
GOST 7661-67

ГОСТ 7661-67

Dial depth gauges. Specifications

Глубиномеры индикаторные. Технические условия

Status: Effective - Supersedes. The limitation of the effectiveness period has been lifted: Protocol No. 4-93 of the IGU dated 10.21.93 (IUS 4-1994)

The standard applies to indicator depth gauges with a scale value of 0.01 mm, designed to measure the depth of the grooves of the holes and the height of the ledges up to 100 mm.

Стандарт распространяется на индикаторные глубиномеры с ценой деления 0,01 мм, предназначенные для измерения глубины пазов отверстий и высоты уступов до 100 мм.

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Format: Electronic (pdf/doc)

Approved: Committee of Standards, Measures and Measuring Instruments under the Council of Ministers of the USSR, 12/25/1967

SKU: RUSS51204

Price: $134.00


The Product is Contained in the Following Classifiers:

PromExpert » SECTION I. TECHNICAL REGULATION » V Testing and control » 3 Activities of testing laboratories » 3.2 Technical equipment of testing laboratories » 3.2.2 Measuring instruments and test equipment » Instruments, tools and devices for linear, angular, profile and spatial measurements »

ISO classifier » 17 METROLOGY AND MEASUREMENTS. PHYSICAL PHENOMENA » 17.040 Linear and angular measurements » 17.040.30 Measuring instruments »

National standards » 17 METROLOGY AND MEASUREMENTS. PHYSICAL PHENOMENA » 17.040 Linear and angular measurements » 17.040.30 Measuring instruments »

National Standards for KGS (State Standards Classification) » Latest edition » P Measuring devices. Automation and computing facilities » P5 Instruments, tools and devices for linear, angular, profile and spatial measurements » P53 Instruments for measuring lengths (outer and inner dimensions) »

As a Replacement Of:

GOST 7661-55: Depth gauge with indicator of 0.01 mm. Specification

The Document References:

GOST 13762-86: Measuring means for linear and angular measurements. Marking, packing, transporting and storage

GOST 15593-70: Indication. Gauge heads and transducers. Connected sizes

GOST 2.601-2006: Unified system for design documentation. Exploitative documents

GOST 2789-73: Surface roughness. Parameters and characteristics

GOST 577-68: Clock-type dial indicators graduated in unit divisions of 0,01 mm. Specifications

GOST 8.001-80: State system of ensuring the unity of measurements. Rules for conducting the state tests of measuring means

GOST 8.383-80: State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. State tests of means for measurements. General statements

GOST 9013-59: Metals. Method of measuring Rockwell hardness

MI 2006-89: State system for ensuring uniformity of measurements. Depth gauge indicators. Verification procedure

PR 50.2.009-94: The testing and approval procedure for the measurement instrumentation

The Document is Referenced By:

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GOST 34854-2022: Calibers for connections with tapered threads of casing, tubing, drilling and pipeline pipes. Methods of measuring geometric parameters

GOST 3916.1-89: Plywood with outer layers of deciduous veneer for general use. Specifications

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GOST 5513-97: Pneumatic tiers for trucks, trailers fot them, buses and rtolleybuses

GOST 8.549-86: The state system of ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Permissible errors of measurement of linear dimensions to 500 mm with non-specified tolerances

GOST 803-81: Hot-rolled strips of carbon high-grade steel for plating

GOST 8673-82: Plywood boards. Specifications.

GOST 8673-93: Plywood panels

GOST 8756.18-2017: Canned food. Methods for determining the appearance, tightness of the package and the state of the inner surface of the package

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GOST 8904-2014: Hard wood-fibre boards varnish and paint coatings. Specifications

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GOST 9498-2019: Flat bars of aluminum and aluminum wrought alloys for hire. Technical specifications

GOST 9498-79: Flat ingots of aluminium and wrought aluminium alloys for rolling. Specifications

GOST R 50962-96: Plastics vessels and articles for economic purposes. General specifications

GOST R 52123-2003: Port-holes for diving hyperbaric chambers with operating pressure up to 4,9 MPa (50 kgf/sq cm). General specifications

GOST R 52203-2004: Tubing and coupling. Specifications

GOST R 52899-2007: Pneumatic tyres for truck power-driven vehicles and trailers. Specifications

GOST R 52900-2007: Pneumatic tyres for passenger cars and trailers for them. Specifications

GOST R 54157-2010: Profile steel pipes for metal constructions. Specifications

GOST R 56277-2014: Polymer composite pipes and fittings for intrafield pipelines. Specifications

GOST R 56706-2015: Glued cross laminated timber boards. Specifications

GOST R 56706-2022: Cross-laminated wood boards. General technical conditions

GOST R 57177-2016: The induction-metallurgical method of surfacing. Technological process

GOST R 57376-2016: Copper ingots. Specifications

MI 2006-89: State system for ensuring uniformity of measurements. Depth gauge indicators. Verification procedure

ODM 218.2.059-2015: Recommendations for use on bridges, viaducts and tunnels of pedestrian decking (pavements) made of composite materials

ODM 218.3.061-2015: Recommendations on the use of composite structures and materials with flammability parameters "NG" for transport infrastructure facilities

ODM 218.8.008-2017: Guidelines for the use of treatment facilities made of polymer composite materials in the road sector

OST 24.090.39-83: Shell stacker cranes. General specifications.

RD 34.20.322-89: Procedural Guidelines for Inspection of Smokestacks with Metal Gas Discharge Flues

RD 34.21.623-96: Procedural Guidelines for Inspection of Metal Structures of Fuel Supply Trestles

RD 39-2-621-81: Test procedure for threaded and smooth plug gauges and ring gauges to control connections with tapered trapezoidal threads

RD EO 0007-93: Standard instruction manual for operation of industrial buildings and structures of nuclear power plants. Part 1. Organization of operation, repairs and maintenance. Volume 1, 2

ST RK GOST R 50962-2008: Dishware and household products of plastic. General specification

TU 24-09-613-84: Electric overhead traveling cranes with a lifting capacity of 5 tons of lightweight construction with electric hoist

TU 2531-002-53597015-01: Face seal (rubber cuff) to protect the annular space at the junctions of main pipelines under roads and railways

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