On approval of the list of products in respect of which the customs declaration is accompanied by a document about the conformity assessment requirements of the technical regulations of the Customs Union "On safety of agricultural and forestry tractors and trailers to them" (TR TS 031/2012) (as amended on March 21, 2017)
Decision 30: On the list of international and regional (interstate) standards, and in their absence - national (state) standards, resulting in voluntary compliance with the requirements of technical regulations of the Customs Union "On Personal Protective Equipment Safety" (TR CU 019/2011), and the list of international and regional (interstate) standards, and in their absence - national (state) standards, containing rules and methods of research (tests) and measurements, including
Decision 31: On the list of international and regional (interstate) standards, and in their absence - national (state) standards, through the application of which on a voluntary basis compliance with the requirements of the technical regulations of the Customs Union "On safety of products designed for children and adolescents" (TR CU 007/2011), and the list of international and regional (interstate) standards, and in their absence - national (state) standards, containing rules and methods of research (tests) and the
Decision 31: On amendments to the technical regulation of the Customs Union "On safety of railway transport infrastructure" (TR CU 003/2011)
Decision 311: Concerning the Procedure for Customs Operations Concerning Goods for Personal Use Moved across the Customs Border of the Eurasian Economic Union or Goods for Personal Use Temporarily Imported into the Customs Territory of the Union, Release of Such Goods and Reflection of the Fact of Their Recognition as Not Being Under Customs Control
Decision 32: On Amendments to Technical Regulations of the Customs Union "On Cosmetics and Perfumes Safety" (TR CU 009/2011)
Decision 329: Concerning the List of Categories of Goods with Regard to Which a Special Customs Procedure May Be Established and the Conditions for Their Placement Under Such Customs Procedure
Decision 331: Concerning Approval of the List of Goods Temporarily Imported with Full Conditional Exemption from Customs Duties and Taxes, as well as the Conditions of Such Exemption, including Deadlines for Such Exemption
Decision 34: On Amendments to the Decision of the Customs Union Commission of December 9, 2011 N 877
Decision 34: On the procedure for enactment of amendments to the technical regulation of the Customs Union "On safety of milk and dairy products" (TR CU 033/2013)
Decision 375: On Certain Issues of Application of Customs Procedures
Decision 377: On the peculiarities of completing a transit declaration for the movement of international postal items
Decision 379: On amending the Decision of the Customs Union Commission of May 20, 2010 N 257 "On Instructions for filling out customs declarations and forms of customs declarations" and additions to the Decision of the Customs Union Commission of June 18, 2010 N 289 "On the form and procedure for filling out a transit declaration"
Decision 38: Concerning the Introduction of Amendments to Certain Decisions of the Customs Union Commission and the Board of the Eurasian Economic Commission
Decision 438: On the Procedure for Customs Authorities to Perform Customs Operations Related to Submission, Registration of the Transit Declaration and Completion of the Customs Procedure of Customs Transit
Decision 46: On Amendments to the Decision of the Customs Union Commission of September 23, 2011 N 799
Decision 48: About the Procedure for the development, adoption, amendment and cancellation of technical regulations of the Eurasian Economic Union
Decision 49: On Amendments to the Technical Regulations of the Customs Union "On safety of equipment operating under overpressure" (TR TS 032/2013)
Decision 50: On the classification of potato topper in accordance with the Unified Commodity Nomenclature of Foreign Economic Activities of the Eurasian Economic Union
Decision 52: On the classification of salt-dried fish and squid in accordance with the unified Commodity Nomenclature of Foreign Economic Activities of the Eurasian Economic Union
Decision 56: On the classification of profiles, panels, decking and facade panels made of wood-polymer composite in accordance with the unified Commodity Nomenclature of Foreign Economic Activities of the Eurasian Economic Union
Decision 57: On the plan for the development of technical regulations of the Eurasian Economic Union and amendments to them
Decision 60: On the Concept of Creation of the Integrated Information System of Foreign and Mutual Trade of the Customs Union and Priority Measures for its Implementation
Decision 60: Concerning the Introduction of Amendments to Certain Decisions of the Board of the Eurasian Economic Commission Concerning the Structures and Formats of Electronic Copies of Customs Documents
Decision 64: On Amendments to Technical Regulations of the Customs Union "On Cosmetics and Perfumes Safety" (TR CU 009/2011)
Decision 7: On the Methodology for Assessing the State of Competition
Decision 70: On the classification of an electric cart with a handle control according to the unified Commodity Nomenclature of Foreign Economic Activities of the Eurasian Economic Union
Decision 728: On the procedure for applying exemption from customs duties when importing certain categories of goods into the single customs territory of the Customs Union
Decision 74: On the action plan ("road map") on accession of the Kyrgyz Republic to the Customs Union of the Republic of Belarus, the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Russian Federation
Decision 76: On approval of the list of products in respect of which the submission of the customs declaration is accompanied by a document on conformity assessment (information about the conformity assessment document) with the requirements of the technical regulation of the Customs Union "Technical regulation on fruit and vegetable juice products (TR CU 023/2011) (amended on November 29, 2021)
Decision 77: On the list of international and regional (interstate) standards, and in their absence - national (state) standards, as a result of which, on a voluntary basis, compliance with the requirements of the technical regulations of the Customs Union "Electromagnetic compatibility of technical means" (TR CU 020/2011) is ensured, and the list of international and regional (interstate) standards, and in their absence - national (state) standards containing rules and methods of research (testing) and measurements, including sampling rules necessary for the application and implementation of the requirements of the technical regulations of the Customs Union "Electromagnetic compatibility of technical means" (TR CU 020/2011) and the implementation of conformity assessment of objects of technical regulation
Decision 774: On full conditional exemption from customs duties and taxes in respect of a cruise ship imported into the single customs territory of the Customs Union for the purpose of its use as a hotel for guests and participants of the APEC Summit 2012.
Decision 79: On the plan for the development of technical regulations of the Eurasian Economic Union and amendments to the technical regulations of the Customs Union
Decision 79: On the Procedure for Interaction of the Member States of the Eurasian Economic Union in the Prevention, Diagnosis, Localization and Elimination of Foci of Particularly Dangerous, Quarantine and Zoonotic Animal Diseases and Regionalization and Compartmentalization
Decision 8: On the presence of a violation of the general rules of competition in cross-border markets
Decision 8: On Amendments to Some Decisions of the Council of the Eurasian Economic Commission
Decision 80: On approval of the Common Commodity Nomenclature of Foreign Economic Activities of the Eurasian Economic Union and the Common Customs Tariff of the Eurasian Economic Union, as well as on changing and repealing certain decisions of the Council of the Eurasian Economic Commission
Decision 81: About the list of standards as a result of which application on a voluntary basis the observance of requirements of technical regulations of the Customs union "About safety of meat and meat production" (ТР ТС 034/2013), and the list of standards containing rules and methods of researches (tests) and measurements, including rules of sampling necessary for application and execution of requirements of technical regulations of the Customs union "About safety of meat and meat production" (ТР ТС 034/2013) and realization of an estimation (acknowledgement) of conformity of production
Decision 84: Repealing certain provisions of the decisions of the Council of the Eurasian Economic Commission
Decision 85: On the use of copies of certificates of origin for the purposes of tariff preferences
Decision 87: On implementation of the project "Creation of information and communication "showcase" of national services of the Eurasian Economic Union digital transport corridors ecosystem".
Decision 88: About the Program for the development (amendment, revision) of interstate standards, the application of which on a voluntary basis ensures compliance with the technical regulations of the Customs Union
Decision 89: On the Program for the development (amendment, revision) of interstate standards, as a result of which, on a voluntary basis, compliance with the requirements of the technical regulations of the Customs Union "On the safety of devices operating on gaseous fuel" (TR CU 016/2011), as well as interstate standards is ensured, containing the rules and methods of research (testing) and measurements, including the rules for sampling necessary for the application and implementation of the requirements of the technical regulations of the Customs Union "On the safety of devices operating on gaseous fuel" (TR CU 016/2011) and assessment (confirmation ) conformity of products (expired from 01.07.2021 on the basis of the decision of the EEC Board dated 25.05.2021 N 58)
Decision 9: The list of standards containing the rules and methods of research (tests) and measurements, including the rules of sampling, necessary for the application and implementation of the requirements of technical regulations of the Customs Union "Technical regulation on tobacco products" (TR CU 035/2014) and conformity assessment of technical regulation objects
Decision 90: On Amendments to the Decision of the Board of the Eurasian Economic Commission of November 12, 2013 N 254
Decision 93: On the list of international and regional (interstate) standards, and in their absence - national (state) standards, the application of which on a voluntary basis to ensure compliance with the requirements of the technical regulations of the Customs Union "Safety of elevators (TR CU 011/2011), and the list of international and regional (interstate) standards, and in their absence - national (state) standards that contain rules and methods of research (tests) and measurements, including sampling rules necessary for the application and implementation of the requirements of the technical regulations of the Customs Union "Safety of elevators" (TR CU 011/2011) (TR CU 011/2011) and conformity assessment of the objects of technical regulation
Decision 96: On the list of international and regional (interstate) standards, and in their absence - national (state) standards, the application of which on a voluntary basis to ensure compliance with the requirements of technical regulations of the Customs Union "On safety of equipment operating under excess pressure" (TR TS 032/2013), and the list of international and regional (interstate) standards, and in their absence - national (state) standards, containing rules and methods of research (tests) and
Decision 98: About the Regulation of the Eurasian Economic Commission
Decree 4: Sanitary and Epidemiological Requirements for the Prevention of Infectious Diseases
Directive 1583/r: On approval of the Standard technological process of work of the mechanized distance of loading and unloading works and commercial operations
Directive 2575-r: On Approval of the Strategy for the Development of the Customs Service of the Russian Federation until 2020
Federal Law 108-FZ: On the preparation and holding in the Russian Federation of the FIFA 2018 World Cup, the FIFA 2017 Confederations Cup, the UEFA 2020 European Football Championship and amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation
Federal Law 117-FZ: Safety of Hydraulic Structures
Federal Law 188-FZ: Concerning the Introduction of Amendments to Article 100 of the Federal Law "On Customs Regulation in the Russian Federation"
Federal Law 193-FZ: On state support for entrepreneurial activity in the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation
Federal Law 207-FZ: Concerning the Introduction of Amendments to the Federal Law "On the Special Economic Zone in the Kaliningrad Region and on Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation"
Federal Law 232-FZ: On Amendments to the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation and Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation
Federal Law 289-FZ: On Customs Regulation in the Russian Federation and on Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation
Federal Law 311-FZ: On customs regulation in the Russian Federation
Federal Law 340-FZ: On Amending the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation and Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation
Federal Law 365-FZ: Concerning the Introduction of Amendments to the Federal Law "On Customs Regulation in the Russian Federation"
Federal Law 372-FZ: On Amending the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation and Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation
Federal Law 377-FZ: On the development of the Republic of Crimea and the city of federal significance of Sevastopol and the free economic zone in the territories of the Republic of Crimea and the city of federal significance of Sevastopol
Federal law 395-1: On banks and banking activities (as amended by the Federal Law No. 17-FZ of February 3, 1996)
Federal law 409-FZ: On Amendments to the Federal Law "On Mortgage-Backed Securities" and Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation
Federal Law 473-FZ: On territories of advanced social and economic development in the Russian Federation
Federal Law 81-FZ: On state regulation in the field of coal mining and use, on peculiarities of social protection of employees of coal industry organizations
Federal Law 83-FZ: Concerning the Introduction of Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation in Connection with the Improvement of the Legal Status of State (Municipal) Institutions
Federal Law 84-FZ: On Amending Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation and on Conducting an Experiment in the Territory of the Kaliningrad Region to Create Conditions for Orderly Electronic Trade in Goods
GOST 22000-2023: Concrete and reinforced concrete pipes. Types and main parameters
GOST 23117-2021: Clamps and couplings for tensioning the reinforcing bars of prestressed reinforced concrete structures. Technical specifications
GOST 26314-98: Stationary ship's ladders. Specifications
GOST 28759.10-2022: Flanges of vessels and devices. Thermal expanded graphite gaskets on metal toothed base. Design and dimensions. Technical requirements
GOST 28759.2-2022: Flanges of vessels and apparatuses steel flat welded. Design and dimensions
GOST 30630.1.3-2001: Testing methods for the resistance of machines, devices and other engineering products to external acting mechanical factors. Test for impacts' action.
GOST 30970-2023: Door blocks made of polyvinylchloride profiles. General technical conditions
GOST 3213-2023: Electrode pitch coke. Technical conditions
GOST 32221-2013: Copper concentrates. Methods of analysis
GOST 34005-2022: Automotive vehicles. Digital tachographs. Technical requirements and test methods
GOST 34058-2021: Engineering networks of buildings and structures. Installation and commissioning, maintenance and repair of evaporative and compressor-condenser units of domestic air-conditioning systems. The rules and control of the work
GOST 34728-2021: Fire machinery. Automatic fire hoists. General technical requirements. Test methods
GOST 34740-2021: Automatic high-speed switches for subway rolling stock. Safety requirements and control methods
GOST 34829-2022: Intellectual property. Customs protection
GOST 34865-2022: Glass for greenhouses. Specifications
GOST 34888-2022: Intellectual property. Terms and definitions
GOST 34916.1-2022: Intellectual Property. Use of Intellectual Property Objects on the Internet. Part 1 . General provisions
GOST 34917-2022: Intellectual property. Determination of the level of counterfeit goods at the regional level
GOST 59882-2021: Orthopedic hip joint appliances. General technical requirements. Classification
GOST EN 416-2-2015: Tube infrared heaters gas ceiling with a single burner, not intended for domestic use. Part 2. Energy Efficiency
GOST EN 792-7-2012: Hand-held non-electric power tools. Safety requirements. Part 7. Grinders
GOST IEC 60335-2-60-2002: Safety of household and similar electrical appliances. Additional requirements for hot tubs and test methods
GOST IEC 60870-2-1-2014: Devices and systems of telemechanics. Part 2. Operating conditions. Section 1. Power Supplies and Electromagnetic Compatibility
GOST ISO 2531-2022: Spheroidal graphite cast iron pipes, fittings, fittings and their connectors for water supply. Technical specifications
GOST R 21.622-2023: System of design documentation for construction. Rules for execution of design documentation for internal electrical installations, power supply networks and outdoor electrical lighting systems
GOST R 52725-2021: Non-linear surge arresters for alternating current power installations with voltages from 3 to 750 kV. General specifications
GOST R 55386-2012: Intellectual property. Terms and definitions
GOST R 56731-2023: Mechanical anchors for anchoring in concrete. Test methods
GOST R 56826-2015: Intellectual property. Customs protection
GOST R 57558-2017: Additive manufacturing. General principles. Part 1. Terms and definitions
GOST R 58800-2020: Intellectual property. Trademark Use
GOST R 59300-2021: Automobile roads for general use. Concrete mixtures for the device of layers of bases and coatings. Technical conditions
GOST R 59595-2021: Soils. Static seismic logging field test method
GOST R 59610-2021: Automobile roads for general use. Pedestrian crossings at different levels. General requirements. Accommodation rules
GOST R 59731-2021: Medical electrical devices. Magnetic resonance tomographs. Methods of technical state control
GOST R 59747.3-2021: Prefilled syringes. Part 3. Capping devices for local anesthetic drug cartridges for use in dentistry
GOST R 59799-2021: Smart Manufacturing. Reference Architecture Model of Industry 4.0 (RAMI 4.0)
GOST R 59912-2021: Warehouse equipment. Storage mezzanines on columns. General specifications
GOST R 59932-2021: Uranium mining facilities by in-situ and heap leaching methods. Norms of technological design
GOST R 59958-2021: Soils. Method for determination of tensile strength and deformation modulus in tests with concentrated load
GOST R ISO / TS 15066: 2016 Robots and robotic devices. Safety requirements for robots working in conjunction with humans
GOST R IEC 62849:2016 Robots and robotic devices. Service mobile robots for domestic work. Methods of performance evaluation
GOST R 70027-2022: Earth Remote Sensing from Space. Data of Earth remote sensing from space. Types of atmospheric correction.
GOST R 70088-2022: Logs and rounded logs. Technical conditions
GOST R 70105-2023: Vibration. Auxiliary technical devices for general and local vibration measurements. Guidelines for use
GOST R 70120-2022: Civil aviation equipment. Operation according to technical condition. General requirements
GOST R 70149-2022: Meat and meat products. Determination of the mass fraction of tryptophan by spectrophotometric method
GOST R 70184-2022: Satellite communication system "SPUTNIK-A". Processes of frame structure formation, channel coding, modulation for digital satellite communication system. Technical specifications
GOST R 70228-2022: Wood building boards with oriented chips. Methods for determination of strength and elastic characteristics
GOST R 70231-2022: Hygiene of food products. Clothing for workers in food production and catering. Requirements based on the principles of HACCP
GOST R 70382-2022: Refrigeration equipment. Refrigerating air coolers with forced blowing. Test conditions for determining the capacity
GOST R 70484-2022: Intellectual property. Risk insurance
GOST R 70552-2022: Coke coal, pitch and thermal anthracite. Acceptance rules
GOST R 70578-2022: Checkpoints across the state border of the Russian Federation. Terms and definitions
GOST R 70731.4-2023: Steel pipes for manufacture of equipment and pipelines of nuclear power plants. General technical conditions. Part 4. Longitudinal welded steel pipes made of 08Х18Н10Т austenitic class steel.
GOST R 70802-2023: Unmanned aerial systems for firefighting, rescue and other operations to prevent emergencies and eliminate their consequences. General requirements
GOST R 70825-2023: External engineering networks. Installation of underground water pipelines and pressure sewerage pipelines made of high-strength cast iron with spheroidal graphite. Rules and control of work performance
GOST R 70842-2023: Oil and gas industry. Design and operation of subsea production systems. Part 8. Remotely Operated Device (ROD) interfaces in subsea production systems
GOST R 71006-2023: Optics and photonics. Lenses for optoelectronic systems. Methods of measurement of entrance pupil diameter and determination of relative aperture
GOST R 71015-2023: Integrated circuits. Filters. Parameter system
GOST R 71022-2023: Three-layer metal panels. Calculation method of conditional resistance to heat transfer taking into account the influence of locking joints
GOST R 71026-2023: Translucent products with safety glazing for buildings of pre-school educational and general education organizations. Monitoring of technical condition, maintenance and repair during operation
GOST R 71162-2023: Catering services. Delivery of public catering products by consumers' orders. General requirements
GOST R 71177-2023: Managing large construction projects using integrated contracts
GOST R 71237-2024: Suspended ropeways for transportation of people. Electrical equipment. Safety requirements
GOST R 71300-2024: Mining equipment. Explosion protection means in gas suction and degassing pipelines and installations. General technical requirements and test methods
GOST R IEC 60601-2-66-2021: Medical electrical apparatus. Part 2-66. Particular requirements for basic safety and basic performance characteristics of hearing aids and hearing aid systems
GOST R ISO 11638-2022: Elastic floor coverings. Heterogeneous polyvinylchloride floors on foam. Technical conditions
Information: List of acts containing mandatory requirements, compliance with which is assessed in the course of control activities in the course of federal state construction supervision
Information 14-86/M-2411: On sending information
Information 3: Amendments to the Classifier of Violations (Risks) Identified by the Federal Treasury in the Course of Control in the Financial and Budgetary Sphere N 3
Instruction 312-r: On approval of the Strategy for the development of the forestry complex of the Russian Federation until 2030
KMS 790:2008: Smoked national sausage products. General technical specifications
Letter: Recommendations of the Federal Customs Service of Russia for foreign trade participants on the use of release of goods prior to the submission of a goods declaration
Letter 01/898-17-32: On interaction between territorial bodies of Rospotrebnadzor and Customs authorities of the Russian Federation in establishing the fact of moving an object with an elevated radiation background
Letter 01-11/03363: On registration of PTS for vehicles imported by family members of the State Program participant
Letter 01-11/04730: On sending information
Letter 01-11/04772: Concerning the Sending of Methodological Recommendations for Organizing and Conducting Customs Inspection (Examination) Prior to the Release of Goods
Letter 01-11/12584: On the application of the Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation dated December 28, 2004 N 863
Letter 01-11/18157: On the application of the Regulations on the organization of coordinated control measures and customs and tax control measures on the information of the parties
Letter 01-11/28474: On international transportation using TIR Carnets
Letter 01-11/30742: On filling in box 44 of the goods declaration
Letter 01-11/31142: On the implementation of Chapter 21 of the Federal Law of November 27, 2010 N 311-FZ "On Customs Regulation in the Russian Federation"
Letter 01-11/36526: On movement of goods of the Customs Union to the Republic of Armenia
Letter 01-11/64261: On failure to submit a contract when filing a goods declaration
Letter 01-11/64914: On control over the movement of goods between the Russian Federation and the Republic of Armenia
Letter 01-11/64965: On the implementation of Chapter 21 of the Federal Law of November 27, 2010 N 311-FZ
Letter 01-11/70612: On the application of provisions of the law of the Eurasian Economic Union
Letter 03-07-03/16526: On the scope of information required to be indicated in the customs declaration form CN 23
Letter 03-10-08/9308: Concerning the inclusion in the customs value of goods of amounts of taxes charged by sellers to buyers of goods exported from the territory of the Kaliningrad Region to the rest of the customs territory of the Union, as well as customs duties paid when placing the said goods under the customs procedure for release for domestic consumption
Letter 03-10-11/22119: On control of customs value
Letter 04-18/M-2275: On sending clarifications
Letter 04-18/P-0953: On the procedure for declaring goods
Letter 05-54/10299: On the application of the import customs duty rate
Letter 14-36/31557: On Issues of Ensuring Protection of Intellectual Property Rights by Customs Authorities of the Russian Federation
Letter 15-13/64892: Review of the practice of consideration by the FCS of Russia of complaints against decisions, actions (inaction) of customs authorities and their officials in the area of customs affairs in 2015
Letter 15-95/60489: On sending clarifications
Letter 2390-TB/02: Concerning the conclusion of a contract for the performance of the functions of a technical customer and a construction contract with the same person
Letter 272-01-39-VA: On sending Methodological Recommendations on the execution of documentation when importing cultural property into the Russian Federation
Letter 50234-TB/02: On the functions of the ACA
Letter 55067-OG/08: On issues of construction control
Letter AK-64835/15: On consideration of the appeal
Letter D28i-1889: On sending answers to the questions received
Letter OA-4-17/2926@: On the issue of opening duty-free stores
Letter SA-4-7/22683@: On sending an overview of judicial acts issued by the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation and the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation on taxation issues in the second half of 2015
Letter TKS-10/5: Concerning the movement of goods and means of transport for personal use between the territory of the Kaliningrad region of the Russian Federation and the rest of the single customs territory of the Customs Union
Letter TKS-1014: On control over the movement of goods of the Customs Union
Methodological Recommendations 71-16-2019: Methodological Recommendations on Organization of Prosecutor's Supervision over Enforcement of Legislation in Resettlement of Citizens from Emergency Housing and Capital Repair of General Property in Apartment Buildings
MUK 4.2.3745-22: Methods of laboratory diagnosis of cholera
Order 1003: On Cancellation of Order No. 985 of the FCS of Russia of May 25, 2015
Order 1064: Concerning the Introduction of Amendments to the Register of Customs Representatives with respect to Limited Liability Company "Transport and Forwarding Company "Balt-Forward" (LLC "TEF "Balt-Forward")
Order 1078: On Approval of the Administrative Regulations for the Provision of the State Service of State Accreditation of Educational Activities by the State Authorities of the Constituent Entities of the Russian Federation Exercising Transmitted Powers of the Russian Federation in the Field of Education
Order 1104: Concerning the Introduction of Amendments to the Register of Customs Representatives with respect to Limited Liability Company Premium Engineering
Order 1122: Concerning the Introduction of Amendments to the Register of Customs Representatives with respect to Limited Liability Company Phoenix
Order 1155: Model program on the course "Industrial, Environmental, Energy Safety, Safety of Hydraulic Structures" for pre-certification (pre-examination) training of managers and specialists of organizations supervised by the Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision.
Order 1162: On the inclusion of Transtech LLC in the register of customs carriers
Order 1179: Concerning Approval of the Procedure for Customs Officials' Actions When Using Customs Duties and Taxes Paid at Preliminary Customs Declaration of Goods as Security for Payment of Customs Duties and Taxes during Transportation of Goods
Order 1181: On the exclusion of Service Trade LLC from the register of customs carriers
Order 1194: On exclusion of CJSC Granit from the register of customs carriers
Order 1197: Concerning the Introduction of Amendments to the Register of Customs Representatives with respect to Limited Liability Company RTL Group of Companies (RTL Group of Companies LLC)
Order 1199: Concerning the Introduction of Amendments to the Register of Customs Representatives with respect to Limited Liability Company TL BROKER
Order 1261: Concerning the Introduction of Amendments to the Register of Customs Representatives with respect to Limited Liability Company "Customs Agency "Continent"
Order 1262: Concerning the Introduction of Amendments to the Register of Customs Representatives with respect to Limited Liability Company ROSTEK-Logistics
Order 1264: On the inclusion of Staf LLC in the register of customs carriers
Order 1276: Concerning the Introduction of Amendments to the Register of Customs Representatives with respect to Limited Liability Company "NWTC Del-Express"
Order 1296: On amending the Register of Customs Carriers and issuing a new certificate of inclusion in the Register of Customs Carriers to G.N.S. Trucking LLC
Order 1297: On making changes to the register of customs carriers and issuing a new certificate of inclusion in the register of customs carriers to Rusant LLC
Order 1297: Concerning the Introduction of Amendments to the Register of Customs Representatives with respect to Limited Liability Company "Trans-Management"
Order 1298: Inclusion of Centis Russland LLC in the register of customs carriers
Order 1299: Concerning the Introduction of Amendments to the Register of Customs Representatives with respect to Limited Liability Company Kastom Profit System
Order 1345: Concerning the Approval of the Procedure for the Use within the Risk Management System of Preliminary Information on Goods Imported into the Territory of the Russian Federation by Road and International Transportation Vehicles Transporting Such Goods
Order 1348: On Approval of the Administrative Regulations for the Provision of the State Service of State Accreditation of Educational Activities by the State Authorities of the Constituent Entities of the Russian Federation Exercising Transferred Powers of the Russian Federation in the Field of Education
Order 1349: Inclusion of SNATrans LLC in the Register of Customs Carriers
Order 1351: On Cancellation of Order N 1268 of the FCS of Russia of July 2, 2014
Order 1355: About inclusion of Limited Liability Company Trans Terminal Service in the Register of Customs Representatives
Order 1359: On the inclusion of the RLK Closed Joint-Stock Company in the Register of Customs Representatives
Order 1371: On Amendments to the Administrative Regulations of the Federal Customs Service for the provision of state services to maintain a register of customs carriers, approved by Order of the FCS of Russia of September 30, 2011 N 1992
Order 1373: On making changes to the register of customs carriers and issuing a new certificate of inclusion in the register of customs carriers to Lokom Ltd.
Order 1380: Concerning the Introduction of Amendments to the Register of Customs Representatives with respect to Limited Liability Company Customs Brokerage Center (LLC TBC)
Order 1380: On the exclusion of Gestion LLC from the Register of Customs Representatives
Order 140: On approval of the Regulations on the functional subsystem for the prevention and elimination of emergencies of the troops of the National Guard of the Russian Federation of the unified state system for the prevention and elimination of emergency situations
Order 1401: On the exclusion of Navita LLC from the Register of Customs Representatives
Order 1409: On the exclusion of RU Kastoms LLC from the Register of Customs Representatives
Order 1410: Concerning the Introduction of Amendments to the Register of Customs Representatives with respect to Limited Liability Company "Far East Customs Operations Center" (LLC DVCTO)
Order 1411: Concerning the Introduction of Amendments to the Register of Customs Representatives with respect to Limited Liability Company "Kango Kastom"
Order 1412: Concerning the Introduction of Amendments to the Register of Customs Representatives with respect to Limited Liability Company "Trans-Management"
Order 1416: On Cancellation of Order of the FCS of Russia N 1409 dated July 22, 2014
Order 1417: Concerning the Introduction of Amendments to the Register of Customs Representatives with respect to Firma GTK-Service Closed Joint-Stock Company
Order 1428: On the inclusion of JSC Rossiya Airlines in the register of customs carriers
Order 1429: On the inclusion of SFERA-777 LLC in the register of customs carriers
Order 1444: Concerning the Introduction of Amendments to the Register of Customs Representatives with respect to Limited Liability Company "TB Logistic"
Order 1446: Concerning the Introduction of Amendments to the Register of Customs Representatives with respect to Closed Joint-Stock Company SERVICE-TERMINAL
Order 1447: Concerning the Introduction of Amendments to the Register of Customs Representatives with respect to Limited Liability Company "INTERNATIONAL TAMOJE TERMINAL" (LLC "MTT")
Order 1448: Concerning the Introduction of Amendments to the Register of Customs Representatives with respect to Limited Liability Company ROSTEK-ROSTOV
Order 1449: Concerning the Introduction of Amendments to the Register of Customs Representatives with respect to Limited Liability Company "Taisu-TB"
Order 144n: On approval of the professional standard "Specialist in the organization of the operation of overhead and cable municipal power lines
Order 1456: On amending the register of customs carriers and issuing a new certificate of inclusion in the register of customs carriers to Van Der Vlist Transport & Services Ros LLC
Order 1471: About the exclusion from the register of customs representatives of Limited Liability Company "Baikal Customs Representative" (LLC "BTP")
Order 1471: Concerning the Introduction of Amendments to the Register of Customs Representatives with respect to Limited Liability Company "DLK"
Order 1472: Concerning the Introduction of Amendments to the Register of Customs Representatives with respect to Limited Liability Company Rostek-Samara
Order 1476: Concerning the Introduction of Amendments to the Register of Customs Representatives with respect to Limited Liability Company "Evrika-Logistic"
Order 1478: Concerning the Introduction of Amendments to the Register of Customs Representatives with respect to INBS Integrated Business Solutions Limited Liability Company
Order 1478: Concerning the Introduction of Amendments to the Register of Customs Representatives with respect to Limited Liability Company Customs Brokerage Center (LLC TBC)
Order 1479: Concerning the Introduction of Amendments to the Register of Customs Representatives with respect to Limited Liability Company "V.R. Brokers"
Order 147n: On approval of the professional standard "Operator of precision photolithography of microelectronic products".
Order 1480: On making amendments to the Register of Customs Carriers and issuing a new certificate of inclusion in the Register of Customs Carriers to SANFLOWER CORPORATION LLC
Order 1484: On exclusion of "VAL" LLC from the register of customs carriers
Order 1485: Concerning Approval of the Form of Reporting on Foreign Goods Placed under the Customs Procedure for Release for Domestic Consumption with Privileges on Payment of Customs Duties and Taxes Associated with Restrictions on the Use and (or) Disposal of These Goods, and the Procedure for Submitting it to Customs Authorities
Order 148n: On approval of the professional standard "Operator of precision etching of microelectronic products".
Order 1491: Concerning the Introduction of Amendments to the Register of Customs Representatives with respect to Limited Liability Company Mainframe Castoms
Order 1492: On the inclusion of Limited Liability Company "Customs Clearance Center" (LLC "CTO") in the Register of Customs Representatives
Order 1493: Concerning the Introduction of Amendments to the Register of Customs Representatives with respect to Limited Liability Company IMPORTPRODUCT
Order 1494: Concerning the Introduction of Amendments to the Register of Customs Representatives with respect to Limited Liability Company "AMD Transport"
Order 1495: Concerning the Introduction of Amendments to the Register of Customs Representatives with respect to Limited Liability Company Rolf-Lodgistics
Order 1495: Concerning the Introduction of Amendments to the Register of Customs Representatives with respect to Limited Liability Company "Universal Logistics Systems - Broker" (LLC "ULS - Broker")
Order 1496: Concerning the Introduction of Amendments to the Register of Customs Representatives with respect to the Marco Polo Limited Liability Company
Order 1498: Concerning the Introduction of Amendments to the Register of Customs Representatives with respect to Limited Liability Company Novotrans Yug
Order 1498: On the inclusion of Limited Liability Company "SEAL BROKER" in the Register of Customs Representatives
Order 1501: Concerning the Introduction of Amendments to the Register of Customs Representatives with respect to Limited Liability Company TNB-Line
Order 1502: Concerning the Introduction of Amendments to the Register of Customs Representatives with respect to Firma GTK-Service Closed Joint-Stock Company
Order 1504: On amending the register of customs carriers and issuing a new certificate of inclusion in the register of customs carriers to TRANS-BUSINESS SEVERO-WEST LLC
Order 1505: On amending the register of customs carriers and issuing a new certificate of inclusion in the register of customs carriers to SPSR-EXPRESS LLC
Order 1506: Inclusion of RutransLogistic CJSC in the Register of Customs Carriers
Order 1511: Concerning the Introduction of Amendments to the Register of Customs Representatives with respect to Limited Liability Company "Babylon"
Order 1512: On the inclusion in the Register of Customs Representatives of Limited Liability Company Vneshterminal-2000
Order 1513: Concerning the Introduction of Amendments to the Register of Customs Representatives with respect to Limited Liability Company "Babylon"
Order 1513: On the inclusion in the Register of Customs Representatives of ATL Trading Limited Liability Company
Order 1514: On amending the register of customs carriers and issuing a new certificate of inclusion in the register of customs carriers to TRANSSNIP LLC
Order 1526: On Approval of the Procedure and Technologies for Customs Operations with Respect to Goods, Including Vehicles, Imported (Imported) into and Exported from the Plots of the Territory of Advanced Socio-Economic Development, where the Customs Procedure of a Free Customs Zone is Applied
Order 1529: Concerning the Introduction of Amendments to the Register of Customs Representatives with respect to Limited Liability Company VETT TRANS
Order 1538: Concerning the Introduction of Amendments to the Register of Customs Representatives with respect to Limited Liability Company Jeodis Calberson Rus
Order 1544: On the exclusion of UTair Aviation JSC from the register of customs carriers
Order 1548: On exclusion of RLC JSC from the Register of Customs Representatives
Order 1550: On Cancellation of Order N 1473 of the FCS of Russia dated August 1, 2014
Order 1554: On Cancellation of Order N 1471 of the FCS of Russia dated August 1, 2014
Order 156: Guidelines for determining the lower level of an oil and oil products spill for classifying an accidental spill as an emergency
Order 1572: Concerning Approval of the Procedure for the Use of the Unified Automated Information System of Customs Authorities in Performing Customs Operations with Respect to Railroad Vehicles and Goods Conveyed by Them in International Freight Traffic when Submitting Documents and Information in Electronic Form
Order 1597: Concerning the Introduction of Amendments to the Register of Customs Representatives with respect to Limited Liability Company LPM-Broker
Order 1606: Concerning the Introduction of Amendments to the Register of Customs Representatives with respect to Closed Joint-Stock Company Targo Group
Order 1629: On inclusion of Tokus Limited Liability Company in the Register of Customs Representatives
Order 1637: Concerning the Introduction of Amendments to the Register of Customs Representatives with respect to Limited Liability Company "Financial and Legal Group "ANP-KONSALTING" (LLC "FPG "ANP-KONSALTING")
Order 1639: Concerning the Introduction of Amendments to the Register of Customs Representatives with respect to Limited Liability Company "North-West Customs Complex" (LLC "NWCC")
Order 1673: On the inclusion of Interlinks Limited Liability Company in the Register of Customs Representatives
Order 1674: Concerning the Introduction of Amendments to the Register of Customs Representatives with respect to Limited Liability Company Voskhod
Order 1675: Concerning the Introduction of Amendments to the Register of Customs Representatives with respect to InvestAgroProm Limited Liability Company
Order 1676: On Approval of the Regulations on Mineralovodsk Customs
Order 1677: On approval of the strategy and tactics of the risk management system application, the procedure for collecting and processing information, analyzing and assessing risks, developing and implementing risk management measures (except for risks in the field of veterinary medicine, sanitary and epidemiological supervision and plant quarantine)
Order 1682: On Cancellation of Order N 1613 of the FCS of Russia of August 19, 2016
Order 1687: On Cancellation of Order N 1598 of the FCS of Russia dated August 17, 2016
Order 169: Design guidelines for aspiration systems for grain storage and processing plants and bakery plants
Order 1694: On the inclusion of Stalker LLC in the register of customs carriers
Order 1695: On amending the register of customs carriers and issuing a new certificate of inclusion in the register of customs carriers to TG LLC
Order 1696: On amending the Register of Customs Carriers and issuing a new certificate of inclusion in the Register of Customs Carriers to Taisu GLOBAL TRAC LLC
Order 1697: On the inclusion of Vinis Trans LLC in the register of customs carriers
Order 1698: Concerning the Introduction of Amendments to the Register of Customs Representatives with respect to Limited Liability Company SINTECH
Order 1699: Concerning the Introduction of Amendments to the Register of Customs Representatives with respect to Limited Liability Company Customs Brokerage Center (TBC LLC)
Order 1702: Concerning the Introduction of Amendments to the Register of Customs Representatives with respect to Limited Liability Company "Customs Partner"
Order 1703: On the inclusion of Limited Liability Company "LSMBROKER" in the Register of customs representatives
Order 1710: On Amendments to the Administrative Regulations of the Federal Customs Service for the provision of the state service of maintaining a register of authorized economic operators, approved by Order of the FCS of Russia of September 14, 2011 N 1877
Order 1711: On the exclusion of Green Line DV LLC from the Register of Customs Carriers
Order 1713: On the exclusion of Kargokast LLC from the Register of Customs Representatives
Order 1718: On the exclusion of OOO MP Sovtransavto-Vostok from the register of customs carriers
Order 1720: Concerning the Introduction of Amendments to the Register of Customs Representatives with respect to Limited Liability Company Customs Agency Continent
Order 1730: Concerning the Introduction of Amendments to the Register of Customs Representatives with respect to Limited Liability Company Kamchatvneshtrans (KVT LLC)
Order 1732: Concerning the Introduction of Amendments to the Register of Customs Representatives with respect to Limited Liability Company Rostec Europe RUS
Order 1735: Concerning the Introduction of Amendments to the Register of Customs Representatives with respect to Limited Liability Company DHL International
Order 1736: Concerning the Introduction of Amendments to the Register of Customs Representatives with respect to Limited Liability Company Yeltrans+
Order 1737: Concerning the Introduction of Amendments to the Register of Customs Representatives with regard to LogMaster Limited Liability Company
Order 1738: On the inclusion of Limited Liability Company Gamma Logistic in the Register of Customs Representatives
Order 1748: On the inclusion of AVTOCOM LLC in the register of customs carriers
Order 1751: On the cancellation of the order of the FCS of Russia of August 26, 2016 N 1634
Order 1752: On Cancellation of Order N 1676 of the FCS of Russia of August 31, 2016
Order 1757: About inclusion of Limited Liability Company "CARAVELLA" in the Register of Customs Representatives
Order 1758: Concerning the Introduction of Amendments to the Register of Customs Representatives with respect to the Closed Joint-Stock Company "Cheboksarskoye Production and Technological Complexation Department" (CJSC "UPTK Cheboksarskoye")
Order 1766: Amendments to the Register of Customs Carriers and issuance of a new certificate of inclusion in the Register of Customs Carriers to Volgaintrans LLC
Order 1770: On exclusion of Arsenal-Auto LLC from the register of customs carriers
Order 1778: On the inclusion of BTG Exibition Logistics LLC in the Register of Customs Carriers
Order 1779: On the exclusion of CourierService-77 LLC from the Register of Customs Carriers
Order 1782: On Excluding Limited Liability Company "Gepard" from the Register of Customs Representatives
Order 1792: On Cancellation of Order N 1713 of the FCS of Russia dated August 20, 2015
Order 1797: Concerning the Introduction of Amendments to the Register of Customs Representatives with respect to Azimut Limited Liability Company
Order 1802: Concerning the Introduction of Amendments to the Register of Customs Representatives with respect to Arivist-Consult Limited Liability Company
Order 1803: Concerning the Introduction of Amendments to the Register of Customs Representatives with respect to Limited Liability Company TL BROKER
Order 1803: Concerning the inclusion of the limited liability company Mainframe Castoms in the Register of Customs Representatives
Order 1808: On the inclusion in the Register of Customs Representatives of Limited Liability Company TC Rusta-Broker
Order 1809: Concerning the Introduction of Amendments to the Register of Customs Representatives with respect to Limited Liability Company "FreeLandLogistics" (LLC "FLL")
Order 1812: On the inclusion of VTM LLC in the register of customs carriers
Order 1813: On amending the register of customs carriers and issuing a new certificate of inclusion in the register of customs carriers to Service Trade Ltd.
Order 1814: On the inclusion of Lokomotiv-Tranzit LLC in the register of customs carriers
Order 1824: On the exclusion from the Register of Customs Representatives of Limited Liability Company "First Logistics Company" (LLC "FLC")
Order 1829: On Excluding RT Broker LLC from the Register of Customs Representatives
Order 1839: The list of regulatory legal acts (their individual provisions) containing mandatory requirements, the assessment of compliance with which is carried out within the framework of state control (supervision), bringing to administrative responsibility, granting licenses, other permits, accreditation
Order 1840: On announcing a competition to fill vacant positions of state civil service in the central apparatus of the FCS of Russia
Order 1844: On making changes to the register of customs carriers and issuing a new certificate of inclusion in the register of customs carriers to V.F.Tanker Ltd.
Order 1845: On the inclusion of LLC Intertransavto-Smolensk in the register of customs carriers
Order 1846: On the inclusion of K-EXPRESS LLC in the register of customs carriers
Order 1847: On the inclusion of PORTAL LLC in the register of customs carriers
Order 1848: On making changes to the register of customs carriers and issuing a new certificate of inclusion in the register of customs carriers to AMD Logistics CJSC
Order 1849: On the inclusion of Sanitrans LLC in the register of customs carriers
Order 1849: On the exclusion from the Register of Customs Representatives of Limited Liability Company "NEFTEGAS LOGISTIC TRADE BROKER" (LLC "NLTB")
Order 1850: On amending the register of customs carriers and issuing a new certificate of inclusion in the register of customs carriers to Avtotrand Ltd.
Order 1851: On Cancellation of Order of the FCS of Russia N 1829 dated September 22, 2014
Order 1858: Concerning the Introduction of Amendments to the Register of Customs Representatives with respect to Limited Liability Company "Algol DV"
Order 1861: On approval of forms of applications for accreditation, for extension of accreditation scope, for reduction of accreditation scope of a product certification body, testing laboratory (center), quality management system certification body, for reissuance of accreditation certificate and requirements for their execution, forms of applications for accreditation, for renewal of accreditation certificate, for issue of duplicate accreditation certificate, for issue of copy of accreditation certificate, for early termination of the accreditation certificate of an expert on accreditation
Order 1862: On the exclusion of LogMaster LLC from the Register of Customs Representatives
Order 1868: Concerning the Introduction of Amendments to the Register of Customs Representatives with respect to Badis Limited Liability Company
Order 1874: On Exclusion of Limited Liability Company "Poliport" from the Register of Customs Representatives
Order 1877: On approval of the Procedure for the development of national standards, preliminary national standards using the information system in the field of standardization
Order 1878: On Excluding Limited Liability Company "Expowestrans" from the Register of Customs Representatives
Order 1889: On Amendments to the Administrative Regulations of the Federal Customs Service for the provision of the state service of issuing and revoking qualification certificates of specialists in customs operations, approved by Order of the FCS of Russia from November 8, 2011 N 2263
Order 1895: Concerning the Introduction of Amendments to the Register of Customs Representatives with respect to Limited Liability Company "Customs Representative" (LLC "TP")
Order 1899: On Cancellation of Order of the FCS of Russia N 1849 dated September 11, 2015
Order 1902: About inclusion of Limited Liability Company Khasanskaya Transport Company in the Register of Customs Representatives
Order 1905: Concerning the Introduction of Amendments to the Register of Customs Representatives with respect to Limited Liability Company Transgroup
Order 1910: On exclusion of PORTAL LLC from the Register of Customs Carriers
Order 1912: On the inclusion of Limited Liability Company "DHL Logistics" in the Register of Customs Representatives
Order 1916: On the cancellation of the order of the FCS of Russia of September 22, 2016 N 1853
Order 1917: On Excluding Garant Intermodal Limited Liability Company from the Register of Customs Representatives
Order 1925: On the exclusion of Express Logistics LLC from the register of customs carriers
Order 1927: On the exclusion of Sasko Broker LLC from the Register of Customs Representatives
Order 1928: On the exclusion of MAXILOG-TRANS LLC from the Register of Customs Representatives
Order 1929: On making changes to the register of customs carriers and issuing a new certificate of inclusion in the register of customs carriers to CJSC MIDAS
Order 1940: On the exclusion of Van Der Vlist Transport and Services Ros LLC from the register of customs carriers
Order 1944: On amending the register of customs carriers and issuing a new certificate of inclusion in the register of customs carriers to Intrans Ltd.
Order 1951: On the inclusion in the Register of Customs Representatives of Limited Liability Company MILSPED
Order 1952: Concerning the Introduction of Amendments to the Register of Customs Representatives with respect to Limited Liability Company "National Customs Broker" (LLC "NTB")
Order 1953: Concerning the Introduction of Amendments to the Register of Customs Representatives with respect to Limited Liability Company TRASCO
Order 1954: Concerning the Introduction of Amendments to the Register of Customs Representatives with respect to Limited Liability Company "Scientific and Production Enterprise KONTAKT" (OOO SPE KONTAKT)
Order 1956: On the inclusion of Khabarovsk Cargo Automobile Combine OJSC in the register of customs carriers
Order 1958: Concerning the Introduction of Amendments to the Register of Customs Representatives with respect to INTERCARGO Limited Liability Company
Order 1961: Concerning the Introduction of Amendments to the Register of Customs Representatives with Respect to Closed Joint-Stock Company "Kvenberger Logistics Rus"
Order 1962: About making changes in the register of customs representatives with respect to Limited Liability Company "Pantos Customs Service".
Order 1966: On the inclusion of Limited Liability Company "M2B" in the Register of Customs Representatives
Order 1967: Concerning the Introduction of Amendments to the Register of Customs Representatives with respect to Limited Liability Company Yu-KON
Order 1968: Concerning the Introduction of Amendments to the Register of Customs Representatives with respect to Limited Liability Company PETRA
Order 1969: Concerning the Introduction of Amendments to the Register of Customs Representatives with respect to Asvakargo Limited Liability Company
Order 1970: On making changes to the register of customs carriers and issuing a new certificate of inclusion in the register of customs carriers to Nara Auto Trans Ltd.
Order 1971: On making changes to the register of customs carriers and issuing a new certificate of inclusion in the register of customs carriers to Studio Logistics CJSC
Order 1978: On Approval of the Administrative Regulations of the Federal Customs Service for the Provision of the State Service for Making Preliminary Decisions on the Country of Origin of Goods
Order 1981: On Approval of the Regulations for Organizing Work on Interaction Agreements (Information Interaction) between the FCS of Russia and Federal Executive Authorities and Other Organizations
Order 1983: Concerning the inclusion of AVBroker Limited Liability Company in the Register of Customs Representatives
Order 1989: On the exclusion from the Register of Customs Representatives of Limited Liability Company SANNA-LITER Customs Broker (SANNA-LITER TB LLC)
Order 1996: On Approval of the Instruction on the actions of customs officials located at checkpoints on the state border of the Russian Federation, when carrying out transport control and inspection of documents required for sanitary-quarantine, quarantine phytosanitary control and veterinary supervision
Order 2001: On making changes to the register of customs carriers and issuing a new certificate of inclusion in the register of customs carriers to LLC Kamchatka Shipping Company, LLC KMP
Order 2002: On making changes to the register of customs carriers and issuing a new certificate of inclusion in the register of customs carriers to ZatTrans Ltd.
Order 2009: On the inclusion of Severny Bereg Limited Liability Company in the Register of Customs Representatives
Order 202: Establishing a fishing limit for halibut in the Kamchatka-Kuril, West Kamchatka and North Okhotsk subzones in 2018
Order 2020: On the inclusion of Limited Liability Company "VED Yug" in the Register of Customs Representatives
Order 2026: On the exclusion of KRAFTER LLC from the Register of Customs Carriers
Order 2027: About exclusion from the register of customs carriers of "Kuban-Tex" LLC
Order 2028: On amending the register of customs carriers and issuing a new certificate of inclusion in the register of customs carriers to TELS CARGO LLC
Order 2029: On making changes to the register of customs carriers and issuing a new certificate of inclusion in the register of customs carriers to Shturval LLC
Order 2031: On the exclusion of CJSC Logistics Studio from the Register of Customs Carriers
Order 2033: Concerning the Introduction of Amendments to the Register of Customs Representatives with respect to INMAR Closed Joint-Stock Company
Order 2034: Concerning the Introduction of Amendments to the Register of Customs Representatives with respect to Limited Liability Company SINTECH
Order 2037: On amending the register of customs carriers and issuing a new certificate of inclusion in the register of customs carriers to Cargo Trust LLC
Order 2038: Concerning the Introduction of Amendments to the Register of Customs Representatives with respect to Closed Joint-Stock Company SERVICE-TERMINAL
Order 2052: Concerning the Introduction of Amendments to the Register of Customs Representatives with respect to Tokus Limited Liability Company
Order 2053: Concerning the Introduction of Amendments to the Register of Customs Representatives with respect to Limited Liability Company Kamchatvneshtrans (KVT LLC)
Order 2054: On the inclusion of limited liability company HTH Rus in the Register of Customs Representatives
Order 2069: On Excluding Limited Liability Company ROSTEK-Kuban from the Register of Customs Representatives
Order 2077: On the inclusion of Mega Stream LLC in the register of customs carriers
Order 2078: Concerning the Inclusion of Limited Liability Company "Calypso" in the Register of Customs Representatives
Order 207n/1127: On approval of the list of technologically conditioned places where metering devices are installed to record the movement of electricity imported into and exported from the Russian Federation through power transmission lines located in the Russian Federation
Order 2085: Concerning the Introduction of Amendments to the Register of Customs Representatives with respect to Closed Joint-Stock Company ABI-Trade
Order 2086: Concerning the Introduction of Amendments to the Register of Customs Representatives with respect to Limited Liability Company Customs Brokerage Center (LLC TBC)
Order 2087: Concerning the Introduction of Amendments to the Register of Customs Representatives with respect to Limited Liability Company CROCUS LOGISTIC
Order 2094: On the powers of structural subdivisions of the Crimean Customs Service
Order 2096: Concerning the Introduction of Amendments to the Register of Customs Representatives with respect to Limited Liability Company "NEFTEGAS LOGISTIC TRADE BROKER" (LLC "NLTB")
Order 2107: On amending the register of customs carriers and issuing a new certificate of inclusion in the register of customs carriers to Philip LLC
Order 2108: On the inclusion of Express Logistics LLC in the register of customs carriers
Order 2116: Administrative Regulations for the provision by the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation of the state service for licensing the development, production, testing, installation, assembly, maintenance, repair, disposal and sale of weapons and military equipment
Order 2136: On the inclusion of Limited Liability Company Business Master Logistics (BM-Logistics LLC) in the Register of Customs Representatives
Order 2137: On inclusion of Limited Liability Company "Interatsiya-Sibir" in the Register of Customs Representatives
Order 2137: On the exclusion of Interacia-Siberia LLC from the register of customs representatives
Order 2155: On exclusion of MIRPEK LLC from the register of customs carriers
Order 2156: On amending the register of customs carriers and issuing a new certificate of inclusion in the register of customs carriers to RosTransLogistic LLC
Order 2159: Concerning the Introduction of Amendments to the Register of Customs Representatives with respect to Limited Liability Company "Managing Logistics Company"
Order 2164: Concerning the Introduction of Amendments to the Register of Customs Representatives with respect to Limited Liability Company "Siberian Customs Representative" (LLC "STP")
Order 2165: Concerning the Introduction of Amendments to the Register of Customs Representatives with respect to Limited Liability Company "OCTIN"
Order 2169: On amending the register of customs carriers and issuing a new certificate of inclusion in the register of customs carriers to SPSR-EXPRESS LLC
Order 2170: On the inclusion of GreenTrans LLC in the register of customs carriers
Order 2177: About exclusion of "Nau" LLC from the register of customs carriers
Order 2178: On Excluding Limited Liability Company "MIDGLEN Logistics Sakhalin" (LLC "Midglen") from the Register of Customs Representatives
Order 2189: Concerning the Introduction of Amendments to the Register of Customs Representatives with respect to Limited Liability Company Kronos
Order 2192: Concerning the Introduction of Amendments to the Register of Customs Representatives with respect to Limited Liability Company "National Customs Broker" (LLC "NTB")
Order 2193: Concerning the Inclusion of the Limited Liability Company "Marco Polo" in the Register of Customs Representatives
Order 2195: On exclusion of Sovtrak LLC from the register of customs carriers
Order 2196: On inclusion of TC Logistic-South LLC in the register of customs carriers
Order 2219: On Cancellation of Order N 2137 of the FCS of Russia dated October 22, 2015
Order 2236: On the exclusion of Scan Global Logistics LLC from the Register of Customs Representatives
Order 2237: On the exclusion of Logitek LLC from the Register of Customs Representatives
Order 2239: On Excluding ROSTEK-Customs Broker CJSC from the Register of Customs Representatives
Order 2241: On the exclusion from the Register of Customs Representatives of Limited Liability Company "Research and Production Enterprise CONTACT" (OOO NPP CONTACT)
Order 2244: On amending the register of customs carriers and issuing a new certificate of inclusion in the register of customs carriers to Star-Cargo Ltd.
Order 2245: On making changes to the register of customs carriers and issuing a new certificate of inclusion in the register of customs carriers to I-TRANS LLC
Order 2246: On making changes to the register of customs carriers and issuing a new certificate of inclusion in the register of customs carriers to CJSC Granit
Order 2247: Concerning Approval of the Procedure for Filling in the Permit for Processing of Goods Outside the Customs Territory by Customs Officials
Order 2267: Concerning the Introduction of Amendments to the Register of Customs Representatives with respect to Limited Liability Company "Evrika-Logistic"
Order 2268: On the cancellation of the order of the FCS of Russia of November 19, 2014 N 2241
Order 227: Concerning the Introduction of Amendments to the Register of Customs Representatives with regard to Air Cargo Express Service Limited Liability Company
Order 2273: On amending the register of customs carriers and issuing a new certificate of inclusion in the register of customs carriers to United Parcel Service (RUS) LLC
Order 22n: On Approval of the Procedure for Customs Authorities to Identify Foreign Goods Placed (Placed) under the Customs Procedure of a Free Customs Zone in Goods Manufactured (Obtained) with the Use of Foreign Goods Placed under the Customs Procedure of a Free Customs Zone
Order 2303: On amending the register of customs carriers and issuing a new certificate of inclusion in the register of customs carriers to Novokont LLC
Order 2304: On amending the register of customs carriers and issuing a new certificate of inclusion in the register of customs carriers to Automobile Logistics Limited Liability Company
Order 2305: About exclusion of UTEC LLC from the register of customs carriers
Order 2306: On the exclusion of Neva-Balt North-West LLC from the register of customs carriers
Order 2307: On the exclusion from the register of customs carriers of the Closed Joint-Stock Company "TRANSPORT, TAMOGNE, TOURISM". "T.T.T."
Order 2309: Concerning Introduction of Amendments to the Register of Customs Representatives with respect to Closed Joint Stock Company LUKOIL-Black Sea Region
Order 2310: On the exclusion of Biocard Logistics LLC from the register of customs representatives
Order 2322: On Amendments to the standard regulations on the service of customs control after release of goods of the regional customs department and the standard regulations on the unit of customs control after release of goods of the customs, approved by the order of the FCS of Russia from November 7, 2012 N 2255
Order 2328: On the exclusion from the Register of Customs Representatives of Limited Liability Company "Financial and Legal Group "ANP-KONSALTING" (LLC "FPG "ANP-KONSALTING")
Order 2345: Concerning the Introduction of Amendments to the Register of Customs Representatives with respect to Closed Joint-Stock Company "Militzer & Muench"
Order 2346: Concerning the Introduction of Amendments to the Register of Customs Representatives with respect to Limited Liability Company ROSTEK-TransLogistics
Order 2347: Concerning the Introduction of Amendments to the Register of Customs Representatives with respect to Limited Liability Company RU Kastoms
Order 2348: Concerning the Introduction of Amendments to the Register of Customs Representatives with respect to Arivist-Consult Limited Liability Company
Order 2366: On Cancellation of Order of the FCS of Russia N 2239 dated November 19, 2014
Order 2371: On exclusion of DV-Trans LLC from the register of customs carriers
Order 2372: On the exclusion of Yuna-Oil LLC from the register of customs carriers
Order 2372: On the inclusion of Interlinks Limited Liability Company in the Register of Customs Representatives
Order 2373: On the exclusion of VDV-Trans LLC from the register of customs carriers
Order 2375: On exclusion of Balt Escort Service CJSC from the Register of Customs Representatives
Order 2381: On amending the register of customs carriers and issuing a new certificate of inclusion in the register of customs carriers to Ruskon LLC
Order 2382: On making changes to the register of customs carriers and issuing a new certificate of inclusion in the register of customs carriers to Rolf-Lodgistics Ltd.
Order 2382: Concerning the Introduction of Amendments to the Register of Customs Representatives with respect to Limited Liability Company ATEK R-Leader
Order 2409: On the cancellation of the order of the FCS of Russia of November 26, 2014 N 2310
Order 2411: Concerning the Introduction of Amendments to the Register of Customs Representatives with respect to Limited Liability Company Union Logistics
Order 2412: Concerning the Introduction of Amendments to the Register of Customs Representatives with respect to Limited Liability Company DHL Express
Order 2413: Concerning the Introduction of Amendments to the Register of Customs Representatives with respect to Limited Liability Company Trans Business Eurasia
Order 2414: Concerning the Introduction of Amendments to the Register of Customs Representatives with respect to Limited Liability Company SINTECH
Order 2415: Concerning the Introduction of Amendments to the Register of Customs Representatives with respect to Limited Liability Company "BP LOGISTIC GROUP"
Order 2418: On the inclusion of Avangard Line LLC in the register of customs carriers
Order 2421: On making changes to the register of customs carriers and issuing a new certificate of inclusion in the register of customs carriers to ALLIANCE GROUP LLC
Order 2423: On the inclusion of Limited Liability Company PROFLOGISTIC-TB in the Register of Customs Representatives
Order 2424: On the inclusion of LogMaster Limited Liability Company in the Register of Customs Representatives
Order 2431: Concerning the Introduction of Amendments to the Register of Customs Representatives with respect to Limited Liability Company "Managing Logistics Company"
Order 2434: On the inclusion of TNT Express Worldwide (CIS) LLC in the register of customs carriers
Order 2447: Concerning the Introduction of Amendments to the Register of Customs Representatives with respect to Limited Liability Company Customs Brokerage Center (LLC TBC)
Order 2448: On Cancellation of Order N 2376 of the FCS of Russia dated December 5, 2014
Order 2449: On Cancellation of Order N 2360 of the FCS of Russia of December 2, 2014
Order 2452: Concerning the Introduction of Amendments to the Register of Customs Representatives with respect to Limited Liability Company Region Cargo Service
Order 2458: Concerning amendments to the register of customs carriers and issuance of a new certificate of inclusion in the register of customs carriers to TNT Express Worldwide (CIS) LLC
Order 2460: Concerning the Introduction of Amendments to the Register of Customs Representatives with respect to Limited Liability Company "Customs Brokerage Center - Client" (LLC "TBC - Client")
Order 2461: Concerning the Introduction of Amendments to the Register of Customs Representatives with respect to RLK Closed Joint-Stock Company
Order 2462: Concerning the Introduction of Amendments to the Register of Customs Representatives with regard to Limited Liability Company Kastoms Rus
Order 2464: On the inclusion in the Register of Customs Representatives of Limited Liability Company "VIG Castoms"
Order 2473: On making changes to the register of customs carriers and issuing a new certificate of inclusion in the register of customs carriers to Transcom Ltd.
Order 2474: On making changes to the register of customs carriers and issuing a new certificate of inclusion in the register of customs carriers to S.A.V. trans Ltd.
Order 2482: On the inclusion of Marikon Limited Liability Company in the Register of Customs Representatives
Order 2489: Concerning the Introduction of Amendments to the Register of Customs Representatives with respect to Firma GTK-Service Closed Joint-Stock Company
Order 2494: Concerning the Introduction of Amendments to the Register of Customs Representatives with respect to Limited Liability Company Stroy Service
Order 2497: On making changes in the Register of customs carriers and issuing a new certificate of inclusion in the Register of customs carriers to FESCO Integrated Transportation Limited Liability Company
Order 2506: About exclusion from the register of customs representatives of Customs Systems of the XXI Century LLC
Order 2512: On Amendments to the Instruction on the Procedure for Storage of Seized Items and Documents Significant Evidence in Cases of Administrative Offenses, approved by Order of the Federal Customs Service of Russia of December 18, 2006, N 1339
Order 2515: Concerning the Introduction of Amendments to the Register of Customs Representatives with respect to Limited Liability Company Kargokast
Order 2532: On Cancellation of Order N 2506 of the FCS of Russia dated December 19, 2014
Order 2535: On amending the register of customs carriers and issuing a new certificate of inclusion in the register of customs carriers to SPb IZOTOP JSC
Order 2538: About inclusion of the limited liability company April in the Register of Customs Representatives
Order 2539: Concerning the Introduction of Amendments to the Register of Customs Representatives with respect to Limited Liability Company "Interacia-Siberia"
Order 2550: Concerning the Introduction of Amendments to the Register of Customs Representatives with respect to Limited Liability Company RTL-Customs Operator
Order 2551: On amending the register of customs carriers and issuing a new certificate of inclusion in the register of customs carriers to DHL International JSC
Order 2553: On amending the Register of Customs Carriers and issuing a new certificate of inclusion in the Register of Customs Carriers to ARISTA LLC
Order 2561: Concerning the Introduction of Amendments to the Register of Customs Representatives with respect to Limited Liability Company "Customs Brokerage Consulting" (LLC "TBC")
Order 2567: On the inclusion in the Register of Customs Representatives of Limited Liability Company BEDFORD GROUP
Order 2568: On the inclusion of Garant Intermodal Limited Liability Company in the Register of Customs Representatives
Order 2578: Concerning the Introduction of Amendments to the Register of Customs Representatives with respect to Limited Liability Company "SBL"
Order 2580: On the exclusion of OOO MP Sovtransavto-Peresvet from the register of customs carriers
Order 2581: On the inclusion of BV Trans LLC in the register of customs carriers
Order 2596: On making changes in the Register of customs carriers and issuing a new certificate of inclusion in the Register of customs carriers to FESCO Integrated Transportation Limited Liability Company
Order 2597: On amending the register of customs carriers and issuing a new certificate of inclusion in the register of customs carriers to TRASCO Ltd.
Order 2598: On amending the register of customs carriers and issuing a new certificate of inclusion in the register of customs carriers to OOO "Celta".
Order 2599: On making changes to the register of customs carriers and issuing a new certificate of inclusion in the register of customs carriers to MIR-TRANS LLC
Order 2608: Concerning the Introduction of Amendments to the Register of Customs Representatives with respect to Limited Liability Company Komplekt-Invest Group
Order 2609: Concerning the Introduction of Amendments to the Register of Customs Representatives with respect to Limited Liability Company "INTERNATIONAL TAMOJE TERMINAL" (LLC "MTT")
Order 2610: Concerning the Introduction of Amendments to the Register of Customs Representatives with respect to Limited Liability Company CORVET CARGO AVIA
Order 2616: On the inclusion of TransGroup LLC in the register of customs carriers
Order 272: The procedure for drawing up planned (raid) tasks for inspection, examination of means of transport (vessels and other floating facilities located on inland waterways and in port areas, in internal sea waters, in the territorial sea, the exclusive economic zone of the Russian Federation, road and urban ground electric transport, railway rolling stock, aircraft) during their operation for compliance with transport safety requirements, the content of such tasks, as well as
Order 333: Methodology for the development of standards for permissible discharges of substances and microorganisms into water bodies for water users
Order 337: On the inclusion in the Register of Customs Representatives of Greenwood Logistics Limited Liability Company
Order 339: About recognition become invalid for orders of the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia and the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia
Order 341: The procedure for the formation and maintenance of the list of methods for calculating emissions of harmful (polluting) substances into the atmospheric air from stationary sources
Order 364: On approval of the list of risk indicators for violation of mandatory requirements in the implementation of federal state fire supervision
Order 367: On approval of the List of forest growing zones of the Russian Federation and the List of forest regions of the Russian Federation
Order 486: On approval of the Federal norms and rules in the field of industrial safety "Safety rules for the production, storage, transportation and use of chlorine"
Order 486: On approval of the classifier of programs for electronic computers and databases
Order 486: Federal norms and rules in the field of industrial safety "Safety rules for hazardous production facilities of underground gas storage facilities"
Order 491: On the formation of the Public Council under the Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Russian Federation
Order 5346: On reorganization of the technical committee for standardization TC 438 "Lifts with working platforms"
Order 6: On the enactment of the guidance document RD 52.33.907-2020 "Rules for assigning an all-Russian number to the point of agrometeorological observations"
Order 6: On recognizing as invalid the order of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation of July 18, 2011 N 186 "On approval of the Administrative Regulations of the Federal Service for Supervision in the Field of Transport of the provision of state services for the admission of Russian carriers to the implementation of international road transport" and amendments to it
Order 626: On approval of the Veterinary rules for the movement, storage, processing and disposal of biological waste
Order 626: Federal norms and rules in the field of industrial safety "Instructions for checking the overcurrent protection of mine apparatus"
Order 647: On approval of the Veterinary Rules for preventive, diagnostic, restrictive and other measures, establishment and cancellation of quarantine and other restrictions aimed at prevention of spread and liquidation of foci of viral hemorrhagic disease of rabbits
Order 676: On approval of statistical tools for organization by the Federal Service for Supervision over Natural Resource Management of federal statistical monitoring of land reclamation, removal and use of topsoil
Order 695: Guidelines for the development of water quality standards for fishery water bodies, including standards for maximum permissible concentrations of harmful substances in the waters of fishery water bodies
Order 73n: On approval of standards of medical care for adults with secondary malignant neoplasm of the brain and cerebral membranes
Order 73n: On approval of the standard of medical care for adults with closed eye trauma (diagnosis, treatment and follow-up)
Order 749: On the inclusion of the limited liability company Inkotek-TB in the Register of Customs Representatives
Order 760: On Approval of the Administrative Regulations of the Federal Customs Service and the customs authorities determined by it for the provision of the state service of making preliminary decisions on the classification of goods according to the Unified Commodity Nomenclature of Foreign Economic Activities of the Customs Union
Order 78n: On determining the Procedure for making a preliminary decision on the origin of goods
Order 864: On the implementation of decisions adopted in accordance with the Agreement between the Government of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Kingdom of Morocco on cooperation in the field of marine fisheries of March 15, 2016 as part of the implementation of the Protocol of the second session of the Russian-Moroccan Mixed Fisheries Commission in accordance with the Government of the Russian Federation August 12, 2008 No. 604 "On approval of the Rules for the allocation of quotas for the extraction (catch) of aquatic biological resources for the Russian Federation in areas of international of RF government contracts in the field of fishing and preservation of aquatic biological resources
Order 86n: On approval of the standard of medical care for adults with chronic pancreatitis (diagnosis and treatment)
Order 86n: On approval of the Federal accounting standard FSBU 14/2022 "Intangible Assets
Order 891: Labor protection rules for the operation of wastewater treatment facilities of organizations processing agricultural raw materials
Order 914: Concerning the Introduction of Amendments to the Register of Customs Representatives with respect to Limited Liability Company "Parus"
Order 926: On approval of the State verification scheme for measuring instruments of electrical capacity in the frequency range from 1 to 300 MHz
Ordinance 172-r: On Approval of the Technology for Organizing Customs Control after the Release of Goods for Participants of Foreign Economic Activities with Low Risk of Violation of Customs Legislation of the Customs Union and Legislation of the Russian Federation
Ordinance 2422-r: On Amendments to Section II of the action plan ("road map") "Support for Access to Markets in Foreign Countries and Support for Exports" approved by Order of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1128-r of June 29, 2012
Ordinance 2572r: Concerning the Approval of the Regulations for the execution of transportation documents using an electronic signature for transportation in mixed rail-water traffic
Ordinance 705r: On approving a unified list of works and services provided by JSCo "Russian Railways" in the organization of freight transportation
PNST 551-2021: Environment protection. Biological variety. Management of the specially protected natural territories of the federal significance
PNST 694-2023: Oil and gas industry. Subsea production systems. Safe use of lifting equipment
PNST 790-2022: Engineering networks of buildings and structures internal. Axial bellows compensators for pipelines of heating, heating and water supply systems. General specifications
PNST 880-2023: Intelligent transportation systems Urban mobility transportation applications for a wearable device. Part 1. General requirements for data exchange between intelligent transportation system stations
R 1323565.1.036-2021: Rocket and space technology. The procedure for assessing the level of quality of manufacture of products
Recommendations 17: On the Explanations to the Unified Commodity Nomenclature of Foreign Economic Activity of the Eurasian Economic Union
Recommendations 21: On Measures to Ensure Uniform Law Enforcement Practice with Respect to the Implementation by Customs Authorities of Control over Compliance with Temporary Non-Tariff Regulatory Measures Unilaterally Introduced by Member States of the Eurasian Economic Union with Respect to Goods Exported to the Territories of Third Countries
Resolution 1038: Regulations on the Ministry of Construction, Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation
Resolution 1079: On federal state control (supervision) in the field of ensuring the quality and safety of grain and grain processing products
Resolution 1329: On the organization of the maintenance of statistics on mutual trade between the Russian Federation and member States of the Eurasian Economic Union
Resolution 1777: On Amendments to the Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 6, 2016. N 81
Resolution 1932: Concerning the establishment of cases in which goods may arrive in the Russian Federation and depart from the Russian Federation in places which are not places for the movement of goods in accordance with the Customs Code of the Eurasian Economic Union
Resolution 218: On Approval of the Regulations on the time limits for keeping goods under a special customs procedure, cases of occurrence and termination of the obligation to pay customs duties and taxes, as well as the time limit for their payment when applying a special customs procedure, the procedure for completion, suspension and renewal of a special customs procedure, restrictions on the use and (or) disposal of goods placed under a special customs procedure.
Resolution 322: Regulations on the Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare
Resolution 501: Rules for the implementation of state veterinary supervision at checkpoints across the state border of the Russian Federation
Resolution 637: Concerning the Simplified Procedure for Customs Operations with Respect to Goods Accepted by an Air Carrier for Transportation in Accompanied Baggage
Resolution 682: Regulations on Licensing Activities for Conducting Industrial Safety Expertise
Resolution 690: On peculiarities of legal regulation in the field of marking goods with identification means in the territories of the Donetsk People's Republic, Luhansk People's Republic, Zaporizhzhia region and Kherson region
Resolution 975: Concerning the Determination of the Composition of Information to be Submitted to the Customs Authorities of Preliminary Information on Goods and Vehicles Before They Cross the Customs Border of the Eurasian Economic Union, Required for Customs, Transportation, Sanitary-Quarantine, Veterinary and Quarantine Phytosanitary Control (Supervision) at Checkpoints across the State Border of the Russian Federation Located on the Territory of the Free Port of Vladivostok
R-SSK 01-2016: Recommendations on the procedure for keeping a general log of work performance during construction, reconstruction, and capital repair of capital construction facilities
Ruling 3438-U: Concerning the Introduction of Amendments to the Instruction of the Bank of Russia N 138-I dated June 4, 2012 "On the Procedure for the Submission by Residents and Non-Residents to Authorized Banks of Documents and Information Related to Currency Transactions, the Procedure for the Execution of Transaction Passports, as well as the Procedure for the Accounting by Authorized Banks of Currency Transactions and Control over Their Conduct"
Solution 110: Technical regulation of the Eurasian Economic Union "On safety of poultry meat and products of its processing
Solution 43: On the introduction of labeling of alcoholic beverages with identification means
SP 532.1325800.2024: Urban Planning. Urban environment model central. Design rules
SP 86.13330.2022: Trunk piping
ST RK ISO 10336-2004: Crude petroleum. Determination of water content. The Karl Fisher potentiometric titration method
STB IEC 60601-1-2-2006: Electric medical products. Part 1-2. General safety requirements. Electromagnetic compatibility. Requirements and test methods
STB IEC 61310-2-2005: Safety of machinery. Indication, marking and launching. Part 2. Requirements to marking
Telegram CDMJu-2/127: On the necessity of using as means of identification for the transportation of goods under customs control by rail transport high security locks instead of lead seals
Telegram CTD-2/18/CFTOM-21/16/CDVT-19/96: On the necessity of prompt notification of the consignor on the detection of discrepancy between the weight of cargo in the wagon and its specified value in transportation and shipping documents
Telegram CTD-6/14: On measures to eliminate cases of accepting timber cargoes for export without attachment of specifications
Telegram TF-980: Heads of RTU and TNP on the procedure for using the unified automated information system provided for in paragraph 29 of the order of the FCS of Russia dated September 17, 2013 N 1761
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