GOST 17925-72
ГОСТ 17925-72
Sign of radiation danger
Знак радиационной опасности
Status: Effective - Introduced for the first time. The limitation of effectiveness has been lifted: Resolution of the State Standard No. 2443 of 09/05/78
The standard applies to the sign of radiation hazard and establishes the purpose, scope, shape, color, size, manufacturing requirements and rules for its use. The standard does not apply to military wearable and portable signs fencing.
Стандарт распространяется на знак радиационной опасности и устанавливает назначение, область применения, форму, цвет, размеры, требования к изготовлению и правила его применения. Стандарт не распространяется на войсковые носимые и возимые знаки ограждения.
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Format: Electronic (pdf/doc)
Approved: Gosstandart of the USSR,
SKU: RUSS55737
The Product is Contained in the Following Classifiers:
PromExpert »
II Industrial sanitation and occupational health »
6 Protection against electromagnetic radiation »
6.2 Ionizing radiation »
ISO classifier »
13.280 Protection against radiation »
National standards »
13.280 Protection against radiation »
National Standards for KGS (State Standards Classification) »
Latest edition »
F Atomic technology »
F0 General rules and regulations for nuclear technology »
F01 Classification, nomenclature, general norms and requirements »
National Standards for OKSTU »
Occupational safety standards system (SSBT). Scientific organization of labor. Safety precautions. Sanitation and occupational health »
The Document References:
GOST 12.4.026-76: Signal colors and safety signs
GOST 2.304-81: Unified system for design documentation. Letters for drawings
GOST 26.020-80: Types for means of measuring and automation. Inscription and main dimensions
GOST 9.032-74: Unified, system of corrosion and ageing protection. Paint coatings. Groups, technical requirements and designations
The Document is Referenced By:
GOST 12.2.018-76: Occupational safety standards system. X-ray machines. General safety requirements
GOST 12.2.034-78: Occupational safety equipment system. Geophysical borehole apparatus with sources of ionizing radiation. General requirements of radiation safety
GOST 12.3.014-90: Occupational safety standards system. Manufacture of pressed wood shaving plates. General safety requirement
GOST 12.3.043-90: Occupational safety standards system. Industrial technologies of optical coating application on pieces. General safety requirements
GOST 12.4.026-2015: Occupational safety standards system. Signal colors, safety signs and marking. Purpose and rules of use. Safety colors, safety signs and signal marking. Methods of tests
GOST 12.4.026-76: Signal colors and safety signs
GOST 12.4.120-83: Occupational safety standards system. Means of the collective protection against ionizing radiation. General technical requirements
GOST 12.4.124-83: Occupational safety standards system. Means of static electricity protection. General technical requirements
GOST 16327-88: Transport packing sets for radioactive materials
GOST 18324-73: Ionizing radiation source units for radioisotope instruments of relay type
GOST 19433.3-2010: Hazardous cargo. Labeling
GOST 19671-91: Tungsten wire for light sources
GOST 20180-91: Radioisotope densitometers for liquid and pulp measuring
GOST 22522-91: Radioisotope fire detectors
GOST 22626-77: Neutron generators
GOST 23308-78: Radiochemical hoods. General technical requirements
GOST 23309-78: Boxes radiation-protective. General technical requirements
GOST 23764-79: Gamma-defectoscopes. General technical specifications
GOST 25058-81: Radioactive preparations. Marking and certificate
GOST 25932-83: Portable radioisotope soil and concrete moisture and density gauges. General specifications
GOST 27452-87: Safety radiation control apparatus for nuclear power stations. General technical requirements
GOST 27632-88: Accelerators of charged particles of industrial application
GOST 28258-89: Radioisotope X-ray devices. Types, main parameters and technical requirements
GOST 29025-91: Non-destructive testing. X-ray television flaw detectors with X-ray electronic optical transducers electric radiographic flaw detectors. General technical requirements
GOST 29075-91: Nuclear instrumentation systems for nuclear power stations. General requirements
GOST 30392-95: Medical products. Dosimetrical techniques for radiation sterilization
GOST 8.087-81: State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Dosimetriс set-ups for calibrating photon and electron radiation. Methods and means of calibration
GOST 8.530-85: State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Blast-furnace coke humidity. Techniques of measurements by neutron moisture meters
GOST R 12.4.026-2001: Occupational safety standards system. Safety colors, safety signs and signal marking. Purpose and rules of application. General technical requirements and characteristics. Test methods
GOST R 50325-92: Medical products. Dosimetric techniques for radiation sterilization
GOST R 52037-2003: Shallow ground (near surface) repository for radioactive waste disposal. General requirements
GOST R 52153-2003: Radiation-protective boxes. General specifications
GOST R 57479-2017: Dangerous goods. Marking
GOST R 57550-2017: Technological equipment for electron beam processing in vacuum
GOST R 57894-2017: Equipment for electron beam processing. General requirements
GOST R 57896-2017: Equipment for zone refining of refractory metal without crucible. General requirements
GOST R ISO 21482-2009: Ionizing-radiation warning. Supplementary symbol
MDS 12-27.2006: Methodological manual for conducting labor protection training for executives and specialists of construction organizations
MI 2728-2002: State system for ensuring uniformity of measurements. The list of regulatory documents on security requirements. The order of their application in the normative documents of the ICE
MU Hygienic requirements to placement and operation of electron accelerators with energies up to 100 MeV
MU Hygienic requirements for radiation safety during interstitial radiation therapy (brachytherapy) by the method of implanting sealed radioactive sources
NPB 66-97: Self-contained fire detectors. General technical requirements. Test methods
Order 446: Methodological recommendations for the supervision of radiation safety during the operation of gamma therapy devices
OST 26-11-10-93: Welded joints. X-Ray TV testing method.
OST 95 10439-2002: Equipment for radioactive environments. General technical requirements. Acceptance. Maintenance and repair.
PB 06-07-92: Uniform Safety Requirements for Underground Development of Mineral Deposits Using Opencast Method
POT R M-010-2000: Intersectoral labor protection rules in the production of asbestos and asbestos-containing materials and products
RD 03-151-97: Guidelines for ensuring the requirements of radiation safety in the extraction and processing of mineral raw materials at enterprises (organizations) of the mining and nonmetallic industry, referred to as radiation-hazardous industries
RD 10-02-2005: Methodological guidelines for supervision of radiation safety assurance while handling with natural sources of ionizing radiation.
RD 50-444-83: Guidelines. Dosimetric devices for measuring the exposure, absorbed and equivalent doses of thermoluminescent radiation. Methods and means of verification
RD 50-525-84: Guidelines. Dosimetric Instruments for measuring the exposure dose and average exposure dose of pulsed photon radiation with photon energies from 8 to 480 fJ (from 50 to 3000 keV). Methods of verification
STB 1428-2003: Non-destructive testing. Welded connections of pipes and steel structures. Radiographic method
TOI R-153-005-97: Typical labor protection instruction for the management of liquid and solid radioactive waste in an area contaminated with artificial radionuclides
VSN 169-84: Safety Guidelines for Pipe Welders
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