GOST 12433-83
ГОСТ 12433-83
Standard isooctanes. Specifications
Изооктаны эталонные. Технические условия
Status: Effective. The limitation of the effectiveness period has been lifted: Protocol No. 4-93 of the IGU dated 10.21.93 (IUS 4-1994)
The standard applies to reference isooctane (2,2,4-trimethylpentane), used as a reagent, reference fuel and component in control fuels and intermediate reference mixtures in determining octane numbers of automotive and aviation gasolines and their components, and a technical reference isooctane used in determining grade of aviation gasoline.
Стандарт распространяется на эталонный изооктан (2,2,4-триметилпентан), применяемый в качестве реактива, эталонного топлива и компонента в контрольных топливах и промежуточных эталонных смесях при определении октановых чиселавтомобильных и авиационных бензинов и их компонентов, и технический эталонный изооктан, применяемый при определении сортности авиационных бензинов.
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Approved: Gosstandart of the USSR,
SKU: RUSS48501
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As a Replacement Of:
GOST 12433-66: Iso-octane for technical reference. Technical requirements
GOST 5.394-70: Reference iso-octane. Quality requirements for certified products
The Document References:
GOST 12.1.007-76: Noxious substances. Classification and general safety requirements
GOST 12026-76: Filter paper for laboratory application
GOST 13380-81: Petroleum products. Method for determination of sulphur microadmixtures
GOST 14192-96: Cargo marking
GOST 14871-76: Reagents. Methods for the determination of colority liquid chemicals reagents and solutions of reagents
GOST 1510-84: Petroleum and petroleum products. Marking, packing, transportation and storage
GOST 18995.2-73: Liquid chemical products. Method for determination of refractive index
GOST 19433-88: Dangerous goods. Classification and marking
GOST 20288-74: Reagents. Carbon tetrachloride. Specifications
GOST 24597-81: Unitized tared and piece goods cargoes. Main parameters and dimensions
GOST 2517-85: Crude oil and petroleum products. Methods of sampling
GOST 25336-82: Laboratory glassware and equipment. Basic parameters and dimensions
GOST 2706.13-74: Benzene hydrocarbons and allied products. Method of determination of boiling range
GOST 3885-73: Reagents and superpure substances. Regulations of acceptance, sampling, packing, marking, transportation and storage
GOST 3900-85: Petroleum and petroleum products. Method for determination of density
GOST 4109-79: Reagents. Bromine. Specifications
GOST 511-82: Fuel for engines. Motor method for determination of octane number
GOST 6128-81: Metal cans for chemical products
GOST 6709-72: Distilled water. Specifications
The Document is Referenced By:
GOST 10289-2022: Oil for marine gas turbines. Specifications
GOST 10289-79: Oil for marine gas turbines
GOST 10577-78: Petroleum products. Method for the determination of mechanical impurities
GOST 1129-2013: Sunflower oil. Specifications
GOST 12.4.165-2019: Occupational safety standards system. Personal Protective Equipment Special shoes with leather upper. Method for determining the coefficient of reduction in the strength of fastening from exposure to aggressive environments
GOST 13380-81: Petroleum products. Method for determination of sulphur microadmixtures
GOST 14896-84: Rubber u-packing seals for hydraulic devices
GOST 17053.1-80: Ship shock absorbers AKCC-M. Specifications
GOST 17749-72: Jet fuel. Spectrophotometric method for the determination of bicycles aromatic (naphthalene hydrocarbons) content
GOST 17750-72: Jet fuel. Method for the determination luminometric number on the ПЛЧT instrument
GOST 17789-72: Petroleum bitumens. Method for determination of paraffin content
GOST 18829-2017: Rubber o-ring seals for hydraulic and pneumatic equipment. Specifications
GOST 18829-73: Rubber o-ring seals for hydraulic and pneumatic equipment. Specifications
GOST 19199-73: Lubricating oils. Method for determination of anticorrosive properties
GOST 1929-87: Petroleum products. Methods of test for determination of dynamic viscosity by rotary viscosimeter
GOST 21103-75: Lets fuels. Method of test for naphthene soaps
GOST 21443-75: Liquefied hydrocarbon gases for export
GOST 23797-79: Oil for aircraft gas turbine engines. Method for the determination of thermo oxidizing stability in oil volume
GOST 2386-73: Level vials. Specifications
GOST 24037-80: Asbestos-polymer seal sheet materials. Method of test for resistance to liquids
GOST 2477-2014: Petroleum and petroleum products. Method for determination of water content
GOST 2477-65: Petroleum and petroleum products. Method for determination of water content
GOST 25742.3-83: Methanol poison, technical. Method for sulphur determination
GOST 27808-88: Liquid petroleum paraffin. Determination of aromatic hydrocarbons by spectrophotometric method
GOST 27896-88: Rubbers, polymer elastic materials, rubberized and elastic polymer coated fabrics. Methods for determination of fuel permeability
GOST 28326.4-89: Technical liquid ammonia. Determination of oil mass concentration by spectrophotometry method
GOST 2917-76: Oils and additives. Method of test for corrosion influence on metals
GOST 31673-2012: Animal feeding stuffs. Determination of zearalenone
GOST 31756-2012: Animal and vegetable fats and oils. Determination of anisidine value
GOST 31952-2012: Water treatment for units. General requirements and methods of efficiency determination
GOST 32459-2013: White phosphorus. Determination in water by gas chromatography with nitrogen-phosphorus detector
GOST 32828-2014: Milk and milk products in consumer packaging from combined materials. The method of the package chemical stability determination
GOST 33139-2014: Automobile roads of general use. Viscous petroleum road bitumen. Method for determination of the content of solid paraffin
GOST 3338-2015: Aviation gasolines. Method for determination of performance number by rich mixture
GOST 3338-68: Aviation gasolines. Method for determination of performance number by rich mixture
GOST 33700-2015: Crude oil. Determination of water content by distillation
GOST 34861-2022: Non-asbestos sealing sheets and gaskets made of them. Technical conditions
GOST 4338-91: Aviation turbine fuels. Determination of smoke point
GOST 4997-75: Dielectric rubber carpets. Specifications
GOST 511-82: Fuel for engines. Motor method for determination of octane number
GOST 5228-89: Rubber o-rings for the couplings of asbestos-cement pipes
GOST 5496-78: Rubber technical tubes. Specifications
GOST 6321-92: Engine fuels. Method for copper strip test
GOST 6457-66: Oils МК-8. Specifications
GOST 6467-79: Vulcanized rubber cords of round and square cross-sections. Specifications
GOST 7199-77: Rubber-metallic ship bearings. Specifications
GOST 7338-90: Rubber and rubber-fabric sheets. Specifications
GOST 7934.2-74: Watch oils. Method for the determination of regional wetting angle
GOST 8226-82: Fuel for engines. Research method for determination of octane number
GOST 9.030-74: Unified system of corrosion and ageing protection. Vulcanized rubbers. Method of testing resistance to attack by corrosive media in limp state
GOST 9.068-76: Unified system of corrosion and ageing protection. Sealants. Test methods for resistance to attack by liquid corrosive media
GOST 9356-75: Rubber hoses for gas welding and metal cutting. Specifications
GOST R 18.12.05-2022: Aviation fuel supply technologies. Means of aviation fuel supply filtration. Test methods for microfilter elements
GOST R 51871-2002: Water treatment units. General requirements and methods of efficiency determination
GOST R 52465-2005: Sunflower oil. Specifications
GOST R 53097-2008: Animal feeding stuffs. Qualitative determination of zearalenone
GOST R 53099-2008: Animal and vegetable fats and oils. Determination of anisidine value
MP 1022-6-2019: Instruction. State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Transducers of density of liquid "TN-Density meter-25-6.3". Verification method
MU 1112-73: Guidelines for the determination of BMK and benlate by BMK in plant objects, wine, soil and water by thin layer chromatography
MU 1439-88: Guidelines for measuring the concentration of sonalen in the air of the working zone by gas chromatographic method
MU 1880-78: Guidelines for the determination of bazagran in water by gas-liquid chromatography
MU 1917-78: Guidelines for the determination of terbacil in vegetable products, wine, grape juice, soil, water by chromatographic methods
MU 1921-78: Guidelines for the determination of polyhedra of nuclear polyhedrosis virus of an unpaired silkworm in water, soil, on plant objects and in the air by the immunofluorescence method
MU 2128-80: Guidelines for the determination of residual quantities of the biological product Virin-EX on plant objects by the immunofluorescence method
MU 2351-81: Guidelines for the determination of bacitracin in the air of the working area using paper chromatography
MU 2352-81: Guidelines for the determination of granules of the virus of codling moth granulosis on plant objects by the immunofluorescence method
MU 2353-81: Guidelines for the determination of beta-exotoxin in bitoxibacillin preparations
MU 2363-81: Guidelines for the joint determination of prometrin, terbacil and treflan in a single sample of soil, essential oil and essential oil raw peppermint by gas chromatography
MU 2366-81: Guidelines for the determination of fademorph in cherry, cucumber, currant, apple, water by chromatographic methods
MU 2367-81: Guidelines for the determination of diquat in sunflower seeds by thin layer chromatography
MU 2421-81: Guidelines for measuring concentrations of bentazone in the air of the working area using thin layer chromatography
MU 2423-81: Guidelines for the determination of triforin in plant products (apples, cucumbers), soil, water by thin layer chromatography
MU 2427-81: Guidelines for the determination of lontrell in water, soil and plants by gas-liquid chromatography
MU 2780-83: Guidelines for the measurement of tomilon concentrations in the air of the working area by chromatographic methods
MU 2798-83: Guidelines for the determination of residual quantities of the biological product Virin-KSh on plant objects by the immunofluorescence method
MU 2799-83: Guidelines for the determination of residual quantities of the drug Virin-Diprion on plant objects by the immunofluorescence method
MU 2809-83: Guidelines for the measurement of mitak concentrations in the air of the working area by chromatographic methods
MU 2845-83: Guidelines for the measurement of hostaquik concentrations in the air of the working area by thin layer chromatography
MU 2847-83: Guidelines for the measurement of butylcaptax concentrations in the air of the working zone by chromatographic methods
MU 2850-83: Guidelines for measuring ofunac concentrations in the air of the working area by thin layer chromatography
MU 2852-83: Guidelines for measuring the concentration of trimorphamide in the air of the working zone by chromatographic methods
MU 2853-83: Guidelines for measuring the concentration of bioresmetrin in the air of the working area by thin layer chromatography
MU 2855-83: Guidelines for the photometric determination of DYAK in the air of the working area
MU 2856-83: Guidelines for chromatographic and chromatospectrophotometric measurement of the concentrations of benomyl and BMK in the air of the working area
MU 2857-83: Guidelines for measuring the concentration of actellic and primicide in the air of the working area by thin layer chromatography
MU 2857-83: Guidelines for measuring the concentration of actellic and primicide in the air of the working area by thin layer chromatography
MU 2858-83: Guidelines for measuring the concentration of synthetic pyrethroids (ambush, decis, ripcord, sumicidin) in the air of the working zone by chromatographic methods
MU 2859-83: Guidelines for measuring the concentration of the bronocot in the air of the working area by the photometric method
MU 2860-83: Guidelines for measuring the concentrations of diazinone, eptam, gamma-isomer of HCH, phenmedifam, lenacyl, phosphamide and pyrazone with their joint presence in the air of the working zone by chromatographic methods
MU 2863-83: Guidelines for measuring the concentration of rovral in the air of the working area by thin layer chromatography
MU 2867-83: Guidelines for measuring the concentration of zoocoumarin in the air of the working area by thin layer chromatography
MU 2869-83: Guidelines for measuring the concentrations of metazine, sulfazine and the components of the herbicidal mixture of caragard in the air of the working zone by gas chromatographic method
MU 2870-83: Guidelines for the measurement of concentrations of carbofuran in the air of the working area by thin layer chromatography
MU 2871-83: Guidelines for measuring the concentration of crowneton in the air of the working area by thin layer chromatography
MU 2990-84: Methodological guidelines for the definition of piclorama in water, soil, grain and plant material by gas chromatography
MU 3006-84: Guidelines for the measurement of dropp concentrations in the air of the working area by gas chromatographic method
MU 3024-84: Guidelines for a unified method of immunofluorescent detection of baculoviruses in the air of the working area
MU 3064-84: Guidelines for the determination of vitavax in grain and water by thin layer chromatography
MU 3152-84: Guidelines for the measurement of concentrations of illoxane in the air of the working zone by gas chromatographic method
MU 3154-84: Guidelines for measuring the concentration of anometrine-N in the air of the working zone by chromatographic methods
MU 315-84: Guidelines for measuring the concentrations of 2, -4 dichlorophenoxypropionic acid in the air of the working zone by gas chromatographic method
MU 3158-84: Guidelines for measuring the concentration of resting spores of entomofluoric fungi (mycoafidin, entomoftorin) by light microscopy in the air of a working area
MU 3189-85: Guidelines for measuring the concentrations of thiodane and its metabolite of thiodanesulfate in the air of the working zone by gas chromatographic method
MU 3192-85: Guidelines for measuring the concentration of thiocarbamic pesticides in the air of the working zone by thin layer chromatography
MU 3195-85: Guidelines for measuring the concentrations of reldan and the product of its hydrolysis of 3,5,6-trichloro-2-pyridinol in the air of the working zone by chromatographic methods
MU 3197-85: Guidelines for measuring concentrations of terbacil in the air of the working area by chromatographic methods
MU 3199-85: Guidelines for measuring the concentrations of 2M-4X, 2M-4XP and 2M-4XM in the air of the working zone using the gas chromatographic method
MU 3253-85: Temporary guidelines for the determination of tapegran in corn, soil and water by thin layer chromatography
MU 3882-85: Guidelines for measuring the concentration of dactal in the air of the working area by gas chromatographic method
MU 3969-84: Guidelines for the measurement of selectron concentrations in the air of the working area by gas chromatographic method
MU 4017-85: Guidelines for measuring the concentrations of dosanex, 3-chloro-4-methoxyaniline, 3-chloro-4-methoxynitrobenzene in the air of the working zone by chromatographic method
MU 4019-85: Methodical instructions for the chromatographic measurement of the concentration of fosalone and semi-products of its production of benzoxazolone and 3-hydroxymethyl-6-chlorobenzoxazolone in the air of the working area
MU 4122-86: Guidelines for the measurement of 2,4-D concentrations in the air of the working zone by gas chromatographic method
MU 4329-87: Guidelines for the determination of Resin in water, roots and beet tops by thin layer chromatography
MU 4345-87: Guidelines for the determination of bazagran in fish by thin layer chromatography
MU 4348-87: Methodological Guidelines for Determining Bazagran in Essential Oils by Gas-Liquid Chromatography
MU 4354-87: Methodical guidelines for determining strani 200 in water, soil, grain by thin layer chromatography
MU 4357-87: Guidelines for measuring the concentrations of baytan, bayleton, impact in the air of the working area by thin layer chromatography
MU 4360-87: Guidelines for the determination of nitrapirin and its metabolite 6-chloricolinic acid in water, soil and biological material by thin layer chromatography
MU 4362-87: Guidelines for the systematic analysis of biological media on the content of pesticides of various chemical nature
MU 4370-87: Guidelines for measuring the concentration of staran in the air of the working area by thin layer chromatography
MU 4372-87: Guidelines for measuring the concentration of a racer in the air of a working zone by thin layer chromatography
MU 4373-87: Guidelines for measuring the concentration of nabu in the air of the working area by thin layer chromatography
MU 4376-87: Guidelines for measuring the concentrations of foxime in the air of the working zone by gas chromatographic method
MU 4379-87: Guidelines for measuring the concentrations of glyphosate, glyphosine and glycine in the air of the working area by thin layer chromatography
MU 4633-88: Guidelines for measuring the concentration of camposan in the air of the working zone by gas chromatographic method
MU 4635-88: Guidelines for measuring the concentration of torc in the air of the working area by thin layer chromatography
MU 4637-88: Guidelines for measuring peak concentrations in the air of the working area by the extraction-photometric method
MU 4638-88: Guidelines for measuring the concentration of eisect in the air of the working area by gas chromatographic method
MU 4643-88: Guidelines for the measurement of toluene concentrations in the air of the working zone by gas chromatographic method
MU 4674-88: Guidelines for measuring neon concentrations in the air of a working zone by chromatographic methods
MU 4679-88: Guidelines for measuring stomp concentrations in the air of a working area using liquid chromatography
MU 4708-88: Methodical instructions for determining the definition of a pix in water and cottonseed by an extraction-photometric method
MU 4964-89: Guidelines for measuring concentrations of ridomil in the air of the working area by gas-liquid chromatography
MU 4965-89: Guidelines for measuring the concentration of sumi-alpha in the air of the working area by chromatographic methods
MU 4967-89: Guidelines for measuring the concentration of a blazer (aciflurofen) in the air of the working area by thin layer chromatography
MU 4970-89: Guidelines for chromatographic measurement of the concentrations of new synthetic pyrethroids (danitol, fastak, tsibolt, karate) in the air of the working area
MU 4971-89: Guidelines for measuring the concentration of triamelon in the air of the working area
MU 4972-89: Guidelines for measuring the concentration of prodiamine in the air of the working zone by thin layer chromatography
MU 4974-89: Guidelines for measuring the concentrations of nisoran in the air of the working area by thin layer chromatography
MU 4975-89: Guidelines for measuring the concentration of isophene and dinoseb in the air of the working area by thin layer chromatography
MU 4976-89: Guidelines for the chromatographic measurement of orthen concentrations in the air of the working area
MU 4977-89: Guidelines for measuring the concentration of triallate in the air of the working zone by gas-liquid chromatography
MU 4979-89: Guidelines for the chromatographic measurement of cimide concentrations in the air of the working area
MU 4980-89: Guidelines for measuring clay concentrations in the air of the working zone by gas-liquid and thin-layer chromatography
MU 4981-89: Guidelines for measuring the concentrations of stearic acid versamide (VSA) in the air of the working area by thin layer chromatography
MU 4983-89: Guidelines for the measurement of butrazine concentrations in the air of a working zone by gas-liquid chromatography methods
MU 4984-89: Guidelines for measuring the concentration of zollen in the air of the working area by thin layer chromatography
MU 4985-89: Guidelines for measuring the concentrations of GMF, TMDI, GMDI, CGI, ATG, ATG-F in the air of the working area by thin layer chromatography
MU 4986-89: Guidelines for measuring the concentration of pachton in the air of the working area by thin layer chromatography
MU 4988-89: Guidelines for measuring the concentration of morphonol in the air of the working area by thin layer chromatography
MU 4989-89: Guidelines for measuring the concentration of ethyl acetoacetic acid in the air of the working area by thin layer chromatography
MU 4990-89: Guidelines for measuring the concentrations of trifumin and its metabolites in the air of the working zone by thin layer chromatography
MU 4991-89: Guidelines for measuring the concentration of lasso in the air of the working zone by chromatographic method
MU 4992-89: Guidelines for measuring the concentrations of sym-triazines (ametrine, mesoranyl, semeron, hezaran, Zencor, igran) in the air of the working zone by thin-layer and gas-liquid chromatography
MU 4993-89: Guidelines for measuring the concentration of dimethyl phosphite in the air of the working zone by thin layer chromatography
MU 4994-89: Methodological guidelines for determining in one sample organophosphorus and organochlorine pesticides used on tomatoes by chromatographic methods
MU 5003-89: Guidelines for the determination of applaud in plant material (tomatoes, cucumbers, fruits and green mass), soil, water by gas-liquid chromatography
MU 5005-89: Guidelines for the determination of Apollo in water, soil, fruit crops by thin-layer and gas-liquid chromatography
MU 5021-89: Guidelines for the determination of a mixture of carbofuran with benomyl and TMTD (combi preparation) in sugar beet plants by thin layer chromatography
MU 5024-89: Guidelines for the determination of diquat in fish and water by thin layer chromatography
MU 5036-89: Guidelines for the determination of a mixture of metaphos, bayleton and tilt in wheat plants by thin layer chromatography
MU 5037-89: Guidelines for the determination of corbel in water, soil and wheat plants by thin layer chromatography
MU 5044-89: Guidelines for the determination of TMTD and its transformation products in water, grain crops and plant material by thin layer chromatography
MU 5045-89: Guidelines for measuring the concentration of glyphosine tetramethyl ether in the air of the working area by thin layer chromatography
MU 5047-89: Guidelines for the measurement of dextramine concentrations in the air of the working area by thin layer chromatography
MUK 4.1.1459-03: Temporary guidelines for the determination of pyriproxyfen residues in water, soil and apples by high performance liquid chromatography
MUK 4.1.1815-03: Guidelines for determining residual amounts of hozalofop-p-ethyl in water, soil, potato tubers, root crops and tops of sugar, table beet and fodder beet, seeds and soybean oil, seeds and straw of flax in the main metabolite hizalofop-p acid with using cap
MUK 4.1.1851-04: Methodological guidelines for the determination of residues of clopyralid in seeds and rapeseed oil by capillary gas-liquid chromatography
MUK 4.1.1942-05: Methodical instructions for determining residual amounts of haloxyfop-P-methyl in onion turnips by capillary gas-liquid chromatography
MUK 4.1.1953-05: Guidelines for determining residual amounts of hizalofop-P-ethyl in onion turnips, carrot roots and cabbages for the main metabolite of hizalofop-P acid by capillary gas-liquid chromatography
MUK 4.1.1976-05: Determination of residues of clopyralid in seeds, oil and straw of flax, seeds and oil of reps by gas-liquid chromatography
MUK 4.1.2021-05: Guidelines for the determination of residual amounts of hizalofop-P-ethyl and propacvizafop in seeds and oil of rapeseed and propacvizafop in cabbages on the main metabolite of hizalofop-P-acid by capillary gas-liquid chromatography
MUK 4.1.2064-06: Guidelines for the determination of residual amounts of hizalofop-P-ethyl in pea grain, seeds and oil of sunflower in the main metabolite of hizalof-P acid by capillary gas-liquid chromatography
MUK 4.1.2459-09: Determination of residual quantities of dicamba in corn oil by capillary gas-liquid chromatography. Methodical instructions
MUK 4.1.2681-10: Determination of picloram residues in seeds and rapeseed oil by capillary gas-liquid chromatography
MUK 4.1.2988-12: Determination of residual amounts of fluroxypyr in the green mass of plants, grain and oil of corn by capillary gas-liquid chromatography
MUK 4.1.3052-13: Determination of residual amounts of fluroxypyr in seeds and rapeseed oil by capillary gas-liquid chromatography
MUK 4.1.899-99: Guidelines for gas chromatographic measurement of the concentration of dimethylaminoethyl acrylate in the air of the working area
NPB 158-97*: Special protective shoes for firefighters. General technical requirements and test methods
PNST 10-2012: Automobile roads of general use. Viscous petroleum road bitumens. Determination of the paraffin wax content
RD 52.24.505-98: Guidelines. Methods for measuring the mass concentration of oil components in bottom sediments with identification of their composition and origin
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