
GOST 12817-80

ГОСТ 12817-80

Cast grey iron flanges for Pnom from 0,1 to 1,6 MPa (from 1 to 16 kgf/sq sm). Design and dimensions

Фланцы литые из серого чугуна на Ру от 0,1 до 1,6 МПа (от 1 до 16 кгс/см кв.). Конструкция и размеры

Status: Not effective - Canceled in the Russian Federation. Registration information 99-st dated 03/01/2016 (official website of Rosstandart); IUS 6-2016

The standard applies to the flanges of cast fittings, connecting parts, machines, instruments, devices and tanks made of gray iron for a nominal pressure of Py from 0.1 to 1.6 MPa (from 1 to 16 kgf

Стандарт распространяется на фланцы литой арматуры, соединительных частей, машин, приборов, аппаратов и резервуаров из серого чугуна на условное давление Ру от 0.1 до 1.6 МПа (от 1 до 16 кгс/см¤) и температуру среды от 258 до 573 К (от - 15 до 300°)

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Format: Electronic (pdf/doc)

Approved: USSR State Committee for Standards, 5/20/1980

SKU: RUSS49233

Price: $48.00


The Product is Contained in the Following Classifiers:

Construction (Max) » Standards » Other state standards used in construction » 23 Hydraulic and pneumatic systems and components for general use. »

Standards for pipe fittings (TPA) » 13. Standards for basic components and parts of injection molding machines » 13.1 Flanges »

Standards for pipe fittings (TPA) » 6. Standards of connecting sizes of piping valves (TPA) » 6.1 Flange connection »

ISO classifier » 23 HYDRAULIC AND PNEUMATIC SYSTEMS AND GENERAL PURPOSE COMPONENTS » 23.040 Pipelines and their components » 23.040.60 Flanges, couplings and connections »

National standards » 23 HYDRAULIC AND PNEUMATIC SYSTEMS AND GENERAL PURPOSE COMPONENTS » 23.040 Pipelines and their components » 23.040.60 Flanges, couplings and connections »

National Standards for KGS (State Standards Classification) » Latest edition » G Machines, equipment and tools » G1 General parts and units of machines » G18 Fittings and pipeline connections »

The Document is Replaced With:

GOST 33259-2015: Flanges for valves, fittings and pipelines for pressure to PN 250. Design, dimensions and general technical requirements

As a Replacement Of:

GOST 1235-67: Flanges with a connecting projection cast of gray iron. Design, dimensions and technical requirements

GOST 12815-67: Flanges with a ledge or hollow cast of gray cast iron. Design, dimensions and technical requirements

GOST 12816-67: Flanges with a spike or groove cast of gray cast iron. Design, dimensions and technical requirements

The Document References:

GOST 12815-80: Flanges for valves, fittings and pipelines for Pnom from 0,1 to 20 MPa (from 1 to 200 kgf/sq sm). Types. Connecting dimensions and dimensions of sealing surfaces

GOST 12816-80: Flanges for valves, fittings and pipelines for Pnom from 0,1 to 20 MPa (from 1 to 200 kgf/sq sm). General technical requirements

GOST 26645-85: Metal and alloy castings. Dimensions and mass tolerances and machining allowances.

The Document is Referenced By:

GOST 10042-75: The wedge gate valves with non-sliding spindle are flanged cast iron on Rd approximately equal to 0.25 MPa (2.5 kgf / cm2). Specification

GOST 12815-80: Flanges for valves, fittings and pipelines for Pnom from 0,1 to 20 MPa (from 1 to 200 kgf/sq sm). Types. Connecting dimensions and dimensions of sealing surfaces

GOST 12816-80: Flanges for valves, fittings and pipelines for Pnom from 0,1 to 20 MPa (from 1 to 200 kgf/sq sm). General technical requirements

GOST 12893-2005: Single-seated, double-seated and cage control valves. General specifications

GOST 14167-83: Turbine cold water meters

GOST 15763-2005: Threaded and flange pipe connections for PN to 63 MPa (to 630 kgf/sq sm). General specifications

GOST 17437-81: Air filters - moisture separators

GOST 18163-72: Flanged stop valves from malleable iron for Pd approximately 2.5 and 4 MPa (25 and 40 kgf / cm2). Specification

GOST 18722-73: Shut-off sleeve valves made of malleable iron for Pd approximately 1.6 MPa (16 kgf / cm2). Specification

GOST 31294-2005: Direct-acting safety valves. General specifications

GOST 32388-2013: Process piping. Standard for the stress, vibration and seismic analysis

GOST 33259-2015: Flanges for valves, fittings and pipelines for pressure to PN 250. Design, dimensions and general technical requirements

GOST 34011-2016: Gas distribution systems. Block gas delivery stations. Cabinet gas delivery stations. General technical requirements

GOST 3849-78: Accessories for vertical cylindrical strorace tank for pertoleum products. Cast iron joints for swing tube

GOST 5761-2005: Valves for nominal pressure at most PN 250. General specifications

GOST 5762-2002: Pipeline industrial valves. Gate valves PN<=250. General specifications

GOST R 51382-2011: Heating boilers. Part 4. Heating boilers with forced draught burners. Special requirements for boilers with forced draught oil burners with output up to 70 kW and maximum operating pressure of 0,3 MPa. Terminology, special requirements, test methods and marking

GOST R 51383-2012: Automatic burner gas forced air. Technical safety requirements and test methods

GOST R 53671-2009: Pipeline valves. Swing and lift check valves. General specifications

GOST R 53673-2009: Pipeline valves. Butterfly wicket valves. General specifications

GOST R 53790-2010: Non-traditional technologies. Energetics of biowastes. General technical requirements for biogas sets

GOST R 54439-2011: Gas fired central heating boilers. Type B boilers of nominal heat input not exceeding 300 kW, but not exceeding 1000 kW

GOST R 54440-2011: Heating boilers. Part 1. Heating boilers with forced draught burners. Terminology, general requirements, test and marking

GOST R 54446-2011: Non domestic gas-fired overhead luminous radiant heaters. Part 1. Safety requirements

GOST R 54448-2011: Single burner gas-fired overhead radiant tube heaters for non-domestic use. Part 1. Safety requirements

GOST R 54788-2011: Gas-fired absorption and adsorption air-conditioning and/or heat pump appliances with a net heat input not exceeding 70 kW. Part 1. Safety

GOST R 54821-2011: Gas-fired storage water heaters for the production of domestic hot water

GOST R 54826-2011: Gas-fired central heating boilers. Type C boilers of nominal heat input not exceeding 70 kW

GOST R 54960-2012: Gas distribution systems. Block gas delivery stations. Cabinet gas delivery stations. General technical requirements

GOST R 55472-2013: Gas distribution systems. Requirements for gas distribution networks. Part 0. General

GOST R EN 1434-2-2006: Heat meters. Part 2. Constructional requirements

IM 14-4-2004: Automation. Instruments for measuring and controlling flow and quantity. Directory

KPO 01.05.12-05: Catalog-list of equipment. Boiler equipment. Volume 2

KPO 01.05.12-05: Catalog-list of equipment. Boiler equipment. Volume 2

OST 26-291-94: Steel welded vessels and devices. General technical requirements.

RD 26.260.010-2002: The leading document on standardization. The list of standard documentation on standardization on the cells and devices working under pressure.

RD 26.260.010-97: List of Regulatory Documents on Standardization for Pressure Vessels and Apparatus

RD 39-0148306-413-88: Method for calculating fugitive emissions from gas processing plants

SA-03-003-07: Stressing and vibration calculation of steel industrial pipelines.

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