
GOST 15164-78

ГОСТ 15164-78

Electroslag welding. Welded joints. Main types, design elements and dimensions

Электрошлаковая сварка. Соединения сварные. Основные типы, конструктивные элементы и размеры

Status: Effective - Supersedes. The limitation of the effectiveness period has been lifted: Protocol No. 4-93 of the IGU dated 10.21.93 (IUS 4-1994)

The standard establishes the main types, structural elements and dimensions of welded joints from steel. The standard does not establish the size of the gap between the parts to be welded before welding.

Стандарт устанавливает основные типы, конструктивные элементы и размеры сварных соединений из сталей. Стандарт не устанавливает размер зазора между свариваемыми деталями перед сваркой.

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Format: Electronic (pdf/doc)

Approved: State Committee of Standards of the Council of Ministers of the USSR, 7/28/1978

SKU: RUSS55719

Price: $333.00


The Product is Contained in the Following Classifiers:

Construction (Max) » Standards » Other state standards used in construction » 25 Mechanical Engineering »

Welding regulations » Welding work »

Welding regulations » Main materials »

Welding regulations » Welding materials »

Welding regulations » Admission Testing »

Welding regulations » Main materials » Steel, cast iron »

ISO classifier » 25 MECHANICAL ENGINEERING » 25.160 Welding, brazing and hard soldering » 25.160.40 Welds and welding »

National standards » 25 MECHANICAL ENGINEERING » 25.160 Welding, brazing and hard soldering » 25.160.40 Welds and welding »

National Standards for KGS (State Standards Classification) » Latest edition » V Metals and metal products » V0 General rules and regulations on metallurgy » V05 Welding and cutting of metals. Soldering, riveting »

National Standards for OKSTU » SYSTEMS OF GENERAL TECHNICAL AND ORGANIZATIONAL-METHODOLOGICAL STANDARDS » One-piece connections (welding, riveting, soldering, etc.) »

As a Replacement Of:

GOST 15164-69: Welding connections and seams. Electro slag welding. Main types and structural elements

The Document is Referenced By:

GOST 12367-85: Tube mills of grinding units. General technical specifications

GOST 16098-80: Welded joints of clad corrosion resistant steel. Main types, design elements and dimensions

GOST 30482-97: Electroslag welding of steels. Requirements for technological process

GOST 31826-2012: Gas cleaning and dust catching equipment. Bag filters. Wet dust catching equipment. Safety requirement. Methods of testing

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GOST 31831-2012: Centrifugal dust collectors. Safety requirement and methods of testing

GOST 31834-2012: Adsorptive gas cleaners. Safety requirements and test methods

GOST 31837-2012: Abcorptive gas purifiers. Safety requirements and test methods

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GOST 7890-84: Travelling single-girder suspended cranes. Specifications

GOST 7890-93: Travelling single girder suspended cranes. Specifications

GOST R 50059-92: Travelling single-girder suspended cranes. Specifications

GOST R 51382-2011: Heating boilers. Part 4. Heating boilers with forced draught burners. Special requirements for boilers with forced draught oil burners with output up to 70 kW and maximum operating pressure of 0,3 MPa. Terminology, special requirements, test methods and marking

GOST R 51562-2000: Gas cleaning and dust catching equipment. Bag filters. Wet dust catching equipment. Safety requirement. Methods of testing

GOST R 51707-2001: Electrostatic precipitators. Safety requirement and methods of testing

GOST R 51708-2001: Centrifugal dust collectors. Safety requirement and methods of testing

GOST R 51878-2002: Adsorptive gas cleaners. Safety requirements and test methods

GOST R 52445-2005: Absorptive gas purifiers. Safety requirements and test methods

GOST R 54439-2011: Gas fired central heating boilers. Type B boilers of nominal heat input not exceeding 300 kW, but not exceeding 1000 kW

GOST R 54440-2011: Heating boilers. Part 1. Heating boilers with forced draught burners. Terminology, general requirements, test and marking

GOST R 54803-2011: High-pressure welded steel vessels. General technical requirements

GOST R 56204-2014: Steam and hot-water stationary boilers. Steel structures. General operating specification

ITN 93: Instructions for technical supervision, methods of audit and rejection of tube furnaces, tanks, vessels and apparatuses of oil refining and petrochemical industries

OST 108.030.30-79: Stationary structural steel boilers. General specifications.

OST 24.201.03-90: Steel high-pressure vessels and devices. General technical requirements.

OST 24.940.01-90: Welded steel structures. General technical requirements.

OST 24.940.09-74: Welded joint seams. Main types and design elements.

OST 26-3-87: Welding in chemical mechanical engineering. Main provisions.

OST 36-60-81: Welding at installation of steel building constructions. Main provisions.

RD 22-207-88: Lifting machines. General requirements and production standards

RD 22-326-97: Self-propelled jib cranes and loader cranes. Overhaul. General technical conditions

RD 24.942.02-90: Electroslag welding of chemical and petroequipment from low-alloyed and heat-resistant steels

RD 26.260.010-2002: The leading document on standardization. The list of standard documentation on standardization on the cells and devices working under pressure.

RD 26.260.010-97: List of Regulatory Documents on Standardization for Pressure Vessels and Apparatus

RD 5.0679-91: Certification of welders and gas cutters. rules

RD NIIKranostroeniya 03-05: Guidelines. Jib cranes for general use and cranes; Overhaul. General specifications

RD RTM 0352-76-81: Methods of welding in the manufacture of vessels and apparatus

RTM 108.940.08-85: Welded structures of power equipment. General requirements for structural and process design

RTM 24-85: Information index of state, republican and industry standards, technical specifications for materials and products used in the design of furnaces and dryers

SNiP 3.03.01-87: Bearing and enclosing structures

SP 70.13330.2012: Bearing and enclosing structures. Updated living edition of SNiP 3.03.01-87

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