Letter 10142/07-AS
Письмо 10142/07-АС
On the application of standards
О применении стандартов
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SKU: RUSS440895
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Construction (Max) »
Regulatory documents »
Quality control, certification »
Construction (Max) »
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Examination, state supervision »
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I Organizational and technical bases of metrological support »
1 Organization and management of metrological support »
1.3 Accreditation infield of ensuring uniformity of measurements »
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V Testing and control »
3 Activities of testing laboratories »
3.1 Basic requirements for testing laboratories and their activities »
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V Testing and control »
3 Activities of testing laboratories »
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IV Conformity assessment of products and services »
3 Requirements for certification bodies and testing laboratories. Accreditation »
ISO classifier »
03.120 Quality »
03.120.20 Certification of products and companies. Conformity assessment »
The Document References:
GOST 10538-87: Solid fuel. Methods for determination of chemical composition of ash
GOST 10742-71: Brown coals, hard coals, anthracite, combustible shales and coal briquettes. Methods of sampling and preparation of samples for laboratory tests
GOST 11223-88: Hard coals and brown coals. Method of sampling by boring holes
GOST 11812-2022: Vegetable oils. Methods for determination of moisture and volatile substances
GOST 11812-66: Vegetable oils. Methods for the determination of moisture and volatile matters
GOST 12248.2-2020: Soils. Determination of strength characteristics by uniaxial compression
GOST 12248-2010: Soils. Laboratory methods for determining the strength and strain characteristics
GOST 12787-2021: Brewed products. Methods for determination of the ethyl alcohol volume fraction, mass fraction of real extract, and calculation of wort extractivity
GOST 12787-81: Methods for determination of spirit, actual extract and estimation of dry substances in the initial must
GOST 12789-2022: Brewed products. Methods of colour determination
GOST 12789-87: Beer. Methods for determination of colour
GOST 13455-91: Solid mineral fuel. Methods for the determination of carbon dioxide content of the carbonates
GOST 13496.13-2018: Mixed feeds. Methods for determination of smell, infestation by cereal parasites
GOST 13496.13-75: Mixed feeds. Methods for determination of smell, infestation by cereal parasites
GOST 16094-78: Brown coals, hard coals, anthracite and combustible shales. Method of sampling for operation tests
GOST 16126-91: Coal. Determination of caking power. Gray-King method
GOST Nature protection. Hydrosphere. General requirements for methods of determination petroleum products content in natural and waste waters
GOST 1817-64: Brown coals, hard coals, anthracites, combustible shales and briquettes. Method for the preparation of common samples
GOST 1916-75: Brown coals, hard coals, anthracites, coal briquettes and combustible shales. Methods for the determination of mineral impurities (rock) and smalls
GOST 19242-73: Brown coals, hard coals and anthracite. Size classification
GOST 20330-91: Coal. Determination of the crucible swelling number
GOST 21149-2022: Oat flakes. Technical conditions
GOST 21149-93: Oat flakes
GOST 21206-75: Coals and anthracite. Determination method for micro hardness and micro brittleness
GOST 21489-76: Brown coals, hard coals and anthracites. Classification by ranks and classes according to reflectance index of vitrinite
GOST 24709-2022: Enamels EP-140. Specifications
GOST 24709-81: Enamels ЭП-140. Specifications
GOST 25718-2022: Primers AK-069, AK-070 and AK-070 M. Technical conditions
GOST 25718-83: Primers AK-069 and AK-070. Specifications
GOST 26898-86: Brown coals, hard coals and anthracite. Accelerated method for the determination of moisture-holding capacity
GOST 27558-2022: Flour and bran. Methods for determining color, odor, taste and crunch
GOST 27558-87: Flour and bran. Methods for determination of colour, odour, taste and crunch
GOST 28823-90: Methods for the petrographic analysis of bituminous coal and anthracite. Part 4. Method of determining microlithotype, carbominerite and minerite composition
GOST 30060-2022: Brewed products. Methods of determination of organoleptic characteristics and product volume
GOST 30060-93: Beer. Methods for determination of organoleptic indices and products volume
GOST 30571-2003: Cigarettes. Determination of damp and nicotine-free dry condensate (resin) content in cigarette smoke using a routine analytical smoking machine
GOST 30571-2022: (ISO 4387:2019) Cigarettes. Determination of wet and nicotine-free dry condensate (tar) in cigarette smoke using a laboratory smoking machine
GOST 30622.1-2003: Cigarettes. Determination of water content in smoke condensate. Gas-chromatographic method
GOST 30622.1-2022: (ISO 10362-1:2019) Cigarettes. Determination of water content in smoke condensate. Gas chromatography method
GOST 30683-2000: Noise of machines. Measurement of emission sound pressure levels at a work station and at other specified positions. Method requiring environmental corrections
GOST 31311-2005: Heating devices. General specifications
GOST 31311-2022: Heating devices. General specifications
GOST 31861-2012: Water. General requirements for sampling
GOST 31939-2012: Paint materials. Determination of non-volatile-matter mass fraction
GOST 31939-2022: Paint and varnish materials. Determination of the mass fraction of non-volatile substances
GOST 33501-2015: Solid mineral fuel. Determination of total fluorine by combustion in calorimeter bomb with subsequent determination in solution by means of ion selective electrode
GOST 33678-2015: Agricultural and forestry tractors. External sound. Rate and evaluation methods
GOST 33761-2016: Locomotives The method of dynamic strength tests
GOST 34614.3-2019: Equipment and coverings for playgrounds. Part 3. Additional safety requirements and test methods for slides
GOST 34812-2021: Fish food products. Methods for determination of helminth larvae viability
GOST 34939-2023: Locomotives. Requirements for strength and dynamic qualities
GOST 3900-2022: Petroleum and petroleum products. Methods for determination of density
GOST 3900-85: Petroleum and petroleum products. Method for determination of density
GOST 5480-2023: Vegetable oils and natural fatty acids. Methods for determination of soaps
GOST 5480-59: Vegetable oils and natural fatty acids. Methods for the determination of soap
GOST 5481-2014: Vegetable oils. Methods for determination of insoluble impurities and sediment
GOST 5481-2022: Vegetable oils. Methods of determination of non-fatty impurities and sludge
GOST 5667-2022: Bakery products. Acceptance rules, sampling methods, methods for determining organoleptic characteristics and weight of products
GOST 5667-65: Bread and bakery products. Rules of acceptance, methods of sampling, methods for determination of organoleptic characteristics and mass
GOST 5898-2022: Confectionery products. Methods for determination of acidity and alkalinity
GOST 5898-87: Confectionery. Methods for determination of acidity and alkalinity
GOST 5900-2014: Confectionery. Methods for determination of moisture and solids
GOST 6388-2022: Dental brushes. General technical conditions
GOST 6388-91: Tooth brushes
GOST 7177-2015: Fresh food watermelons. Specifications
GOST 7177-2022: Fresh food watermelons. Technical conditions
GOST 7303-90: Anthracite. Method for the determination of volatile matter volume yield
GOST 8.649-2015: State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Brown coals, hard coals and anthracite. Infrared thermogravimetric method for determination of total moisture
GOST 8420-2022: Paint and varnish materials. Methods for determination of relative viscosity
GOST 8420-74: Paint and lacquer materials. Method for determination of relative viscosity
GOST 8694-2022: Metal pipes. Dispersion test method
GOST 8694-75: Tubing (pipes). Expansion testing method
GOST 8695-2022: Metal pipes. Flattening test method
GOST 8695-75: Tubing (pipes). Flattening testing method
GOST 8719-90: Brown coals, hard coals and anthracite. Method for determination of hygroscopic moisture
GOST 9.403-2022: Unified system of protection against corrosion and aging (USPCS). Paint and varnish coatings. Test methods for resistance to static action of liquids
GOST 9.403-80: Unified system of corrosion and ageing protection. Paint coatings. Test methods for resistance to liquid static effect
GOST 9517-94: Solid fuel. Methods for determination of humic acids yield
GOST 9815-75: Brown coals, hard coals, anthracite and combustible shales. Method for sampling of seam samples
GOST EN 1496-2014: Occupational safety standards system. Personal protective equipment against falls from a height. Rescue lifting devices. General technical requirements. Test methods
GOST EN 1496-2020: Occupational safety standards system (SSBT). Personal protective equipment against falls from a height. Lifting rescue devices. General technical requirements. Test methods
GOST ISO 11204-2016: Machine noise. Determination of sound pressure levels in the workplace and at other control points with precise corrections to the properties of the test space
GOST ISO 139-2014: Textile materials. Standard atmospheric conditions for conditioning and testing
GOST ISO 17604-2017: Microbiology of the food chain. Sampling from mascara for microbiological analysis
GOST ISO/IEC 17025-2019: General competency requirements for testing and calibration laboratories
GOST R 51920-2002: Agricultural and forestry tractors. External sound. Rate and evaluation methods
GOST R 51973-2002: Cigarettes. Determination of water content in smoke condensate. Gas-chromatographic method
GOST R 51976-2002: Cigarettes. Determination of damp and nicotine-free dry condensate (resin) content in cigarette smoke using a routine analytical smoking machine
GOST R 52168-2012: Children’s playgrounds equipment and surfacing. Safety of structure and test methods for slides. General requirements
GOST R 53135-2008: Planting material of fruit, subtropical, nut-bearing, citrus cultures and tea. Specifications
GOST R 53275-2009: Fire equipment. Fire department hand-operated ladders. General technical requirements. Test methods
GOST R 53275-2019: Fire fighting equipment. Manual fire ladders. General technical requirements. Test methods
GOST R 54378-2011: Fish, non-fish objects and products from them. Methods for evaluation of viability of the helminth larvae
GOST R 55513-2013: Locomotives. Requirements for strength and dynamic properties
GOST R 55514-2013: Locomotives. Dynamic and strength testing procedures
GOST R 59014-2020: Brown coals and anthracite. Determination of fluorine content
GOST R 59024-2020: Water. General requirements for sampling
GOST R 59244-2020: Methods for petrographic analysis of coals. Part 4. Method for determination of microlitotypic, carbominerite and minerite composition
GOST R 59245-2020: Brown coals, stone and anthracite. Classification by piece size
GOST R 59248-2020: Brown coals, stone coals, anthracite, oil shale and coal briquettes. Methods of sampling and preparation of samples for laboratory tests
GOST R 59250-2020: Hard coal. Method for determining the index of free swelling in a crucible
GOST R 59251-2020: Anthracite. Method for determining the volumetric yield of volatile substances
GOST R 59252-2020: Brown coals, stone coals, anthracite and oil shale. Reservoir sampling method
GOST R 59253-2020: Brown coals, stone coals, anthracite and oil shale. Production sampling method
GOST R 59254-2020: Brown and stone coals. Sampling method by drilling wells
GOST R 59255-2020: Brown coals, stone and anthracite. Accelerated method for determining maximum moisture content
GOST R 59256-2020: Brown coals, stone coals, anthracite, coal briquettes and oil shale. Methods for determining the content of mineral impurities (rocks) and fines
GOST R 59257-2020: Brown coals, stone coals, anthracite, oil shale and briquettes. Collection method
GOST R 59258-2020: Brown coals, stone and anthracite. Method for determination of hygroscopic moisture
GOST R 59259-2020: Hard coal. Determination of the sintering capacity of coal by the type of coke obtained by the Gray King method
GOST R 59261-2020: Brown coals, stone and anthracite. Separation at the stage of metamorphism and classes according to the vitrinite reflectance index
GOST R 59262-2020: Brown coals, stone and anthracite. Method for determining microhardness and microbrittleness
GOST R 59592-2021: Solid mineral fuel. Methods for determining the chemical composition of ash
GOST R 59653-2021: Planting material for fruit and berry crops. Technical conditions
GOST R 70209-2022: Solid mineral fuels. Methods of determination of carbon dioxide carbonates
GOST R 70210-2022: Solid mineral fuels. Methods for determination of humic acid yield
GOST R 70211-2022: Solid mineral fuel. Infrared thermogravimetric method for determination of total moisture
GOST R 70283-2022: Environmental Protection. Surface and ground waters. General requirements for methods of determining petroleum products in natural waters and wastewater
GOST R ISO 139-2007: Textiles. Standard atmospheres for conditioning and testing
GOST R ISO 17604-2011: Microbiology of food and animal feeding stuffs. Carcass sampling for microbiological analysis
Letter 22639/05-AS: About the application of the standards
Order 496: On approval of the Rules for harvesting and collecting non-timber forest resources
Order 496: On approval of the Procedure for agreeing a plan of measures to ensure the safety of a hydraulic structure that does not have an owner or the owner of which is unknown, or the owner has refused the right of ownership to which (with the exception of shipping and port hydraulic structures)
Resolution 845: On approval of the Rules for the admission of Russian carriers to the implementation of international road transport, invalidation of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 1, 2020 N 1588 and on amendments to some acts of the Government of the Russian Federation
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