
GOST 26883-86

ГОСТ 26883-86

Exposure factors. Terms and definitions

Внешние воздействующие факторы. Термины и определения

Status: Effective - Introduced for the first time

This standard establishes terms and definitions of concepts in the field of external influencing factors and applies to technical products and materials. The terms established by this standard are mandatory for use in all types of documentation and literature that are within the scope of standardization or use the results of this activity.

Настоящий стандарт устанавливает термины и определения понятий в области внешних воздействующих факторов и распространяется на технические изделия и материалы. Термины, установленные настоящим стандартом, обязательны для применения во всех видах документации и литературы, входящих в сферу действия стандартизации или использующих результаты этой деятельности

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Format: Electronic (pdf/doc)

Approved: Gosstandart of the USSR, 4/29/1986

SKU: RUSS56864

Price: $201.00


The Product is Contained in the Following Classifiers:

Construction (Max) » Standards » Other state standards used in construction » 01 General. Terminology. Standardization. Documentation »

Construction (Max) » Standards » Other state standards used in construction » 19 Tests »

PromExpert » SECTION I. TECHNICAL REGULATION » V Testing and control » 2 Tests for external factors » 2.1 General requirements for tests on external factors »

ISO classifier » 01 GENERAL PROVISIONS. TERMINOLOGY. STANDARDIZATION. DOCUMENTATION » 01.040 Dictionaries » 01.040.19 Tests (Dictionaries) »

National standards » 01 GENERAL PROVISIONS. TERMINOLOGY. STANDARDIZATION. DOCUMENTATION » 01.040 Dictionaries » 01.040.19 Tests (Dictionaries) »

ISO classifier » 19 TESTS » 19.040 Climatic tests »

National standards » 19 TESTS » 19.040 Climatic tests »

National Standards for KGS (State Standards Classification) » Latest edition » T General technical and organizational and methodological standards » T0 General technical and metrological terms, designations and values » T00 General technical terms, symbols and quantities »

National Standards for OKSTU » SYSTEMS OF GENERAL TECHNICAL AND ORGANIZATIONAL-METHODOLOGICAL STANDARDS » General technical and metrological terms, designations and quantities »

The Document References:

GOST 15484-81: Ionizing radiations and their measurements. Terms and definitions

GOST 23281-78: Flight vehicle aerodynamics. Terms, definitions and symbols

GOST 24346-80: Vibration. Terms and definitions

GOST 9.102-91: Unified system of corrosion and ageing protection. Influence of biological factors on technical objects. Terms and definitions

RMG 78-2005: State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Ionizing radiation emissions and their measurement. Terms and definitions

The Document is Referenced By:

GOST 12997-84: SSI Products. General specifications

GOST 21964-76: Environmental factors. Nomenclature and characteristics

GOST 22.0.03-2022: Safety in emergencies. Natural emergencies. Terms and definitions

GOST 22.0.03-97: Safety in emergencies. Natural emergencies. Terms and definitions

GOST 22.0.05-97: Safety in emergencies. Technogenic emergencies. Terms and definitions

GOST 22.0.07-97: Safety in emergencies. Sources of technogenic emergencies. Classification and nomenclature of casualty factors and their parameters

GOST 28971-91: Hydraulic fluid power. Servo valves. Test methods

GOST 30509-97: Microclimates inside products

GOST 30630.1.10-2013: Test methods for resistance to mechanical external influencing factors for machines, instruments and other industrial products. Strikes on casing of device

GOST 30630.1.1-99: Mechanical environment stability test methods for machines, instruments and other industrial products. Determination of dynamic characteristics of structure

GOST 30630.1.2-99: Mechanical environment stability test methods for machines, instruments and other industrial products. Tests for influences of vibration

GOST 30630.1.5-2013: Mechanical environment stability test methods for machines, instruments and other industrial products. Test methods for acoustic noise (vibration, acoustic component)

GOST 30630.1.6-2013: Test methods for resistance to mechanical external influencing factors for machines, instruments and other industrial products. Tests of electrical terminals, fittings and other connecting parts to the impact of bending, torque, tensile and compressive forces

GOST 30630.1.7-2013: Test methods for resistance to mechanical external influencing factors for machines, instruments and other industrial products. Tests on the effect of strikes in free fall, in the fall as a result of rollover; to the impact of pitching and long slopes

GOST 30630.1.9-2015: Environmental dynamic test methods for machines, instruments and other technical articles. Features of digital control of wideband random vibration testing

GOST 30630.2.1-2013: Climatic environment endurance test methods for machines, instruments and other industrial products. Test for stability influence of temperature

GOST 30630.2.5-2013: Test methods for resistance to climatic external influencing factors for machines, instruments and other industrial products. Tests on the effects of salt spray

GOST 30630.2.6-2013: Test methods for resistance to climatic external influencing factors for machines, instruments and other industrial products. Tests on the effects of water

GOST 30630.2.7-2013: Test methods for resistance to climatic external influencing factors for machines, instruments and other industrial products. Tests on the effects of dust (sand)

GOST 30630.3.2-2013: Methods for determining the resistance of polymeric insulating materials and systems through the accelerated tests in aggressive gaseous media. General requirements. Testing materials and insulation systems for low-voltage electrical products

GOST 30630.5.4-2013: The impact of natural environmental conditions on the technical products. General characteristics. Earthquakes

GOST 30631-99: General requirements for machines, instruments and other industrial products as to environment mechanical stability

GOST 33787-2016: Railway application. Rolling stock equipment. Shock and vibration

GOST 33787-2019: Equipment of railway rolling stock. Shock and vibration test

GOST 34027-2016: Gas supply system. Gas main pipeline transportation. Mechanical safety. Assigning of safe operation life for linear part of gas main pipeline

GOST 34864-2022: Means of elimination of accidents in wells. Terms and definitions

GOST 9.102-91: Unified system of corrosion and ageing protection. Influence of biological factors on technical objects. Terms and definitions

GOST R 22.0.03-95: Safety in emergencies. Natural emergencies. Terms and definitions

GOST R 22.0.05-94: Safety in emergencies. Technogenic emergencies. Terms and definitions

GOST R 22.0.07-95: Safety in emergencies. The sources of technogenic emergencies. Classification and enumeration of casualty factors and its parameters

GOST R 22.0.08-96: Safety in emergencies. Technogenic emergencies. Terms and definitions

GOST R 51368-2011: Climatic environment endurance test methods for machines, instruments and other industrial products. Test for stability influence of temperature

GOST R 51368-99: Climatic environment stability test methods for machines, instruments and other industrial products. Test for stability influence of temperature

GOST R 51369-99: Climatic environment stability test methods machines, instruments and other industrial products. Test for influence of humidity

GOST R 51370-99: Climatic environment stability test methods for machines, instruments and other industrial products. Test for influence of solar radiation

GOST R 51371-99: Mechanical environment stability test methods for machines, instruments and other industrial products. Test for influence of shocks

GOST R 51372-99: Accelerated life and storable life tests methods in special aggressive and other special medias for technical products, material and systems of materials. General

GOST R 51684-2000: Climatic environment stability test methods of machines, instruments and other industrial products. Test for low air pressure

GOST R 51801-2001: General requirements for machines, instruments and other industrial products as to chemically active and other special media endurance

GOST R 51802-2001: Aggressive and other special media stability test methods for machines, instruments and other industrial products

GOST R 51804-2001: Environment, stability test methods for machines, instruments and other industrial products. Combined tests

GOST R 51909-2002: Environment stability test methods for machines, instruments and other industrial products. Tests for transportation and storage

GOST R 51910-2002: Research and testing strategy by accelerated methods of environmental conditions influence for industrial products longevity and storage ability. Development and design

GOST R 51911-2002: Mechanical environment stability test methods for machines, instruments and other industrial products. Bending, torn, tensile and compression tests of electrical terminals, fittings and other parts being connecting up

GOST R 52266-2004: Cable products. Optical fibre cables. General specifications

GOST R 52560-2006: Climatic environment stability test methods for machines, instruments and other industrial products. Test methods for dust (sand) influence

GOST R 52561-2006: Mechanical environment stability test methods for machines, instruments and other industrial products. Test methods for influence of shocks by free fall, shocks by drop on account of topple, influence of rocking and prolonged pitches

GOST R 52562-2006: Climatic environment stability test methods for machines, instruments and other industrial products. Test methods for water influence

GOST R 52762-2007: Mechanical environment stability test methods for machines, instruments and other industrial products. Test methods for bumps to enclosure of products

GOST R 52763-2007: Climatic environment stability test methods for machines, instruments and other industrial products. Tests for exposure to salt mist

GOST R 52862-2007: Mechanical environment stability test methods for machines, instruments and other industrial products. Test methods for acoustic noise (vibration, acoustic component)

GOST R 52931-2008: Instruments for process monitoring and control. General specifications

GOST R 53166-2008: Influence of environmental conditions appearing in nature on the technical products. Overall performance. Earthquakes

GOST R 53167-2008: Methods for determination of endurance of polymer electrical insulation materials and systems by means of acceleration tests in chemically active media. General requirements. Materials and insulation systems for low-voltage electrical products tests

GOST R 53614-2009: The influence of environmental conditions appearing in nature on the technical products. Overall performance. Air pressure

GOST R 53615-2009: The influence of environmental conditions appearing in nature on the technical products. Overall performance. Solar radiation and temperature

GOST R 53616-2009: Requirements for performance of chambers for industrial products environmental endurance tests. Certification methods of chambers (without load) for humidity endurance test chambers

GOST R 53618-2009: Requirements for performance of chambers for industrial products environments endurance tests. Certification methods of chambers (without load) for temperature resistance test

GOST R 54082-2010: Requirements for performance of chambers for industrial products environmental endurance tests. Data processing methods for chamber certification (calibration)

GOST R 54083-2010: General requirements for performance of chambers for industrial products environments endurance tests. Certification methods for chambers (with load) for temperature resistance test

GOST R 54434-2011: Railway application. Rolling stock equipment. Shock and vibration

GOST R 54436-2011: Requirements for performance of chambers for industrial products environments endurance tests. Certification methods for chambers (with load) for humidity endurance cyclic tests

GOST R 54437-2011: Requirements for performance of chambers for industrial products environments endurance tests. Certification methods for chambers (without load) for resistance to air pressure tests

GOST R 54988-2012: Explosive atmospheres. Technical requirements and test methods for endurance to environmental factors influencing the peculiarities of operation of equipment in explosive atmospheres

GOST R 55001-2012: General requirements for performance of chambers for industrial products environments endurance tests. Certification methods for chambers (without load) for salt spray tests

GOST R 55591-2013: Means to remove accidents in wells. Terms and definitions

GOST R 55838-2013: Environmental keeping of write off production beside their utilization. General technical requirements

GOST R 55943-2014: Facade’s thermo insulation composite systems with external mortar’s lays. Method for the determination and classifying of the resistance to the exposure to adverse weather conditions

GOST R 55943-2018: Systems facade composite insulation with outer plaster layers. Methods for determining and assessing climate resistance

GOST R 56602-2015: Low voltage systems. Cable system. Terms and definitions

GOST R 57529-2017: Saving means for crew of installations operated on water areas. Inflatable means for mass collection of floating people. General specifications

GOST R 58047-2017: Aviation equipment. Environmental factors. Nomenclature and characteristics

GOST R 58094-2018: Gas distribution systems. Gas distribution networks. Service life assessment in design of outdoor steel gas pipelines

GOST R 58857-2020: Rocket and space technology. Electronic component base. General Provisions

GOST R 58928-2020: The system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements at the enterprises of the aviation industry. The order of work on the metrological support of test equipment

GOST R 59987-2022: Ship navigation equipment. Systems of free-form inertial navigation of maritime applications. Standardization and control of designation indicators

GOST R 70297-2022: Mining equipment. Turbines. General technical requirements and test methods

GOST R 70459-2023: Rocket and Space Engineering. Requirements for on-board equipment of global navigation satellite systems consumer in polar version. Special requirements

GOST R 70460-2023: Rocket and Space Technology. Requirements for stationary (reference) equipment of global navigation satellite systems consumer in polar version. Special requirements

GOST R ISO/IEC 19762-1-2011: Information technology. Automatic identification and data capture (AIDC) techniques. Harmonized vocabulary. Part 1. General terms relating to AIDC

MDS 11-4.99: Methodical recommendations for the examining of feasibility studies (of the projects) for construction of production enterprises, buildings and structures

NPB 161-97*: Special protective clothing for firefighters against increased heat. General technical requirements. Test methods

ODM 218.9.015-2016: Recommendations for the organization of automated monitoring of the state of the artificial structures of highways as part of intelligent transport systems

R 50-54-80-88: Recommendations. Reliability in technology. Complex testing of engineering products for reliability. General provisions

RD 153-39.4R-125-02: Table of equipment of oil pipeline enterprises of JSC “AK“ Transneft ”with technical means for liquidation of emergency oil spills at underwater crossings of main oil pipelines

SP 283.1325800.2016: High critical building objects. Rules of seismic microzonation

ST CKBA 097-2019: Pipe fittings. Test methods for resistance to climatic external factors

ST CKBA 125-2020: Pipe fittings. Types of control and testing

ST RK 2338-2013: PVC insulated and PVC sheath flexible cables. General specification

ST RK 2340-2013: Stationary phone cables. Specification

ST RK 2341-2013: Stationary cross wire with insulation from vinyl blend. Specification

ST TsKBA 080-2009: Pipe fittings. Methods of testing for seismic resistance

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