
GOST 859-2014

ГОСТ 859-2014

Copper. Grades

Медь. Марки

Status: Effective - Supersedes. IUS 8-2015

The standard applies to copper, manufactured in the form of cathodes, as well as cast and deformed semi-finished products.

Стандарт распространяется на медь, изготовляемую в виде катодов, а также литых и деформированных полуфабрикатов.

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Format: Electronic (pdf/doc)

Approved: Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology, 8/1/2014

SKU: RUSS54102

Price: $87.00


The Product is Contained in the Following Classifiers:

Construction (Max) » Standards » Other state standards used in construction » 77 Metallurgy »

PromExpert » SECTION I. TECHNICAL REGULATION » V Testing and control » 4 Testing and control of products » 4.12 Testing and control of products of metallurgical industry » 4.12.3 Non-ferrous and precious metals »

ISO classifier » 77 METALLURGY » 77.120 Non-ferrous metals » 77.120.30 Copper and copper alloys »

National standards » 77 METALLURGY » 77.120 Non-ferrous metals » 77.120.30 Copper and copper alloys »

ISO classifier » 77 METALLURGY » 77.120 Non-ferrous metals » 77.120.99 Other non-ferrous metals and their alloys »

National standards » 77 METALLURGY » 77.120 Non-ferrous metals » 77.120.99 Other non-ferrous metals and their alloys »

National Standards for KGS (State Standards Classification) » Latest edition » V Metals and metal products » V5 Non-ferrous metals and their alloys. Rolled non-ferrous metals » V51 Non-ferrous metals, including rare, and their alloys »

As a Replacement Of:

GOST 859-2001: Copper. Grades

The Document References:

GOST 13938.11-2014: Copper. Method for determination of arsenic mass fraction

GOST 13938.13-93: Copper. Methods of determination of oxygen

GOST 27981.1-2015: High purity copper. Method of atomic-spectral analysis

GOST 27981.2-2015: Нigh purity copper. Method of chemical-atomic-emission analysis

GOST 27981.5-2015: Copper of high purity. Methods of photometric analysis

GOST 27981.6-88: Copper of high purity. Methods of polarographic analysis

GOST 31382-2009: Copper. Methods of analysis

GOST 8.010-2013: State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Procedures of measurements. Main principles

GOST 9717.2-82: Copper. Method of spectral analysis of metal standard specimens with photographic registration of spectrum

GOST 9717.3-82: Copper. Method of spectral analysis of oxide standard specimens

GOST R 8.563-2009: State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Procedures of measurements

ST SEV 543-77: Numbers. Requirements for Notation and Rounding Off

The Document is Referenced By:

GOST 1018-2015: Aluminium, copper, brass and cupronickel strips for capsules. Specifications

GOST 10988-2016: Oxygen-free copper bars for electrovacuum industry. Specifications

GOST 11110-2022: CYATIM-202 grease. Technical specifications

GOST 11383-2016: Thin-walled copper and brass tubes. Specification

GOST 12393-2019: Rail contact network fittings linear. General specifications

GOST 15040-2016: Oxygen-free copper pipes. Specification

GOST 1535-2016: Copper rods. Specifications

GOST 16358-2019: Copper tapes for coaxial trunk cables. Technical conditions

GOST 16774-2015: Copper tubes of rectangular and square sections. Specifications

GOST 18136-2017: Masla. Metod opredeleniya stabil'nosti protiv okisleniya

GOST 18136-72: Oils. Method for determination of oxidation stability in a universal apparatus

GOST 193-2015: Copper ingots. Specifications

GOST 19330-2013: Masts (poles) for overhead contact line supports of railways. Specifications

GOST 20707-2015: Copper and brass ribbons for radiators. Specifications

GOST 20799-2022: Industrial oils. Technical conditions

GOST 20996.12-2014: Selenium for industrial use. Atom-absorption method for determination of copper, iron, tellurium and plumbum

GOST 20996.8-82: Selenium. Method of copper determination

GOST 21150-2017: Litol-24 grease. Technical conditions

GOST 22666-2016: Copper wire and kopel alloy wire for low-temperature thermoelectrical transducers. Specifications

GOST 24308-2018: Utensils of copper-nickel alloy, german silver and brass with chrome or nickel coating. General specifications

GOST 2624-2016: Copper and brass capillary tubes. Specification

GOST 27981.1-2015: High purity copper. Method of atomic-spectral analysis

GOST 27981.2-2015: Нigh purity copper. Method of chemical-atomic-emission analysis

GOST 27981.5-2015: Copper of high purity. Methods of photometric analysis

GOST 28353.2-2017: Silver. Method of inductively coupled plasma atomic-emission analysis

GOST 28353.3-2017: Silver. Method of atomic-absorption analysis

GOST 31382-2009: Copper. Methods of analysis

GOST 32221-2013: Copper concentrates. Methods of analysis

GOST 32697-2019: Rail contact network cables. Technical specifications

GOST 33136-2014: Automobile roads of general use. Viscous petroleum road bitumens. Method for determination of depth of penetrometer needle penetratio

GOST 33206-2014: Copper and complex ores, and products of their processing. Atomic emission spectrometry with inductively coupled plasma method for weight fraction measurement of copper, zinc, lead, bismuth, cadmium, arsenic, antimony

GOST 33207-2014: Copper and complex ores, and products of their processing. Methods for weight fraction measurement of copper in mineral forms

GOST 33208-2014: Copper and complex ores, and products of their processing. Atomic absorption spectrometry method for weight fraction of measurement of copper, zinc, lead, bismuth, cadmium, antimony

GOST 33341-2015: All-season antifreeze compositions and liquid coolants for heat-exchange systems. Specifications

GOST 33730-2016: Platinum. Method of inductively coupled plasma atomic-emission analysis

GOST 33813-2016: Ammonia saltpeter and fertilizers. Method for the determination of copper content

GOST 34247-2017: Copper concentrate. Measurement of the mass fraction of copper and impurities by atomic emission spectrometry with inductively coupled plasma

GOST 34248-2017: Copper and polymetallic ores. Measurement of the mass fraction of copper and impurities by atomic emission spectrometry with inductively coupled plasma

GOST 4465-2016: Reagents. Nickel (II) sulphate, 7-aqueous. Specifications

GOST 4752-2012: Cylinder copper wire. Specifications

GOST 5638-2018: Copper roil foil for technical purposes. Specifications

GOST 6032-2017: Steel and corrosion resistant alloys. Test methods for resistance to intergranular corrosion

GOST 6794-2017: Oil AMG-10. Technical conditions

GOST 767-2020: Copper anodes. Specifications

GOST 8773-2022: CYATIM-203 grease. Technical specifications

GOST 9717.3-2018: Copper. Method of spectral analysis by oxide standard specimens

GOST IEC 60044-1-2013: Instrument transformers. Part 1. Current transformers

GOST R 54313-2018: Palladium. Inductively Coupled Plasma Atomic Emission Analysis Method

GOST R 54564-2022: Non-ferrous metals and alloys scrap and waste. General technical conditions

GOST R 55079-2012: Steel. Method of inductively coupled plasma atomic-emission analysis

GOST R 55647-2018: Copper and copper alloy trolley wires for electric railways. Specifications

GOST R 56306-2014: Silver. Method of inductively coupled plasma atomic-emission analysis

GOST R 56308-2014: Silver. Method of atomic-absorption analysis

GOST R 56830-2015: Petroleum and natural gas industries. Electrical submersible pump units. General technical requirements

GOST R 56856-2016: Copper and complex ores, and products of their processing. Methods of measurement of copper weight fraction

GOST R 57061-2016: Copper. Measurement of impurities mass fraction in copper by an inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry method

GOST R 57376-2016: Copper ingots. Specifications

GOST R 57533-2017: Dusts of non-ferrous metallurgy enterprises. Methods of copper mass content measuring

GOST R 57655-2017: Dusts of non-ferrous metallurgy enterprises. Methods of antimony mass content measuring

GOST R 70235-2022: Cold-rolled strip of thermo-metals. Technical conditions

GOST R 70573-2022: Cladding elements, nodes and fastening details of facade hinged ventilated structures. Durability parameters

SP 46.13330.2012: Bridges and pipes

ST RK 2641-2015: Single-pair telephone distribution wires Specifications

ST RK 2643-2015: Local communication cables of high frequency. Specifications.

ST RK 2644-2015: The cables combined for systems of video surveillance. Technical conditions

TU 14-3R-197-2001: Seamless pipes made of corrosion-resistant steel with high surface quality. Technical conditions

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