GOST 4784-74
ГОСТ 4784-74
Wrought aluminium and aluminium alloys. Grades
Алюминий и сплавы алюминиевые деформируемые. Марки
Status: Not effective - Superseded. IUS 2-1999
The standard applies to aluminum and wrought aluminum alloys, intended for the manufacture of semi-finished products by hot or cold deformation, as well as ingots and slabs.
Стандарт распространяется на алюминий и алюминиевые деформируемые сплавы, предназначенныедля изготовления полуфабрикатов методом горячей или холодной деформации, а также слитков и слябов.
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Approved: State Committee of Standards of the Council of Ministers of the USSR,
SKU: RUSS51891
The Product is Contained in the Following Classifiers:
PromExpert »
V Testing and control »
4 Testing and control of products »
4.12 Testing and control of products of metallurgical industry »
4.12.3 Non-ferrous and precious metals »
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77.120 Non-ferrous metals »
77.120.10 Aluminum and aluminum alloys »
National standards »
77.120 Non-ferrous metals »
77.120.10 Aluminum and aluminum alloys »
National Standards for KGS (State Standards Classification) »
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V Metals and metal products »
V5 Non-ferrous metals and their alloys. Rolled non-ferrous metals »
V51 Non-ferrous metals, including rare, and their alloys »
The Document is Replaced With:
GOST 4784-97: Aluminium and wrought aluminium alloys. Grades
As a Replacement Of:
GOST 4784-65: Aluminium wrought alloys. Types
The Document is Referenced By:
GOST 1018-77: Bands aluminium, copper, brass and cupronikel for capsules. Specifications
GOST 10703-73: Aluminium sheets for graphic arts industry. Specifications
GOST 1077-79: Single-flame multi-purpose torches for oxy-acetylene welding, soldering and heating
GOST 10831-80: Paint rolls specification
GOST 10831-87: Paint rolls specification
GOST 10877-76: Preservative oil K-17
GOST 11779-74: Moulding combined tamper and rammer. Design
GOST 11780-74: Moulding rubber combined tamper and rammer. Design
GOST 11802-66: Jet fuel. Method for determining thermal stability under static conditions
GOST 12.4.157-75: Occupational safety standards system. Industrial filtering gas masks and respirators. Nephelometric methods for determination of penetration coefficient of oil mist under the face part
GOST 12644-80: Hollow and semi-hollow rivets. Specifications
GOST 13076-86: Synthetic oil BНИИ НП 50-1-4ф. Specifications
GOST 13616-78: Aluminium and aluminium alloys extruded shapes. Strips. Assortment
GOST 13623-80: Profiles, pressed, rectangular sections of aluminum and aluminum alloys. Range
GOST 14245-79: Heat exchangers shell-and-tube with U-shaped tubes. Basic parameters and dimensions
GOST 14839.0-79: Commercial explosives. Rules for acceptance and sampling
GOST 14839.0-91: Commercial explosives. Acceptance rules and sampling
GOST 15140-78: Paintwork materials. Methods for determination of adhesion
GOST 15176-89: Extruded electrotechnical buses from aluminum and aluminum alloys
GOST 1523-81: Straight reamers
GOST 16024-79: Cryogenic vessels. Specification
GOST 1639-78: Non-ferrous metals and alloys scrap and waste. General specifications
GOST 17040-80: Stamping part elements. Construction and dimensions
GOST 17232-79: Aluminium and aluminium alloys plates. Technical conditions
GOST 17327-88: Bread baking forms. Specifications
GOST 17327-95: Bread baking forms
GOST 17535-77: Metal high precision parts of devices. Dimension stabilisation by heat treatment. Typical technological processes
GOST 18179-72: Grease OKБ-122-7. Specifications
GOST 18210-72: Disk segment saws for light alloys. Specifications
GOST 18324-73: Ionizing radiation source units for radioisotope instruments of relay type
GOST 18375-73: Lubricating oil 132-08. Specifications
GOST 18475-82: Cold-worked aluminum and aluminum alloy pipes
GOST 18591-91: Aluminium special profiles. Range of sizes
GOST 19254-81: Support clamps for open distribution devices. Technical conditions
GOST 19334-73: Connection parts for pipe-lines and metal-reinforced hoses. Types, basic dimensions and technical requirements
GOST 19597-94: Garden rakes
GOST 19598-95: Lawn-and-garden hoes, grub-axes and cultivators
GOST 19645-74: Moulding mallet with rubber beaters. Design
GOST 19814-74: Synthetic and regenerated acetic acid. Specifications
GOST 20365-74: Broaches round of variable cutting of diameters from 14 to 90 mm. Design and dimensions
GOST 20734-75: Hydraulic fluid 7-50C-3. Specifications
GOST 20824-81: Varnish ЭП-730. Specifications
GOST 20925-75: Units of changeable press-moulds with low positioned loading chamber for moulding thermoset articles. Construction and dimensions
GOST 20926-75: Unit for changeable compression moulding thermoset articles press-moulds. Construction and dimensions
GOST 20944-75: Liquids for aircrafts systems. Method for determination thermo oxidizing stability and corrosion activity
GOST 21029-75: Aluminum barrels for chemical products
GOST 21039-75: Acetic anhydride for industrial use. Specifications
GOST 21488-76: Extruded bars of aluminium and aluminium alloys
GOST 21519-84: Windows, balcony doors, shop-windows and stained glass panels of aluminum alloys
GOST 2171-90: Pieces, products, semi-finished products and billets of non-ferrous metals and alloys. Grade designation
GOST 22233-83: Aluminium and aluminium alloy extruded shapes for constructional guard structures and devices
GOST 22233-93: Extruded sections of aluminium alloys for enclosure building structures. General specifications
GOST 22685-77: Forms for making control samples of concrete. Specification
GOST 23.214-83: Ensuring of wear resistance of products. Pendulum method for measuring the friction coefficient of rolling
GOST 23052-78: Telephone cable boxes. Specification
GOST 23171-78: Enamel AK-512. Specifications
GOST 23476-79: Tramway and trolleybus overhead trolley wire supporting devices. General specifications
GOST 23508-79: Bookselling furniture for storage compartments. General specifications
GOST 23598-79: Pin cable lugs. Construction and dimensions
GOST 23697-79: Longitudinal welded tubes from aluminium alloys
GOST 23702-85: Non-destructive check. Ultrasonic transducers. Methods basic parameters measurement
GOST 23747-79: Doors of aluminium alloys. Specifications
GOST 23786-79: Drill pipes made of aluminum alloys
GOST 23844-79: Khladon 113. Specifications
GOST 24641-81: Cable sheaths of lead and aluminium
GOST 25001-81: Rolled-welded aluminium sheet billets for heat-exchangers. Specifications
GOST 25046-81: Disposable injection needles
GOST 25088-81: Ship's doors. Specifications
GOST 25164-82: Connections of SSI instruments and devices with external hydraulic and gas lines. Types, basic parameters and dimensions. Technical requirements
GOST 25309-94: Covers of access hatches. Specifications
GOST 25573-82: Freight handling rope slings for construction
GOST 25782-90: Derbies, floats, semifloats. Specifications
GOST 25797-83: Products of lock and hardware for the focal elements of enclosing structures made of aluminum alloys. General specifications
GOST 25905-83: Aluminium foil for condensers. Specifications
GOST 26220-84: Aerosol aluminum mono-block bulbs
GOST 26887-86: Platforms and ladders for civil engineering work. Specifications
GOST 27640-88: Engineering materials and lubricants. Experimental evaluation of coefficient of friction
GOST 27809-88: Steel and cast iron. Methods of spectroorganic analysis
GOST 27809-95: Cast iron and steel. Methods of spectrographic analysis
GOST 28012-89: Demountable travelling stage. Specifications
GOST 3111-81: Spherical plugs. Construction and dimensions
GOST 3168-93: Solid mineral fuels. Methods for determination of the yield of products by low temperature distillation
GOST 32504-2013: Petroleum and natural gas industries. Downhole equipment. Sand screens liquid centrifugal separators. General technical requirements
GOST 397-79: Split pins
GOST 4153-93: Pruning shears
GOST 4154-93: Pruning shears
GOST 4261-82: Connection clamps. Specification
GOST 4784-97: Aluminium and wrought aluminium alloys. Grades
GOST 4860.1-83: Glands for for electric cables and wires
GOST 5037-78: Metallic churns
GOST 5191-79: Injector cutting torches for manual oxygen cutting
GOST 538-78: Window and door fittings. General specifications
GOST 5735-81: Carbide tipped machine reamers. Specifications
GOST 7328-82: General-purpose and reference mass gages
GOST 7387-82: Aluminium alloy cable shoes for tipping of aluminium wire conductors and cables by welding. Construction and sizes
GOST 7727-81: Aluminium alloys. Methods of spectral analysis
GOST 8551-74: Grease ЦИАТИМ-205. Specifications
GOST 8617-81: Pressed sections out of aluminium and aluminium alloys. Specifications
GOST 8674-58: Petroleum products. Determination of fractional composition by evaporation method
GOST 9.031-74: Unified system of corrosion and ageing protection. Anode-oxide coatings for semifinished products made out of aluminium and alloys. General requirements and methods of control
GOST 9.047-75: Unified system of corrosion and ageing protection. Metal and non-metal inorganic coatings. Technological process operations for coating production
GOST 9.305-84: Unified system of corrosion and ageing protection. Metal and non-metal inorganic coatings. Technological process operations for coating production
GOST 9416-83: Building levels. Technical requirements
GOST R 50176-92: Solid mineral fuels. Methods for determination of the yield of products by low temperature distillation
GOST R 51015-97: Blades for household and special use. General specifications
GOST R 51687-2000: Stainless steel table and kitchen cutlery. General specifications
GOST R 52630-2006: Steel welded vessels and apparatus. General specifications
GOST R 53258-2009: Fire equipment. The small size cylinders for apparatuses breathing and self-contained escape with compressed air. General technical requirements. Test methods
I 1.09-10: Instructions for connecting insulated conductors of wires and cables
IBJaL.413531.005 IP: Signaling devices SGG-6-mod. 01; 02. Verification Instructions
IBJaL.413534.001 RJe: Carbon monoxide alarm SOU-1. Manual
IM 14-4-2004: Automation. Instruments for measuring and controlling flow and quantity. Directory
IM 4-12-95: Automation systems. Handbook of materials. Part 1. Basic materials
MDS 12-22.2005: Recommendations for the application in the construction industry of the requirements of regulatory legal and other regulatory acts containing state regulatory labor protection requirements
MDS 12-56.2010: Wire rope slings for construction. Recommendations for compilation of technical specifications
OST 1 90113-86: Pressed sections of aluminium alloys. Specifications.
OST 1 92048-76: Large size Aluminium and Aluminium alloy extruded pipes.
OST 16-0.684.423-82: Rails for electrical devices and contact type-setting clamps. Design and dimensions
OST 24.691.02-84: connecting flanges for heating system of passenger wagons.Types, Design and dimensions.
OST 26-01-1183-82: Aluminium vessels and devices. General technical specifications.
OST 26-01-152-82: Aluminium and Aluminium alloy forgings for chemical equipment. General specification.
OST 26-04-1222-75: Products of cryogenic engineering. General technical requirements and standards.
OST 26-07-2024-80: Distinguishing plates. Dimensions. Technical requirements.
OST 26-3-87: Welding in chemical mechanical engineering. Main provisions.
OST 34-13-128-82: Taper thread motor and tractor plugs. Design and dimensions. General specifications (restriction as per GOST 12717-78).
OST 34-13-910-86: Cargo rope slings for construction. Technical conditions
OST 34-13-919-86: Support clamps for open distribution devices. Technical conditions
OST 34-13-941-87: Protective screens. Technical conditions
OST 37.001.179-82: Taper thread plugs. Specifications.
PNAE G-7-008-89: Regulations for design and safe operation of equipment and piping of atomic power plants
PNAE G-7-022-90: Equipment and pipelines of nuclear power units. Arc welding of aluminium alloys in protective gases. Main provisions
R 4.054.004-89: Details from alloys of ferrous and non-ferrous metals. Thermal and chemical-thermal treatment. Typical Processes
R 4.054.103-89: Instrument parts are precision metal. Stabilization of sizes by heat treatment. Typical Processes
R 50-112-89: Recommendations. Hardening coatings used in the manufacture and restoration of textile equipment parts and machines for the processing of chemical fibers
RD 10-33-93: Slings for loading and general purposes. Requirements for arrangement and safe operation.
RD Catalog of foreign brands of non-ferrous metal alloys for ship and port engineering and comparable domestic brands according to state standards
RD 50-566-85: Guidelines. Means of measuring the energy of laser radiation pulses IFC-3M. Method of verification.
RD 50-703-91: Instructions. The basic supporting structures of electronic equipment. Technological requirements
RD 50-9.645-87: Guidelines. General requirements for the selection of metals and alloys used without coatings in atmospheric conditions
RST RSFSR 45-86: Sledge for children. Technical conditions
RST RSFSR 605-89: Folding knives. General technical conditions
RTM 24-85: Information index of state, republican and industry standards, technical specifications for materials and products used in the design of furnaces and dryers
RTM 3-1947-91: Design standards. Metals and alloys. Hardness Conversion Tables.
SNiP 2.03.06-85: Aluminium structures
SNiP I-V.12-62: Metals and metal products
SS-05: Method for determining the penetration of shaped charges at atmospheric pressure and ambient temperature of the Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Atomic Supervision (SS-05)
ST TsKBA 076-2009: Pipe fittings. Distinctive signs. Types, sizes and specifications
TU 102-356-83: Three-layer roofing panels from steel corrugated profile and mineral wool insulation
TU 102-357-83: Three-layer steel wall panels with mineral wool insulation for block boxes and blocks
TU 102-358-83: Three-layer steel coating panels with mineral wool insulation for block boxes
TU 102-360-85: Aluminum aluminum masts for radio relay communication type MAP
TU 1-9-631-73: Extruded aluminum alloy profiles for semiconductor cooling radiators
VNTP 12-94K: Engineering Design Standards Facilities of the Canned Fruits and Vegetables Industry
VSN 10-83/Minhimprom: Instruction on designing of oxygen gas pipelines
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