
GOST 13496.0-80

ГОСТ 13496.0-80

Mixed feeding-stuffs. Methods of sampling of average sample

Комбикорма, сырье. Методы отбора проб

Status: Not effective - Superseded

The standard applies to feed, BVD, premixes, carbamide concentrate and raw materials used in their production: fodder yeast, dried beet pulp, algal feed meal and grains, shell flour, grass meal, wood green vitamin flour, table salt, feed flour grape marc,

Стандарт распространяется на комбикорма, БВД, премиксы, карбамидный концентрат и сырье используемое при их производстве: кормовые дрожжи, сушеный жом свекловичный, водорослевую кормовую муку и крупку, ракушечную кормовую крупку, травяную муку, витаминную

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Format: Electronic (pdf/doc)

Approved: USSR State Committee for Standards, 8/7/1980

SKU: RUSS53676

Price: $134.00

English keywords: agriculture; animal feed; pet food;


The Product is Contained in the Following Classifiers:

PromExpert » SECTION I. TECHNICAL REGULATION » V Testing and control » 4 Testing and control of products » 4.4 Testing and control of food products » 4.4.10 Products of feed industry »

ISO classifier » 65 AGRICULTURE » 65.120 Animal feed »

National standards » 65 AGRICULTURE » 65.120 Animal feed »

National Standards for KGS (State Standards Classification) » Latest edition » S Agriculture and forestry » S1 Field Crops » S19 Test methods. Packaging. Marking »

National Standards for OKSTU » PRODUCTS OF MEAT, DAIRY, FISH, FLOUR-GRAPE, FODDER AND MICROBIOLOGICAL INDUSTRIES » Control methods (testing, analysis, measurements) »


The Document is Replaced With:

GOST 13496.0-2016: Compound feeds, feed raw materials. Methods of sampling

As a Replacement Of:

GOST 13496.0-70: Combined animal feeding stuffs. Rules of selection of the average sample

The Document References:

GOST 15895-77: Statistical quality control. Terms and definitions

GOST R 50779.10-2000: Statistical methods. Probability and general statistical terms. Terms and definitions

The Document is Referenced By:

GOST 10199-81: Concentrated combined fodder designed for sheep

GOST 10385-2014: Combined feeding staffs for fishes. General specifications

GOST 10385-88: Combined fodder designed for pond black-head minnows

GOST 10747-70: Mixed feed. For fur-bearing animals

GOST 13299-71: Concentrated combined fodder designed for suckling-pigs

GOST 13496.10-74: Combined forage. Method for the determination of smut fungi spores content

GOST 13496.12-75: Combined animal feeding stuffs. Method for determination of total oxidity

GOST 13496.12-98: Mixed fodder, raw mixed fodder. Method for determination of total oxidity

GOST 13496.13-75: Mixed feeds. Methods for determination of smell, infestation by cereal parasites

GOST 13496.15-85: Forages, compound feeds, raw material. Methods for determining rawfat

GOST 13496.15-97: Forages, compound feeds, raw material for compound feeds. Methods for determining the raw fat content

GOST 13496.17-95: Forage. Methods for determining carotene

GOST 13496.18-85: Mixed fodder and fodder raw stuff. Methods for determination of fat acid value

GOST 13496.1-89: Mixed fodder and raw mixed fodder. Methods for sodium and sodium chloride determination

GOST 13496.19-2015: Feeds, mixed feeds and raw material. Methods for determination of nitrate and nitrite

GOST 13496.1-98: Mixed fodder and raw mixed fodder. Methods for sodium and sodium chloride determination

GOST 13496.19-93: Fodder, mixed fodder and animal feed raw stuff. Methods of nitrate and nitrite determination

GOST 13496.20-87: Mixed fodders, raw stuff for mixed fodders. Method for determining residual quantities of pesticides

GOST 13496.21-2015: Feeds, mixed feeds and raw material. Methods for determination of lisin and tryptophane

GOST 13496.21-87: Feeds, mixed feeds and raw material. Methods for determining content of lisin and tryptophane

GOST 13496.22-90: Fodder, mixed fodder, and mixed fodder raw materials. Method for determination of cistinum and metioninum

GOST 13496.2-91: Fodder mixed fodder and mixed fodder raw material. Method for determination of raw cellular tissue

GOST 13496.3-92: Compound feeds, raw material. Methods for determination of moisture

GOST 13496.4-93: Fodder, mixed fodder and animal feed raw stuff. Methods of nitrogen and crude protein determination

GOST 13496.5-70: Mixed feed. The method of determination of ergot

GOST 13496.6-71: Mixed feed. Method of detachment of fungi

GOST 13496.7-92: Feed grain, grain by-products, compound feeds. Methods for determination of toxicity

GOST 13496.7-97: Feed grain, grain by products, compound feeds. Methods for the determination of toxicity

GOST 13496.8-72: Mixed feeds. Methods for the determination of size of crushed particle and the content of uncrushed seed of cultured and wild plants

GOST 13496.9-96: Mixed feeds. Methods for determination of metallomagnetic impurity

GOST 13797-84: Vitamin meal of tree verdure

GOST 16955-71: Combined fodder designed for control fattening of pigs

GOST 18221-72: Poultry full-ration mixed fodder

GOST 18221-99: Mixed full-ration feeds for poultry. Specifications

GOST 18663-78: Fodder vitamin b12

GOST 18691-88: Artificially dried grass fodder

GOST 20083-74: Fodder yeast

GOST 21055-96: Full-ration mixed fodder for bacon feeding of pigs

GOST 2116-2000: Meal from fish, marine mammals, crustaceous and invertebrates. Specifications

GOST 2116-82: Fodder meal from fish, marine mammals, crustaceous and invertebrates

GOST 21904-76: Concentrated mixed fodder for breed mares

GOST 22455-77: Seaweed meal and granules for animal feed

GOST 22834-87: Granulated combined fodder

GOST 22841-77: Concentrated granular mixed fodder for trained and sport horses

GOST 22842-88: Concentrated mixed fodder for fattened horses

GOST 23462-95: Production of mixed fodder industry

GOST 23513-79: Fodder pellets and granules

GOST 24230-80: Vegetable feeds. Methods for determination of digestibility in vitro

GOST 26176-91: Fodders, mixed feeds. Methods for determination of soluble and hydrolysable carbohydrates

GOST 26177-84: Fodder, mixed feeds. Method for determination of lignin

GOST 26185-84: Seaweeds, sea-grasses and its processed products. Methods of physical and chemical analysis

GOST 26226-95: Fodder, mixed fodder and mixed fodder raw material. Methods for determination of raw ash

GOST 26502-85: Protein-vitamin and amido-vitamin additives

GOST 26570-85: Fodber, mixed fodber and mixed fodber raw material. Methods for determination of calcium

GOST 26570-95: Fodder, mixed fodder and mixed fodder raw materials. Methods for determination of calcium

GOST 26573.0-85: Premixes. Specification

GOST 26573.1-93: Premixes. Methods for determination of vitamin A

GOST 26573.2-2014: Premixes. Methods for determination of мanganese, copper, iron, zinc, cobalt

GOST 26573.2-85: Premixes. Methods for determination of manganese

GOST 26573.3-2014: Premixes. Method for determining coarse factor

GOST 26573.3-85: Premixes. Method for determination of particle size

GOST 26657-85: Fooder, mixed fooder and mixed fooder raw materials. Methods for determination on phosphor

GOST 26657-97: Fodders, mixed fodders, mixed fodder raw materials. Methods for determination of phosphorus content

GOST 28001-88: Fodder grain, products of its processing, mixed feeds. Methods for determination of microtoxins; T-2 toxin, zearalenon (F-2) and ochratoxin A

GOST 28074-89: Vegetable fodder. Method for the determination of crude protein solubility

GOST 28075-89: Vegetable fodder. Method for the determination of crude protein splitting

GOST 28078-89: Mixed fodder grits

GOST 28178-89: Fodder yeast. Test methods

GOST 28179-89: Paprin, the nutrient yeast

GOST 28254-2014: Compound feeds, feed raw materials. Methods for determination of volume mass and natural slope angle

GOST 28254-89: Mixed feeds, raw material. Methods for determination of volume mass and natural slope angle

GOST 28255-89: Concentrated mixed fodder for raising and fattening of young meat horses

GOST 28256-89: Concentrated mixed fodder for milch mares

GOST 28396-89: Grain raw material, mixed fodder. Method for determination of patuline

GOST 28409-89: Microgranular fodder vitamin a (retinol acetate)

GOST 28460-2014: Combined feeding staffs for wildfowl. General specifications

GOST 28460-90: Mixed fodder for fowl

GOST 28497-2014: Feeds, compound feeds. Method of crumbling properties granule determination

GOST 28497-90: Granular mixed feeds, granular raw material. Methods of crumbling properties determination

GOST 28758-97: Granular mixed fodders for fish. Methods for determination of water-proofness

GOST 28824-90: Complete granular mixed fodders for rabbits

GOST 28901-91: Animal feeding stuffs. Determination of calcium content. Atomic absorption spectrometric method

GOST 29113-91: Mixed fooders, feeds protein and vitamin supplements, Carbamide concentrate. Methods of determining Carbamide mass portion

GOST 29136-91: Fodder, meal from fish, mammals, cructacea and invertebrate animals. Toxicity determination method

GOST 30502-97: Fodders, mixed fodders and mixed fodder raw materials. Atomic absorption method for determination of magnesium content

GOST 30503-97: Fodders, mixed fodders, mixed fodder raw materials. Flame photometric method for determination of sodium content

GOST 30504-97: Fodders, mixed fodders and mixed fodder raw materials. Flame photometric method for determination of potassium content

GOST 30692-2000: Fodders, mixed fodders and animal raw foodstuff. Atomic absorption method for determination of copper, lead, zinc and cadmium

GOST 30823-2002: Fodders, compound feeds and feed additives. Determination of the elementary composition by means of atomic emission method.

GOST 31480-2012: Mixed fodders, raw mixed fodders. Determination of aminoacids (lysine, methionine, threonine, cystine and triptophane) content by method of capillary electrophoresis

GOST 31481-2012: Mixed fodders, raw stuff for mixed fodders. Method for determining the residual quantities of chlorine-organic pesticides

GOST 31482-2012: Mixed feeds. Method for determination of aldehydes

GOST 31483-2012: Premixes. Determination of vitamins: B1 (thiaminchloride), B2 (riboflavin), B3 (pantothenic acid), B5 (nicotinic acid and nicotinamide), B6 (pyridoxine), Bc (folic acid), C (ascorbic acid) content by method of capillary electrophoresis

GOST 31484-2012: Mixed feeds, protein-vitamin-mineral concentrates, рremixes. Methods for determination of metallomagnetic impurity

GOST 31485-2012: Mixed feeds, protein-vitamin-mineral concentrates. Method for determination of peroxide number (hydroperoxides and peroxides)

GOST 31486-2012: Premixes. Method for determination of vitamin К3

GOST 31640-2012: Feeds. Methods for determination of dry matter content

GOST 31650-2012: Medical remedies for animals, feed and feed additives. Detection of mass fraction of mercury by atom absorbtion spectrometric method

GOST 31651-2012: Medical remedies for animals, feed and feed additives. Detection of mass fraction of selenium by atom absorbtion spectrometric method

GOST 31653-2012: Feedstuffs. Method of immunoenzyme mycotoxin determination

GOST 31675-2012: Feeds. Methods for determination of crude fibre content with intermediate filtration

GOST 31691-2012: Grain and products of its treatment, mixed feeds. Determination of zearalenone content using high-performance liquid chromatography

GOST 31795-2012: Fish, marine products and products of them. Method of determining the fraction of total mass of protein, fat, water, phosphorus, calcium and ash by the near-infra-red spectrometry

GOST 31809-2012: Hurient stillage. Specifications

GOST 31878-2012: Animal feeding stuffs. Method for the detection and enumeration of coliforms. Most probable number technique

GOST 31982-2012: Food products, feeds, food raw materials. Method of determination of b-agonists by Gas chromatography. Mass Spectrometry

GOST 31983-2012: Food products, feeds, food raw materials. Method for determination of polychlorinated biphenyls

GOST 32015-2012: Food products, feeds, food raw materials. Method of determination of anabolic steroids and stylben derivatives by gas chromatography using mass spectrometry

GOST 32040-2012: Fodder, mixed and animal feed raw stuff. Spectroscopy in near infra-red region method for determination of crude protein, crude fibre, crude fat and moisture

GOST 32041-2012: Compound feeds, feed raw materials. Method for determination of crude ash, calcium and phosphorus content by means of NIR-spectroscopy

GOST 32042-2012: Premixes. Methods for determination of vitamin B complex

GOST 32043-2012: Premixes. Methods for determination of vitamin А, D, Е

GOST 32044.1-2012: Feeds, mixed feeds and raw material. Determination of mass fraction of nitrogen and calculation of mass fraction of crude protein. Part 1. Kjeldahl method

GOST 32045-2012: Feeds, compound feeds, material for compound feeds. Methods for determination of ash content, insoluble in hydrochloric acid

GOST 32064-2013: Food products. Methods for detection and quantity determination of family Enterobacteriaceae

GOST 32193-2013: Feeds, compound feeds. Determination of organophosphorus pesticides residues by gas chromatographic method

GOST 32194-2013: Feeds, compound feeds. Determination of organochlorine pesticides residues by gas chromatographic method

GOST 32195-2013: Feeds, compound feeds. Method for determination of amino acids

GOST 32201-2013: Feeds, compound feeds. Method for determination of tryptophan

GOST 32250-2013: Feeds, mixed feeds. Method for determination of potassium and sodium using flame-emission spectrometry

GOST 32251-2013: Feeds, compound feeds. Method for determination of aflatoxin B1

GOST 32343-2013: Feeds, compound feeds. Determination of calcium, copper, iron, magnesium, manganese, of potassium, sodium and zinc by atomic absorption spectrometry method

GOST 32897-2014: Mixed feeds for fur-bearing animals, rabbits and nutrias. General specifications

GOST 32904-2014: Feeds, compound feeds. Methods for determination of calcium content titrimetric method

GOST 32905-2014: Feeds, mixed feeds and raw material. Method for determination of fat content

GOST 32933-2014: Feeds, compound feeds. Method for determination of crude ash

GOST 33331-2015: Seaweeds, sea grasses and products of their processing. Methods for determination of mass content of water, ash and foreign matter

GOST 33427-2015: Feeds. Determination of trypsin inhibitor activity of soya products

GOST 7449-64: Salted salmon. Specifications

GOST 7631-85: Fish and products made of fish, marine mammals and invertebrates. Reception rules. Methods for determination of organoleptic characteristics. Sampling methods for laboratory tests

GOST 7636-85: Fish, marine mammals, invertebrates and products of their processing. Methods for analysis

GOST 9265-72: Concentrated mixed fodder for working horses

GOST 9267-68: Concentrated mixed fodder for pigs

GOST 9268-2015: Mixed feeds-concentrates for fodder cattle. Specifications

GOST 9268-90: Concentrated mixed feed for cattle

GOST R 50032-92: Meal from fish marine mammals, crustaceans and invertebrates. Methods for determination of mass components of carbamid and calculation of fresh protein taking into account mass components of carbamid

GOST R 50257-92: Complete mixed feed for pigs. General specifications

GOST R 50258-92: Complete compound feeds for laboratory animals. Specifications

GOST R 50817-95: Fodder, mixed fodder and animal feed raw staff. Spectroscopia in near infra-red region method for determination of crude protein, crude fibre, crude fat and moisture

GOST R 50852-96: Compound feeds, feed raw materials. Method for the determination of crude ash, calcium and phosphorus content by means of NIR-spectroscopy

GOST R 50928-96: Premixes. Methods for determination of vitamins A, D, E

GOST R 50929-96: Premixes. Methods for determination of vitamins B complex

GOST R 51038-97: Fodder and mixed fodder. Spectroscopia in near infra-red region method for determination of metabolizable energy

GOST R 51095-97: Premixes. Specifications

GOST R 51116-97: Compound feeds, grain and grain by-products. Method for the determination of desoxinivalenol (vomitoxin)

GOST R 51166-98: Mixed feeds for fur-bearing animals, rabbits and nutrias. Specifications

GOST R 51417-99: Feeds, mixed feeds and raw material. Determination of mass fraction of nitrogen and calculation of mass fraction of crude protein. Kjeldahl method

GOST R 51418-99: Feedstuffs, compound feeds, feed raw materials. Methods for determination of ash fraction of total mass insoluble in hydrochloric acid

GOST R 51419-99: Feeds, mixed feeds and raw material. Preparation of test samples

GOST R 51420-99: Feeds, mixed feeds and raw material. Spectrometric method for the determination of mass fraction of phosphorus

GOST R 51421-99: Feeds, mixed feeds, raw material. Determination of water-soluble chlorides content

GOST R 51422-99: Feedstuffs, compound feeds, feed raw materials. Method for determination of urea fraction of total mass

GOST R 51423-99: Feedstuffs, compound feeds, feed raw materials. Method for determination of soluble nitrogen fraction of total mass after treatment with pepsin in dilute hydrochloric acid

GOST R 51424-99: Feeds, mixed feeds and raw material. Determination of free and total gossypol mass fraction

GOST R 51425-99: Feedstuffs, compound feeds, feed raw materials. Method for determination of zearalenone fraction of total mass

GOST R 51426-99: Microbiology. Feedstuffs, compound feeds, feed raw materials. General guidance for the preparation of dilutions for microbiological examination

GOST R 51550-2000: Mixed feeds-concentrates for pigs. General specifications

GOST R 51551-2000: Protein-vitamin-mineral and amide-vitamin-mineral concentrates. Specifications

GOST R 51636-2000: Fodder mixed fodder and animal feed raw stuffs. Photometric with 2,4-dinitrophenol and permanganate methods for determination of water soluble carbohydrates

GOST R 51637-2000: Premixes. Methods for the determination of total mass fraction of microelements (manganese, iron, copper, zinc, cobalt)

GOST R 51850-2001: Compound feed production. Acceptance rules. Packing, transportation and storage

GOST R 51851-2001: Mixed feeds for poultry. Index nomenclature

GOST R 51899-2002: Granulated mixed feeds. General specifications

GOST R 52254-2004: Mixed feeds for fodder cattle. Index nomenclature

GOST R 52255-2004: Mixed feeds for pigs. Index nomenclature

GOST R 52337-2005: Feeds, compound feeds, material for compounds feeds. Methods for the determination of common toxicity

GOST R 52346-2005: Mixed feeds for fishes. Index nomenclature

GOST R 52347-2005: Mixed fodders, raw mixed fodders. Determination of amino acids (lysine, methionine, threonine, cysteine and tryptophan) content by method of capillary electrophoresis

GOST R 52356-2005: Premixes. Index nomenclature

GOST R 52421-2005: Fish, marine products and products of them. Method of determining the fraction of total mass of protein, fat, water, phosphorus, calcium and ash by the near-infra-red spectrometry

GOST R 52471-2005: Feedstuffs. Immunoenzyme method of mycotoxin determination

GOST R 52528-2006: Protein-vitamin-mineral and amide-vitamin-mineral concentrates. Index nomenclature

GOST R 52698-2006: Mixed fodders, rawstuff for mixed fodders. Method for determining the residual quantities of chlorine-organic pesticides

GOST R 52699-2006: Mixed feeds. Method for determination of aldehydes

GOST R 52741-2007: Premixes. Determination of vitamins: B1 (thiaminchloride), B2 (riboflavin), B3 (pantothenic acid), B5 (nicotinic acid and nicоtinamide), B6 (pyridoxine), Bc (folic acid), C (ascorbic acid) content by method of capillary electrophoresis

GOST R 52812-2007: Feedstuffs mixtures. Specifications

GOST R 52838-2007: Feeds. Methods for determination of dry matter content

GOST R 52839-2007: Feeds. Methods for determination of crude fibre content with intermediate filtration

GOST R 53011-2008: Mixed feeds, protein-vitamin-mineral concentrates, premixes. Methods for determination of metallomagnetic impurity

GOST R 53024-2008: Mixed feeds, protein-vitamin-mineral concentrates. Method for determination of peroxide number (hydroperoxides and peroxides)

GOST R 53027-2008: Premixes. Method for determination of vitamin K3

GOST R 53093-2008: Grain and products of its treatment, mixed feeds. Determination of zearalenone content using high-performance liquid chromatography

GOST R 53098-2008: Nutrient stillage. Specifications

GOST R 53100-2008: Medical remedies for veterinary use, feed and feed additives. Detection of mass fraction of cadmium and lead by atom absorption spectrometric method

GOST R 53101-2008: Medical remedies for veterinary use, feed and feed additives. Detection of mass fraction of arsenic by atom absorption spectrometric method

GOST R 53351-2009: Medical remedies for veterinary use, feed and feed additives. Detection of mass fraction of selenium by atom absorption spectrometric method

GOST R 53352-2009: Medical remedies for veterinary use, feed and feed additives. Detection of mass fraction of mercury by atom absorption spectrometric method

GOST R 53594-2009: Livestock products and feedstuffs. Immunoenzyme method of determination of the synthetic growth promoters

GOST R 53862-2010: Mixed feeds, protein-vitamin-mineral concentrates. Method for determination of the oxyacids

GOST R 53985-2010: Animal feeding stuffs. Method for the detection and enumeration of coliforms. Most probable number technique

GOST R 53991-2010: Food products, feeds, food raw materials. Method for determination of polychlorinated biphenyls

GOST R 54005-2010: Food products. Methods for detection and quantity determination of family Enterobacteriaceae

GOST R 54032-2010: Food products, feeds, food raw materials. Method of determination of beta-agonists by gas chromatography with mass spectrometry detector

GOST R 54035-2010: Food products, feeds, food raw materials. Method of determination of anabolic steroids and stylben derivatives by gas chromatography with mass spectrometry detector

GOST R 54040-2010: Production of plant growing and forages. Method of 137 Cs determination

GOST R 54319-2011: Feeding flour. Specifications

GOST R 54379-2011: Combinative groats. Specifications

GOST R 54492-2011: Mixed fodder for horses. General specifications

GOST R 54518-2011: Food products, feeds, food raw materials. Method of the determination of the coccidiastats content by high performance liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (HPLC-MS)

GOST R 54634-2011: Functional food products. Method of vitamin E determination

GOST R 54635-2011: Functional food products. Method of vitamin А determination

GOST R 54637-2011: Functional food products. Method of vitamin D3 determination

GOST R 54949-2012: Animal feeding stuffs. Determination of vitamin Е content by high performance liquid chromatography method

GOST R 54950-2012: Animal feeding stuffs. Determination of vitamin A content by high performance liquid chromatography method

GOST R 54951-2012: Animal feeding stuffs. Determination of moisture content

GOST R 55301-2012: Fodder yeast from the corn distillers. Specifications

GOST R 55586-2013: Vitamins-minerals premixes for fur animals. General specifications

GOST R 57850-2017: Fodder threonine. Specifications

Manual: Manual for impulse and low consumption fire extinguishing systems

MR 1.2.2640-10: Sampling methods, detection and determination of the content of nanoparticles and nanomaterials in the composition of agricultural, food products and packaging materials

MU 08-47/088: Vitaminized feed and top dressing. Determination of mass concentrations of vitamin B2 by differential voltammetry

MU 08-47/089: Vitaminized feed and top dressing. Determination of mass concentrations of vitamin B1 by voltammetry

MU 08-47/150: Feed, feed products of processing enterprises, compound feeds, premixes, protein and vitamin supplements. Inversion voltammetric method for measuring the mass concentration of arsenic

MU 08-47/224: Grain and products of its processing, feed, animal feed, animal feed and feed additives. Inversion voltammetric method for determining the content of toxic elements (zinc, cadmium, lead, copper)

MU 08-47/247: Grain and products of its processing, silage from green plants, feed, animal feed, animal feed and feed additives. Inversion voltammetric method for determining the content of iron, iodine, cobalt, manganese, arsenic, nickel, mercury and selenium

MU 08-47/303: Feed and feed additives. Voltammetric method for measuring the mass concentration of iodine and its organic and inorganic forms

MVI.MN 1181-2011: Method for performing measurements of the volume and specific activity of strontium-90, cesium-137 and potassium-40 on the gamma-beta spectrometer MKS-AT1315, the volume and specific activity of gamma-emitting radionuclides cesium-137 and potassium-40 on gamma spectrometer type EL 1309 (

ST RK 2350-2013: Food products, food raw materials, animal feed. Determination of cadmium, lead, arsenic, mercury, chromium by atomic absorption method with electrothermal atomization

ST RK GOST R 50817-2008: Fodder, compound feed, compound feed raw material. Method for determination of content of crude protein, crude fibre, crude fat and moisture with application of near-infrared spectroscopy

STB 1056-98: Radiation control. Sampling of agricultural raw materials and feed. General requirements

STB 1079-97: Premixes for agricultural animals, poultry and fish. Specifications

STB 1150-2007: Protein-vitamin and mineral supplements. General technical conditions

STB GOST R 51116-2002: Compound animal feeds, grain, and processing products. Method for determination of deoxynivalenol (vomitoxin)

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