GOST 6433.1-71
ГОСТ 6433.1-71
Solid electrical insulating materials. Environmental conditions at preparation of samples and testing
Материалы электроизоляционные твердые. Условия окружающей среды при подготовке образцов и испытании
Status: Effective. The limitation of effectiveness has been lifted: Decree of the State Standard No. 1021 dated 06/26/91
The standard applies to solid insulating materials and establishes environmental conditions in terms of a combination of temperature and air humidity or temperature and type of liquid during their normalization, conditioning and testing.
Стандарт распространяется на твердые электроизоляционные материалы и устанавливает условия окружающей среды в части сочетания температуры и влажности воздуха или температуры и вида жидкости при их нормализации, кондиционировании и испытании.
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Approved: Gosstandart of the USSR,
SKU: RUSS52395
The Product is Contained in the Following Classifiers:
ISO classifier »
29.035 Insulation Materials »
29.035.01 Insulation materials in general »
National standards »
29.035 Insulation Materials »
29.035.01 Insulation materials in general »
National Standards for KGS (State Standards Classification) »
Latest edition »
E Power and electrical equipment »
E3 Electrical materials and insulators »
E39 Test methods. Packaging. Marking »
National Standards for OKSTU »
Control methods (testing, analysis, measurements) »
National Standards for OKSTU »
Electrical insulating materials and products, electrical coal and electrometal-ceramic »
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